Kingdom of Azriel [Inactive]

Lucifer watched him be dragged away. "Alright listen, I know I've broken my promise but it was for a good cause. Aeron... He's powerful. We can use him to our advantage. He might have chosen his mom over me but he still loves me. I know he does. His powers are unbelievable. If can purify people, technically he can corrupt people. He just hasn't figured it out yet because he has chosen the good path but if we can drive him toward the evil path... He's all ours. What do you day?" He smirked.

Michael grumbled. "I've been gone seventeen years and I don't get coffee or tea..." Will laughed at Michael throwing a temper tantrum. "Are you pouting? She's your wife. You can get laid. Isn't that better?" He looked at Duanna and smiled softly. "I'll have coffee."

"The other half will never go away. Takashi, I'm giving you the responsibility of teaching her how to control her other half."
"Fu** has done more good and has in fact helped Hell while doing her purification spells, do you realize after that war all those year ago we were over ran with the fallen and so much more, it's because of Aeron that Hell now has some order to it. You will never change...get out of my sight...." Lucy sighed and looked disappointed and guard soon ran in "Lucifer sir! Lilith has been spotted in hell! What should we do?" Lucy stood up as the guard addressed him "Make sure she doesn't get my sister again, we don't need a repeat incident." the guard left the room and Lucy went over to his closet and started to pull out armor. "As you can tell I have a lot of work to do....come back when you find a real heart that doesn't betray."

Duanna sighed "We have been busy until now and I did get you tea you just weren't yourself." she smiled and left the room and brought Michael a cup of tea the way he likes it and Will his coffee "A servant is bringing in the creamer and sugar, wasn't sure if you liked or coffee black or not."

"I can control her just fine if she would see that we are stronger when we work together instead of apart." Kana sighed.

Kuro kissed her again "Anything you want."

Nova smiled "You wouldn't have me any other way."

"I already knew why he left breakfast....did he forget he made me a demon...." Sarah looked annoyed.
Takashi kissed kana on her cheek "so how about that idea on the wedding spot"

Saya blushed and smiled "surprise me.."

Vivian looked at him and giggled, she kept her arms around his neck "of course.." she leaned down and layed her head on his chest "I love you nova.."

Vincent sighed "he probably the mornings..his head isnt really running properly.."

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Lucifer growled and punched the wall in anger. "You don't understand what your risking by turning down my offer. I'm offering you Aeron, one of the first nephilim to come to the world since the war between angels and demons started. Aeron.... He's not perfect. His love for his sister Leta weakens him greately. Kill her and I will send you whatever you need. I will even think of becoming allies with you. Just think about it. Good bye." He left.

Will smiled and said "I got it." His face turned serious and said "I hear you have a new enemy by the name of Xerxes. I hate him. He's harder to track then most. But... He has been increasing activity lately and is even recruiting men to destroy the royal families. He's not strong enough yet but I suggest you not wait around. He could be more dangerous than what hes leading on. He has forces enough to take down a small town already. Give it another few days and heaven could be destroyed. I dont suggest a war. A war could lead us to a disadvantage." When the servant came to his side, he took the creamer and the sugar. He got his coffee to the way he liked it and handed it back to the server. He stirred his coffee and sipped it. "If you want to protect your people, you need help. I'm here to offer help." Michael frowned and sais "I'm pretty sure the last time I saw you I was in the midst of falling because of you and told you I never wanted to see you again." Will sipped his coffee before resting it on a tray. "Fine. But I have people. People that you don't have. Inside help." He got up and was ready to leave.

Axoret decided to sit back and watch the scene unfold before him.
Lucy went and met with Lilith and he sighed as they spoke about a few things and then shook hands as if they agreed on something.

Duanna sighed "Michael has been gone for some time, I think we would enjoy the help." pure darkness started to radiate off of her as if she were a pure fallen "I want to find Xerxes and speak with him. If you hear about where he is staying will you let me know?" Heaven didn't seem tainted or changed by Duanna this time, her wings once again went completely black, she even grew fangs and her eyes turned red "We would appreciate the help so much."

Kana nodded "can you open a portal back up to my father's kingdom? It's shorter that way."

Kuro led the way to a small seafood place "Will this do?"

Nova smiled "And I love my fiancee."

"I see, I hope you know that you will have to show and teach me my limits." Sarah sighed.
Takashi smiled and nodded, he then made a portal appear to go back to axorets kingdom.

Saya followed kuro and smiled "sure"

Vivian smiled then looked up at him, she giggled then kissed him on the nose.

Vincent looked at her and smiled "of course"

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Fayde shook his his head but only slightly. "Nothing, Lucifer or Michael will handle it." He returned again to his preferred task slipping off his belt and pants.

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Lucifer came to Lunas side and smiled a bit"I couldn't get him to come but whatever." He leaned against the wall.

Will nodded and replied "I'll let you know as soon as I find something out. He's sneaky but not impossible. I will be taking my leave then."

She slipped off her bikini bottom and then kissed him deeply.

Afterwards, Cinder laid beside him. She smiled a little and then kissed him lightly. "That was amazing...." She whispered. She cuddled closer to him.
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"Are you sure? If you could eat anything and money was no problem what would it be?" Kuro wanted to make sure she was happy.

Nova smiled and then splashed her with some water.

Sarah held onto his arm and smiled "I'm happy that I have such a perfect husband."

Kana walked through as she leaned on Takashi, she still felt a little dizzy "We'll have to go through the woods and off the path to get there...."

Lili suddenly looked upset "What all did you say? I just got word from Hell that Lucy has made a deal with Lilith...."

Duanna smiled "Thank you, it was nice seeing you again." she waited for Will to leave and she looked at Michael "Are you worried about my energy?" she wanted to hug him but she wasn't sure how if her energy would hurt him "I must look and feel like a fallen"
Saya looked at kuro and smiled "kuro really..this is ok, unless you dont want to eat here...really anything is fine with me"

Vivian giggled the splashed nova with some water.

Vincent smiled "and I'm happy that I have such a perfect and wonderful wife"

Takashi noticed that kana still looked dizzy, suddenly he picked her up in his arm and carried her where she wanted to go.

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Lucifer looked at her surprised but then bit his thumb hard. "That little brat..." His eyes turned blood red. He then asked "what kind of contract? Do you know?" He was angry but would be even angrier if it was against him.

Michael looked at her and said "yeah... your energy is that of a fallen and I am worried but I know you wouldn't do anything that you know would cause serious harm to your body." He frowned a little. He went back to working but then looked up. "Lucy... Lucifer's son has made a contract with Lilith. That can either be good or bad." A lot has been going on lately and he was scared of losing everyone because of the incompetence of his friends and family.
"I'm just wanting everything to be good enough for you." Kuro had fallen for Saya over the years and he wanted to ask her something.

Nova smiled "You are so beautiful and perfect."

Sarah giggled "I'm sorry that I was weak all those years ago...."

Kana made a noise of surprise, she wasn't expecting to get picked up.

Lili looked down "For gain control over her and her army....I don't trust her, last time she went to hell she tried to kill me....and now brother is going to marry her...."

Duanna sighed and then quickly went back to her angel form "I see...." she looked upset "I think I'll go check on the'll never get Leo to see you as his father if you always work.....I'm surprised that he doesn't see Leta as his mother with how much I worked...." she left the office and then changed her mind and went to earth to look for Xerxes "Xerxes! I want to speak with you! Come out right now!"
Saya giggled "kuro its fine.." she took his hand "lets go on in" she smiled.

Vivian blushed and looked away slightly "I...I'm not perfect.."

Vincent chuckled "you werent weak, you were the first girl that I have met that has a back bone, I remember when we first met and you punched me in the face all because I accidentally touched your chest"

Takashi looked at kana and smiled "something wrong.."

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"What!!???" He was surprised but then he smirked, knowing he can use it to his advantage. "I told him he was like me but I expected him to be less childish than me. Oh well... Look, I spoke to Lucy and had him think about killing off Aeron's little girlfriend Leta so therefore he wouldn't be so weak. I need to take back my son. I'm not letting him be taken away by Duanna and let her control him anymore. Your either with me or against me. Its your decision." He walked off.

Xerxes walked out of the shadows with a raised eyebrow. "You called?" He had a human head in his hand. He tossed it to the side. He seemed angry that she disturbed him but shrugged a little.
Lili sighed "Brother only makes an alliance when there is something that he fears...he wouldn't have done it if something had scared him...." Luna quickly pinned Lucifer to a wall by his neck "I am the protectors of the twins and if any harm comes to them physically or emotionally then I will have no choice but to take away your immortality...." there was pain in Luna's eyes but there was also a look that someone might get if they were being controlled or doing something they are told to do but hate it.

Duanna looked at him "I want to know why...? Why you would go against me? I always saw you as my strongest and most loyal next to Viktor...also I wonder if I made the right choice...."

Kuro smiled and helped Saya to a table "So what would my princess like to eat?"

Nova smiled "You're perfect for me."

"I wasn't strong enough to keep from dying...." Sarah sighed.

"I just wasn't expecting you to carry me." Kana blushed and Demonia giggled as she saw.
"You don't want to protect them, do you? I don't blame you..." He smirked but his expression suddenly darkened. "Aeron is mine. I raised him as my son. I only told him those lies to protect him. I didn't want to lose him. He's all I have and I'm not letting any Queen take him away from me. I'll have to kill her before I let her take my son." He pushed away Luna and said "I guess you're against me." He walked away.

Xerxes looked down and simply said "vengeance..." He looked at her with a smirk on his face. "I've had a grudge against the royal family since I watched the old King, Michael's great grandfather, kill my mom and dad when I was five years old. They forced me to watch and then forced me to become a soldier afterward. I was five years old! I couldn't even hold a sword and they expected to be a soldier. I became a council member at the age of thirteen. I never wanted to become one. I was forced to become one. I've been manipulated my whole life by the royal family. No more! I'm not going to stand around and let the royal family manipulate me anymore! I will become king after I kill the entire royal family... Now you know." He walked off.
Luna looked down, she started to scream as if she was in pain and then vanished. Lili looked worried and alone, she sat down on the ground not knowing what to do.

Leta walked into the office and vines tore up the papers "That's enough." she was angry "Nice going on showing mom what you care about more! Damned paperwork. That's all you and mom ever do and did. I was hoping for a few months of us all getting to hang out and catching up but instead mom goes to earth and from what I was told she was shouting for the ex council member." Leta's hands were trembling with angry. "You know what forget it, I'll call on the elder have them help mom and erase her memories....she would probably be happier that had nearly lost it when you left....for a week she did paper work and then locked herself up in her room, it wasn't until I brought Viktor here that she even opened her door to someone....and while she locked herself away I did my best to keep everything ran but I was young....hell I even raised Leo and Delaney during that time! I was too damn young to have so much weight on me...." Leta was starting to cry "Once everything has calmed down me and Leo is leaving....I'm sure he wouldn't mind coming with me."

Duanna sighed "Well here I am....why not go ahead and try to kill me? Michael is more married to his work I doubt he would notice. I was hoping that he wouldn't be so addicted to his work when he came back but that's that life of us I guess...married to our work more than anything else...." she looked down and loneliness filled her eyes "He's back but I feel lonelier than ever...." she leaned against a tree and looked at the sky.
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Saya blushed and set down at the table "well...I dont really know.." she looked at kuro and frown.

Vivian blushed more and looked at nova "your the perfect guy any girl could ask for" she leaned over and kissed him.

Vincent stopped then pulled sarah into a hug "sarah..I should have been there to protect you...if I would I known...then I could have saved you.." he held her slightly tighter.

Takashi chuckled then kissed kana on the cheek.

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Fayde kissed Cinder smiling, “Yes it was.” He wrapped his arm around her waist and gazed into her eyes. “Now this is my kinda downtime.”
Michael's eyes narrowed and he got up. "You've got my attention..." He hit her to the floor. "Never speak to mr like that again!" Will appeared but then asked "should I leave?" Michael shook his head in annoyance. He sat back down. "I have to do work to regain my position as king or else heaven will collapse... Well part of it anyways. For heaven to exist, it needs a least a couple of interim rulers. Fine go ahead. Leave. I can't juggle bring king and being a father. I'm sorry but my work is more important. I love Duanna... I honestly do. I want to be with her and be an active part in her life but...." Will cleared his throat and Michael raised an eyebrow. "Alright look, my king... You are trying too hard to be a good man. Why dont you have a day once a week to see your family. Your work isn't going anywhere and neither is your position as king."

Xerxes lifted her chin and smirked. "Too easy... I would prefer to catch you when your the happiest and then kill everyone around you. That's my way. I like seeing people suffer." He smirked.

Cinder grinned and said "you are so much better than the servant boys." She smiled as she kissed his cheek.
Leta glared at Michael "Hit me all you want, I've suffered worse from the hands of the council. Most of the men there used me as their bi***! You think I care what you do to me? I'm done with this family!" tears now streamed down her face "Mom didn't protect me so why would you...." she vanished and appeared in front of Aeron and hugged him while crying.

Duanna sighed "I thought so, well then I guess I will outlive my kids and Michael...I will always be miserable...."

Kuro smiled and then ordered two seafood platter that included sushi "So how do you feel about me?"

Nova smiled "And there is only one girl that I want to love me."

Sarah kissed him "Well I'm here now." she smiled.

Kana hid her face as she blushed.
Aeron held her close and whispered "lets runaway together." He held her even tighter. He seemed to be feeling the same emotions as she was. He was tired of being used by everyone. He wanted to be free.

"I'll kill you eventually... I just-" Will suddenly appeared. He didn't seem alright. He said "Leta yelled at Michael, he hit her, and then she left. I think the kids might all be running away for good." Xerxes took this as a way to sneak away.
Saya smiled as kuro ordered, she looked at him in confusion when he asked his question "what do you mean...?"

Vivian smiled happily "your the only man I want to love me"

Vincent looked at her and smiled "I'm glad"

Takashi chuckled as he walked into the woods with kana in his arms.

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Duanna looked down "So everything that I wanted is falling......let them go.....not like I can protect them, I never could...." Duanna sat on the ground and didn't even move "I can't protect any of them...."

"I wanted every one to be happy but this isn't my home....I should have known that the day I was brought here....I don't belong in heaven no matter how hard I try, I will never belong....." Leta just kept crying and Delaney left the room to give them time alone.

Demonia suddenly looked worried "Duanna's here on earth....she feels so sad for some reason....."

"Well do you like me as a friend or something more?" Kuro's face became red as he asked.

Sarah giggled "So did you really mop around the entire time i was gone?"

Kana hit him lightly "Don't laugh at me."
"Not everything..." Viktor walked out. "Sorry. I kind of heard everything." He went over to her and held her close to him. "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. Its all my fault."

"I will never leave your side." He kissed her passionately. "I will protect you until the day I died." He frowned.

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