Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [Rules & Character Sheets]


Dragon Knight

RolePlay Thread
Info & OOC Thread


A new world has suddenly appeared amongst the worlds, it was never there before and it just seemed to pop into existence, the Lost World. People from different worlds are being sucked from their world by strange portals and sent to the Lost World against their will. They find themselves trapped on strange world and they are not alone....

The Lost World is filled with The Forgotten, dark creatures who were born from each individual's worst memory. They are the living embodiment of that memory and they have one goal, to consume and destroy the person who they once belonged to, but they are willing to do it anyone other person along the way.

However once your worst memory becomes a Forgotten you forget that memory and won't even realize it's yours.

So a group of Keyblade Masters in-training have been sent to the Lost World to find the source of this world's existence, about the Forgotten and save any people still alive trapped in the world as part of their final training to become Keyblade Masters.


-Usual rules, no GMing or PPing

-No original characters from the game such as Sora, Riku, Kairi, Donald, Goofy, Mikey, Ansem, Xehanort or Organization XIII. This is a whole different story.

-This RP occurs only in the Lost World.

What You Can Play?

  • -These are the only characters allowed to wield Keyblades.

    -You may not be a dual wielder, that was Roxas' ability only thanks to Xion unless you make a really good character sheet and have an amazing reason. Also if you abuse it, you lose it!

    -We are all in training, so no experts. We are just young Keybladers still learning and this is one of our final tests to become masters.

    -All the Keyblade Trainees came to the Lost World by a Gummi Ship, but have since been separated and lost, you may join in the group as soon as you join the RP and find us since we were scattered.

    -We all come from the same Academy, thus all Keyblade Trainees will know each other. Also since our ship was destroyed, we are also stuck.

    -Keyblade Trainees may use basic magic like in the game.

    -Keyblade Trainees may come from a world already existing in Kingdom Hearts or a custom one you make!

    -Keyblade Users are already powerful so please don't give them to many extra powerful techniques, the Keyblade is enough.

    -Your character must be custom and made-up, no originals like Sora, Riku or Kairi.

Character Sheet Skeleton

  • Name: (Obvious stuff. If using a Disney or FF character please in brackets put what movie or game your from for those who don't know to wiki it up, including me)

    Age: (Whatever you want, if using Disney or FF character, make it match)

    Gender: (Male or Female, simple)

    Race: (Will usually be human unless you Nobody and in some cases in Disney, make it match)

    Home World: (Please refer to rules)

    Keyblade/Weapon: (If you Keyblade Wielder you put Keyblade. Give it name, then describe looks and a picture are allowed. If you cannot come up with a custom Keyblade you may use one of the designs from Kingdom hearts with pleasure, seriously there are a lot!

    If you not Keyblade wielder, just put weapon and describe any weapons you may have. You may also name them if you want, for original characters like Disney or Final Fantasy they must match obviously)

    Personality: (Describe your personality, maybe some history...)

    Looks: (Describe your looks, this may be a picture!)

    [b]Name: [/b]
    [b]Age: [/b]
    [b]Gender: [/b]
    [b]Race: [/b]
    [b]Home World: [/b]
    [b]Keyblade/Weapon: [/b]
    [b]Personality: [/b]
    [b]Looks: [/b]
  • Name: (Try be creative)

    Race: Forgotten

    Home World: Lost World

    Abilities: (Describe your Forgotten's abilities. Please don't PP and give him endless powers, just a few.)

    Memory: (Give us the memory your Forgotten was born from.)

    Personality: (Describe your personality, maybe some history...)

    Looks: (Describe your looks, this may be a picture!)


    Race: Forgotten

    Home World: Lost World






Main Members

PyroWarriorZ - Kazan, Keyblade Apprentice

& Stitch, Experiment (Forgotten: Blabla [Dead])

Oitetment - Aria, Keyblade Apprentice(Forgotten: F-IP [Dead])

& Maz with Moko Moko, Nobody

Noah - Noah, once Nobody, now Keyblade Apprentice.

My Character

Name: Kazan

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: Half Human/Half Dragon

Home World: Scorched Plains

Keyblade: DragonHeart

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf35773f7_DragonHeart.jpg.64e44da0564ad667328244599c5b38c6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="18058" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/57a8bf35773f7_DragonHeart.jpg.64e44da0564ad667328244599c5b38c6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Kazan is a little hot-headed and gets angered easily. However he can be goofy and is very loyal towards his friends, willing to sacrifice his life for them. He was chosen by the Keyblade at a young age and immediately sent to train, he is by no means the best but he tries his best to help lead and guide his fellow Keyblade Wielders and do what is right. He has always been seen as a bit of a freak by others due to his yellow eyes.


(His scarf edges are each dragon wing shaped to help him to Glide.)


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Name: Aria

Age: Fifteen

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Home World: Port Royal


Rise of Eden


Personality: Aria is a stubborn kid but at heart pretty willful and mentally strong. She lacks the fears of most people for some reason and it seems as if she can jump into any situation without hesitation. This, however, isn't completely true. Her fear and worst memory were stripped from her and manifested into a forgotten ever since she had witnessed that memory. It was about a girl she held dear to her heart and her death by the heartless. This girl wasn't native to her hometown port royal, and this was one of the reasons why Aria and he girl had became friends. The girl had traveled to port royal as a tourist, and was about to be robbed by Aria (she was a theif before she became a keyblade user). The situation lightened sooner, and Aria found the girl to be kind of... Cute, in a unique way. They became close friends quick, to the point where Aria even let her stay over once in a while. Things were okay, until one day, when the girl was going to Aria's residence with the groceries she bought, the girl had gotten ambushed by a plethora of heartless. The girl was too weak to even defend herself and she was stabbed through and burned. Aria went outside only to see Aria's burning body, and she was traumatized for a good 2 minutes. Aria summoned her keyblade and defeated the heartless, forgetting the scene as the ashes of her friend were born. She was recruited into the keyblade academy by that day and she had not remembered the death of her friend ever since, and she still thinks she is alive.

In her life as a theif she had learned to be stealthy, flexible, and to use various weapons, typically claws and qatars. It's a bit awkward when she wields a keyblade, and she's still learning how to really use it.



Edit; My image wouldn't show on my iPod! qq
Name: Ryoko Jigen

Age: Lost tract after several millenia

Gender: Male

Race: Dimension Traveler. (looks human)

Home World: Unknown

Keyblade/Weapon: Bit-blade.

A keyblade made of cubes, although he says they're pixels. (Think Jungle King keyblade but made of cubes)

Personality: Very wacky, and maybe a little insane. He seems to think that everyone is nothing more than words on a digital page (he can see past the fourth wall).

Looks: Dark grey hair pointing backwards in many small spikes. His black long-sleeve shirt has gloves built into it, just like his brown pants have shoes built in.


Name: Tatakau Jigen

Race: Forgotten

Home World: Lost World

Abilities: Enhanced unarmed combat, flight, and enhanced strength

Memory: When Ryoko, after a long time of dimension traveling, returned to his home dimension, it was ruled by a tyrant. He fought past several hordes of robots and eventually reached the throne room. The tyrant was his creator, and he had a second creation: Tatakou. They were forced to fight each other, which she had no objections. She was a difficult opponent, but was finally knocked out. Ryoko then had to kill his creator. He later got Tatakou back to her senses and she became his sister in a way.

Personality: Proud with a hair-trigger temper.

Looks: A female version of Ryoko. She has long black hair with a brown t-shirt and long dark-grey pants.
Name: F-IP

Race: Forgotten

Homeworld: The Lost World

Abilities: She can extend shadow-like spikes from her body in specific places (About 2 on her back, 5 on her chest, 1 on her head, 6 from both legs, 1 for each finger) and she can make them catch on fire.

Memory: The death of Aria's friend

Personality: F-IP, unlike most other forgotten, has a bit of intelligence, and will be curious sometimes. She can act like any other human being, but most of the time she will have an uncontrollable instinct to kill.


(I'll get the image shown later, I'm on an iPod~)
Ok, just keep in mind she must be puppet like appearance. So she can look like that, but a puppet version. Otherwise accepted, I'll let you know when you can bring her in. For now she mustn't show up yet.
[MENTION=3924]Doctor Who?[/MENTION] I did post up the skeleton on the first page

Name: (Try be creative)

Race: Forgotten

Home World: Lost World

Abilities: (Describe your Forgotten's abilities. Please don't PP and give him endless powers, just a few.)

Memory: (Give us the memory your Forgotten was born from.)

Personality: (Describe your personality, maybe some history...)

Looks: (Describe your looks, this may be a picture!)
They are puppet form actually but as I specifically stated while they may be humanoid or not, I at least request they are interesting in design. Looking like a purely human puppet without any special is kind of boring.... So the weirder and stranger, the better.

Name: Stitch



Genetic Experiment

Home World:
Deep Space

Blasters and Ukulele

Upon his creation, Experiment 626's only purpose was to destroy everything in his path. He would laugh at the chaos he caused, taking pleasure from harming others. Time with friends has changed this however.

Stitch still take pleasure from the annoyances he causes, but knows the difference between right and wrong, fighting against monsters like the Forgotten. He is very loyal to those he cares for, regardless of his past.


View attachment 11593

Name: Maz Kusu

Age: ??

Gender: Female

Race: Nobody

Home World: ??

Weapon: Moko-Moko, an enchanted grimoire that documents certain creatures (heartless, nobodies, and forgotten). It can morph into and out of a cat form as it pleases to move around without it's master. The grimoire is a bit complicated. It documents creatures by eating the residue a creature leaves behind when defeated, and when that is gathered the counter for the creature reaches 1. Each time residue is collected the counter for that creature will increase. Not only does it just record data on the creature, but it can use the residue left to assist others, depending on which creature was collected (ex. Collecting a fire creature, temporarily boosting fire attacks). Each time an assist is used, the counter of the creature that was used will decrease.

Also appears as a black/blue grimoire.

Personality: Maz is cheery and usually elated. She isn't very bright, though, and she will believe whatever she is told. When alone, she becomes very miserable and emotionally unstable. Otherwise, she is affectionate and clingy.

She doesn't exactly know how she arrived on the forgotten world, she only knows she's a nobody and she has her weapon/companion Moko-Moko.


((I made another character... Is that alright?))
Name: Tatakau Jigen

Age: Didn't bother keeping track. Younger than Ryoko.

Gender: Female

Race: Dimension traveler. (looks human)

Home World: Unknown

Abilities: Super strength.

Personality: Hot blooded with a short fuse.

Looks: Long, black hair flowing back. Her black long-sleeve shirt has gloves built into it, just like her brown pants have shoes built in.

Fenrir Azwold

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Home World: Seventh Heaven

Keyblade/Weapon: Glacial Queen, a long, slightly curved Keyblade that has a hilt the length for two hands, and a guard that encircles the handle on one side, protecting the fingers. The guard has spikes that jut downwards towards the end, with a chain that resembles frosted metal, and a crown at the end. The blade is elegant on the back of the blade while rough and spiked on the cutting edge, hinting an impalement and withdrawing move would be excruciatingly painful for the victim. The head of the blade resembles a singing Siren's face that tapers off with a pointed hook at the tip. The face of the Siren appears to be frozen in a serene singing posture, and her hair-like appendages reaches both towards the blades and to the opposite side of the blade that tips off with a sharp pointed spike, giving the back a pickaxe-like projection. The hair that reaches down to the blade formed the blade's reversed spikes, giving the whole blade an eerily shuddering visage. The blade is sky-blue in color, and seemingly pours out a thin veil of cold mist as if the blade was freezing cold.

Personality: Fenrir can be rather cold and uncaring due to an incident that sent him to the Academy to be trained to be a Keyblade user. He is ferocious in combat, and has as warm of sympathy as the ice of his blade. With the tutoring of his mentor, Fenrir became a relatively strong Keyblader for his age, but his ruthlessness in combat made him infamous among the other Keybladers, veteran or recruit alike. While he may not be the best person to have at your side on jobs or tasks, he is determined enough to see the mission to the end, no matter how petty it may seem.

Looks: Fenrir stands at 5'9" and weights roughly 67kg, with averagely built muscles and average frame. He has silver hair that is sleek and flows downwards to his neck, though there is always a patch of hair on his crown that stays spiked all the time, refusing to submit to neither gel or hair spray. The end of his hair curves upwards slightly as if in semblance to his Keyblade, Glacial Queen. His eyes are sapphire blue and a nose that is sharp but strong. He has a cut on his lip and some other scars on his body due to the incident that sent him here. He has a chestguard and some parts of armoring on his body, and underneath the armor was a black vest over a blue and black collared shirt. He has a belt with chains that were attached on the right of his blue and white trousers that looked as if it was a joint of chain taken from Glacial Queen, with the same freeze-marks on the steel. He wears armor greaves that protects his legs to the knee.
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Name: Jon McKnight

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Home World: Firelink Shrine

Keyblade: Undead Bell, A keyblade with medium length. The guard is shaped like a rusted bell and it is big enough to handle with two or just the one hand. The bell shape trails off to a blade that looks like both the Radius and the Ulna of the arm that are a yellowish old bone colour which it self is topped off by a skeletal hand whose bone fingers replaces the bit of the key.

Personality: Jon is mistrusting of everything at first, due to his homeworld's environment. Though he might appear cold and silent, he's actually one for having fun. He tries not to be reckless, as the his up-bringing as taught him that recklessness can be your undoing, but sometimes he does go over the top. Often attacking first and asking questions later, another thing his world has taught him. He would rather ditch you then help you out unless you can prove useful to him, if not you're just something that is going to hinder him and he can do without that perfectly. He's no stranger to a challenge, in fact he loves one and if one would present itself he would accept without a second thought. Sometimes leaving him completely defenseless as he didn't think of how to deal with the said challenge. When the Keyblade chose him, Jon thought nothing of it, still doesn't in fact, as he saw it as nothing more than a change that he has to put up with. Though this whole idea of there being other worlds is something he's still getting his head around.

Looks: Jon stands at five foot and nine inches tall, and weighs about eleven and half stone. He's quite slim for someone his age, especially someone from his world, but he is stronger than he looks. He has dark brown, almost chocolate coloured hair that just lays flat on top of his oval shaped head. He has large greenish blue eyes and a slight western european nose that is almost at a perfect ninty degrees angle. His skin is white pale, that he could lay among the snow and vanish. He has various cuts, dark patches of soot, and a scar on his cheek from the fighting he had with his world's local wildlife. He wears a full set of knight armour , minus the helmet, that is decorated with scratches and dents here and there. A spider emblem is marked on the front of his chestplate.
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Feluxia Melanon

Age: Looks to be in her late teens, early twenties.

Gender: Female

Race: Nobody

Homeworld: Unknown

Keyblade/Weapon: Twin Swords-

• Radiance: A bluesteel blade with a polished redwood hilt that aids Feluxia in channeling her light-focused abilities.


- Starlight: An enchanted falchion which grants Feluxia the ability to utilize light to have limited control over darkness.


Personality: Calm and generally close-mouthed, Feluxia is a young woman who always remains in control of herself and her actions, and only resorts to violence when she must. Ever since her 'rebirth' as a Nobody, she has been unable to trust anyone except one person; Area Armagus, who is the only memory she had left from her previous life. It is Area whom she values more than anything in the Wide World, and will do anything to keep him from harm. Alongside her friend, she seeks the answers to her past and, perhaps, the return of her lost heart as well.

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Name: Area Armagus

Age: Even appearance-wise, it’s hard to determine, though many place him at around mid twenties

Gender: Male

Race: Nobody

Home World: Unknown



A crystal ball that levitates around Area's person, and freely orbits him whenever he isn't using it. It passes as a legit melee weapon in close quarters combat, where the ball can swing around at high velocities that can deal heavy blunt damage on those around him. The crystal ball acts as a medium for Area's magic, allowing him to cast strengthened versions of an average Firaga, Thundaga, Aeroga and Blizzaga, dealing higher damage and having a larger field of effect. Most of the spells cast are imbued with dark energy, giving them a dark aura as they are cast. The ball is able to gather nearby darkness to further increase the potency of the spells. At any point of time, if Area sees fit, he can discharge a single beam of dark energy that causes a slight burn and hits with powerful pneumatic power if the beam hits dead on.



Area is a very quiet shadow, choosing to stay by his natural element of darkness, seemingly gliding as he moves. He is deathly loyal to Feluxia, though and does all that he can in his power to protect her, with her being the only reason he even casts Shell, Protect and Curaga. He does not pursue any fight that Fluxia isn't in and will follow what she wishes. He does offer his opinion once in a while, and it seems that he is a very watchful person, choosing to strategize if he can and then make his move. He brooks no such thing as an imperfect victory once he sets his plan in motion. If his plans are interfered in anyway, be prepared for a tantrum and quite possibly your eradication.

He does not speak about his past, and quite possibly remembers none of his old life. His only part in this whole thing is that he found Feluxia alone one day and decided to assist her in finding her lost memories. He has no apparent reason to do so, it seems, since those without hearts cannot love....can they?


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/dark_mage_by_toufeh-d4ykts9.png.89e07ec0ddfc0e1c588ca354097c0ff4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2968" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/dark_mage_by_toufeh-d4ykts9.png.89e07ec0ddfc0e1c588ca354097c0ff4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Oswald 'The Lucky' Rabbit

(Epic Mickey Series, Disney Origins).







Home World:



He's a mischievous little fellow with an adventurous soul, despite this he means well and doesn't often do things to hurt people unless you hurt those he cares about. To many of his friends and family he is a father figure, this can often lead to him getting stressed over the little things too easily. Oswald is a lucky rabbit (hence the monicker) and is rather quite resourceful. He's an independent sort who doesn't like to rely too heavily on others and despite his recent resolution with Mickey he still harbors a small ounce of jealousy.

Special Weapon:

Energy Gauntlets and Greaves:

These pieces of Armour converted into shocking weapons via Oswald's prowess with machines. These Grieves and gloves are charged with electricity and pack an electrifying punch that'll knock even the toughest of foes out for the count with enough hits.


Oswald has removable limbs and can throw them about like boomerangs to attack his foes or avoid attacks.

He has quite the odd ability to somehow rotate his ears at such high speeds that they act as propellers much like a helicopter, it is as yet unknown as to why his ears spine while he does not, speculations have been made that Oswald possesses an organic gyroscope.

The lucky, resourceful bunny is also equipped with a remote which he can use to hack into any computer system, he's also able to use this remote as a means to reprogram machines or disable them.


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No, I have always been FANTABULOUS, I would have been EPIC if I joined earlier but alas, se' la vi.

No, he is. The Writer for Epic Mickey said so himself. Their Sister's name is Field Mouse. 
It's even in the Disney Wiki

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