Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [Rules & Character Sheets]

Im sorry for being kind of wishy washy but after reading the battle so far i decided that im going to have Kain be a good guy of sorts and try to help the ones that werent captured.

or would the 'brain washed' thing work better?
So I just finished playing/watching Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix and I want to join this rolelpay but I have a wee question unrelated to my character creation. Don't Nobodies kind of need to use the black hoodies in order to keep using the Corridors? 




Appears in his mid twenties





Home World:

Doesn't remember


Grudge and Malice are his weapons, both capable of channeling his powers of blood manipulation


Cold and unfeeling, Calxus is a Nobody with no memory and thus is unable to even mimic emotions from it. He has a single minded goal in trying to find some idea of who he is and will go to any lengths to find out, searching aimlessly in the strange place he's found himself and fighting anything in his way in hopes of getting at least an answer. From time to time his heart echoes with similar events, letting slips of emotion in through the cracks but these moments are short lived and he doesn't seem to recognize they ever happened.


Accepted, you'll have to catch up and find your own way in. As for your question, I do believe so... But I think they can do without it since they have no heart to actually corrupt. It may be they chose it as a uniform or for other reason...

Wait here is the reason which I wikied:

"The reason that Organization XIII wears the Black Coat is so that when they eventually begin to regrow their hearts they will not become corrupted by the Darkness, which would allow Xemnas to keep up his lie to the rest of the organization and keep them under his control."

Interesting, good to know!
Name: Nyx

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Nobody

Home world: Unknown

Weapon: Foncé Trinité

Nyx's weapon is a peculiar one when it comes to three forms of combat; power, technique and speed, and thus takes on three different forms. The first is as a double bladed sword, all silver but with a dark red colour. While the sword is like this, Nyx had the ability to use his weapon with techniques that seem almost impossible to do with little effort. The downside is that it isn't doesnt allow him to use all of his strength so he wont be able to use power blows as easily. The second form is when he breaks his weapon in two, duel-wielding the swords with a dark blue colour around them. This grants Nyx amazing speed in running and attacks, but although almost unmatchable in speed, his strength doesn't change and isn't as accurate in his attacks as his previous form. His third form is when he presses his swords together into one long blade, endowing it with a purple aura, and greatly increases Nyx's attacks into almost unstoppable swings, causing devastating damage. This however makes his attack speed slower and lowers the chance of hitting any specific targets on his enemies.

Appearance: As below but the crystal is black.


Personality: Nyx is sometimes quiet but when he trusts someone enough, be it Nobody, Human or otherwise, he doesnt want to lose that friend and will defy all logic to keep that friend out of his sight. He woke up recently, only with enough memories on how to use his weapon and powers, but he still has no idea about who or what he is. His memories piece themselves together from time to time, but he's like a lost child in a world of darkness with either the fear of running from anything, or enough anger to destroy everything. 
Dam! I'm always at the end of these things! Ok, thx for the warning

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