Kingdom Hearts: Seven Sealed

Absolutely hyper by this point, Ren jumped out of the fountain yelling "Hey!!! Don't let me outta this!!!" he ran full speed as he glomped them both. As soon as he got there, he immediately regretted it. The afternoon was already becoming late. The sun should be setting soon. But still, the chill in the air was unusual. He didn't notice for long, however, as he smiled and said "Now were all a mess. Your welcome."
John clapped his hand on Tristan's shoulder and said, "Whaddya think it is? I never saw anything like it." Suddenly a chill wind blew,and John shivered. "Damn...That feels a little...Unnatural...C'mon,let's get to someplace warm."
October noticed the sun was setting at a slow rate which seemed to make it all the more mesmerizing. For a few seconds, she just stared into the sky, spacing out and getting lost in the blue sky. "The sky is so pretty around this time of day," October said, looking up at the clouds.
As if his mood couldn't get any better, Ren brightened at the suggestion. "I know the perfect place." he said, and true enough, in 10 minutes time they were all sitting in Ren's favorite place in the entire town. It was right outside the wall, between it and the mountain, with a little overhang making a cave-like structure with a perfect view of the ocean and, on the horizon, the sunset. The sun touched the ocean as they watched, and its reflection made it twice as beautiful. As if in a daze, Ren almost whispered when he said "Sometimes I wonder if, when the sun leaves here, its just going to light another world..."
Alice nodded her head in agreement, while peeling off her still soggy hoodie, opting to just be cold in her t shirt. "Maybe to a whole bunch..." She said leaning forward as if that would make the scene anymore clearer.
The three looked in silence as the sun finally disappeared over the horizon. In the darkness, Ren groped for a stone platform he knew to be there. As he laid down, he said "Maybe we should hitch a ride with it sometime, I wouldn't mind seeing these other worlds.." He put his hands behind his head and thought -Could there be more...?- as he started at the bright moon rolling across the sky. "Anyone wanna go back to town?" he asked, quite bored now.
((Unfortunately KT, esme and Holly, I'm going to have to ask you to edit your posts, you've moved the RP too far ahead in time, going from sundown to the early morning leaves way too many unaccounted hours. I fat all possible I would ask that we back peddle to the beach where Holly's character first fell asleep))
((Of course, that was my plan the whole time, I just hadn't any access to the internet for a short time unexpectedly))

Welle craned her head up at her leader and began to whisper at him, though he kept his focus forward.


Whole seconds passed before the stranger in red nodded and replied.

“You will move on as planned, I will take care of him”.

And with that the two turned into a side alley promptly vanishing as they completed the turn, dissipating into a noiseless, odorless, invisible puff of nothing.

Welle appeared next walking out of thin air on to the dusky beach, the gray ocean water lapping lazily against the gray-brown sand, the sun setting almost looked blue, and unlike on other worlds it failed to cast any prism of light or glory, it was a cold star.

She looked down the beach to see three children, gathered just as her master had told her they would be; she approached them, taking the key-chains out of her pocket and holding them out.

Clearing her throat:

“My friend... told me to give these to you”.

She said almost too quietly to hear.

The man in red came out of his nothing behind the boy who had taken to following him. The stranger grabbed his arm and pulled him around.

“It is rude to follow people”.
(Sorry Rex, I didn't know it was supposed to be a setting sun... In one of my posts it says it's the rising sun ^^'... Should Rid and I redo our posts or just ignore it, nothing much really changes since I've still been wandering xD )

Tristan stopped for a minute "I don't know, it is yellow and squishy. Does it even matter what it is??" he smiled weakly and climbed up a wall, jumped from the wall and grasped onto a railing and pulled himself up to sit a top of them. "True, the wind does have an odd sense to it... but... Than again, this town tends to give a bad sense in itself." Tristan was cheering up as his friend would notice.
Snow yelped in surprise.

"W-What the Hell! You were up there!" He said, trying to regain his breath. He wrenched his arm from the man's grasp and narrowed his eyes.

"This is the first time I've seen you. Who are you?" Snow asked, rubbing his arm where the man grabbed it.
John smirked. "Are you just feigning cheerfulness? C'mon. Let's go to your place. It's nearby,and it'd provide shelter from the wind. Mind tossing that stuff down? I'd like to keep a hold on it."
"Not really..." Alice said a bit dully. "But I suppose we have to, don't we?" Standing up she held out one hand to the sky. A thing she did every 'night' as a way of asking it to rise again tomorrow. Turning away from the sky, she looked at the two and held out her hand to October to help her up.

Before hearing someone speak, looking up she narrowed her eyes, settling into a defensive positon in front of October. "Who are you?"
October looked up at Alice, too busy in her own little world to notice must of anything that was going on. She lifted an eyebrow and watched Alice carefully. Speaking in a whisper, she said "What's going on?"
Tristan scooped the yellow stuff off his hand and dropped it how, it felt horrible he thought but didn't care all that much "That I am, but..." he paused for a sec "I suppose the two of you, before he left, are sort of right. Now then, off to my place as you said." He continued off from balcony to balcony, though nothing impressive it did have a calming affect on him.
The man in red looked down on the child, not flinching at the accusatory tone he had taken, there was nothing to fear from him in anyway.

“You would take such a tone with someone you have never met”?

He seemed to be mocking snow.

“Either way I came to see you and give you this”.

He said as he reached into a pouch on his waist, pulling a keychain to and presenting it before the boy.

Welle didn’t make any movement, barely seemed to breath. She shook her hand to let the three keychains jingle.

“It’s very important, my friend told me to give you these”.

She was in total monotone.
Snow looked at the keychain, his eyes taking an odd look.

"..... Cool thingy...." He said, reaching for it, but not touching it yet. "Wait!" He suddenly yelped, retracting his hand.

"Why would you give something cool like this to 'someone you've never met?'" Snow replied, mocking the man's tone in return.
Alice looked back at October for a second before sighing. Keeping her eyes on the lady she crouched down next to her best friend. "Well...should we trust her and take them?"
October shrugged. "Well, what's the worse that could happen?" Although many bad possible outcomes could come out of this situation, October was completely ignorant of any of them. "Actually," she said with a curious smile, "this might make things more interesting. I say we take them."
"right." Alice said nodding her head. She understood everything that could happen here. But, because October said yes to taking them, she would agree. "After you?" She squeaked, still a bit nervous and a bit wary. Something she couldn't shake off.
October stood up, eyeing the keychains. She looked at all three, not sure of which one she was supposed to take. Were they even specified to a specific person or was it supposed to be completely random? October closed her eyes and carefully took one. "We're supposed to just choose one, right?" she asked, looking at the keychain she was now holding in her hand.
Upon arrival at Tristan's home,John yawned,and said, "You feelin' tired? Cause I know I am. Mind if I crash here fo the night?"
Ren watched all of this with mild amusement. Quite frankly, he was more interested in the Keychains the stranger was holding, rather than the person itself. He reached over without saying a word and grabbed one of the two remaining keychains. This one was in the shape of a heart...kinda...but it was black. He had no clue what it really was...but he knew it was his. He soon became distracted turning it over in his hands.
Tristan looked around the room knowing the emptiness was still present. He turned to his friend "You know where the guest room is." With that Tristan walked off towards his room. Upon reaching his room he sat cross legged on his bed in front of the window looking out to the sky. "What's wrong..." He accidentally wondered out loud.
Welle simply stared out from under her hood as the keychains one by one disappeared from her hand. She looked to October but didn't say anything.

The stranger almost smiled, almost chuckled at the suspicion of the child in front of him.

“Why would you follow somebody you've never met”?

He asked, his tone turning to slight mock.
Taking the only one left, Alice looked at the lady again before frowning and examining the key chain, looking for an explosive thing or something, a little needle maybe sticking out of it somewhere. Something that would deem it threatening but she found nothing. Running a finger along the black and white thing she tilted her head to the side slightly before nodding her head. "So, Miss, why would your friend or whatever want to give these to a bunch of kids?"

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