Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [Rules & Character Sheets]

Name: Narathzul Arantheal

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human,Keyblade Aspirant

Homeworld: Radiant Garden (So vanilla,I know,but I'm guessing Land of Departure is out of the question)

Keyblade: Guardian's Oath. A Keyblade so long and broad,it must be used in both hands. The blade resembles a single-edged sword,with the key's teeth at the top of the reverse edge. The teeth contain a blade trap,and there's another two at the base of the blade,one built into the guard,and one in the form of a gap running a quarter of the blade's length. Due to it's nature as a zweihander,the Oath's hilt is longer than most other Keyblades,and the guard is tighter and more rectangular as a result. The broad blade is silvery in colour,with a golden guard and black hilt,with red wrapping. The keychain is a small round shield with a spike,representing the nature of the Oath as a defense with a sting.

Combat Style: Preferring to stand his ground,Narathzul has taken to mastering the combat arts of counterstriking. Content to wait for his enemy to make the mistake of striking,bouts with Narathzul generally look calamitously one-sided,even when they aren't,due to his use of devastating counterstrikes,almost exclusively.

Magic: Magic is a mandatory part of any Keyblade Aspirant's training,however,Narathzul is hardly a quick study. Showing an interest in the more defensive and utilitarian magicks,Narathzul has learned to cast a simple temporary barrier,for blows that his Keyblade can't deal with.

Personality: Narathzul is...An oddity among his peers. While most Keyblade Aspirants and Masters view Light as infallibly right,and the Darkness as irredeemably evil,Narathzul believes in the moderation of both,utilizing both in equal measure,to never be consumed by either. As such,he dislikes those who express absolute and exclusionary views. Due to his dual outlook on the world,he also understands that,sometimes,you need to do some unsavory things to get the job done. Outwardly,he seems like the "cool brother" figure,always with a wise (or not) word of advice. As a note,his Masters refuse to give him the Mark of Mastery until he abandons the Darkness altogether,but will allow him to partake in the tests,if only to keep him sharp.

Appearance: Narathzul Arantheal stands five foot nine and weighs two hundred pounds. His body is toned and noticeably muscular. His brown hair,although thick,is kept short,primarily to keep it out of his face in a fight. His eyes are brown. His skin is fair with a slight tan,as he often train outdoors,out of a concern for damaging any buildings with his large and heavy weapon. His clothing is as practical as his hair; He wears a deep blue long sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans,but he also wears armour on his chest,shoulders,forearms,upper legs,and shins. His footwear consists of heavy boots.
ninbinz Yea but in Kingdom Hearts things may be different. Since Mickey is King, if Oswald is his brother he would be royalty. Regardless of it's truth, let's just not mention it in the RP to make it easier.

Riddle78 All you people joining now and so late in the story, we could of used you all so long ago. Guess it can't be helped since RPOTM. Accepted.
Ok, I can dig it.

As for joining, the thing that kept me away was post length, I've been lurking around the rp for a while but then Ali started joining Rps where people posted short posts and then Ine and Len jumped into this one. I followed them here, plus I've been looking for a KH RP for ages
Psst... Hey! Pyro, are you still accepting as of now? I love KH and FF. I didn't know this was here until RPOTM.
Name: Noah (Custom Nobody. I am not creative with names.)

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Race: Nobody

Home World: Unknown

Weapon: A metal staff with a blue hexagonal crystal at the top. Preferred spells are Blizzaga, Curaga and Stopga.

Personality: Lonely. Noah wishes to recover his lost heart, but knows he cannot for he is too weak. Hoping to regain his heart, he wanders for a friend to help him. Noah is also very wise for a young Nobody. He often tries to prevent fighting with persuasion. While he is an adept magic user, Noah is cowardly and runs away/avoids fighting. Noah before he was a Nobody, was a powerful healer so thus his Curaga spells are more potent. Although shy at first, Noah is an incredible helping hand.

Looks: Medium-long hair with a depressed look on his face. His eyes are a dark blue, often full of disappointment. Noah is an average height at 5 foot 6ish. He wears dark green robes with a black hood. (Sorry I don't have a picture.)
Name: Sage Wolfe

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Home World: Vespyr; a world where it is eternally nighttime.

Keyblade: Malevolent Seraph

Personality: Usually happy. When feeling any negative emotions, she tries not to drag anybody down with her. As a child, her mother went missing and her little brother was kidnapped. She was raised by her father in a small town next to the ocean where she learned how to heal others in everyday life or on the battlefield. She learned of her Keyblade wielding gift at a very young age of only fourteen, but still has not even mastered it, training under an elderly man by the name of Master Himitsu and was later sent to an Academy to further her studies.

Look: Sleek black hair that goes just past the shoulders in an uneven, yet stylish hairstyle. Her eyes are a deep, crimson red. Her height is about 5'6" with pale skin and clear complexion. She wears black glasses due to her poor vision and is often found wearing a black button-up shirt over a red tank top. With it, she wears distressed skinny jeans with black, knee-high boots that have silver buckles going up the sides. On her right ear is a small ear cuff the shape of a gold grown with a single red jewel in the center. The girl wears a silver charm bracelet on her right wrist that has only one charm that is the shape of a crescent moon made out of a midnight blue gem. 
._. I haven't roleplayed in a loooong time. And I'm late. And I'm not sure about myself. But I love Kingdom Hearts, and love conquers over all! :D

I also didn't know how exactly to put my pictures in the correct spot on the post (since I'm a noob and am still learning). And I have to PM the profile for the Forgotten, I think (if I read that right).<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/keyblade.jpg.e95874619e32bd719441b72a84366047.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4229" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/keyblade.jpg.e95874619e32bd719441b72a84366047.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/glasses.png.51edaa48c64162cf26e46ccdf9101826.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4230" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/glasses.png.51edaa48c64162cf26e46ccdf9101826.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hey Pyroz, I'm sorry, but I think I need to drop from Forgotten Days :( I simply have too much on my plate at the moment, and I cannot get myself into Feluxia's character. Sorry for wasting your time.
Name: Zack

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Home World: Unknown

Keyblade/Weapon: Midnight's Calling

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Keyblade.jpg.036c4256bd62e96a01df9fea4990490a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4250" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Keyblade.jpg.036c4256bd62e96a01df9fea4990490a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Zack is a very shy and timid boy, which makes it extremely difficult to take him for a fighter. However, he will fight whenever it is needed, whether it's himself or his friends he's protecting, he will not hesitate to push back his fear and join in the battle. As such, he's mostly afraid when it comes to social situations as he has never ben particularly good at making friends. For some reason, he tends to grip his right arm, he doesn't tell anyone why though.

Looks: (Please ignore the sword in the picture .3.)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Zack.jpeg.740dd0d5e87c1ca1e2f3ac5f6bcb35db.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4249" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Zack.jpeg.740dd0d5e87c1ca1e2f3ac5f6bcb35db.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> 
(Oh, btw, I'll PM his Forgotten's information via PM if my normal character is accepted :3))

Don Valence, thanks for letting me know.

Noah, Leah Dossier, Murfemra All accepted, since you've all joined together I would recommend you start out as a group. You can be a group who has already met and is travelling the Forgotten world together trying to find the other Keyblade Apprentices. Depending on which of you actually joins the RP (A lot of people post CS but then never join).

You may begin posting, I suggest your trio or however many of you actually join, come in by helping ninbinz and Riddle78's characters by fighting Forgotten made up by fused Forgotten. I suggest reading at least 2 or 4 pages back so you know what is going on and you can jump in to assist them.

Simply act on the fact you have been traveling the Forgotten World after the crash of the Gummi Ship (A different reason for Noah obviously) and you find a rabbit fighting a large Forgotten and decide to help. Please do not join my group of Themashbro and Paranoia.

Also please hold off on Forgottens, I will ask you when the time is right.
(sorry this was done on a phone)

Name: Blast (Rayl)

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Home world: Twilight Town

Keyblades: Red and Blue Super Kingdom Keys. In actuallity The Bluse super kingdom key was not his but his sosters who had died in front of him from being killed by a Heartless. The Red kingdom Key is a Kingdom key with a red blade and the hilt is Silver. Being Red and Blue one is for Offensive the other defense. They are similiar but can only be used one at a time unless Blasts power can be equalized.

His appearance: veiw attachment

Personality: For a Keyblade Apprentence he is quite Quiet about what he does. But he is Mentally unstable for the fact his sister died. He can be very friendly if the people get too know him.

He and his sister obtained their keyblades through a weilder who came to twilight town. He was a keyblade weilder With a mission that was to To see whho can weild a keyblade. They thennoticed his keyblade that he held and asked him if they can hold it sure enough they held it. The Keyblade weilder told them to come with him to the Keyblade Graveyard as they dis they obtained their keyblades through the very atmospheric pressure of the graveyard. But they were returned home upon receiveing it and thats when they started seeing Heartless.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/cute-anime-boys101-31101640-815-940.png.4490adaf645ea0cd502dc47e53ce2d8d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4252" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/cute-anime-boys101-31101640-815-940.png.4490adaf645ea0cd502dc47e53ce2d8d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

He doesnt have dual weld He has two keyblades that he can summon one at a time like if he was in a fight he can only summon one of them never both at the same time
Then that is fine, accepted. Please join in with the others new guys who just joined, previous post applies to you, as a Keyblader traveling with them.
Hey there, Pyro. I think I'm just gonna revoke my character, Sage Wolfe.

You have a great RP here, and I honestly think it's genius how you came up with it. Really. But I don't think this is a website I'll be staying on for long and I'd just hate to ruin your story more than I have already. I'm also sorry for wasting your time since I practically jumped in and back out of this. Good luck on this RP, though. It was cool just to be involved.
I tried going to the RP thread to check it out and it just says "Error"
Can I play as a white mage from Final Fantasy? I see you say "no made up characters" but the Final Fantasy universe has lots of nameless mages (you could argue the protagonists of FF1 are all "original characters").
Also, what about TWEWY characters? They were in KH3D

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