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Fandom Kingdom Hearts: Fade Into Light

(again writing from mobile apologies, currently dealing with stuff)

🌹Jazz Bellz🌹
Her team has only just been assigned when a scream rang through the halls. Her instincts got the better of her in that moment. Instead of listening to the others, master included, she began heading for the source of the screams: the courtyard. Her mind had emptied of all worries and doubts for the moment. When her Keyblade was first discovered, her father had a renowned swordsman teach her the basics. Basic number one, no distractions. Fighting with a mind weighed down by thoughts slowed reactions and dulled strikes. As she tore off, a little jab at her teammates came out as she burst through the other door.

"Hurry up, I won't save any of the fun for you guys!"

The details of the world around her blurred as the adrenaline started to kick in. Real combat. She'd never seen real combat before. Her boots leaving rubber marks as she tore through the hallways. That was much more like the Jazz whom master Katrina had come to know: fearless, energetic, and far too eager for a fight.
📙- riza - 📙
The moment of truth came faster than Riza anticipated, but she supposed she shouldn't have been surprised. Honestly, it was a little assuring to know she wasn't the only one a little unsure about who to reach out to, or how to do it, so Katrina stepping in to assign teams made things a lot more straightforward - she probably had a clearer idea of everyone's abilities than anyone else. Team A. Jazz, Rew, Gaku, Harmony, Alderose...and herself. She had an inkling at least a few were physical fighters, so her magically-aligned talents would hopefully come in handy, a small glimmer in her eyes, one of quiet, brief optimism. Sure, she wasn't super close with anyone in it, but she had at least talked to Jazz earlier, right? And if their abilities worked well together, then surely they could figure something out personally, right?

Said optimism didn't last long though; cut through by the screams she heard, enough to make the hairs on the back of her neck stand to attention, her skin draining slightly of colour. Really, she was dead certain if she looked down she'd spot her stomach after it dropped. Still, she swallowed, remembering her best spells (and her slapdash Flowmotion if it was needed too) and rose up from her chair, glancing towards her teammates - she didn't want to lag behind, taking only a moment to adjust her hat and glasses so she could see properly.

"Nobodies, different types, slippery, keep up your reflexes..." she repeated back to herself in a whisper.

As Harmony and Gaku (though mostly Harmony, Gaku seemed the more quiet sort) stated their abilities, she spotted Jazz leading the charge, running straight for the courtyard. Half-looking towards the others and halfway out the door in case their teammate needed back-up, she quickly rambled out a summary of her own.

"I can use magic...! And Flowmotion, in a pinch! If you have any items you want to store for later, put them in my hat...!" she said, a distant rumble from the chaos outside interrupting her, prompting her to dash ahead. "But maybe not right now...ah, wait up!"
The hallway just outside the Great Hall was thankfully empty; Master Katrina's recent departure likely helped to ensure any Nobodies once present were now gone. From the doorway to the Great Hall, a turn to the left would lead the group through the winding halls out to the castle's entrance and the courtyard. A right would lead further in towards the stairs to the next level. The paths before both teams were clear, and the sounds of screams would only serve as another reason to push forward...

Team A

After a few twists and turns, the hallway opened into a large library. While the facility was usually quiet and occupied by Keyblade wielders studying the history of various worlds or reading about old spells, a scream from the center of the room echoed off of the bookshelves. Visible from the entryway was a trio of young trainees with their backs pressed up against a large shelf. A trio of Assassins, one Berserker, one Samurai, and a Ninja slowly approached the young wielders. The young wielders had summoned their Keyblades, though they were barely able to clutch the weapons with their shaky grips...

However, the sound of footsteps coming from the entryway made the Nobodies whirl around in one ethereal motion. Upon spotting more threatening foes, they began their attack. The Assassins led the charge, darting towards the wielders. The Samurai followed closely, one gray hand firmly planted on the hilt of the blade on its hip. The Berserker took the rear position of the advancing party, stomping its way over to the entrance while brandishing its claymore. The Ninja took a few steps away from the young wielders, but it stayed towards the center of the room and hurled a kunai at each of the wielders.

Team B

The path to the right wound its way past various rooms before eventually reaching a large staircase up to the second floor. However, before Team B could approach the stairs, a group of Nobodies materialized to block the wielders' path. Three dancers took the front of the formation and began to skate their way towards the team. A dragoon glided towards the wielders from behind the dancers, lance ready to pierce its foes. A sniper stayed at the base of the staircase and provided suppressive fire for its allies, shooting indiscriminately down the hall.

Behind the Nobodies, a couple young trainees could be seen fleeing down to the lower level of the castle, though they were stopped in their tracks when they saw the Nobody guards ahead of them. The Nobodies turned their heads for a brief moment upon hearing their screams, but they quickly refocused on Team B, seeming to favor their greatest threats at the moment. Despite not being targeted at the moment, the young wielders looked eager to get away from whatever was going on above them. They gazed at Team B with wide eyes and trembling knees, waiting for the chance to escape...

Rew stood there listening to who his team would be on. With no one else seeming to be interested in choosing teams it made sense that she would assign them. He looked over trying to put names and faces together still not sure who each of them were. He supposed that he'd get the chance to know them over however long they'd work together for. He didn't have much chance to think on it. The scream caught him off guard and faced the doors with the news of nobodies somehow entering their home. How? He couldn't dwell on that, people needed help, he had to take action. He hoped that the people who he had called friends could fend off the attack, though some of them were still beginners and he swallowed hard at the thought. No, he had to focus on the task at hand, the others will be fine. He wasn't sure if he fully believed that but he had to try so he could focus on the fight ahead.

He began to run after the group, though stopped to grab his bag before leaving, he refused to leave that behind. He was toward the back of the group and just made out what the group was saying to each other. He heard the introductions and what each of them specialized in. He was about to chime in when he heard yet another scream from up ahead. Rew summoned his keyblade and readied himself for battle. He stopped to look at the other team when the two of the separated from each other. He nodded and said "Be careful and take care" in a quiet tone, before running back after his group.

He recognized the way they were heading. It was a hallway he'd walked, and more often than naught had run, during his time here. The library was a place he had visited often. With the entrance getting closer he made his move. Rew ran to the wall, took a few steps up it then jumped from it, throwing his keyblade as hard as he could toward the entrance. An instant later, he once again held the weapon in his hand, now in the air in place of where it was thrown. While it the air, he again threw his keyblade now aiming for the nobodies running toward them. It landed in front of the samurai who stopped in it's tracks hand still on the hilt. Rew landed then called his blade back to him. He charged forward stepping on one assassin's head to get over them. He swung at the samurai who blocked with his own blade, then followed with a strike of it's own. Rew dodged, then swung again, landing a hit.
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📙- riza - 📙
The library was a sight Riza was more than familiar enough with, and she hoped that the sight of one of her favourite places in such disarray at the hands of the Nobodies would give her enough courage and righteous rage to get through this fight, and contribute to it most importantly. As she ran, holding her hat above her eyes so she could see straight, Admirer's Oasis manifested in her grip, rendering her knuckles white, a subconscious act emphasised by the scream she could hear ripping through the air. She felt relief seep in as they arrived, fortunately finding that the Nobodies attacking hadn't managed to get their hands on anyone just yet, nor would they be allowed to. Now the fire was really set.

Right, right, Nobodies she could handle; or at least would be the most useful in handling. Seeing one of her teammates had acted, action drew her in too; the Ninja was quick and fast, and it attacking at a range like this could make killing the other ones harder.

With a shaky breath, a glow of magenta signalled her clumy use of Flowmotion, as she dodged an incoming kunai, before she pointed the tip of her blade towards the Ninja. Stunning it with magic would be enough for her more physical teammates to get in close enough to knock out the ranged offensive, and would prevent it from hurting them in turn.

"Blizzard!" she cast it with a loud chant, her blade's aim finding its mark. In a shimmer of rime, all with a certain chill, a small missile of ice tore through the air and smashed against the Nobody in the centre of the library, successfully stunning it and leaving it defenseless, both to augment the attack of its allies or to defend itself.

"T-there's an opening...! I'll try and cover you...!" she said, mostly to the group at large - she wasn't a leaderly sort, or the type who could take out a Nobody in a single physical strike, but she also refused to be the sort who was a load to the team
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(phone formatting aaaaa)

Jazz Bellz

"Nice cast!" Escaped Jazz's throat like a cannon shot cheering her teammate on.

No hesitancy.

The ice wouldn't last long, it never does. Allitt used ice, and she was good with it.

The crack of a whip echoed through the library as her keyblade snapped to its form change; a pair of long, rose vine like whips. Thorny brambles weaved around the ninja as the tip broke the sound barrier. A flick of the arm and it was sent flying towards the hoard, covered in rose thorns that had been left dug into its body.

The Land of Departure

The Great Hall: Gaku & Harmony

Harmony stood stunned as one of the Keyblade Wielders bolted past her to fight against the Nobodies. While she noted those who spook up about their abilities, the other Wielders have followed suit towards the source of the scream. Gaku approached Harmony from the side while facing the Great Hall entrance. "Save the intros for later. We need to move out." Gaku said before he heads out down the hall. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of Nobodies he'll be facing off up ahead. Harmony sighed annoyingly as she summoned her Keyblade and followed behind to catch up to her team.

The Library: Gaku & Harmony

The Shibuya Duet catches up with Team A as they entered the LIbrary only to witness several Nobodies occupying the area. Harmony quickly analyzed the area watching the Keyblade Wielders fight against Nobodies such as the Samurai and Ninjas. However, the Berserker remains behind the group of Nobodies with its guard up. "We need to take care of that large Berserker in the back!" Harmony proclaimed to Gaku as he readied his Keyblade. "Use your ranged attacks and try to keep up!" Gaku yelled while he jumped onto the frozen Ninja's head to use as leverage to get onto a long table before said Ninja got tangled into a thorny situation by another Wielder. Harmony blocked a flailing attack from one of the Assassin Nobodies before dashing next to the Nobody and swinging the blade against it to knock it out of her pathway as it collides with the Ninja Nobody. She traveled up the stairs to the second floor for a better view of the Berserker while staying out of its sight. She takes notice as Gaku already engaged himself against the Berserker. Don't do anything stupid and get smashed into pieces. . . Gaku!

Ayanami sees the trainees trying to escape, and reacts immediately, seemingly being the first of Team B to charge at the nobodies. As she charges, she considers casting stop on the sniper before making contact with the dancers.

No, I should focus on the biggest threat. I have a team now, and they'll have my back. I could break through the dancers, and charge at the dragoon. Keeping it entertained on me should give the trainees a window to get out, providing someone takes care of the sniper so nobody gets shot in the back.

With that, her plan was set.

"Light, strengthen my blade..." she says to herself, before dashing in between the three dancers, doing a wide spin attack to knock them back, before jumping towards the dragoon before they can automatically counter. Ayanami knew these nobodies tend to hit back after getting hit, which is why she knew a follow up would be unwise, at least against three of them. The dragoon, who had seen her charge, attacks Ayanami in mid air with its lance, who blocks it with her keyblade. Taking advantage of the block, Ayanami prepares a jump attack against it. With it's focus now being on Ayanami, she waits for it's next attack.

Whether it drops to the ground to make a shockwave, swings its lance at me again, or tries to go after someone else, I'll have a clean strike at its head.

Ayanami tries to position herself between the dragoon and the wall, as to not have the dancers or the sniper directly behind her.
Team A
The samurai was momentarily staggered by Rew's attack, though it quickly straightened itself out again. With its feet planted firmly on the ground, the samurai aimed a rapid slash at Rew, trying to take advantage of his close proximity to force him into a clash or land a blow.

Riza and Jazz's team attack on the ninja was a success, and the thorny Nobody was launched towards two of the assassins, damaging them. The ninja dissipated, though the assassins still remained. They turned to face Riza and Jazz, a few thorns left embedded in them from the projectile that had struck them a moment ago. They then sunk into the ground, their spiked arms poking up to give an indication of their location. One sped towards Jazz while the other moved towards Riza. They both initiated their flailing attacks when they began to close in, aiming to strike both of their targets down while keeping them separated.

The third assassin kept its focus on Harmony after she swatted it away and into the path of the ninja with its companions. While the young woman raced up the stairs, the assassin sunk into the ground and made its way towards Harmony, hoping to catch her off guard while she was distracted by Gaku's fight. It leaped out of the ground and aimed a swipe at her from behind.

The berserker gripped its hammer as Gaku charged in to face it. It then jumped up above Gaku and began to swing its hammer down as it descended, aiming its strike at the Keyblade wielder's head. Its attention was entirely focused on Gaku.

Team B

While Dawn obviously knew that they'd be in for serious fights, the reality of the situation hadn't fully settled in until she was put in a position where lives were at stake. Her knees trembled a bit as her team came face to face with the group of Nobodies blocking the stairs. She directed her attention over to the trainees trapped on the other side, and she realized that she had to steel her resolve. The survival of these young wielders was up to her and the others. She held her hand forward and summoned her Keyblade, gripping its hilt tightly as she faced down her foes.

Ayanami made the first move by disrupting the dancers before charging straight at the dragoon. Thankfully, it seemed someone more inclined to physical combat was prepared to take on such a strong Nobody. Still, that left four more Nobodies to take on, and the sniper was proving a problem with its rapid-fire blasts. Thankfully, it didn't seem to be targeting anyone specific yet, though it began to take aim at Ayanami while she was busy with the dragoon.

While Dawn knew she wasn't the greatest at close-range combat, she felt more confident in her magic. She was a witch, after all; magic and potions were skills passed down through her father's lineage, and she decided long ago that if she had to fight, she'd carry that legacy forward. Air began to swirl at her feet as she concentrated her spell in a way that she hadn't used before, but she knew she'd have to pull it off here to help stop the sniper. "Leave that one to me!" She shouted before taking a running start and leaping, casting Aeroga at her feet when she was in the air. A powerful gust of wind blasted down below her feet, propelling her up and over the dazed dancers and towards the sniper. The move caught her opponent off guard, causing it to hastily swivel to fire a quick shot at Dawn. Her rapid momentum helped carried her towards the sniper before it could take steady aim, though its bolt managed to hit her shoulder. She grunted in pain and slashed at it as she sped by, though the pain that shot down her arm left her own strike as unsteady as the sniper's blast. Her attack only managed to slow her foe down rather than defeat it. She touched down a couple feet away from the sniper and gripped her shoulder as she thought of her next best move.

The dragoon lowered its spear before swinging upwards at Ayanami, aiming to strike under her guard and knock her off balance and higher into the air. The dancers that Ayanami stunned began to regain their senses. Noting that Ayanami was busy with the dragoon, one dancer began sliding over to Dawn while the other two began slowly making their way towards the trainees. The sniper had been stunned momentarily, leaving it open to a follow-up attack.
📙- riza - 📙
Riza's eyes lit up a little, realising that Jazz had successfully dispatched the ninja - the look on her face practically screamed 'Wow, did we really just do that? Cool!', even if just for the few seconds they had between that and the next attack. Sure enough, her momentary excitement faded back into severity though as she was reminded of the assassin Nobodies that still lingered, her eyes watching cautiously as they disappeared into the floor.

"Shootshootshoot- here they come again!" she said quickly in an attempt to warn her teammate, focusing then on the one that was approaching her.

Remembering her readings, she saved any attacks for when the Assassin popped out of the ground, that familiar glow from her Flowmotion appearing. Sure, it caused her not so gracefully to stumble back against a bookshelf, this stumble earning her a few scratches, but nothing extreme. She quickly lifted her blade to parry it, though given physical strength wasn't really her bread and butter, the strain from trying to block it kicked in fairly fast. If it was almost finished, it might try and self-destruct - at least, she thought that was a thing they did - so she readied another spell.


That familiar mist and chill swirled around the tip of her blade, hoping she could finish this Nobody off and avoid it self-destructing right in her or anyone else's face.
🌹 Jazz Bellz🌹
"Relax, they're barely hanging on, we got this!" A cheer of encouragement bellowed. One thing was certain, she had her father's booming voice when under pressure. the assassin came for her. Like Riza had feared, this one had intent to explode, and Jazz could tell; waiting till the last second, she threw herself backwards as it lunged in. Its arms reaching out to try and grab onto her and go out in a blaze of glory. Instead though, it watched as it's final gambit failed. A flick of the whip, and a quick downward throw puts it into the ground, unleashing a shockwave of null energy at the impact sight, destroying the Assassin.

A quick deep breath in. "One more down. Focus up, we're not done. Keep breathing, take deeper breaths when you can to recover stamina."

Her training racing in her mind as she began charging in to help Gaku and Harmony. Rew would be fine. Besides, this was his duel. That said, those two were taking on the berserker on its own. It was one of the most dangerous Nobody types ever seen in days past, and none of them knew defensive spells like Aero, Reflect, or Stop to her knowledge. They'd need help. A quick strike incoming from above, right down on his head. She could only watch as the exchange went down, whatever the result was however, she was ready to step in. If he was hit, they'd need someone to cover. If he dodged or blocked it, more damage down range on it would be powerful. Either way, they had to move in. We needed to win this fight and fast, just in case anyone else needed them.

"Watch out, above you!"
The Land of Departure: The Library - Gaku & Harmony

As the Berserker leaped high to strike down Gaku with its mighty hammer, Harmony began to twirl her Shibuya's Angel charging up a crackling bright purple lighting as it appeared at the tip of her keyblade. "Thundaga!!" She yelled as her keyblade sent a stream of purple lighting against the Berserker stunning it in process allowing Gaku to dodge out of harm's way.
"My turn." Gaku grinned while charging into the Berserker with his Shibuya's Reaper landing a few hits on it before hitting an uppercut to launch it in the air. Gaku jumped to strike the Berseker before twisting his body around to force all his power into a keyblade swing striking the Berseker's core as it slams into the ground. The nobody lost grip of its hammer as it lands near Jazz and Rew.

Harmony let out a relieved sigh before turning around to scream "ACK!" as the Assassin Nobody she previously knocked away attempted to land a direct hit behind her back. She barely managed to get her keyblade up in time to block the Assasin's preemptive strike. However, the nobody continued to relentlessly barrage away pinning Harmony against the second floor railing. "Need a little help up here!" She yelled out as her stamina wittles away defending herself.

Harmony's voice pierced Gaku's cranium as he turned his attention to Harmony being pinned down upstairs. With haste, Gaku heads upstairs and conjures a dark blizzard spell against the Assassin freezing it in place. Harmony jumped over the nobody while landing close to Gaku before striking the frozen nobody. The added aggression from her agonizing defense made a force of impact sending the frozen nobody out the second floor onto the ground level of the Library destroying the railing in process. Harmony allowed herself to regain her composure as she catches her breath.

"That was a close one. Thanks Gaku!" Harmony exclaimed. Gaku looked at her with mixed annoyance and concern as he puts one hand in his pocket. "Have you forgotten about your ability? Don't get too careless Harmony." Gaku responded.
Annoyed by his response, Harmony walked past him while shrugging her response. "And who's the one who casted Thundaga and saved your ass? A 'you're welcome' would be suffice." Gaku grimaced as he rolled his eyes and followed her downstairs. "Don't mention it. . ." Gaku said as his form of "you're welcome."
The Land of Departure: The Library - Gaku & Harmony

As the Berserker leaped high to strike down Gaku with its mighty hammer, Harmony began to twirl her Shibuya's Angel charging up a crackling bright purple lighting as it appeared at the tip of her keyblade. "Thundaga!!" She yelled as her keyblade sent a stream of purple lighting against the Berserker stunning it in process allowing Gaku to dodge out of harm's way.
"My turn." Gaku grinned while charging into the Berserker with his Shibuya's Reaper landing a few hits on it before hitting an uppercut to launch it in the air. Gaku jumped to strike the Berseker before twisting his body around to force all his power into a keyblade swing striking the Berseker's core as it slams into the ground. The nobody lost grip of its hammer as it lands near Jazz and Rew.

Harmony let out a relieved sigh before turning around to scream "ACK!" as the Assassin Nobody she previously knocked away attempted to land a direct hit behind her back. She barely managed to get her keyblade up in time to block the Assasin's preemptive strike. However, the nobody continued to relentlessly barrage away pinning Harmony against the second floor railing. "Need a little help up here!" She yelled out as her stamina wittles away defending herself.

Harmony's voice pierced Gaku's cranium as he turned his attention to Harmony being pinned down upstairs. With haste, Gaku heads upstairs and conjures a dark blizzard spell against the Assassin freezing it in place. Harmony jumped over the nobody while landing close to Gaku before striking the frozen nobody. The added aggression from her agonizing defense made a force of impact sending the frozen nobody out the second floor onto the ground level of the Library destroying the railing in process. Harmony allowed herself to regain her composure as she catches her breath.

"That was a close one. Thanks Gaku!" Harmony exclaimed. Gaku looked at her with mixed annoyance and concern as he puts one hand in his pocket. "Have you forgotten about your ability? Don't get too careless Harmony." Gaku responded.
Annoyed by his response, Harmony walked past him while shrugging her response. "And who's the one who casted Thundaga and saved your ass? A 'you're welcome' would be suffice." Gaku grimaced as he rolled his eyes and followed her downstairs. "Don't mention it. . ." Gaku said as his form of "you're welcome."
(Forgive the mobile formatting and double-post, it was asked of me by Xam!)

The Berserker was left stunned, but it wouldn't be for long. Her whips shot out, wrapping around the Berserker's form.

"Someone do something quick, before it recovers and breaks out of this hold!"

Her arms felt the strain of incredible resistance, her muscles tensing to try and keep the monster bound and held down. It was excruciating, the stress on her body was incredible.

"Make that on the double..!"
🌌REW 🌌
Each strike was metal against metal and though he did get a few hits in that didn't mean he was winning. While Rew had matched the strikes of the samurai he'd gotten pushed him toward where the young wielders were. He blocked the strike from above, holding onto one end with a hand then looked to the side at the group. He pushed back then swung barely missing his target. He felt another swing of the blade at him, though he managed to dodge out of the way before it hit. He landed a few feet away ready to continue the fight. The samurai though merely raised it's blade in a fighting stance readying itself to make a move.

Rew gripped Revealed Wanderer in both hands preparing for what would happen next. There was silence in the air as he stared at the nobody in front of him. With slowed breathing he waited. An instant later, the samurai was in the air with his body fading while Rew had moved behind him. He looked around, noticing many of the nobodies were in battle. He looked at the wielders with concern, it was clear none of them had much combat experience. "Move, follow me out of here, then find a place to hide." He led the group out of the door they went in, running with them a little ways further before meeting another group. He knew he had to get back to the battle so he ran without waiting for an answer from the group. "Take them with you and try to find a place to hide until this calms down, though if you find a teacher try to stick with them."

When Rew got back he noticed how there was only one nobody left. He saw how Jazz tried to hold it in place. Without thinking he jumped on top of it, grabbing where the vines weren't wrapped. He tried to hold it with Revealed Wanderer around it's head and act as an anchor. He felt the swing of the creature back and forth which nearly threw him off. "It feels like I'm wrestling a bear" he grunted through his teeth.
📙- riza - 📙
Riza hadn't realised she had shut her eyes, if only for a second, until she opened them again. They went wide, as she saw the hints of aura fading in the air that indicated the Nobody that had lunged for her had dispersed in an icy end, and that thrill of shock and excitement in equal measure shot through her like paper lanterns in unison.

"Woah, cool finisher...!" she said, spotting Jazz putting an end to the Assassin attacking her.

That left the Berserker, a tougher enemy than the rest, so of course it was the one that persisted to the very end, still struggling even as Jazz's whip weaved around it, even as Rew barrelled on top of it to try and hold it down, she could still see the strain that came with it. It needed stunned, to keep it still long enough to be taken out, or at least to ease the strain her teammates were under. Thinking fast, she shot another of her spells out, hitting it with Blizzard, and then stepped back, propelling herself off the floor to give herself momentum, a temporary strength to help hold the thing still, making that three people restraining the Berserker.

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