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Futuristic Kinda Like Heroes


A Lost Kid With No Purpose In Life
In this galaxy, there's the law, and there are outlaws. It's always regarded as very black and white. If you break a law, you're the bad guy. When you make the laws, you must be the good guy.

But really, there's a gray area.

We've all broken a few laws here and there, some worse than others, but it doesn't matter what we've done, we're all in prison together. We might not get along all the time, but it's good enough. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" kind of thing. Our mutual hatred of the Authority of Solar Systems (The Authority for short, at least officially. Some just go with the unofficial acronym- ASS) and their way of running things gave us the idea to stop this corrupt system of government in its tracks. Our first problem is that we're in the most secure prison in this side of the galaxy, The Corner. We don't have much on out side, but we're determined, sort-of idiots who have nothing to lose.

We all have our tragic backstories, and we're all good at what we do. So in that sense, we're kinda like heroes.

@Ozerath @jole875 & @kireinatenshi -- started :> ((also yall are the friend group mentioned- idk if youre able to tell from the thing or not. i mean i could but i wrote it so that doesnt count D: ))
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Faye set her tray down at her usual table, well usual as in, she earned it weeks ago, within her first few days here, and nobody's challenged her for it yet. You see, cafeteria tables are equal to rank. It's kinda like one of those old high school movies. You got the popular kids, and then everyone else. The only difference was, this is prison. Nobody was exactly popular, but there were some who were more feared than others. The tough guys, in for murder or something, generally got whatever they wanted from the other inmates. This included the best table in the room. The table itself wasn't anything impressive, a circle that could fit six chairs around it comfortably. But it was in a corner, somewhat secluded. And you know what they say about location. Well, they don't say anything about it, they just repeat it two more times.

She got it by mistake actually, but nobody needed to know that. One day, she just sat down at a table where a few other newbies were. They had no idea. Soon enough, they were confronted by the group that claimed the table. And of course, Faye's pride kept her from just leaving. She kind of started a fight, her against all six of them. Fortunately, her tablemates, complete strangers at the time, had the same idea. Long story short, everyone's been too scared to mess with any of them since.

She smiled a little at the memory, that sure was one way to make an impact. But at least she wasn't getting bullied like she'd seen happen to some other newbies. She poked at the brownish substance on her tray that apparently passed at meat. She looked up when she head some raised voices. People arguing about what it was. There was a prize for whoever could guess what kind of food it was first. Nobody's ever won it because nobody's ever agreed on it. And the cafeteria staff wouldn't ever help. She rolled her eyes and looked back down at the meal. She wished that they could just get those tasteless nutrition packets, but then again, this was prison, they were supposed to be punished.

She took a bite of the lunch. It was gross, but she had gotten used to it, a little bit. She just waited for her group to show up so she could talk, and not just sit there like an idiot. Even though most people here were scared of her, she still felt like she'd be judged. What a dumb thought.
Bob bumbled through the cafeteria looking for somewhere to be. He saw Faye sitting at a table by herself and walked over. Bob was oblivious to ranked tables and since he didn't want to stand the entirety of the lunch period, Bob sat next to Faye. He looked to her and extended a watery appendage. Bob waved with his name tag moving about inside of him. Be thought she seemed nice, nice is good. Bob drank from a plastic box of water and gained a bit of mass. He then thought of what his acquaintance was eating. Protein Packets, Bob was intrigued as to what Prow-tine was.
As Anthony entered the cafeteria, he reflected again on how lucky he was that he had happened to be one of the clueless newbies who had been sitting with Faye, the green-haired Greeian girl, on the day that they had inadvertently won themselves places at the top of the social food chain in the prison. Had the decision been up to him, he would have surrendered the table to its original occupants, no questions asked. He disliked confrontation. And yet here he was, on his first week in prison, sitting at the table that was usually taken by those who had been there for years. Carrying his tray of ambiguous meat, he tossed his hair (tied back) over his shoulder before approaching the table where Faye was sitting, along with Bob. "Hey there, cutie pie," he said, cheerfully addressing Faye. Then he turned to Bob. "What's up, Bob?" he said, unsure of how to properly greet the watery apparition but still keeping up his cheerful tone.
"Hey." Faye said to her friends who just showed up. "But I'm not any kind of pastry," she added without any hint of sarcasm. In the middle of her sentence, she realized that it must've been some kind of idiom, so she added a smile in order to not look dumb. Looks like language barriers are a thing even when you're speaking the same language. Dialect barriers then? All she knew was that she had no idea if pie was supposed an insult or a compliment.

But nobody could know that she didn't know.

"How's your day been?" she asked, addressing both of them at once. Because of dumb morning schedules they had to follow, she hadn't seen either of them since yesterday. Lunch was the start of the (relatively) enjoyable day for all of them, all having morning assignments such as breakfast kitchen duty, or making sure that nobody took a dump on the bathroom floor overnight.
Deadkool said:
Creating another thread identical to this one.
I guess...as long as it's more organized >< Yeah, I'm pretty horrible at being in charge of one of these- my ideas are everywhere and not written down nicely.

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