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KINGDOM DEATH: Dark Fantasy Survival Horror


World-Weaver and servant to the most-holy PC
Here is a link to the story material that gives you a basic idea of the world:

Basically one or more players (as I can get a group together or not) will awaken in a dark world with nothing but a lantern to light their way and perhaps a sharp piece of chipped stone. Death will be quick and ever-present, but on the off chance a player/party DO succeed in slaying monsters, they can craft equipment from the corpses -- Bones, claws, hides, teeth, sinews -- to make crude (and eventually better) materials to survive in the dark world... perhaps even start a settlement.

The darkness awaits, and only your lantern and a sharp rock beckon you onwards to a gristly death or victory in the dark.

Are you brave enough to try to survive?

Even if character mortality is a big thing in the game -- don't despair! A heroes equipment and perks/skills will be passed down each generation/character allowing for progression and development even in the face of death.

This game will use a free-form dice system of my own devising that is pretty quick to get a hold of, or at least get along with. I've already run one successful campaign to completion (3 months 18 days) on RPN and it worked out very well.

I will play this game on the forums and/or on discord -- with info tracking on RPN and hopefully some real time adventuring on Discord but if not regular forum roleplaying by post. Just putting a line out to see who if anyone is interested for now... but will try to get the ball rolling quickly!
Just name, gender, lantern and sharp stone! -- characters may advance in equipment and perks.
Sounds like my cup of tea. Never did dice but willing to learn.
This sounds really cool! I'd love you join if this is still a thing :v
Still signing up people? I'm interested but I have very little RP experience. I am currently doing another RP to try and come out of my comfort zone and I would like to try to do a bit more.
Once I am caught up with another project I'll DM EVERYONE who showed interest in this and I'll make a thread for the game. :D
Having not been able to commit to anything for a long time now and missing an old hobby I'd like to throw my hat in on this one if players are still being accepted.
Hi there, I’m new to the dice RP but have been wanting to play kingdom death for over a year now, I’ve been able to buy a lot of the mini’s but not the actual game yet. I hope you are still accepting! Please let me know either way. Thanks!

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