Kingdom Hearts - Forgotten Days [RolePlay]


Dragon Knight

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A new world has suddenly appeared amongst the worlds, it was never there before and it just seemed to pop into existence, the Lost World. People from different worlds are being sucked from their world by strange portals and sent to the Lost World against their will. They find themselves trapped on strange world and they are not alone..

The Lost World is filled with The Forgotten, dark creatures who were born from each individual's worst memory. They are the living embodiment of that memory and they have one goal, to consume and destroy the person who they once belonged to, but they are willing to do it anyone other person along the way.

However once your worst memory becomes a Forgotten you forget that memory and won't even realize it's yours.

So a group of Keyblade Masters in-training have been sent to the Lost World to find the source of this world's existence, about the Forgotten and save any people still alive trapped in the world as part of their final training to become Keyblade Masters.


(Please don't forget, everyone is already on the Lost World. This RP occurs in the Lost World only, you can only mention other worlds in memories)

Kazan wakes up as he rubs his head in pain, man that hurt like heck. He slowly gets up to his knees as the world spins around him only for him to collapse back down. He tries again to get up as he shakes away the nausea. He looks around at his peculiar surroundings as his vision slowly begins to focus. The area around him is strange and foreign, the ground seems metal rusted and old broken structures surround him. Nothing seems in one piece in this world, everything is rusted, cracked, broken or just completely in pieces. Jagged pieces of old metal jut out of the ground, half standing structures scatter the area allowing full view into each as no one seems to have all it's walls. The sky is dark and cloudy, though the clouds look more like dust and no sunshine can be seen. It is a dark and depressing world, it seems like a world that has been abandoned and forgotten...

He holds his head trying to remember what he is doing here. He suddenly remembers yelling, he was running around the Gummi Ship frantically trying to figure out what the heck was going on, why the systems were failing, why they were crashing! He remembers yelling and panic, Keyblade Trainees running everywhere as the ship literally began to fall apart. He remembers see the Lost World as it came into view as their ship literally came to pieces.

Kazan looks around in panic for his comrades, but he is all alone. All he finds is a lone Gummi Block, a left over from his ship? Maybe....

He tries harder to concerntrate and remember.

"Yes I remember now! This was our final test, our Master sent us all here as our final test to become true Keyblade Masters! And why am I talking to myself!"

He remembered his Master telling him of this world, this world that suddenly appeared and how people were being sucked from their world and becoming mysteriously trapped there. He remember his Master sent his class to investigate this Lost World and the strange creatures that inhabit it, the Forgotten... He was also to try rescue any survivors he found stranded on this world.

"Lot of good I can do now, with the Gummi Ship destroyed I'm stranded here too! Worse I don't even know where my friends are and why am I still talking to myself?!"

Suddenly a strange metal object shot out of the sky, a round segmented ball.

"What is that?"

As Kazan approached the ball unfolded into a Forgotten. It was the size of a small kid that looked like a puppet with rounded joints, thin stick arms and legs. Claws for hands and round head with a line along it's forehead where it's head opened up. It had square zig-zags to form it's mouth and red eyes. It wobbled forward, like it could barely stand. He remembered hearing about this Forgotten, they were the weakest and most simple, also the most common. There were many of them, they were called Meagers. It's movements were strange, illogical, broken. It suddenly lunged at Kazan.

"Wrong guy to go for!"

Kazan summoned his Keyblade, DragonHeart as he did one quick slash slicing through the Forgotten as it broke in two and then faded into dust.

"Ha! These Forgotten aren't so tough, they don't know who they are messing with!"

He spun his keyblade around and rested it on his shoulder in a Final Fantasy victory stance.However, three more Meagers suddenly appeared around him as they surrounded him.


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Ixiss shoved her hands in her pockets, sighing heavily. She'd been wandering around here for what seemed like an age. She just wanted to get out, to find her heart. Was it so wrong for her to want such a thing? She felt hollow, but that was how she always felt. Hollow, because a part of her was missing. She was incomplete. She knew it, but it didn't stop her from wishing otherwise. She couldn't remember much of her past, nor did she really care to. All she knew was that she wanted to be whole again. If she couldn't remember the past then at least she could build a future, one that she could work hard for. She'd already begun, by trying to search those that called themselves Organization XIII. But that path had gone awry somehow. Maybe it was their own security defences that stopped her from getting to them, or maybe she hadn't mastered the Corridors yet. All she knew was that somehow, some way, she'd ended up here.

A sound in the distance drew her attention, a voice that echoed, stranger sounds, all reached her ears and she began jogging in that direction, knowing her portals didn't work well enough here. As she came into a clearing filled with an eerie silverish light, it became apparent that the guy she saw was in need of some help. She didn't know how he got there, but it didn't matter much to her. He was a sign of life, something other than those ghastly creatures. Summoning her weapon, a hand held harp which she felt she ought to be disappointed with, and for the most part she was, Why couldn't she have gotten something badass like a waraxe or something? She had only recently figure out ho to use it. Anyway, summoning Resolve, for that was its name, she played a harmony of chords which sent vibrations in a high enough frequency to shatter the closest creatures to her.

'Need some help?' She asked the guy, flashing him an empty smile.
Kazan began to hear strange sounds that weren't coming from the Forgotten, he then immediately noticed the girl. She wasn't one of his fellow Keyblade Trainees that he had come here with. She must be one of those who got sucked into this world...

He looked at her closely, noticing her peculiar weapon. What an odd shaped harp... Even her smile seemed odd.

He then slashed his Keyblade through one of the creatures causing it fall to dust just as the girl's harp had done.

"I can handle myself..."

He looked at the rest of the Forgotten.

"But help is always appreciated when offered so kindly."

He said trying to remember his lessons about never biting a hand that was offered towards you for help.
A frown creased her brow as he responded, sending shivers down her spine. she shook it off. Stop it. You have no emotions. She told herself firmly, yet the phantom emotions stayed, reminding her bitterly of what she once had. At his gentler tone she relaxed a little, giving him a slight smile again. 'I'm sure you can, but there are an awful lot here, and I suspect the noise will attract more still. What are they anyway?' She asked, plucking the strings of her harp as she spoke, letting the harmonious music sound out and watching as more crumbled into dust.

'I know this probably isn't the most appropriate time to introduce myself, but I'm Ixiss. I'm looking to get out of this place.' She said with a friendly, yet wary smile.
Kazan took out a small little book as he held it in his other free hand while fighting off Forgotten as he opened it up.

"They are referred to as Forgotten, these specific ones are called Meagers."

He said reading from the book which showed a picture of Meagers and explained some details.

"As far we understand, they seem to be born from memories. It is theorized that it is mainly unhappy memories."

He put the book away as he slashed away another Meager.

"I am Kazan and I was suppose to be your way out..."

He said his face a little red with embarrassment as he blushed, with no Gummi Ship he wasn't much of a rescue was he.
Ixiss mulled over this information rather folornly. Then scolded herself for having the pretence of emotions. 'Well.. That certainly puts us in a rather awkward situation.' She tilted her head to look at him as he blushed. 'I envy you. I don't even know you, by rights, I can't even feel envy, but I can imagine. Right now, I can imagine how envious I ought to be over your ability for emotions. I miss it. A lot.' She shrugged as her words ought to have embarrassed her, and flashed him an apologetic smile. 'You're human right? How did you end up with the task of rescuing the lost? And how did you know anyone was here?' She asked, intrigued by his tale. Maybe she did have some emotions, she thought to herself, surely there was the possibility that something of what she used to be was retained? Sighing to herslef she shook her head. No, that wasn't possible. Everything she knew had been abundantly clear. No heart meant no emotions. It was ridiculous. All human science had proven that the emotions came from some part of your brain. so why did the lack of a heart remove them? Then again, why was she living, reanimated or whatever, without one to begin with? Better not to dwell, or get distracted, she decided firmly. Stick to the task at hand. Survival. So thinking, she helped finish off the last of the Meagers with this strange new person.
Kazan raised his brow as the last of the Forgotten were destroyed while she spoke about her lack of emotions. He was rather confused and really had no idea what she walking about.

"Yes I'm human, aren't you?"

Before he could get an answer, he was bombarded with so many other questions. She had a lot of questions, a lot!

"I am a Keyblade Master, well at least I will be."

He said first with boisterous pride, before correcting himself and shrinking.

"This Lost World although new has been under investigation for a while, we were sent here to investigate as well as rescue any stranded survivors. Although with our ship destroyed, I am pretty much stranded myself."

He looked back to her.

"So how did you get here? And answer my previous question, aren't you human?"

He asked her like an interrogator would a suspect.
Rikku had been on Radiant Garden getting ready to set out for another World.Merlin had sent on her a mission to get a couple of keyblade wielders from their home world.They had just achieved their blade,and were being attacked constantly,so she was launched off as their observer..The little keyblade wielders were safe and sound when she got to them,and they did not want to live their home world just yet,so she informed Merlin,and allowed them to stay on their world,but she gave them a communicator so they could call her,or anybody else,if needed.On her way back to Radiant Garden her Gummi Ship malfunctions,and she crashed on the Lost World,and was now lost,"Is there anyone here!?"She yelled in desperation.
Before Kazan could get an answer from Ixiss, he heard a call for help. He realized it may have been one of the other Keyblade Wielders.

He looked at the girl.

"This isn't over yet, I still want an answer to my question." He pointed at Ixiss and ran over to the voice.

He ran past dilapidated buildings until he saw a girl calling out, he immediately drooped not recognizing her and realizing she wasn't one of the others he came here with. She was just another who had gotten sucked in....
Ixiss laughed softly, hollowly. 'I might be inclined to answer your question one day. But not right now.' She replied, following after him, stowing the harp back into the pocket of space where it resided. She raised an eyebrow when she saw the girl in front of them. 'Looks like this place is just full of people getting themselves stuck.' She commented, shaking her head slightly and giving a slight smile to the girl/
"You'll tell me sooner then that"

He assured her as Keyblade also dissappeared, only to return when he needed it. A weapon that she could also make dissappear, but it certainly wasn't a keyblade and it seemed to appear and disappear with darkness and sparks of light mixed in, not a flash of light like his did.

"Yes, it seems there are number of stranded on here as our master led us to believe... Who knows how many more, but where is my team... they had to of survived... like me."

He couldn't be the only, he just couldn't be... He hoped.
Rikku's scarf started to flap in a frustration,"IS THERE ANYONE HERE!?"She screached in a lost fit.Rikku is part of the Gullwings,which is a treasure hunting group and helpers of Merlin.They where actually little pixies before,but Merlin made them grow in size,and ability.Each of them took up their own weapon,Paine,the goth as Rikku calls her,took up a the sword the looked exactly like Auron's,but with a skull right above the hilt,under the blade.Yuna took up double pistols,she deemed Tiny Bees,and Rikku,herself,learned to double wield as well,but with twin daggers,making it seem like she was a thief.Each of them retained their ability to fly,but to a different degree,with Rikku as the best.She could fly long distances,and it helped with combat greatly,"Ugh!"She groaned as her scarf retracted and flopped down to her sides.
Kazan looked to this girl with a strange scarf.

"Hey! Let me guess, your lost here too!"

He shouted over to Rikku as he reached out towards her, but decided against actually touching her as it might very well freak her out.
Rikku was actually shocked that someone was here other than her.She turned to meet a young male,about the same height as her,if not a little taller.She walked up to him with a quick pace,"Hey person.I though I was the only person on this rock,thing.What is this world,and how do I get off of it?"She asked with a questioning smile,and a out stretched hand waiting for him to shake it.
(I'm back!)

Kazan shook the outstretched hand.

"I'm Kazan and this is the Lost World, as to how to get off of it."

He sighed as he mixed his words a little. "We are trying to figure that out ourselves."

It seemed this girl was another who must have gotten trapped here, she must either be new or have some fighting skills to have been able to survived The Forgotten.
Ryoko walked through the landscape with his bit-blade over his shoulder while whistling 'Sanctuary' to himself. "Well this is no good. I've been walking through this place for over an hour and still nothing. How far was I knocked away from the wreckage?" He said as he looked at a gummi block he had in his hand. He had already had an encounter with the forgotten, and probably wouldn't have made it out if he didn't have healing magic. He continued walking in a straight line in hope that someone would find him.
Genesis woke up and rubbed his head and looked around "where am i?" he stated trying to figure out what happened and how he ended up here. He looked

at the sky "definently not the gardens...but where?" he still was puzzled trying to figure it out when a small creature appeared "what the..." he sated

watching it until it suddenly lunged at him he ducked as it flew over him then he turned towards it "sorry...whatever you are, but i dont have time for you"

he stated and lifted up his hand and shot a simple fire ball and hit it, the creature turned to dust and the fireball made a small explosion on impact that

anyone nearby would hear for sure. Turning around he noticed there were a ton of the creatures now "come on give me a break" he sighed, his head still pulsing

caused him to be distracted "alright if your ready to die then come on" he stated
It took a while, the time it took for Aria to wake up. Her limbs felt horribly dishelvled and, once she could open her eyes, her vision was blurred. She wasn't exactly sure where she was, and what happened, until she faintly remembered what happened nearly hours ago.

"Hey guys, what's up with the shaking floor and stuff? I was just taking my beauty rest and..." Another dazed Aria approached the captain's deck of the gummi ship, and the front window. Outside she could see a swirling black and purple vortex that was slowly but surely pulling the ship in. "What's that?" She asked the main pilot indifferently, who gave her a 'seriously?' face, and returned his eyes infront of him to panic once more. Aria, of course, rolled her eyes, and returned back to where whe once was to rest again.

"Oh yeah!" Aria recalled, "Those guys were screaming and hollering like maniacs. I suppose we got pulled into this place How did I ever forget..." Aria blindly put her hands behind her head, still having sub-par vision, and being unaware that around her there were forgotten, who had attempted to stockpile her with other seemingly dead bodies... And prematurely her keyblade had already appeared in her hand, without her 'consent'.
Ryoko heard an explosion nearby. "Finally, I've found someone." He said as he walked towards the sound. He saw the hoard of forgotten. "Let's see... zero graviza? Nope. Sonic blade? Nope. ...Firga burst? ...still nothing. Alright, I guess I'll have to work my way up again. Fire!" Ryoko shot a fireball at one of the forgotten and it exploded like the one Genesis beat earlier. "Should've guessed that I'd only have newbie magic."
Rikku's noticed that he was looking her over,"I was on my way back,to Radiant Garden,to finish my mission for Merlin.While flying in the direction of Radiant Garden,something weird happened,and I got Turbulence and crashed her."She explained to the rather tall male.She wondered if he could handle himself in a fight or was he someone she had to protect.

A lone voice was heard over the roar of the forgotten,"Magnet Spiral!"Rose roared through the spiral,forcing some of the forgotten to fly toward her.As the group of forgotten that had been attracted to her try to escape,the magnet force shrunk down to her body as Rose whirled herself around with the keyblade slashing and destroying most of the group.As she reached the climax of her attack she did another,"Wind Raid!"She chirped with cheer as she tossed her keyblade letting the wind guide it straight into multiple forgotten.As Rose caught her keyblade,she rushed over to Aria,"ARIA WAKE UP!"She yelled at her friend and comrade,as she readied for the next pack of forgotten.
"Hm? Whozzat? ... Allison?" Aria sputtered out the first name that came to mind when she heard the voice. She could hear where it was coming from, and finally the Forgotten. In fact... There was one that lept infront of her. "Thank ya, Allison!" She grinned, raising her keyblade, which blocked the attacking forgotten off. She knocked it away, pushed it to the ground, and stomped at it with a counter move she didn't care to name and shout its name for, anyway. She could hear the demented shriek from another not so far down from her... Of course, she had to defeat that one too. Aria frontflipped, prepared both hands-- no, wrong weapon... She prepared her right hand, and slashed down on it, causing it to explode in dark purple and black sparks. "You see that, Allison? I got these... Um... Whatever they are without my sight!"
Rose's fighting style was very elegant and beautiful,but filled with many acrobatic motions.Most people say she has the power of Flowmotion,meaning she can do acrobatic feats in and out of battle,as if it was a ballet.She noticed that Aria was looking blind,and did not call her by her name,"Can you see correctly?"She asked her friend in concern as she popped up into the air and did a few spins,that ended in her slashing a few forgotten,then landing with a direct stab into a forgotten,"Do you need help?"She asked still concerned about her friend,as she made her way over to Aria.
"Ah, no, I'm fine! Just a little initial... Er..." Aria stopped attacking for a moment to try and fake-scan... Or maybe she was using it to confirm what her ears were recepting. "I think I'll see in a moment. I only gone bad in sight cuzza the crash, it's no big deal... Yeah, I think imma see in a mo'." “Though I can't really pick out where these baddies are!” She thought, in addition to her speech. “Can't let her think too badly of me, either...”
Rose read Aria like an open book,which annoyed her that she was trying to hide her injury from her,"ROSE CHOP!!!"She screeched as she brought her hand down on Aria's head.She looked at her friend with an angry look,"Do not lie to me!If you are hurt or seriously injured,you should tell because it could be fatal!"She scolded as she slashed a few more forgotten.She turned back to Aria,"Do you need me to heal you?"She asked with a hint of concerns in her voice.

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