Kingdom Hearts: Seven Sealed

Rex That Betrays

Junior Member

It was black, blacker than black, unconquerable, insurmountable, oppressive black. Two figures, wrapped in the mystery of identity, clinging to the clothes that wrapped around and obscured the entirety of their bodies, walked silently through the darkness their steps slow and purposeful into the guesstimation of location. Tentative, ginger steps through fields of black ash into wrapping and gnarled tendrils into the soupy puddle of black river darkness, they walked.


Until the warp and woof of dimensions brooked and spread into a swirling gateway into what appeared to be an overcast field of waist high grass.

“I will enter the world from here, wait for me to summon you into the city”.

The taller of the two commanded, walking out into the unfamiliar and closing his portal behind him.

His companion stood in place and waited before saying softly, in a ginger voice-

“Yes Sir”.

.:Hopes Heights:.

Snow was standing in the colosseum! Victorious, he stood poised to deliver the final blow to his injured opponent, who lay defeated on the ground. The crowd's roar was deafening.

"SNOW! SNOW! SNOW!" They chanted, Snow reveling in the adoration of the masses.

He lifted his sword higher, and glanced up at the Emperor. The Emperor nodded.

Snow sighed.

Swallowing, he tossed aside the sword.

The crowd was silenced.

"What's he doing?"


".... Where's the blood?"

"Kill him, dammit!"

They seemed enraged, almost.

Snow threw up his right hand, calling for attention.

".... Why would I kill this man? He hasn't harmed me in any way, other than our noble battle here today. He probably has a family that would miss him terribly. And I'm no cold-blooded killer. If that's what you want in a hero, look elsewhere!" He yelled defiantly to the crowds.

There was only silence.

Then one person started clapping.

It was the Emperor.

Everyone else followed suit, slowly but surely. With his act of defiance, Snow still had the crowd on his side. Reaching down and helping his opponent up, the crowd exploded.

Snow was sure he was lost in the noise.


That's about when Snow woke up.

Sitting up, he couldn't see anything but grass.

Oh right, he thought to himself, chuckling. I was napping out here in the field.

Still grinning from his epic dream, Snow flopped back down in the comfortable grass, relaxing as the sounds of the wind blowing through the tall grass surrounded him.
The time passed by, slowly, boring, lonely... Nothing was interesting in this place. Not anymore at least... Tristan looked up from where he sat seeing a dieing tree just outside of reach if anyone were in the building next to it. "Life nears its end for you... What now." He looked back down letting his statement sink in to the *no ones* that surrounded him. He stared at the wall bellow him and jumped down. He sighed and began to walk again.

Street after street was all the same, little to no life could be seen in the people around him. There were some with sun filled ideas, but they were ignored by the larger portion of the city as raving lunatics. Hell, Tristan knew they had considered him one as well a long time ago. He realized the worthlessness of this place and understood why others had such a dark outlook. Tristan had even sworn before not to be like them, yet... Here he is wandering the streets with no goal.

Tristan stopped and looked up. He saw the fountain... again. "Why..." He sighed and turned to go back to his apartment. Sun had risen awhile ago, he was late.
Johnathan returned,once again,from the train station,after being denied passage for the umpteenth time.

Walking from the train staton,with his hands in his pockets,he decided to go to the library. He passed the fountain,but didn't see Tristan,but a flash of flowing red fabric momentarily caught his eye,as it went into an alleyway. Whatever. Not my buisness.

After arriving at the library,Johnathan immediately went to the sickeningly small "Geography" section,and,to his utter dismay,didn't find a single atlas. Not a single map,beyond Hope's Heights. Is this town all there is? There MUST be more!

Johnathan pulled a random book off the shelf. "Historic Maps of Hope's Heights". Johnathan threw it viciously towards the back of the library with a roar,and shouting, "This can't be everything!"

Unsurprisingly,his outburst brought the attention of a librarian,who quickly shooed him out. Johnathan sat on the steps of the library,resting his chin in his hand,with the elbow resting on his knee.

"There must be more..." He muttered,repeaedly.
Sighing, long and bored, October sat on the dusty library carpet that had most likely not been cleaned in months. A tall stack of books were piled up carelessly right to the side of her. After pulling an all-nighter and reading fifteen short story books, she had quickly ran out of things to entertain herself with. She knew that if she kept it up at this rate, she would run out of books to read and would consequently have to resort to the biography books. She shuddered. The thought of reading about some old dead person really satisfied to interest in her. "I wonder if there is anyone around and about today," October said, brushing her brunette hair out of her eyes. Standing up, she made her way out of the library and out into the sun's warmth. She hung her head in defeat at the sight of no one to talk to. "Anyone?" she said in a meek voice that only slightly hinted in defeat.

October ran around all the alleyways, sidewalks, and anywhere else she could find. Not many people were outside. Even fewer were people she knew or wanted to talk to. Although the elements seemed to work completely against her and out of her favor, she hoped that at least one person would come along to keep her company. Surely at this rate, she would have to resort to reading or doing school work. She shuddered once more. "There has to be something to do," she muttered to herself.
Brushing a strand of dark red hair, Alice steps up onto the ledge of a step avoiding a group of old people as they hustled by, making remarks on how poor children were now a days. Promptly spitting on the ground after they had moved forward she hoped back down onto the street. Tilting her head back she stared at the sky and sighed. What are you...?
(Note anyone can interrupt whenever)

Tristan walked through the streets, alleyways and rushed by many buildings of varying importance. Everywhere he went he took the least traveled and most covered in shadows he could to keep to his thoughts. "The day will pass" He muttered to himself as he passed the library and went into the alleyway next to it. He continued finding himself traveling along one of the oceans* that never ended. He found himself stopping and staring at the ocean. In amazement he also noticed he looked out to sea in awe.

Tristan decided to climb up the wall and sit over the edge to stare out watching the birds flap by. "freedom..." he wondered what it was like to fly as another of his little created worlds nudged themselves into his forethought's.

*Hope you don't mind me adding that to your Hopes Heights city Rex O.o
John saw Tristan walk by,and decided to follow him.

After a few minutes,they arrived at a seaview terrace,and apparently this was Tristan's destination. John sat beside him,and asked,

"Feelin' trapped too,eh?"
Having gotten up from his day dreaming, and on his way back to town, Snow spotted John and Tristan.

"Hey guys!" He called out, taking a running leap and pulling himself up onto the wall. Walkin along it, he grinned.

"What'cha guys doing here moping? There's stuff to do, food to eat, and girls to look cool for." He said cheerfully, sitting down on the other sidebar Tristan.
Ren sat on the edge of the fountain staring intently, although, not at any particular thing. The world had been getting to him lately and he sat with a vexed expression. "Why are there such limits to this world? And why must these limits be so small? I know there must be more than this out there, more places...more people...someone with a pure heart.."
October, absolutely deprived of entertainment, headed back to the library in vain. Just as she was about to head inside to start another book, she spotted Ren who was staring intently at nothing but air particles. She immediantly brightened up and danced over to him with glee. "Ren!" she squealed, pushing him harder than she intended which resulted in him swimming with the fountain fish. "Oops," she said with a small nervous laugh and an innocent smile. "Sorry. My bad."
Tristan sighed and continued to stare out to sea. "Forgotten actually." he responded to the first to interrupt his worlds sight. He looked down at the great fall to be had if one were to simply jump off. "Ever wondered what death would be like??" he continued without a change in his tone of voice, or facial expression "It's a scary yet... somehow relieving thought... at least in this place." He knew what it sounded like... he neither cared nor would do such a thing.

Turning to have his legs come back onto the ground side he jumped down the wall. "Why strive for such meaningless things..." he turned "Who are you two again??" He managed a slight smile. Anyone who knew him would know that meant he was laughing. "Ironic isn't it?" He began to walk towards his apartment again.

(Note... Tristan would seem especially depressed this day)
Johnathan followed Tristan,his bald head shining in the feeble sunlight. He was born without hair follicles. This always made John seem much older than everyone else.

"Don't say than,man. What if someone overhears? We know you won't do that,but others don't. I don't want you carted off to some loony bin. Just...Try to cheer up once in a while! I'm sure something will pop up to liven things...Wait a moment..."

Johnathan peeled off ahead of Tristan to a nearby wall. He looked up at the second story window,which sported a flowerbox,which contained a vibrant yellow object that seemed out of place. "Stay here...Johnathan Morgaine has just found something..."

He climbed onto a nearby dumpster,and then lunged for the fire escape stairs. Catching them,he got level with the flower box. He could see clearly inside,and the yellow object was indeed no flower. It looked like a rubber or putty cube,barely three inches in any direction.

John leaned out and grabbed the block. He leaned over the rail,and called out, "Hey,catch!" And he tossed it down. It didn't go as far as anticipated,due to it seeming to have partialy stuck to his hand. Shrugging,John climbed back down.
Her eyes to focused on the sky, she walked past a group of boys. She knew them, yes, but not well enough to want to go talk to them willingly, her eyes slide over to them for a second as she noted one was climbing a wall. Cracking a half smirk she shook her head before bursting out into a sprint, suddenly knowing exactly who she wanted to talk to, October.

Figuring the girl she had taken a nice liking too would be around somewhere she decided to search in the main place, the fountain. That was where she saw a lot of kids from the town, it was also a place Alice generally avoided because adults often overheard what she was saying when she got carried away. Stepping into view of the place, her smirk turned into her rare smile. October was there all right.

Slowing her run down into a casual stride, she raised her hand above her head, "Herro~" Alice called out to her.
With the sounds of footsteps approaching, October slowly turned around to face the person who had made them. Once she caught a glimpse of them, she immediantly recognized Alice who had already said her greeting. October couldn't help but smiling. "Hello, Alice. I'm glad to see you here. Ren isn't really good at keeping me company and entertained," she said with a sincere smile. Alice had been one of her only girl friends, it seemed. It as odd, but she had surely grown used to it. With her arrival, the real fun could begin.
Tristan knew John had a point... sort of... but he also knew the city better than he did by the sounds of it. "Since I'm not causing a problem for everyone el--" He was interrupted by John finding something new to play with. It may be true that something could cause some sort of excitement in their lives... but what he knew not. At this point in time he didn't care either. Something 'exciting'... that word has barely had a meaning over the past few years. He sighed yet again. "Wh-" (He was going to say why) He caught the piece of the yellow thing that had separated from it .

Tristan just looked away from John while he spoke spotting the girl again. He muttered a low "hello..." and looked away. "Lets go..." He didn't want company but he knew these 2 would follow him anyways. Now that he was more conscious of his surroundings he forced himself to not wander back to the fountain by accident again. "You 2 are a curse." a weak smile cracked on his face yet again.
Laughing lightly, she nodded her head, "Well, he does seem a bit damp today." She noted, looking at him in the pond, fully aware of the pun she had made.
"Well, your dry wit always did annoy me, Alice.", Ren said as he spat out water. "And hello to you too, October." With nothing better to do, Ren just laid in the fountain in a dead-mans float.
October offered Ren a hand to get out of the fountain. "Aww, come on. I thought that pun was pretty funny. Don't be such a wet willy. Get it? You're wet. Ohh I crack myself up," October said with a laugh that faded into a nervous tone since no one else seemed to share her opinion. "Anyway, get out Ren. You'll catch a cold if you stay in there too long."
"Actually... it's kinda nice..." he said as he took her hand. "Come see for yourself., he smirks as he pulled her in too.
Alice couldn't help but laugh lightly at the two. "You know, someone might come out and chuck a penny at your head..." Another pun of water. Though a bit more obscure than the first.Taking a step back from the fountain she stuck her tongue out at them, "And Tobey(a nickname for October) is right, you'll get cold and then you'll get sick and then you'll be stuck inside bored without us for a week."
"Hey, I'll survive and you won't miss me, everybody wins. Now leave me to my wetness." he laughed "Unless you'd like to join us of course." He smiled -this is the most fun I've had in weeks- he thought.
The stranger to this world moved back into the alleyways, moving to where he could be certain he was alone and unwatched.

Raising his hand he called out of the nothing a continuously collapsing black ellipse not dissimilar from the one he had arrived in and from out of it too came a stranger to this world, dressed wholly in black obscured under the black hood of her black coat.

“We will split up, our presence here promises we don’t have much time”.

The stranger in red said, quickly handing his companion three pendants, chains hanging off of them, and with that departed quickly.

Welle played with the keychains in her hand before following her master’s lead.
Snow hopped down from the wall. He hadn't left with Tristan and John, because he figured Tristan was just gonna be even more depressed than usual.

Looking around, Snow put his hands in his pockets, and started walking through alleyways and shortcuts to get to the bakery (dunno if Hope Heights has one IRL, but it does now).

Passing through one of his favorite alleyway intersections, Snow spotted two people running through. What seemed to be a larger man in red, and a smaller guy in black. They had these cloaks on, and Snow got a little suspicious.

Then he grinned.

Sprinting down the alleyway, Snow turned the corner, watching the two people go on. With a sly look, Snow followed them, trying to not make it look obvious.

He wondered what these people were doing. What were they, even?
October weakly punched Ren's stomach. "I cannot believe you just did that," she said with a glare. She turned her attention to Alice who had backed away from them, probably so she wouldn't have to get wet as well. With an imp-ish grin on her face, October jumped out of the fountain and wrapped her arms around Alice. "I think Alice needs a hug. Now you can share our wetness," she said with a laugh. She sniffled, the cold breeze chilling her to the bone. "Oh my it is chilly," she muttered.

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