

New Member

I pulled my knees to my chest as I sat in the tiny closet looking at the door, hoping it didn't burst open all of a sudden. I could hear my mother crying and my father yelling, with the occasional change when she cried out in pain. I guessed he was either hitting or kicking her. I tensed when I heard her yell out 'no' and 'please' and 'but I love you'. I wondered what was happening but I wasn't courageous enough to find out. It was safe in her. He wouldn't find me in here. I was safe... even if my mother wasn't. I knew I should be helping her but I didn't know what I could do. He was a man, a strong man and I was just a kid. I was only twelve. I knew he didn't like me. My mothers boyfriend. Oh yeah, he wasn't my father. No, the man beating my mother was just another in her long string of loser boyfriends.

My father had left when I was eight, he was a good man, but he didn't want a family... or at least he didn't want to come home to one anyway. He always sent money, a check every month. It averaged on three thousand dollars. Mainly for my schooling but enough to pay for our rent and groceries and a couple of other things. Him and my mum weren't on evil terms... but they weren't exactly friends. He knew she had been seeing other men but he didn't know how bad they were and I was too afraid to speak out either. I heard my mother scream and it shook me from my thoughts, the tone was ear piercing and I wondered what was happening.

But all of a sudden it stopped, like someone had cut off her air with a knife and everything was quiet. Then... his footsteps, I cringed and held myself tighter. But they weren't coming for me, they were going towards the door. I heard it open then shut and then an engine start. It started fading and I figured he had left. After about an hour I got up and walked downstairs, looking for my mother, she hadn't made any noise since he had left. When I walked into the kitchen I saw why. My mother, she was laying lifeless with a big pool of blood around her. He had slit her throat. The tears started again and I fell to the floor. My mother. My beautiful perfect mother was dead. Then... banging on the door..

I snapped my eyes open, hearing my breathing. It was heavy and ragged as I heard the banging become my alarm clock and my body relaxed from that tense state as I took a deep breath in and out, in and out. I blinked a few times as I calmed down completely. That dream... that nightmare. I had had it almost every night for the past six years. She was still dead, she hadn't come back to me, not ever. I missed her dearly. I loved my mother and I wanted her back. But she wasn't coming back. I wish I could have been older so I could have protected her and had her with me still today. I could look after her, she could live with me.

But it wasn't going to happen. And I had to move on with my life... but the thing was, how was I supposed to move on from loving and missing my mother? She, despite her loser boyfriends and the one who had killed her, had loved me unconditionally and provided for me and raised me in the best way she possibly could have. She did what was best for me, always had, always would have. But she was gone and now I was living with my father and his new wife. She was a nice enough lady but she wasn't my mother and she knew better than to try to be. She let my father deal with me but was warm and nice to me, she always cooked my meals when a maid wasn't and made sure someone cleaned my room and did my laundry.

We lived in a mansion, a huge mansion and we had at least six cars, a few motor bikes, two holiday houses, one with horses and quad bikes and the other on the beach. I went there on my own from time to time, just to get away and to regain my mental state so I didn't become a helpless wreck. I had battled with depression and anxiety and I still had mild cases of them now but I was getting better with time. However, lately the nightmares were in creasing and I was leaving for the beach house today. My car was already packed and dad had given me a card for whatever I wanted or needed when I was down there, but I was just going to chill and surf and maybe hang out with some friends.

I hadn't seen them in ages and I wasn't sure if they would remember me but I would make some more or just meet up with the old ones and become friends with them again. I knew that this would probably be the last visit because I was going to be going to college soon and I would have to be attending there quite regularly, though some of the times I could get the courses on line and when I could do that I would come back down here just for a break to make sure I could keep my head at a level point. And I wanted spend break down there two.

But I had to get dressed and go now, it was five in the morning and it was a nine hour drive so I wanted to leave early and make up ground when there weren't too many people going on the roads. Groaning, I got up and went to my drawers pulling out a dark pair of faded jeans and a charcoal shirt that was slightly too tight but I didn't care, it showed off my muscles. I was proud of my muscles, not in the teenage-boy cocky way, but more that I knew I could defend and protect myself and other people. Something I wasn't able to do when my mum died.

After I pulled on the clothes I grabbed my watch and wallet and sunglasses, a pair of Ray Bans, oh yeah, I was a spoiled rich kid, but I appreciated it sometimes, then others I was embarrassed. Walking downstairs I slipped on some converses then walked out to my car and got in. Starting the engine I reversed out and started the long drive to the beach house. Though, to keep me awake I turned up the stereo loud once I was on the highway so no one else had to hear.

Nine hours later I was pulling into the small street that had our house along the water front, I pressed the button that opened the garage and drove in. Parking, I turned off the engine and closed the garage. Getting out I grabbed my clothes and board before walking inside. Dumping the bag on the floor I walked out to the veranda and set my surf board down carefully before heading inside and pulling off my clothes and putting on a pair of boardies and a tank shirt and a hoodie before walking outside and on the the beach.

Our house was litter ally on the beach, the front yard was a small fence with sand that was about ten meters long and then dunes. I walked along the beach and down the water, wondering whether or not to go for a surf. Though once I was down near the water I noticed a group of kids around my age having a fire and I heard laughter. A smile came to my lips as I watched them, none of them seemed to have noticed me yet, but I was walking over to see if I knew any of them, I wasn't really expecting anyone to recognize me but I hoped a few of the old ones were still here. It was our tradition to come down every summer, since we were kids. I'd had to stop coming and I missed that but maybe I'd recognize someone.

Name -

Levi Winters

Age -


Gender -


Picture -

{ X }


My life was nothing special. My mom and dad split up when I was young and my mom remarried and my dad moved away. Nothing too big there. Actually, it was pretty typical for most kids. And my stepdad was good to me. He'd stepped in as a father and I'd really appreciated having a dad to be there for me in my life and to have someone neutral through the whole divorce. But he had money and he'd been happy to take me down to the beach every summer and it was fun to be able to spend the summer with kids my age and make new friends.

I didn't really know most of these people and besides, most of them were only the siblings of those that we used to have around every year. These visits had become less and less attended by kids our age and it really was too bad. Those of us who had originally started meeting up here and hanging out together had become close and now that the tradition was beginning to be picked up by their younger siblings, our group was now primarily filled with fifteen and sixteen year olds, nothing close to its old glory.

Though of course that was expected. Life went on and actually a few of the kids had had a few scandals. Two summers ago one of the guys knocked up one of the girls and they were now busy raising a baby of their own. Another was too involved in planning for college and so on. So many excuses, but it was understandable. This beach wasn't their entire life. We were the only ones who had the time to come down and hang out.

And at the moment, only four older kids besides me had attended. Two boys and two girls. One of the guys was busy telling a scary story while the other was mingling with the younger girls. One of the girls was playing footsy with a boy and the other, Selena, was putting spare wood on the fire.

I was sitting on a blanket by the fire, strumming my hot pink fingernails on my thigh as I tried to block out the sound of the voice of the guy sitting beside me. He'd moved over when Selena got up and he was currently trying to get my attention with cheesy pickup lines and a ridiculous story of his school year as he tried to brag and seem older to us. I wasn't interested.

And Selena seemed to notice this as she turned around to face us, giving him a naughty smirk, "You're in my spot." She murmured, her eyes bright and he gave her a wicked grin in response, mentioning that she could sit in his lap, but she shook her head and mentioned that she'd give him a back massage and he agreed, unaware of what he truly agreed to. She then got down and straddled his lower back as she sat on him, but before he could respond, she yanked the corner of the blanket down so that it was wrinkled at his collarbone with his head hanging over the side and her hand came down, pinning his face into the sand as he began squirming and trying to fight her off. "Now how about you leave Chelsea alone? You're not going to get lucky tonight and you'd better get the hell out of my spot before I get one of the guys to throw you in the ocean with a bloody steak." She murmured in his ear as we all laughed, and I shook my head as she got up and allowed him to scamper off back to his original seat and she plopped down beside me, straightening out the blanket again and I gave her a high five of thanks and congratulating her on her accomplishment.

Selena was a pretty brunette, just a bit curvier than me in a soft, silent film kind of way and she was a classic beauty, but she wore only a cropped sweater and bikini bottoms, a bit more of a flirty outfit than I'd be wearing around all of these hormonal boys, though she liked the attention. Though it wasn't like I was much better in my cotton candy pink and lime green striped hoodie and short shorts that were practically covered by the hem of the hoodie. Unlike her I had been a late bloomer, though the wait had been worth it. I was much bustier than Selena and I was a couple inches taller with lean muscle from playing volleyball and running track. I had long blonde hair that hung to my mid-back that was bleached even further to an almost platinum by the sun and deep blue-green eyes that popped nicely against my slightly-tanned skin. She and I were close; having met up every summer since we were little and we kept in touch during the year and talking about boys and such. It was a long-distance friendship, but we made it work.

I looked over my shoulder and realized that there was a certain form moving closer and closer to us, just a dark figure in the distance, but as it became more defined, I was able to recognize it as a male. Of course a part of me feared that it could be a potential rapist, pedophile, or even an axe murderer, but I trusted that the boys would stop him before it progressed that far. But I kept watching it, able to distinguish the way it held itself, the way it walked and when some features were visible, I sucked in a sharp breath.
"No way! It can't be!" I gasped as I jumped to my feet and scrambled across the beach to the form, my bare feet getting a better grip in the sand than Selena's flip flops as she struggled to follow after me as I sprinted towards him with a bright giggle. "Leevy!" I shrieked happily as I launched myself into his arms, my legs wrapping around his waist with my excited greeting, though his hard torso almost knocked the air out of me. He was like one solid hunk of a muscle. He'd definitely filled out since I last seen him which had been years ago, but we all had.

Selena came up behind him since his front was obviously covered with me and she wrapped her arms around his abdomen from behind, "Where have you been all my life, Leeves? I've been saving myself for you all this time." Selena said and I rolled my eyes as I dropped back down to my feet,
"Yeah right." I replied, but she seemed happy to keep holding onto him. "I like what you've done with your butt." She commented and I could imagine my friend was enjoying the view of his muscled body. I shook my head, rolling my eyes as I looked over at the water for a second, unable to keep the grin off of my face. "Shut up." I said, reaching over to grab her arm and she finally allowed me to pull her off of him and she gave him a suggestive wink.

"I'm sorry about Selena. She just got finished with all-girl schooling after last year's exploits, but you'd know that if you were here more often." I said to him with a smirk and she gave me a hard smack on the bottom, "Geez, thanks for ruining the whole air of mystery, dude." She muttered and she pranced away back to our blanket. I took his hand and led him over to the fire, before releasing it, everyone's eyes focused on him and the two older guys had grins on their faces, meant for their old buddy. I sat down beside Selena, patting the spot beside me on the blanket as I leaned back on my palms, "Grab a soda from the cooler and join us. I promise I won't bite." I said with a smirk, but Selena gave him a wicked grin, "No promises on my end, babe." She said, but I would be seated between them. No biting allowed. Besides, she was only playing around.


Chelsea Hayes








I laughed and grinned as Chelsea recognized me and screeched as she ran towards my and I out stretched my arms to her, of course I remembered her, she was one of the few originals of us who had come here since we were kids. We were the ones who had started the tradition, and I was glad to see her. Of course it had been a few years and she had definitely filled out. Instead of being a stick figure she had curves that suited her body and breasts, she was pretty much a different person. But Of course some things about her were still the same, her eyes still sparkled when she was happy or excited and she had no problem clambering over me. But I didn't mind as my arms wrapped around her waist to support her, it wasn't anything romantic, nor had it ever been, she was just a mate and I had no problem in being close to her, and apparently she didn't either.

"Good to see you too, Chelss," I replied with a big grin, it felt good to be back with people I knew and had known for ages, of course there seemed to be only a few now but that was understandable, we were getting older and had more responsibilities and such and especially me, I hadn't been here in years, maybe four or five. Things had just gotten messy with my parents and so on, and I had a strict private school that I had attended so my grades needed to be up and that meant studying. Long, hard hours of studying. While other boys played with each other and rode bikes and got messy, I poured over my books making sure to imprint every detail on my mind. If I didn't I never passed my exams, because a few minutes of study wasn't enough for me, I never remembered everything so constant study of at least two or three hours every day was what I had to do.

Then there was my music lessons, I was allowed to pick my instrument and I'd chosen guitar as it seemed interesting and easy enough. It hadn't been too hard but it certainly wasn't easy, but as I learned I enjoyed it more and more and began to love it and the music I could create with it. My guitar had been what kept me going, it was where and how I expressed myself and my soul. The music I chose to play on it showed how I was feeling, my opinion on a certain matter and just what music I liked. Sometimes it wasn't even the melody but the lyrics that bought me to that particular artist, band or song. Though, usually once I had heard a song I began to listen to that artist and they went on to add to my small collections of people to listen to and to learn from.

See I never was one of those people who followed the fad of the Top Forty. Sure I'd listen to it sometimes but that wasn't all that too often. I found their music was all the same, just in varying words and melodies. It was manufactured to sell and make people money, not to be deep and meaningful. And that was fine but it just wasn't my kind of music. I preferred actual music, music made by people who weren't there to make money but to give people a story with their music because they enjoyed what they were doing. They bought a light into the darkness, and they gave you something to feel good about or sad about, however you wanted to interpret the song as. They weren't putting blinkers on you, they weren't narrowing your gaze, no, they were leaving your mind open to look and see and understand.

They allowed you to develop your sense of taste, it was like eating food but with your ears. Some tastes you liked and some you didn't, people were different they liked different things and that's why everyone liked certain artist while others chose a different path. My music was based from the likes of Ed Sheeran, he wrote his own songs, he made his own music, he was real; Matt Corby, he made it big with
Brother but he was better then that, he was deeper, his music more raw and direction less but with the right amount of energy that made you listen to a certain song time and time again to see what you felt with that song, why you felt that way and what it meant to you. Whether it was a memory, an emotion or something of a hope for the future. Then there was Bob Marley, a total whatever kind of guy, he had a purpose, to make the world better, to get people to see there was a better way.

They were my main three men, but my taste broadened from there as I followed music more deeply and discovered what it had to offer me, what it could teach me, how I could follow it and be dedicated to it like a religion but being able to keep my feet firmly planted on the ground rather then in the sky and upside down like a lunatic. But with that my father had insisted I learned a sport to, so I took up soccer, it was alright, great socially and it was able to test my co ordination. Actually I quite enjoyed it and it bought plenty of girls to pick from who would practically do anything to be called my girl and shown off as that. And I enjoyed myself that way, but I wasn't a sleaze, I never went too far with a girl if I didn't want to commit myself to her and generally I kept myself distant from that sort of stuff. I didn't need it and I certainly didn't want it.

Soccer was great, I loved keeping fit, hanging out with the blokes afterwards and playing to win with friendly competition, but I didn't want commitment to a woman. I just didn't want that. Sure I was happy to date and all that jazz but anything further would have me turn tail and running for the hills. It was just that I was still young, I had plans for college and traveling before I even thought of doing any of that. And besides once the soccer season was over I took myself back to surfing for the rest of the year. Surfing was all about being alone. Meditating. Seeing life from a perspective that you couldn't get unless you were in the water. Becoming honest to yourself about who you were and what you meant. What you wanted to do in your life.

And when you were on a wave, it was about trusting yourself to keep yourself a float. You couldn't do that unless you were calm and happy inside. If you weren't you may as well pack up and go home because you had no chance of staying afloat like that. But it was also just having fun, challenging yourself to do something new and exciting. Like when you took on bigger waves and got comfortable riding them or stuck to the small smoother waves that you could practice tricks and stuff on.

"Yeah whatever, 'Lina," I told the brunette girl who was hugging my fro behind, I knew she was kidding and I wasn't taking offense, actually it was good to have her around and her humor even if it got a bit flirty sometimes. There was no harm in that between old friends, just so long as she knew it was just friends. But Chelsea jumped down to her feet and I let go of her as I chuckled at what Selena said, tensing the cheeks just to stir her up as I smirked, "Thanks, babe," I said, "Maybe I'll let you feel them a bit later," I added when she winked at me, but I was only joking, as she had been.

I shrugged at what Chelsea said
"Don't apologize, I was actually enjoying the attention," I told her with a shrug, before I heard Selena's complaint and I grinned, "I still love you!" I called after her before following Chelsea to the blanket and plopping down next to her, I wasn't really thirsty but I'd get a soda later if I felt like it. "Aw, that's too bad," I whined at Chelsea before rolling my eyes at Selena, "One step at a time, Lina," I told her with a smirk before I looked over at the small crowd to see who I did and didn't know. The older blokes I knew but one of them had stayed in contact with me and I grinned when I saw him, "Jake! Man, I thought you weren't coming this year," I exclaimed with surprise.

"What? Trying to ditch me already Winters? Geez, I thought you'd be happy to see me and don't worry there's no competition this year, I mean the girls can drool but I'm a taken an," He replied and I shook my head, yep, same old Jake. But his girlfriend obviously wasn't here tonight and I figured she mustn't have come.

"Dream on, mate, you know Kate's not with you because of your looks, and I'm certain that she doesn't feel worried she could lose you because you won't be taking any interest of the girls here." I teased and he scoffed.

"No way, she just knows I love her too much to be a jerk like that," He retorted getting 'aww's' from the younger girls and I rolled my eyes,
"Yeah whatever man,"


"Still a ladies' man, I see. Well, maybe if we get a few drinks into Chelly-bean here she'll loosen up enough to do a tag team with me on you." Selena commented and I outright punched her arm and she rubbed it, making as if it really hurt with an 'ouch'. "C'mon. We just got him back, how about you don't scare him off right away?" I said to her, shaking my head and she giggled, getting up and brushing off her bottom before she headed over to a cooler. She bent over and of course it caught the attention of the young guys as she dug through the cooler for the sodas she wanted.

Within thirty seconds, a water bottle was chucked at my head and she was darn lucky that I was able to catch it before it hit me in the face.
"Wow. Way to start off the night." I muttered and she shrugged with a bright smile as she took a seat beside me, but suddenly became intrigued in the boy to her side, talking to the younger male as she flirted, though she wasn't interested in anything more than a fun little chat to see what reactions she could get out of him.

Levi was busy talking with Jake and I was left awkwardly sitting in the middle as I pulled my knees up and toyed with the wrapper on my water bottle. Boredom wasn't exactly a good thing for me. I often ended up becoming destructive. Not self destructive, but I usually got into trouble doing something to entertain myself. But for now I could sit quiet and behave.

Actually I was lucky that my mom and my stepfather had put up with me for this long. I had gotten into trouble much more than girls my age should. I'd gotten caught for spray painting the walls of my school, engraving things in the bathrooms, mouthing off to teachers, hell, I'd gotten suspended and expelled from past schools. I learned to play two instruments; violin and piano and I hadn't really gotten into books. I wasn't an idiot, but I didn't have the patience to sit around and read. I liked to keep busy and keep moving.

I agreed to things I probably shouldn't have such as risky stunts like cliff diving, sky gliding and other things that only the most severe of adrenaline junkies were into.And a lot of that was thanks to my boyfriends. They were wealthy and sweet and they could pay for such endeavors and of course I could as well, but why not do something entertaining rather than beg for jewelry or clothes? Though to their dismay, I wasn't keen on giving myself away to them.

But they couldn't expect that of me. If they did, it was sick. But I was generally very well behaved and I tried to keep a rational mind at least most of the time. Sure I could get carried away with guys, but I never let it get to that point. And I didn't need it to. That was supposed to be special. Selena often made fun of me for it, but it was truly what I felt. I saved myself a lot of heartbreak over not giving that up to any boy. And therefore I would continue to keep that to myself until I found the right man for me.

"CHELSEA!" I just about peed myself as I jumped at the screech of my name in my ear and I heard giggles going around the fire thanks to Selena's stunt. "You were zonin' out, babe. Wanted to make sure you were still with us." She said and I shrugged, though I uncapped my water bottle and when she turned away, I dumped the ice-cold beverage over her head and down her back.

Selena immediately shrieked, her muscles tensing before she jumped up, screaming profanities as I laughed at her and she ripped it from my hand, giving it a few good shakes as she sprayed me with the water.
"Oh. This means war." I said evenly before lunging for her, standing in the movement before I threw myself at her and we tumbled in a ball of giggles into the water. It was warm from the sun from earlier in the day, but it was still cold to us.

I returned to the fire first, clothing drenched and teeth chattering before she did the same. I was hugging myself as I took a seat on the blanket, hesitating for a moment before yanking off my sweater and scooting a bit closer to the flames now that I was able to actually feel the heat of the fire in only a shiny, metallic red bikini top. But I was still shivering and freezing. I'd been on bottom when we hit the water, so I got the worst. Selena's front was wet, but I was soaked through and through.
"You suck." I muttered to her before I turned around to dig through my bag, thankfully finding a towel. I wrapped it around my shoulders and covered my chest up to hide the view from the guys before I pressed up against Levi's shoulder. "Alright, you're a guy... do your job and keep m-me warm." I muttered through chattering teeth.


I chuckled at what Selena said and rubbed Chelsea's back, "Just relax little one, as much as it sounds great, I'll have to refuse the offer," I told them both but leaned to whisper in Chelsea's ear, "I know our precious little virgin wouldn't want to be exposed when she's still waiting," I murmured before straightening, it was almost obvious she was... still naive in that department, of course I wasn't sure but it was most likely. Her body language sent off that innocence that came with being pure, sure she had jumped into my arms, literally, but she knew me, we had grown up together, it was different. But I heard Jake's wolf whistle and snapped my gaze back to him raising my eyebrow as him, "Something up?" I asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, mate, just the fact that while we've all tried to get Chelsea over the years you just waltz in and she's yours, I'm just wondering whats really going on here, have you two gotten together without our knowing?" He asked simply and scoffed rolling my eyes, Chelsea was great but not my type. She was too young and sweet for me, I needed a girl who knew what she was doing and wasn't hesitant, but at the same time I couldn't stand have a girl who challenged me for dominance, even if it was only playfully. I took control. Full stop. Case closed. And Chelsea just didn't fit in that criteria.
"Get real Richards," I told him as I heard Selena screeching and they threw water at her before tumbling away into the water.

"She's cute but too cute, child cute, innocent." I told him, "The opposite of my type," I added and he shrugged, "So, it's Selena your after, but getting her best friend to sign off on the deal?" He asked and I sighed, rolling my eyes once again before shaking my head, "No, I'm not looking for a relationship, just because I'm at ease talking to girls and messing about with them without having any underlying motives doesn't mean you need to get jealous," I told him and he opened his mouth to reply as the girls came back, Chelsea soaking wet and I laughed, unable to help it.

"What happened to you? You look like something that drowned and dragged itself out of the sea to haunt little kids," I teased her as she took off her sweater and pulled a towel on, I heard a couple of gasps of awe from the newer guys and glared at them all, clipping one over the head. He winced and rubbed his head where I had hit it before giving Chelsea an apologetic look. Her body wasn't for public display, we all knew that, she was too much of a good girl to be like Selena and expose all of her cleavage to a bunch of hormone filled teenage boys who didn't know how to handle it. Of course, Jake, Preston and I could, but it wasn't as if we were dying to see her body either.

She leaned against me and I knew she was shaking and I chuckled at what she said, stand up so I moved to sit behind her, my legs going around hers as I sat down again, I was blocking the wind for her with my back as my arms went to slide around her waist and I pulled her against my chest. Sure this probably didn't seem like a 'friends only' kind of position, but it was between me and her. I wasn't going to be anything more then her friend and she knew that too.


I heard what Levi said as he laughed at me and I frowned in disapproval. "Shut up." I grumbled to him, but he did what he could to help warm me up as he got into position behind me, placing his legs on either side of me before allowing me to tuck myself in against his chest. My shivers finally died down as I leaned my head against the side of his neck, my arms wrapped around myself as I held the edges of the towel close to my body.

I knew that this wasn't going to be anything special. He wasn't into me like that, or at least I didn't think so. He was hot, but too detached to really be my type. He was a good friend of mine, but nothing more. And unlike the other guys, he hadn't been around long enough to try to get into my pants. And thouh it sucked that I didn't get to see him, I appreciated that he had grown up enough in his time away that he didn't need to try to grope me to be happy at the moment. Any of the other guys here would gladly flaunt their immature ways and try to feel me up, but his hands stayed politely on my waist, fully in the safe zone.

"Mmmhmm.." I murmured to him with a relaxed sigh, one last shudder running through my body before I finally stopped, just enjoying the extra heat and protection from the wind that he gave me. I opened my eyes after a moment to look over at Selena, glaring at her, but she just gave a shrug, "Don't look at me, babe. You're the one who tackled me." She said and I just glared harder, "Well I guess it's not so bad on my end. Your boobs cushioned my fall." "Shut up, Lena. You suck." I growled and she giggled, "I suck what, Chels? You need to elaborate." She taunted me and I blushed in response, "Eggs." I said and she rolled her eyes at me, "Really? Eggs? You couldn't even bring yourself to say di-"

I cut her off with a punch in the arm and we both started laughing at the ridiculous argument that we were having. "Whatever. You and Leeves look cute together." She teased and now it was my turn to roll my eyes,
"Yeah, we were thinking of a fall wedding and we're naming our first baby Henry." I shook my head, "Mr. Leevy here may be the only gentleman our age, but he's not my type. Right, Leevy?" I asked him with a smirk as I tilted my head back a bit to look up at him.


I rolled my eyes at the girls little argument. Just with Chelsea's response it confirmed my statement. 'You suck' was a little kids come back and when she blushed at Selena's need for her to elaborate she couldn't say d**k. Sure it was a male's part but we were all friends we knew each other and we knew not to get carried away or anything. But really it just showed she hadn't come to terms with growing up and learning about... other things. But then Selena took it a step further and I rolled my eyes, "No need to cover up the fact you want me Selena, but don't worry baby, I'm all yours," I told her a smirk plastered on my face, of course Selena was probably like any other girl, she wanted a guy to love her and be in a relationship but the way she was portraying herself, well she wasn't going to get it.

I saw Selena as a friend nothing more, nothing less. But she wasn't the girl a guy would want to settle down with, if he wasn't good enough in any way, she would be up and gone within a flash, which left guys being a bit far away with emotional connection. Sure everyone thought guys were the idiots who broke girls hearts and for the most part that was true, but guys had feelings too, didn't it ever occur to anyone that maybe, just maybe girls had pushed them to be that way? Girls could be very catty and toy with a guys heart when they knew he liked her and it had happened to me. I was a good guy, I would never use a girl and I never would intend to be like that, if I had then the girl effected had every right to hate me.

But the point was I tried not to be like that and even when I was good a girl had been horrible, cheated on me and left the evidence behind for me to find and then later realize she wasn't mine anymore and was off with a bloke I knew. It had crushed me because I had loved her. If there was one thing that a really corny line was right about it was that first love was always the strongest. I'd been depressed for months. My grades had slipped and I wasn't paying attention when I was surfing or playing music. Nothing seemed to matter. My heart had beens shattered then clumsily put back together, so it still hurt when I thought about her.

I heard Chels's come back and gave her waist a light squeeze, I had wanted to run with the joke but she had cut my fun back. But she turned the questioned on me and I grinned,
"Wrong, I am your type baby, I'm everyone's type, your just not mine," I told her, of course sounds very arrogant, but that was the air I was going for, anyone who knew me knew it was a joke and I knew that I wasn't being serious so it didn't matter in the slightest, but I heard Preston's laughing and looked up a confused grin on my face. "Dude, you aint her type by a long shot," He told me in between laughing fits and I raised my eye brows before shrugging.


Selena was extremely judgmental. She held herself above guys, only truly looking for her dream guy; the one that would carry her off into the sunset. But in the mean time, she was having fun. Deep down she wanted that guy, but she knew that she would never find a guy like that, so she figured that she would have to settle for something less, but she still wanted the best of the best and therefore she enjoyed messing around with different guys.

I on the other hand still had that belief that there could be some guy out there that would love me for me and not leave me wondering what I'd done wrong. I didn't want to be broken hearted over a guy for a stupid mistake; for falling for a guy that would use me for my body or cheat on me or abuse me. No, I wanted to find a guy who would truly care. Maybe I seemed immature and naive, but I was just cautious. I wasn't experienced like that because I didn't want to just lose that intimate part of myself to someone who would just throw me away. I didn't like talking about body parts in a vulgar way because I didn't want to send out a bad message about myself. I wasn't comfortable with what Selena put out about herself as she messed around with guys and talked like that. I didn't want to seem like that. I loved my friend, but I wasn't like that.

Levi answered me and I rolled my eyes, jabbing an elbow back to hit him in the stomach playfully.
"Really? Really, Levi?" I asked incredulously, "What makes you think you're my type?" And what Preston said only backed that up and I grinned over at him, but a thanks wasn't necessary because I figured it would only bring an even more inappropriate comment from him.

"Yeah, Chelly Bean here only goes for huge biker dudes with tattoos and uncontrollable rages." Selena teased me and I frowned deeply at her, "Nope. You'd need to hand your balls over to her with a lovely pink bow wrapped around them and vow that you won't leave her until you die and that you'll be willing to have half a dozen lovely little blue eyed, blonde haired babies with her." She said and I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "Oh, that's right. There's no way she's squeezing six babies out and you'd need balls to knock her up anyway. She's forever the prude."

I placed my hands on Levi's thighs before wiggling my bottom a bit as I tried to press back more against him, wanting to ignore my friend and her irritating behavior and instead just enjoy and absorb the warmth of the boy behind me. I just hoped he didn't mind it. He was too comfortable and warm to pass up at this point.


I grinned at what Chelsea said and nodded, "Yes, really, babe." I told her teasingly, of course I didn't really know if I was her type or not and I didn't really care, she was Chelsea, the girl who's hair I used to pull and throw sand balls at when we were fighting. But she was also the girl who, when she gave the word and we were on good terms, I'd beat up anyone for upsetting her. Sure our group were all friends but Chelsea and I had always been close. I would always tell her about my new surf board or a girl that I liked and she would always tell me things like that. When she had a problem, if girls were teasing her or making fun or her, or if she had an assignment she couldn't understand or something she would tell me. And if she was happy about something, maybe a boyfriend or a heap of friends or something, she would tell me that too. It was a good friendship and I was happy to have her as my friend forever.

I thought for a few moments so I could give her a good response, a smart one just to show I was joking around,
"Because I'm everyones type, girls throw them at me and you said it yourself, I'm a gentleman. I don't get into anything serious with a girl unless I'm ready for the commitment or if it's just a fling they know it. I don't play games, I'm up front with them. I'm tall, tanned, muscular and Lina couldn't keep her hands of my butt either." I told her, quite happy with my response, "What isn't there to like?" I asked her before looking over Preston who had stopped laughing and was simply shaking his head at me. "Winters, get over yourself, mate, it's killing me, you're like some flamin' g*t," He told me and I cracked a bright grin and nodded, taking a hand from Chelsea's waist to hold up one finger, "Yes, but, we all know I'm right," I told him as my hand went back to rest over my other one wrapped around her waist.

But Selena began speaking and I turned my head to look at her, I shook my head,
"Alright, that's enough, Selena," I said in a serious tone, we'd had our fun but she always seemed to take it a bit far and by the way Chelsea was reacting as she tried to press herself more into me I knew I had to get her to shut up, but it was hard not to wince back as she moved against something very sensitive, however I controlled myself enough not to. I was glad she still trusted me not to try and take advantage of her or do anything stupid. I would never, off course, but after years of not seeing each other, I wasn't sure how she would react to me, and if she would test me out as if I would be another stupid teenage boy who couldn't control himself because I could, to some degree, I'd taught myself to fight the stupidity that over came so many others.

No matter how long it had been I still thought of her the way I always did my best girl friend who I would do anything for. I never really believed in starting again if people were on good terms, instead I preferred to go back to the way things were, so to speak, pick up where we left off. Of course we had changed and we would accommodate room for those changes but really we were still the same people, or from what I had seen of her anyway. But I wasn't quite finished with Selena yet.
"Chelsea may be careful with her choice of partners but at least she has self respect, unlike some people," I added, not exactly directing my words at Selena but I was in a way also.

We all knew she got around and I wasn't about to let her make fun of Chelsea or anything like that because Chels was still new to that part of life. That was her choice, she would make it when she was ready but until then we were all to respect her decision to wait for so long, she had her own reason for doing that and we weren't to judge her. I wasn't naive like that but it was different for guys, however at the same time I wasn't an idiot like some guys. If I was to take that part of a girls innocence I stuck around instead up just up and leaving after a while. sure sometimes they got tired of me or we both got tired of each other and left the relationship altogether but until then I was a proper man by treating them right. And Selena had made her choice too, to be free when she got around and we had to respect her decision on that too, but it gave her no right to tease Chelsea either.


"You're a bit too cocky. And you're not that gorgeous, babe. I've seen better." I teased Levi with a bright smile and a giggle as I glanced up at him over my shoulder, batting my lashes. I was surprised that he'd turned out so well based on the fact of whether or not what he said was true, but I knew that he wasn't the lying type. He said things the way they were. And that meant that I was extremely proud of the man my friend had become. He knew how to behave and treat a lady and... he wasn't kidding on the fact that he was hot. But we'd never seen each other that way.

No, it just meant that I'd have to keep an eye on him and I'd need to be prepared for battle when we were hanging out and girls flocked around him for attention. If I wanted to spend any quality time with my friend, I'd need to be on my toes. Of course I wasn't obsessive, but I had my quirks. And why waste our time with trashy girls? Of course if someone nice came along, I'd gladly encourage him to get to know her and have fun; he was a guy after all and he probably wanted some action over the summer too and I wouldn't be one to deny him that. It was his right after all, but I didn't want a bunch of skanky girls hanging all over us when we hung out.

Levi was defending me rather firmly to Selena and it made my cheeks flush with a deep coloration. I was grateful, but the stunned look on her face made me wince and she leaned in to kiss my cheek, "I'll see you tomorrow. You'd better keep that boy on a leash. He bites," she said and I sighed, shaking my head as she grabbed her bag and got to her feet before she walked off down the beach, but of course the boy she'd been talking to volunteered to walk her home as he trotted off after her.

I glanced back at Levi,
"No worries. She's been cranky all day." I told him lightly before I looked at the younger guys and then back at him, "Levi, can you hold this up for a second?" I asked him, turning my towel so the ends were behind me and he could grab them and hold them up in front of my body to prevent the boys from seeing my body. I trusted him and he'd only see my back really, but I wasn't afraid of being in a bikini around guys. It's just when they got looking for a girl to get lucky with that I wanted to start covering up.

Once he had the towel for me, I reached an arm out from behind the fabric to grab my bag and I yanked out a tank top now that my upper body was dry enough to put it on and I pulled it over my head with a sigh. I straightened the fabric down to my hips, making sure that it wasn't bunched around my curves at all. I didn't want any unattractive lumps of fabric, but it clung nicely to my body, dipping low, but not enough to be disgusting. It was just how the shirt was made; how all tank tops were for girls our age.

I reached up, gripping the towel and dropping it to the side now that it was too damp for me to feel comfortable wrapping around myself; it was cold and wet. But I leaned back against his chest once again, reaching out to grip his hands as I pulled his arms around my waist.


I scoffed at her response and rolled my eyes, squeezing her waist lightly, "Oh, please, there aren't any guys better then me and you know it, even these so called 'better' guys would only come from your little fantasies and I know for certain that they're not nearly as hot as I am," I replied simply, knowing that there were guys out there who were better looking then I was, sure I was something like eye candy to girls but besides having a tease with Chelsea I didn't really like talking about my looks, much less bragging about them. I was who I was and I hated being seen as cocky or arrogant so I tried to stay away from that as much as possible. But at times I was stupid, maybe if I was drunk or something and couldn't control what I was saying or doing I would go on about my looks or brag about it. And if I was sober enough to remember I regretted ever doing it, I didn't want to be a jock who thought they controlled the world and bragged all the time, it was an ugly way to live.

"Uh, hello? I'm over here, Levi," I heard Preston say and I grinned as I looked at him,
"Yeah, keep dreaming, man, I'm way better looking then you are," I replied and he shrugged, "Yeah, maybe you are better in looks, but I doubt you're any good with other things," He told me and I shook my head, "That's probably because I'm not a pros******," I retorted, of course he was right though. I may not have been naive like that but I wasn't as experienced as he was, and I took pride in that. Preston didn't ever care for relationships, he wanted one-night-stands and that was it, me on the other hand, I couldn't handle that and I didn't know why for certain but I figured it was because of my mother. She died by the hands of her boyfriend and that was because she doubted herself too much to leave him, she worried she wouldn't be able to provide for me or find someone else.

She had no self esteem and I thought that was a horrible thing, which lead to my theory on one-night-stands. I figured girls didn't value themselves enough to ask for more then that and had just accepted the fact that men would only use them as such, and granted, some women liked the pleasure that came with it, but even a woman who got around was allowed to say 'no', she was allowed to choose and she was allowed to have the right of a relationship. If a guy couldn't handle that then he wasn't worth her time and I wouldn't let any girl of mine feel like that. Whenever I dated I made sure that the girl felt special, that she was in control of how far we went, and that she could tell me about whatever was bothering her at the time and what she did and didn't feel comfortable with.

I shrugged at what Selena said, I wasn't about to apologize if that's what she wanted, it wasn't happening. I wasn't allowing her to guilt trip me into saying sorry, I had nothing to be sorry about, she had pushed it too far with Chelsea and I had told her so. End of story. Chelsea told me that she had been cranky all day and I shrugged again,
"Her words don't effect me, she's just Selena, no harm done," I replied and nodded taking the towel ends for her and holding it up as my protective gaze roamed over the younger males, some of whom were trying to catch a glimpse, but my hard gaze on them made them look away.

Chelsea had filled out since I had last seen her and she had the curves of a woman, and it was natural as a guy for me to want a look at her body but I wouldn't dare, not ever. She was my friend, I wasn't allowed to and I didn't want to for the very reason that it could possibly ruin things between us, especially because she was still a virgin. But once she finished she took the towel from me and dropped it to the side as I looked at her tank top and shook my head,
"You're going to be attracting a lot of attention with that top," I told her as I tightened my grip on her and pulled her against me more. I was liking her warmth also but I wanted everyone to get the message that her body and curves weren't for public display.


Levi had spoken up about Selena and I nodded, relieved that he wasn't upset, but I hadn't been expecting him to be. We were all grown ups and what she said hadn't been too offensive. Even I didn't think much of what she said, so I was pleased that he was disregarding it as well. She just wasn't happy today. Tomorrow would be better, I hoped.

But he'd held the towel for me and I knew that he was incredibly protective of me by the way he had stared the other boys down; the ones who had been trying to get a look at me. He really was a good friend and I appreciated that more than he knew. It meant he actually thought of me as me and not just a 'lay' or a body for him to stare at or play with. No, he actually cared about what I felt and how I was treated. He was incredibly sweet about it all.

He took one look at my tank top and talked about it as I frowned,
"Yeah, and you'll be attracting a lot of attention with that smile. Geez, it's better than going around in my bikini top." I murmured, teasing him a bit as he tightened his grip around my waist, pulling me closer and I didn't complain. I was enjoying the way that he held me and the warmth he gave off. My head lolled back against his collarbone as I looked up at his features from this angle and I had to say, he was pretty darn hot. They looked sharper and even more chiseled than before when you saw them up close.

And then I realized that by leaning back I'd put what showed of my cleavage on view for everyone else to see, but I was too comfortable to move. So I reached down to grab one of his arms from my waist and I draped it over my upper chest, above my breasts, but just low enough that his forearm could cover the whole cleavage problem and also keep it warm.
"There. No attention and more warmth. Though... you're a bit too hard to be completely comfortable." I said with a soft giggle, reaching back with a hand to slide it between my lower back to poke his abdomen that was solid with muscle. Of course it was kind of like cuddling with a rock, but a very warm rock and this very warm rock could make you feel safe and happy and honorable, so I found no problem with it. I was enjoying this time with him.

Just then I realized how what I said could have been conveyed and my face flushed a bright red at the thought of the others taking it as a different part of his body being
hard. I hadn't even put much thought to that, but he wasn't, so I respected him for that, though if he was, I wouldn't have cared either. What could he do? He had an awesomely hot girl sitting in his lap. My arms came to rest over top of his, my fingers slipping through the spaces of his in a way as I tried to anchor my own arms up so I didn't have to hold them there and also, it was just extra warmth for me.


I grinned when she mentioned my smile and gave a half shrug, "Yeah, that's why I practice in front of the mirror for hours so I can win unsuspecting girls over with it," I replied, of course I didn't really care how my smile looked, it was just a part of me, the way my mouth reacted when I was happy was out of my control and if people didn't like it then boo hoo, but if it meant it was another way for me to score the girl I wanted then good. But I saw her frowning and she told me it was better then a bikini top and I nodded, pressing a light kiss to the top of her hair, not in a suggestive way, more of a reassuring I-wasn't-saying-it-like-that way. "I know it's better and I wasn't judging you, all I meant was that if you're wearing things that flaunt your figure and make guys' eyes pop out of their heads while their drool falls to the floor then I have to step up my game to make sure no one gets too close to hurt you," I murmured, adding humor but I was perfectly serious.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with her showing off her curves if she felt comfortable doing so, but there was repercussions, she would have every guys' attention and not all of them honorable in their personal intentions, whether she knew it or not. And I was perfectly fine with her wearing stuff like that when she was around me because if someone even so much as looked at her wrongly and I could see their intentions, then god help me, I'd make them into pulp bait that attracted sharks. Chelsea was too good for guys to think of her that way and I wouldn't allow it while I was around, what she wore was what she chose and she wasn't at all tarty like Selena, but guys were guys, in the end we were all attractive to a hot chick who wore the right stuff, no matter how much we denied it.

And just because Chelsea and I were good friends didn't mean I wasn't attracted to her, she was hot, but not in a tartish was, she had golden blond hair that made her eyes look like the sky when their back ground was her perfectly tanned skin, and she was curvy but not fat and her boobs... well they were of very good size and form. Yes, we were just friends but I was allowed to acknowledge that my friend was beautiful, maybe not to her because I didn't want her getting the wrong impression and come off as a sleaze but she was still very attractive, even to the point, had she not been my friend of many years, I probably would have asked her out. But those were my own personal thoughts, not to be voiced or written down, because in the wrong hands things could get out of whack.

But she lolled her head to rest on my collarbone and I smiled down at her, not a toothy smile, just a relaxed smile. However I turned my head to yawn, away so I was breathing on her in an unattractive way as I covered my mouth with one hand, just a habit of politeness learned in school before looking back at her, catching a glimpse of her cleavage, however only briefly as I took my gaze straight to her face. I hadn't meant to let my eyes stray over her body, it had just been a nothing action but I hoped she wasn't offended. Instead she seemed to notice her cleavage was out for all to see and pulled one of my arms over her upper chest, blocking the view of any unwanted eyes, and respectively I kept it in the same position she had put it. I knew soon enough my muscles would tire of that but I wouldn't complain, she was making herself comfortable and I wouldn't protest against that.

But she spoke and I chuckled as my head joined in and nodded,
"Yes, I've noticed," I replied before taking on a offended face, "Now that's just mean. Would you prefer me to be fat?" I asked in mock offense, though I delivered it with a smile so she knew I was kidding, if she didn't know already. However I heard a couple of laughs coming from the guys, not Preston and Jake, the younger ones, who's minds were obviously more dirty, but I ignored them, not wanting to draw attention to the second meaning of her words. I knew she hadn't meant them in that way but words were perceived differently by the listener and the boys had of course chosen the different type of meaning. However I heard a couple of 'ow's and I figured it was just Preston and Jake sorting the guys out.

But by Chelsea's reaction I knew she had realized what her words could have meant as her cheeks flushed a very bright red and I grinned at her,
"But you know, not being hard in that way takes a lot of effort, only acquired with self control, and if it wasn't you sitting in my lap, I doubt I would have tried so hard," I told her in a quiet-ish tone. Of course it was easy to get stiff that way, she was incredibly good looking but I wouldn't allow myself those thoughts and mentally stopped the process, but I just hoped she hadn't taken my words the wrong way.


I smiled when he mentioned that he would want to defend me from any perverts that would be after my body. It was sweet and I gave a soft giggle in response, but I sensed that he wasn't joking. He would want to keep me safe from other guys who meant harm and I appreciated it.

But then he responded to what I'd said and I smiled, grateful that he hadn't teased me about the double meaning, but I could tell by the other boys' snickers that they hadn't overlooked it. And then of course my gentlemanly Levi noticed my blush and took it upon himself to tell me that he didn't have a stiffy because of how much he respected me and I froze, refusing to move a muscle.
"Oh. Uh, thanks Leevy." I was grateful that he was trying so hard to hold back, but I was afraid that if I moved the wrong way and gave him a bit too much stimulation in one certain place, he could really harden and I knew that he was a good friend and I didn't want him suffering, but helping him out of that situation and relieving him would be crossing the line as a friend, so he'd be stuck with that lovely issue that I hoped for his benefit wasn't little.

And now that his male parts had come into question, my thoughts improperly focused around that as I absently began to wonder what it would feel like if he was aroused, how he would feel pressing against me. And if I lacked inhibitions and was more outward, not ashamed to grind into him or give him a kiss like how Selena would... then what could come later between the sheets; giving myself to him completely.... But Levi was a friend and he wasn't interested and neither was I. Though the thoughts of sweaty skin-on-skin contact in a horizontal embrace with my dear Levi and his hot body had my cheeks flushing an even deeper color, but not from embarrassment, but from arousal this time.

I wanted to loosen, to relax into him and enjoy the warmth and comfort he gave while I tried to fight off the thoughts of what my childhood friend might look like under his clothes. But that wouldn't help my mind that had decided to take a turn for the dirty. I gently pulled his arm off of my chest before I placed a hand on either side of his thighs and lifted myself off of his lap, trying to keep the moving of my bottom against his crotch to a minimum. I sat next to him on the blanket, but I was cold and without his body wrapped around me, the wind was free to assault me.

But I was forever the prude and I'd suffer in order to keep myself under control. Like any other girl my age, I had hormones, but just chose not to flaunt them like Selena. I gave him a small, apologetic look for getting off of him so suddenly, but I didn't want him to think that I'd reacted badly to the idea of him developing a cetain something in his pants. He may be able to keep it under control, but I wasn't. There was a heat swirling in my hips that was my nature as a human begging me to accept relief from the attractive boy beside me, but I refused to fidget or change my expression to give away to any of the others my discomfort. I just scooted over a bit, pressing up against Levi's side, knowing that I still wanted his warmth. I just couldn't handle the temptation of sitting in his lap. How pathetic. I was afraid of the big, sweet, hot guy. But I was forcing myself to calm down, not wanting to be the awkward one in the circle.

She tensed in my lap once I had spoken my last word and I regretted them immediately, I hadn't wanted to make her uncomfortable by any matter, all I had meant was that I was in control of my bodily parts so she didn't have to worry, but instead my words had taken a turn for the worst, in fact they had gone in the complete opposite direction then I intended. I wasn't sure why she had tensed but it wasn't doing any good, she could relax, I knew I'd be able to control myself to a certain degree and besides I didn't want her being uncomfortable around me. But she was now and I sighed, "You can relax, Chels, I can control myself," I told her quietly, feeling rather ashamed that I had made her feel that way. I took my gaze away, turned on a right angle to my left as I looked out at the ocean, I wished things would just go back to the way they were, it was easier that way, simpler. No worrying about whether I would be getting a stiffy because of her or not. We were just friends and nothing mattered.

But she took my arm off her chest and I looked down at her to see her cheeks flushed even deeper and I wondered what she had been thinking to make her skin go that colour. But she was moving from my lap and I frowned as she did so, but I didn't protest. Apparently I had to learn to keep my mouth shut from subjects like those. But as she moved I couldn't help getting in a couple of sneaky glimpses, however as soon as I had I looked away again, ashamed at myself for looking at her like that, it wasn't right. She was my friend, nothing more. She would hate me forever if she knew I was thinking of her like that. Even worse she would probably hit me or something and I couldn't bare that. I couldn't bare the fact of knowing that she hated me or thought ill of me. No, she was my best friend always had been since we were kids, of course we had lost touch but that didn't mean anything.

I just couldn't help it, she was beautiful, full stop. There was nothing else to it. And I knew that I would have chased after her had I thought there was a chance, I knew she was the kind of girl who was my type. She was sweet and funny, she knew how to have a good time but she was responsible and respectable also. Were were good friends and we just seemed to click that first time I met her, it was as if I had known her all my life and now, well we practically had. Everything had been right back to where we had left off and nothing had changed much, at least nothing of importance. Even if she was shy in the intimate respect, I could deal with that. If she decided she didn't want me to be her first I would be able to respect that and I wouldn't mind, it was a big decision, bigger then picking your marriage mate because of all the divorce rates but once she lost her innocence there was no going back. And I would be perfectly content just to be able to hold her and spend my time with her, maybe a few kisses here and there would be nice, but nothing further then what she was comfortable with.

But I knew that was a lost cause, she would never see me that way and I didn't blame her, because of how close we had been she probably thought of me as a brother figure, nothing more. It was depressing to think like that but it was realistic and I couldn't change how she thought, nor would I want to. I didn't want to be controlling or anything like that. And besides, I would find someone else to satisfy my needs in the mean time, maybe Selena. She was always up for it and I would be there for a relationship if she wanted it. It was sad to say, that despite my best efforts I was still I guy and I craved intimacy and I wasn't looking for a girl who would play hard to get. Though deep down I knew I would never do anything with Selena, I couldn't, she was Chelsea's best friend, it would be like torture knowing I could be so close to her yet so far.

I sighed and shook my head, maybe it would just be better to not be looking for a girl, just to keep things simple this summer, surf, play guitar, eat, drink and have a good time. There. Simple. But things like that were easier said then done and I was only thinking at this point. But she had shifted to lean against me and I turned my gaze to look at her, moving my shoulder away from her as my arm wrapped around her shoulders, not pressuring her into coming back to relax in my lap but just a comforting gesture. I sort of felt cold and empty now where she had been sitting, but that didn't matter anymore, I didn't want to push her.
"So, what have you got planned for the summer?" I asked her after a while.


He was so sweet in how he wanted me to relax, to feel comfortable in his lap and I thought he was amazing for wanting to do that; that he was honestly concerned about me and if he'd offended me with what he said. But of course he hadn't. I truly appreciated that he had tried so hard to keep from hardening when it came to me sitting in his lap. I understood that we were only friends, but he was still a guy and that meant that he had natural responses that could occur due to my position on him.

But I landed beside him, though another thought surfaced in my mind; had he been... looking at me? As in my chest? Nah, Levi wasn't like that. He didn't want to look at me. We were only friends... right? But regardless, in my own mind I was a bit flattered that he might've found me attractive, though it only fueled the need circling in my hips.

I leaned over to kiss his cheek, a friendly gesture, but I whispered three words to his ear as I pulled away, my eyes meeting his for a moment. I then laid my head on his shoulder, gladly accepting the warmth and comfort of his arm around my shoulders. It was the contact that worried me; I was enjoying it a lot more than I should. But my mind could justify it over my desire using heat and security as an excuse. But those three words I'd said echoed in my mind at their truth.
"But I can't." He'd told me that he could control himself and those three words exposed my weakness to my friend; just how I'd been thinking about him.

I was ashamed, but that was the thing that bothered me; I wasn't ashamed enough to want to pull away completely. He was my friend and I shouldn't be thinking of him in this manner, of just how hot he was, his strength, of how he would be able to hold me down and take advantage of me... wait.
What? What's wrong with me? I wasn't that kind of girl.... right? I should be thinking of how gentle he was, how he could hold me afterwards and so on, but there was a different side of me surfacing. God, what the hell? I was supposed to be soft and sweet; that was who I was.

But... I was passionate. I cared about all I did and I did it with meaning. Besides, I had an issue with sitting still. I needed my hands busy and hence why I'd been touching Levi's thighs, his arms, his abdomen and shifting around in his lap. I was honestly surprised he hadn't stiffened or kicked me off yet. Sitting still wasn't exactly a part of the things I did. I had stamina, more than Selena and therefore I was able to play games harder and longer hence why I was so good at sports. I was competitive and strong where she was soft and elegant. I liked taking risks and she'd rather curl up with her latest guy in front of a fire on a cold night while I'd rather be out snowboarding or building a bonfire, lighting off fireworks, skinny dipping... just anything to keep me entertained. I had too much energy.

I'd have plenty of energy to spend with Levi, to do it
anywhere and get an adrenaline rush from the chances of being caught or just enjoying the fact that I had the ability to run very long distances without any hesitation and I could continue for a quite a while with my lover before becoming tired. But... I didn't have the knowledge and skill of other girls. I'd be a disappointment. A disappointment that would be willing to drag it out even longer. That's why I needed a guy who would care about me and wouldn't want to just up and leave me afterwards because of my inexperience. I might be willing to get creative with it, rough even, but after giving in that last bit of myself only to be thrown away... it was terrifying.

Levi wouldn't do that to me, but I didn't want to ruin things between us. But losing it to a friend- that couldn't be too bad, right? He was a guy that I'd known practically all my life and I never wanted to lose his friendship and I knew that he'd take care of me; he wouldn't just get up and abandon me after that. He'd make the sacrifice of dealing with me on my first time... but wasn't it supposed to be an honor to take my virginity? But it would be in a way. He would be my closest and most intimate friend and I'd always remember him as my best and closest friend as well as the man who took my virginity.

Though... he might not be interested in me in that way and offering that might just make it really awkward between us and ruin anything that might've been there. Besides, I wasn't ready for sex anyway. Well... I was, but I wanted to wait for the right person and I wanted to give him the chance to show up in my life rather than just give up and have Levi as my first.

He asked me what I planned on doing this summer and I shrugged,
"Nothing. Figured I'd come down here to hang with you guys once more before we all go to college." I told him lightly with a smile, "But I got a part-time job as a lifeguard down on the public beach. I work Tuesday and Thursdays on the afternoon shift." That meant that I would be perched up on a rickety structure, half naked and surrounded by guys my age hungry and looking for a dinner date. Awesome. But I didn't mind. Pretty much any summer job would end the same way.

After I spoke she leaned over to kiss my cheek and whispered three words in my ear, those three words seemed to repeat themselves, like a broken record in my mind after she had spoken them. I was sort of shocked, Chelsea, my little, sweet and innocent Chelsea had just admitted she couldn't control herself around me. looking over at her I saw her gaze was on mine before she took it away, but I kept looking at her. I wasn't offended, by any means, more so I was very honored with the compliment, it was just that I hadn't expected it coming from her. She was the girl that was very reserved in her feelings, and always kept her hormones under control. She was playful but never very flirty, she had so much decency that I doubted any man would ever be good enough for her. And yet, by her words it seemed that she had been having fantasies about me. I wasn't sure how far she had gone with those thoughts but none the less she had still had them... and it was about me. I took my gaze from her after a while to I stared into the fire as I meditated on what she had just said. I knew I wasn't going to let it go to my head. It was whatever, I knew a few girls fantasized about me, but this was different. This was Chelsea. My best friend.

I knew it was wrong, but I was glad that she had had those thoughts. It was a sort of consolation, knowing that I had had the same, or at the very least, similar thoughts about her. Mine were probably a little more intimate then hers, considering my experience in such things and knowing that she could only really imagine what intimacy was like, but then the anticipation of such things often made the experience itself a lot more pleasurable. Well, at least that was how it had been for me, it was different for every person, no one was the same, we all had varying results in our first time so it was hard to imagine what it would be like. However, the thought of her possibly thinking of me like that only had me getting aroused more and I shifted the way I was sitting, so my legs mostly covered up the area of my hips, I was able to control myself to a certain degree but still my blood began slowly flowing down to my hips. However, I didn't react, I didn't want that type of attention of snigger's that came with other people seeing.

However, it lead me to wonder what it would feel like to be able to have my friend underneath me while I worked at making her happy, getting her to a point of such ecstasy that she used her voice as an outlet of telling me whether or not I was doing good or bad. Would it feel good to know that I had been the one to give her her first experience like that, would it be a relief to know that I had been able to use my skill on her to make it as special as it possibly could be for her, something that she wouldn't forget, and hopefully would like to remember. Or would I feel guilty for corrupting her? What if she did give into me because I pressured her and she wasn't ready? I couldn't live myself if I had even the slightest thought that that had been the case. Chelsea deserved better then that. She deserved to be able to wait until she was ready, until she wanted to, not being pressured into it.

Though, even without going that far, I knew I would be more then happy to have her as
my girl. To be able to call her my girlfriend would be the best thing in the world. Sure some people would say it would make things awkward, and yes, there was the possibility for that. But there was also the possibility of growing closer to each other, to intensify our friendship. And even if things didn't work out, if we decided that we didn't want to continue in that way then that would be fine, I was sure that we would leave as we had come, friends. I couldn't imagine being on bad terms with Chelsea and I didn't think we ever would be. We might disagree from time to time but hey, who didn't disagree? And we were close enough to risk going out and disagreeing because more likely then not our disagreements wouldn't last long. And if we did go out, I could make sure she didn't get hurt, I would be able to protect her to make her happy and to give her what she deserved.

But she answered my question and I nodded,
"Sounds fun, easy enough job," I replied, "Plenty of eye candy too," I teased as I squeezed her shoulder, though I wasn't liking that idea.

Levi seemed surprised by what I'd told him and I was almost entertained by that notion, but I wasn't happy at the moment; no, I was uncomfortable. I shifted my legs just a bit due to the throbbing heat between them that was the source of my upset, but I was able to slowly begin calming myself down. Of course I still wasn't particularly comfortable, but I didn't blame him at all. No, this was my fault. I was stupid enough to begin thinking about him in that manner. But I glanced up at him for a moment before down to his legs as he shifted just a bit as well. I doubted he had the same problem I had; he wasn't a girl, but my gaze slid up his legs, climbing over his thighs to where. Dear lord. A certain part of him was slowly growing and I knew that he certainly wasn't little as he continued filling, but I didn't want him to be made fun of by the other guys for being in that state around me; something that would be mortifying to some and it would be humiliating for my friend who probably meant nothing by it. Being caught in the act would only make him feel worse about it.

It was only visible to me for the moment and I'd keep it that way. So that only we knew about it. I nuzzled in closer to him as if trying to get more heat and I gave a shudder, letting the tremor run through my body as if I was cold and I sighed,
"Alright, I give. I'm cold." I said, almost announcing it to give me a cause to do this as I took my place back in his lap, sitting down gingerly over him, but from what I've heard, the pressure is far from being too uncomfortable. This wasn't helping either of us cool down, but it would keep him hidden and it would keep me warm because despite my dramatization, I truly was chilled.

I settled in on him, tugging his arms back around me, the quick closing and opening of one eye signaling a wink in his direction for only him to see, letting him know that I was fully aware of his appendage that was firming against my bottom in a way that had be wishing that it was for me to have. But then again, I wasn't that kind of girl. I wasn't a Selena and I wasn't going to rub it in, tease him about it or anything. No, I'd stay properly perched on his lap and refrain from moving too much. I brought his arms to wrap around my abdomen as he worked as a windbreaker again, protecting me from the wind. I snuggled in closer in relief of having the warmth to save me from the cold, but I immediately mentally smacked myself for moving and I sat still, not wanting to bother his already aroused man parts at this moment any more than I had. This wasn't a lap dance. This was doing a favor for a friend in a tight situation while... also enjoying the pressure of said friend's parts pressed up against me.

I then grabbed his wrist, pulling up his sleeve a bit as I began pulling at his arm hairs, not hard enough to tug the skin, but it was something to keep me entertained so that I didn't concentrate on other things, namely his crotch, and also so that I didn't lose my mind.I snorted at what my friend said, shaking my head, "As if. I'm looking for drowning kids, not comparing which guy has the best abs." Though of course I wouldn't tell my friend about about how I was the one that was being ogled during the day. I doubted he'd enjoy hearing that and I didn't want him to worry about me. But it was obvious that all girl lifeguards were ogled by the guys. Things just got really awkward when you needed more sunblock applied and your choices were either another girl and having the guys stare intensely or asking a random guy to put his hands on you. I didn't want to fry in the sun, but it wasn't exactly comfortable having to apply it myself especially when I couldn't reach all of my back and I was sitting in a tiny bathing suit waiting for melanoma to set in.

My eye brows drew together as I became worried of what she would think of me because of how my body was reacting to her. There was a certain point where it got too much to stop mentally and things just happened that I couldn't control, like it rising to the sky against my board shorts. But she turned to wink at me as she tugged on my arms and I wrapped them around her gingerly. I knew she was trying to make things better for me by covering up my bodily changes and I appreciated it. She wasn't freaking out, instead she was taking in her stride as she thought of me and trying to keep me fro humiliation, but I felt bad because she shouldn't have had to worry about it, it wasn't her fault, it was mine. Simply because I had let my thoughts get carried away and it had lead to physical changes in my body a a result of my arousal.

But she shifted in my lap, snuggling closer and I gently tightened my grip on her as she did so,though she was moving against it and it only increased the blood flow in my hips as I grew more against her, though I refrained from moving back against her and giving a slow massage on my parts but also against her bottom. Doing that would have only increased my arousal and pleasure and, if I worked in the right way, hers as well. And as attractive as that sounded I couldn't do that, even if she had fantasized about me, we were in front of friends were, although talking amongst themselves, would see our actions and I didn't want to risk upsetting her in any way and fracture our friendship. We had only spent a little bit of time together in years and yet it was enough to have our history together and the new additions to our bodies to have us both in a state of arousal and imagining fantasizes about each other. Of course I would gladly take our friendship to the next level, but I wasn't sure how she would teat to that and I didn't want her to react badly. It was too much of a chance thing and I would prefer to be safe then sorry, no matter how cheesy the saying was.

I felt her slide up the sleeve of my hoodie and begin playing with my arm hair and I chuckled, it was such a weird diversion but I was more then happy to let her continue, she wasn't causing my any pain nor was it annoying. I heard her response and nodded,
"Well that's good because I would have to got and sort them out if they did ogle you," I replied darkly, of course I had no control over her in any way, and just because I knew she had fantasized about me didn't give me any claim on her, no, only if she was my girl would I have a claim on her. However, without that she was still my closest friend and I would keep a close eye on her to make sure no harm came to her. If someone did something she was uncomfortable with then I would waste no time in finding them out and sorting them out, making sure that they never bothered Chels again, if I let them walk that was. "But I'm not sure I would trust you to save children, everyone knows you take to water like a cat." I teased her softly as I grinned down at her.


He was behaving. And dear lord was it frustrating the hell out of me. I bit my lip, chewing on it as I frantically tried to keep my thoughts off of what was prodding my bottom in such a tempting way. But of course I kept myself looking composed despite the light blush that still tainted my cheeks, signaling my arousal still as I continued toying with his arm hairs, but again... that didn't last long with this mentality. I grabbed his hand from my abdomen, unfurling his fingers to make it so that his hand was flat before I pressed my palm flat to his, his fingers thicker and longer than mine, almost dwarfing it in comparison. My eyes widened and I gave a soft attempt at a giggle, surprised by just how huge his hands had gotten. How strong and big he was, but... that only led back to what was happening right now; the reason why I wasn't in the mood for giggling. No, not when I was so awkwardly trying to force back my reactions to him.

I smiled and shook my head at the tone he used when referring to what he would do to guys who looked at me wrong,
"Oh hush. I appreciate you going all knight in shining armor on me, but you can't expect guys to behave. You'll need to take out every single one and maybe even a few girls on the beach for looking at us lifeguards." I replied to him with a smirk, glancing back at him for a second, knowing that it was true. There were a few girls here and there who gave me the same looks that the guys did. And hey, I didn't judge, but... how could I pass up something as tempting as the certain appendage protruding from Levi's body? I only had the hots for guys. If I didn't, I'd be with Selena. I heard once that she went both ways and I'd seen her kiss a couple girls before, but we were best friends and I wasn't interested in girls.

My fingers laced between his for a few moments as my other hand covered the back of the hand, kind of sandwiching his between mine, but then I gripped his wrist, my fist wrapping around one of his fingers and when I heard what he said about my swimming, I gave a quick jerk of my fist down the length of his index finger, signaling a loud pop as I cracked his knuckle.
"Oh really? I could out swim you any day Leevs." I replied sharply, though I knew he was teasing as I looked back at him over my shoulder, spotting his grin as my hands coming to rest on his thighs. Though with that motion he felt even firmer as I exhaled a shaky breath. Good god, I couldn't do this any longer.

I got up, but this time I grabbed his hands, holding them behind me as I urged him to stand with me, my body blocking his from the view of the others. I glanced over my shoulder as I looked down at him, my bottom about face-level for him, though I wished it wasn't.
"C'mon. You're walking me home." I told him, knowing that I was too uncomfortable to stay here. Sure I was viewed as stupid and naive, but honestly, I was just mature about these things. It wasn't like I expected to undo a guy's pants and have a unicorn come prancing out. No, I knew what was under there and what it was for and what could happen if we put it to use. Things not worth the risk right now. But I wanted to talk to him anyway. I kept my body oriented between his hips and the others naturally of course as I cleared up my stuff once he'd gotten off the blanket. Of course it meant for a few very awkward positions with my being bent over near his crotch, either facing him or facing opposite. Either way, I got the job done and had my blanket folded and shoved into my bag as well as my flip flops and my soaked sweater before I was ready to go. I reached back and grabbed his hands once again as I waved to the others with both of our hands before marching off in the sand with him trailing behind me for a little while before I released his hands to allow him to walk beside me. "Sorry about that." I apologized lightly for how I'd handled our arousal so badly. I'd tried to keep my cool, but I'd lost it and got us out of there.

Chelsea kept playing with my arm hair for a while and I watched her with a content gaze on my face, a small smile resting on my lips, though it wasn't overly obvious to anyone, it was just there. But she got bored after a while and picked up my hand, uncurling my fingers and laying my palm flat against hers as she examined the difference between our hands. I gave a bigger smile at the sight, hers were so small, slender and delicate compared to mine which were fat and chunky, not calloused, no didn't do enough hard work for that but they weren't feminine at any rate. That was another thing that made her so important to me, with her nativity came a certain delicacy. I knew she could hold her own in a sports game or swimming or whatever, but she was still delicate, she was like an exotic rare flower that bloomed out in the desert out of unheard of conditions. She was worth more then what the local boys could give her or were willing to give her. She deserved a prince that was loving and kind and could give her a fairytale. That was the only reality worthy of her, though I couldn't see her doing all the royal duties, she enjoyed her activity too much for that, but it was still the only life fit for her, in my opinion anyway.

She told me to hush because I couldn't do anything to help her unless I took out all of the boys and a few girls and I shrugged,
"True, but I could try, even if I can't do much to keep them from ogling you," I told her, but I could stop them if only you were mine, I added to myself but shook the thought away as she laced our fingers and sandwiched my hand in between her own and I grinned, pretending to try and pull away from her grasp, though I had no intention of doing anything of the sort. I liked being able to hold her and play whatever games she wanted. I liked being close to her, even if it wasn't in a romantic way. Whatever we decided to do... or not do, I would still be completely happy to stay her friend and I would support her if she found a good guy who treated her well and made her feel like a princess. She deserved happiness and I would do whatever I could in my power to give her that happiness, even if it meant I had to stand by and give her a helping hand on advice with her boyfriend. I knew with the first few relationships were always the hardest, God knows I would have done anything for someone to have helped me out. I always thought I was messing something up and that I wasn't good enough, but I found out later on that it wasn't me, it was my ex's that had used and played me for my money, knowing that I would spoil them.

But she pulled on one of my fingers and cracked it and I chuckled through the small sharp pain as she spoke and I shrugged, "
Yeah, keep dreaming Chelsea," I teased as she looked back at me and put her hands on my thighs, higher up and nearer my crotch and it hardened back up, erasing all of my struggle to get rid of my stiffy and I gave a dramatic sigh but a playful one. However she got up and I gave a worried look back at her but she grabbed my hand to get me to stand up and I did so, but only after I took a good look at her bottom, I knew it was wrong but it was right there, how could I not. However, I immediately regretted it because my blood only continued to flow down there and I clenched my jaw as I began to feel very light headed. But I nodded at what she said, "You think I'd settle for anything less?" I asked sarcastically with a grin as she kept herself between my hips and the other and I was grateful as I stood there watching as she gathered her things and I tried not to look at her, instead I was trying to get it to go soft again. But when she got all of her stuff together I followed her as she grabbed my hands and walked off as I followed her, going to her side when she let my hands go once again.

I looked at her with a confused expression,
"Sorry for what? You didn't do anything wrong Chelsea," I told her soothingly with a comforting smile, she hadn't done anything wrong and I wanted her to know that. "You can't help that guys love you because of your beauty and I jut lost control, I should be the one apologizing here." I replied as we walked

We were walking together, but the wind wasn't exactly my friend as I snuggled in against his side, pulling his arm around my shoulders. He was still warm as ever and what body heat I'd worked up after falling in the water had all been absorbed into his hoodie that was still a tiny bit warm to the touch from me. I wrapped my arm that was closest to him around his lower back as we walked. But of course Levi tried to make everything better for me because he was a diehard gentleman. He tried to tell me that I didn't do anything wrong and I snorted softly, "Yeah, right." I said sarcastically, as I glanced up at him with a wicked grin. "My best friend is hard as a rock because I can't sit still and he's not going to have any way for it to go soft besides himself." I stated simply, "And of course I couldn't resist joining in on the dirtier thoughts and got myself worked up to the point where I can't even allow myself to look at your crotch Levi. It may not be wrong, but I'd rather I didn't have to think about it so much. It's the curiosity that's killing me, babe." I wasn't going to lie to him. He was my friend and he deserved the truth. Besides, he was hard as hell and I was dying to sneak another peak; to see just how far his jeans were stretched; how worked up he'd gotten for me.

"I don't buy the whole cheesiness of the 'beauty' game, Levi. For most guys the word 'beauty' never even enters their head. No, it's usually something vulgar referring to any portion of my body that they happen to have a fetish for." I grinned, looking over at him, "And you haven't lost control yet. I'm not going to die because you got hard. I'm glad you didn't try to force yourself on me. That is what I call losing control, babe." I led him up to the back door of my family's beach house, though of course I was here alone this summer; I was certainly old enough. I had to take my arm from around him as I dug through my bag for my keys and I unlocked the door.

"You can come in if you want to, take a seat on the couch if you'd like, but I'm not going to lead you on at all; we aren't going to the bedroom. Well... at least not for that."
I didn't want him to end up hoping for that and getting disappointed because I didn't give him what he wanted. I didn't want that kind of stress on our relationship. I disentangled myself from him and slipped inside, wiping the sand from my bare feet on a rug immediately after the doorway. I tossed my bag onto the table since the dining room overlooked the beach. I then walked into the kitchen to get us sodas, not thinking much of this at all. I just needed to keep busy if I wanted to keep it that way.

I felt pretty. I did. I knew that I'd told him that I didn't believe that being beautiful was really a part of it. No, it was just that I had a nice rack or bottom or I was all too innocent. But still, something in him had deemed me attractive and a good mate; a good mother for his babies and I was flattered. I just didn't plan on having kids anytime soon. I've been on birth control for two years now and it helps keep my cycles regular, but I've always kept on track in case something happens. At least I'd never end up with a rape baby, but that was sick and I didn't even want to begin to consider that. Now... Levi's baby... That was a whole other story. I was sure we'd make an adorable kid together, but he was my friend. Dating him or marrying him weren't exactly what I wanted from my friend. No, I expected us to be friendly and like each other as much as possible rather than hating each other with the whole marriage blues and baby drama. Nope, I loved him way too much to put us through that. But now that I realized where my thoughts were going, I immediately stopped, knowing that kids weren't exactly what should be on my mind at the moment.

I felt her snuggle against me and I smiled as I pulled her closer to me, I was happy to be able to use her warmth as we walked along the sand. It was a finer type of sand, that seemed just like refined sugar as you walked along it. The touch was cold but my feet easily adapted to it as I looked in front of us, walks like these that ventured along the beach were considered romantic, but with me and Chelsea, it was just friendship, pure and simple, and even though we had both been in aroused states, mine definitely taking the lead in being the most obvious, since, although it had lost it's ability to try and stand horizontal it hadn't lost all of it's hardness just yet. I was cooling down at a rapid pace, actually there was probably not much arousal left, though it took the blood longer to leave my hips then it did to fill it, so I would be having the after effects for a few more minutes, if that. But she threw my words back at me adamantly and I listened to her though I was upset that she thought it was her fault, "Well, a) I could have pushed you off my lap if I had wanted to, so that means that I was enjoying it, when it's hard pressure against brings me pleasure, and had I gotten carried away I would have asked for more, so that in itself was my fault, for risking being carried away. B) So what if you had dirty thoughts about me? Who cares? It's normal. C) Then that's my fault for not being wise enough to deal with it. Of course you're going to be curious, it's how we're made. There's a reason why we want these things, we want to be with someone and to get intimate with them. And now that that has happened, we'll just have to be careful, that's all." I told her reassuringly, but firmly.

It was normal that she was curious, that's what everyone went through and how they felt before they finally gave in and got thorough knowledge of what it was like to go that far with someone. How it made you feel, how you craved it again and again, because once you had had a taste it seemed to never leave, you would look for it. Maybe not in an obvious way like Selena, maybe some people would find it in their partners or other might experiment with other people. But the point was that her curiosity wouldn't leave her until she had tried it out, and maybe if she was careful she could delay those feelings until later on in life, when she found a husband or long term partner. Someone who loved her and wasn't going to leave her for anything. But that would be hard, it was hard for everyone to abstain from that, but if she did give in then I hoped she made a good choice, with a guy who cared about her enough to know he wouldn't leave her, wouldn't cheat on her and would treat her good. If she chose wrong then it would break her heat and she would be crushed. But she told me she didn't buy the game of 'beautiful' and I shrugged, "Yeah, but there's one very very important factor you have forgotten, Chels, and that is the fact that I am not 'most guys', remember?" I asked as I looked over at her, "You know I would never lie to you or do anything like that. Whether or not you're going to play that 'I'm not beautiful' game that every other girl plays is up to you," I told her, if she was going to be brutally honest with me then I would be with her. Women played games, it was how they worked and whatever, I didn't care really but I didn't want to see Chelsea turning into that, she was too good for it.

But she went on to say that I hadn't lost it and I only would have if I had tried to force myself on her and I shook my head,
"I can safely promise never to do that to you," I told her we reached her house, she took out the keys and walked through the door and I followed, wiping my feet also. I gave a light chuckle at what she said, "Oh please, Chels, I was aroused I'm not a sleaze, of course I know we're not going up there. And I'm not sure, even if I was desperate, that I would want to anyway," I replied, not meaning to offend her or anything but something like that just wasn't what we needed right now and I could behave myself, I didn't want to or need to pressure her to do anything for me. Besides, even if I was happy knowing that she wouldn't be hurt by being ditched afterwards it would make things weird between us and we just didn't need that. I went over to lean on the counter bench as I watched her getting the sodas, and yes, my eyes slipped a couple times but I made sure to put them back to a respectable area.


He mentioned that it was a natural thing; that I wasn't to blame and that it was completely normal for us to be looking for someone to be getting intimate with and of course I knew that, but the curiosity was killing me. I always had perfect control of myself; I kept fit, pushed my body to its limits, tested my courage with gutsy random acts of potentially dangerous stunts, never let boys have more than a kiss, didn't drink or do drugs, I didn't spill my emotions to people, I didn't get violent and I was usually polite. I exercised perfect control over my mentality, my emotions and how I acted, keeping hormones in check as well as fighting back any flared up passions or frustrations. But Losing this bit of control; feeling my body ache so severely for something I knew wasn't mine to have was awful. I dreamt of what it would be like, thought about it and it truly did bother me in not knowing. I didn't need it; I didn't need to give in, but why keep refusing? No man that would ever want to marry me would expect me to be a virgin and there was no way that I'd make it that long until a wedding and neither would he.

I wanted to have the capability to enjoy him and keep my man happy before he got frustrated and looked at other girls. Adrenaline couldn't take care of it all and eventually my man would begin resenting me before he cheated and eventually gave up on me. Levi told me that he wasn't 'most guys', that he wouldn't lie to me and then he brought up the whole 'I'm not beautiful' game. I rolled my eyes at that portion,
"You think I don't know I'm gorgeous?" I teased him with a small smile, "I'm not that insecure and I don't need boys to tell me that I'm pretty either." I told Levi simply, knowing that I didn't play the game that the other girls did. I knew I was attractive and that boys liked me for my looks. I wasn't stupid, though of course I knew that I was so much more than just a pretty face and it would take a really special guy to see that.

He stated that he'd never force himself on me and I smiled, "And that's why I love ya, Leevs." I told him, meaning it in an entirely friendly way, but then he went on to say that he wasn't a sleaze and that even if he was desperate, he wouldn't want to go up to my room anyway and I blushed, just a bit taken aback by what he told me, almost insulted, but I knew that he didn't mean it in that way and so I let it go. I went to lean against the other side of the counter, reaching over to hand him a soda before I rested my forearms on the counter, my can being slid back and forth across between my hands as I thought about asking him something. "Uh, Leev..." I said quietly after a few moments, swallowing my fear as I stopped my anxious passing of my soda, my eyes raising to look at him, "How would you like to make a deal with me?"


She questioned me on whether or not I knew she knew she was gorgeous and I just shrugged, "No, I wasn't questioning that, I was just asking, and it's goo that you know that, in that way you won't really be able to be used by guys because you don't think you're worthy of them. I've seen so many of my girl friends fall into that trap, guys make them feel unworthy and that they're lucky to have the guy, when in fact, it's the exact opposite." I replied with another half shrug, it was true and I hated seeing it but even as much as I tried to warn the girls they, most of the time, didn't believe me and came back at me with responses like, "You're just jealous that I went for him instead of you," or "You're just saying that to be nice," and sometimes "But you're wrong, I really don't deserve him, I mean, look at him, he's so perfect and look at me... I'm so ugly. I'll never get anyone like him again.". They all made me sick, those responses, but there wasn't anything I could do about it. I tried my best to get them to see but they wanted to remain blind to the fact that they were worth more. What most girls didn't get was the fact that the guys they were lusting after were players, they used girls for their own selfish desires and really didn't give two shakes about them, but they played their best when they were sweet, caring and charming around their girls but as soon as they were with their mates or their girls were somewhere else, they were hitting on another and they never stopped. They were the boys that gave males a bad name and I hated them for it because I was seen as one of them and while some girls tested me out and realized I was different most just kept their distance from me.

I grinned when she said she loved me because I wouldn't force myself on her and I knew she meant it in a friendship way not the whole romantic way. That just wouldn't happen.
"Yeah, well, I try," I told her as I gave a smug look, but a grin broke it's way through to show her that I was only joking. I took the can from her and opened it, taking a long sip from it. I hadn't had anything to drink in ages and I had meant to get one when we were with the other but I had forgotten once I got talking to the guys and with Chelsea, but even when I remembered I had been to comfortable holding her and having her warmth to be bothered to move and I get up, dig through the esky and go and sit back down and get comfortable. It was too much effort and it was too much to even think about so I just couldn't be bothered. And besides I had one now so it didn't make a difference. Putting the soda down I linked my fingers together by the back of my hands as I stretched upwards, a yawn following. "I've been sitting still too long, tomorrow calls for a very long surf session." I murmured as I looked at her.

I frowned slightly as I watched her, she seemed anxious about something and I didn't like it. The way she passed the can over the counter top between each hand until she quietly said my nick name then continued speaking, she stopped the passing of the can and I raised an eye brow as I watched her. She proposed making a deal and stopped a shrug, this obviously wasn't a time for light halfheartedness and it was obvious she wanted me to be serious.
"Well, that depends... what type of deal did you have in mind?" I asked, I wasn't going to agree nor refuse her until I knew what the deal was and what the small print in the deal would be. Some things I didn't agree to while others I would and yet again other I would have negotiated.


I raised an eyebrow at what he said about his girl friends. I hadn't expected that 's' to be there. Of course I knew of Selena and I, but many of his girl friends? That was almost issuing a challenge there in who Levi liked best; either his friends from home or... us. I liked to think that I was a lot better than them, but then again, he saw them more regularly. It kind of shook my confidence in what I was about to ask him, of whether or not he'd be willing to do it for me. It was... an intimate request. I didn't want him to feel awkward about it because I actually meant this. It was an important thing for me to ask; well, at least it was important to me. It was big and I didn't just want to throw this away as if it was nothing. He was my best friend and this meant a lot to me and I didn't want to freak him out.

He mentioned that he needed to surf and I smiled, knowing that I'd gladly join him for surfing; I'd tried it out with him before and I wasn't too bad at it after needing something new to keep my attention. I enjoyed watching him stretch, my eyes tracing over his strong arms and chest and abdomen, but... I shouldn't be doing that. He mentioned that his affirmation would depend on what the deal was based on. And he really was a smart guy for saying that, but then again it would be so much easier for me if he had agreed right away. I bit my lip as I looked at him, my blue gaze focusing on his as I continued chewing on my lip,
"You're my best friend and I don't want to ruin anything between us, but you're the only guy I trust enough... Levi, I want to lose my virginity to you. I know it's a lot to ask, but I don't want to have to wait and then just get hurt or.. waking up alone. I want to experience that with someone I care about. Levi, I don't want a relationship and I don't want to make things awkward. Is... that alright? I mean, would you want to do that for me?" I asked him, knowing that I hadn't proposed my 'deal' yet, but that was the basis of it. I needed him to agree to that or even give me a chance that he could see it as reasonable. Otherwise I was just throwing everything away right now; I could be ruining our entire friendship, but I was taking the mature route on this entire thing. I wanted to have sex, but I didn't want to get hurt. This would be a one-time thing, just one hook up to take away the pain and vulnerability of losing it rather than doing it with a stranger. No, this would be with a friend, someone who'd been with me for me and hadn't even been looking for romance in this relationship. I could trust him not to hurt me; not to get too rough or rush it..


I watched her as she chewed on her lip and I become more and more anxious with the suspense of how she was acting. But she broke the silence after what seemed like forever, her voice tentative and I listened to her as she began telling me how I was her best friend and she didn't want to ruin things between us, she was beating around the bush and it wasn't helping my nerves, I just wanted her to get straight to the point. Then she said it. She said she wanted to give me her virginity. I couldn't believe that I had actually heard those words and I had to make sure my jaw hadn't dropped and that I didn't look like a stunned mullet. But I wasn't sure how to answer. I could see where she was coming from and I totally understood, she knew me well enough to know without asking me that I would never leave her straight awake, nor would I let her wake up alone. I would stay around with her and be as hands on and loving as much as she wanted. Then again I wasn't sure if she wanted that or just a one-night-stand. I took a deep breath as I looked at her, "I can't give you a yes or no answer just yet, Chels, I know you might hate me for it but there's things to discuss before I say yes or no." I told her gently, "I know you have already thought about this and it's fine but I'm going to throw some things at you so we can discuss it and so we're both on the same page and so there's no confusion." I added with a gentle smile so she knew I wasn't trying to scare her, but I knew what was involved in these things and I wanted to make sure she knew what they were.

"First, I know you said you don't want a relationship because you don't want to make things weird between us but you might feel different afterwards, and if you do I don't want you to hide it, alright? I don't mind being your boyfriend for a bit until you're ready to move on to someone else. That's what happens, I've been there before, and it's completely normal and natural to want to stay with your first partner for a while." I said, taking a pause before I continued, this was a very big and intimate subject and I had to choose my words carefully. "And if I say yes and we go ahead with it you need to understand what's involved. Most of the time it's between two people who are already in a relationship and generally there's a lot of kissing and I don't mean closed mouth, I mean opened mouth with tongue involved, and there can also be foreplay as well, such as fondling with parts or kissing your partners body other then their mouth. Now I don't expect you to do anything other then what you're comfortable with and if you decide kissing is fine then good but I'm laying down the law, even if you're curious you're hands stay over the upper half and you mouth goes no where other then mine." I told her being gentle but serious, I didn't know how much she had thought about sex and what it involved but rather then having an awkward conversation about it I was just going to go ahead and say what needed to be said. I wouldn't allow her hands or mouth to travel to my crotch area, it was not negotiable either. If we did it then it would be about her not me and it would be happy to help out as well.

"And from foreplay it gets more intimate, and at the time I can't be asking you whether it's okay if I do something or not, doesn't matter what that thing is but if we're having this conversation at that time then it won't feel special, it won't be as good as it could be so I'm just going to go ahead and tell you what I would do. After a bit of foreplay I'll travel down your body with my mouth, giving you as much pleasure as possible before I get down to your hips, then I'll begin to work on you there, making sure you're relaxed enough and ready to have it, but before we go that far I'll give you a release first that way there's something to enjoy before we go all the way." I told her, there wasn't anything to hold back or hide, she needed to know it and I wasn't going to lie to her either. I hadn't exactly slept around but I was experienced enough to make sure that she enjoyed herself to the utmost possibility. "And then there's the birth control and protection. You know how that works, right?" I asked, not being judgmental, it was just a question.


He finally spoke, giving me an answer, but it wasn't the one that I'd wanted, though it had the potential for being good; for turning out in my favor. It was exciting in a way to be discussing the terms of how he'd deflower me, but then again in a way, it was relaxing. At least it wouldn't all be a surprise. We would have a game plan and it would eliminate awkwardness between us. "I understand, Levi, but I don't think I'll need you as a boyfriend, though I appreciate the offer. It's really sweet of you, babe." I told him before he went ahead and set some of his rules I nodded, "I'm fine with kissing and I'll... keep my hands and mouth under control." I gave him a small smile, but I understood. It was his right to keep me away from his business and it might make things a bit too intimate for him if I did go near him like that.

Levi then went more into depth on what he planned on doing after the bit of fooling around. And I wasn't allowed to touch him, yet he'd be all over me down there. In a way, it wasn't fair, but I wasn't going to complain, not when I had him on agreeable terms. I walked around the counter so that I could be closer to him as I took a couple steps closer, my hand coming to take his,
"Yeah, I've been on birth control for years." I replied to him, not wanting him to worry about getting me pregnant. "But Levi, we're not doing this tonight. I want a couple weeks or so. I just want to see if I can meet a guy, if I can find someone that I can do it with on my own. I don't want you to be held down by this at all, so I don't care if you see girls either, but we should set a deadline. A date. Then we can make it special rather than a rushed hookup at two in the morning." I gave a small smile as I looked at him.

"But I have some terms of my own."
I warned him with a sweet smile as I lifted his hand to press his palm to my cheek. "I know you're not the kind of guy to brag, but I'd like to make it clear that if you speak about it with anyone but me, I will make your life a living nightmare. Also..." My eyes flicked up to look at him suggestively as I released his hand and leaned in, wrapping my arms around his neck. "If I ask you to go faster, don't hold back. Tying me down.. although tempting is a no-no, afterward cuddling is okay, but I'd rather you don't do anything you don't want to, dirty talking is offlimits as well; you can say whatever you want to as long as you don't call me by anyone else's name and you don't go into graphic details and the dirtiest words you can imagine. Oh, hickeys are alright as long as you keep in mind the fact that I'm a lifeguard and they'd better be able to be covered by my hair or bikini. And my mouth... how about we stay north of the hips?" I gave him a pleasant smile as I looked at my future lover, knowing that he had awesome muscle tone and I'd want to get the most out of this possible. Touching and kissing those muscles would be a turn on for me as well. "I keep myself cleanly waxed, my period ended three days ago, so we're clear for a while and I have no piercings besides my ears and my belly button. I have no STD's in any manner; I get tested before and after every relationship just to make sure and my last was two months ago."

"I have insecurities with my butt and thighs, nothing big, just think that they're not as tight as they should be and so trying to mention anything about them will be a waste of time." My thighs and bottom were just fine by normal standards. They were toned and fit, yet I preferred for only my chest to jiggle at all. Anything else and it was a bit uncomfortable for me. "Oh, and if you get bored with a position, you know I'm always open to new things, so I'll be fine with trying it out. This will only last one night and in that night, we'll go as long as we'd like to; I have more endurance than you'd think and also when I inevitably suck, I'd prefer if you kept it to yourself until we're out of the bed, got it?" Those were my terms and little tips so he would know what to expect as well, "So do we have an agreement, Leevy?"


She told me she didn't think she would need me as her boyfriend and I nodded, that was fair enough, it was her decision and I didn't need to be anything more then her friend and the boy who took her virginity.
"Fair enough, and I'm not being sweet, I'm just taking an educated guess from previous experience," I told her simply, I wasn't the one to take credit when my words were misinterpreted my words. I was just covering all bases to make sure that I didn't mess anything up and leaving her feeling disappointed and unsatisfied with the experience. It only happened once and as much as spontaneity was good, I wasn't in a relationship with Chelsea, I was just doing her a favor so I wanted everything planned, except for some details. Details like how we would do it and what we would be wearing and so on, those were things that just happened and were better without planning. But she promised to keep her hands under control and I nodded, "Thank you," I replied, glad that she would respect my choice on what she did and didn't touch. If I allowed a girl to go down on me then it was someone I was dating and only if I was serious about that girl. I knew most guys jumped at that chance but I didn't.

I knew she might think it was unfair that I would be allowed to touch her and caress her and she couldn't do the same, but there was a point to that, the whole reason we were going to be hooking up was because she wanted to lose her virginity and I knew it could be painful for her and so I wanted to focus it entirely on her rather then let her share the pleasure with me. I would be getting enough just by knowing she was enjoying it and when I entered her, it went without saying that I would get pleasure from that anyway. But this wasn't for me, so it didn't matter how I felt about it. By agreeing to deflower her I was also agreeing to make this about her and to not take any other pleasure then what was naturally caused. She told me she had been on birth control for a couple of years and I nodded, that was good, it was a relief as well knowing that I didn't have to worry about that when we did it.
"That's good, however I'll still use protection, just for extra safety methods." I told her gently, "We don't want any mishaps because of it," I added with a smile, though it was highly unlikely she would fall pregnant I just wanted to make sure and it took the risks of any diseases down.

She explained that she wanted a couple of weeks and not tonight and I laughed,
"Of course we're not doing it tonight. What do you think I am? An insensitive jerk? Give me a little credit please. I've done this before, of course it's going to be special and I don't want any real set deadline or else it won't at all special, so if you say two weeks I'll make that the minimum time and no more then two weeks after that date but I won't tell you when. It's better if it has as much surprise as possible, just trust me on that." I said lightly, considering I had experience in this field I knew what had to be done also. And a set date just wasn't special it was like a Sheldon Cooper thing to do, it was robotic and without emotion. I wanted to let her be taken by surprise with it but not to the degree that she wasn't ready or anything like that just so she could get in touch with how she felt about it. I wanted to have her get butterflies in her stomach with anticipation, but in a good way. I'd taken a few girls virginity before and with each time I got more experienced with what to do and how to make it as special as possible for them and Chelsea was going to be my biggest project yet. I wanted her night to be perfect. Absolutely perfect.

She told me she had terms of her own and I nodded,
"Hit me with them," I replied and listened as she started talking. I rolled my eyes at the first thing she said and nodded, deciding not to say anything, as if I would ever do that to her. But she let go of my hand and I slipped it from her cheek to wrap my arms around her waist as I pulled her closer to me, "Absolutely, whatever you want I'll do. Who doesn't like cuddling after sex? It's also a nice way to fall asleep, having someone in my arms. No dirty talking and as if I would call you anyone else's name. I'll think about a hickey, it might be best to stay away from them considering it's only going to be one night." I replied, hickeys were visible for a while and she didn't want us to have a relationship so I wouldn't be marking her with anything except the fact that I was the one to deflower her, but no one else needed to know that and if she wanted to tell them she could but I wouldn't be at any rate.

I thought about her little question of where she could place her mouth,
"Fine, but remember that night it about you not me," I told her firmly but kindly.

She went on to tell me about her more personal things and I nodded, I could deal with the piercings, they weren't a big deal anyway but I was glad we didn't have to worry about her period either, that could make things awkward if it started up when we were going that way and it was good to know I wouldn't be fighting a mass of hair in any unwanted areas. But she told me she had no STD's and I nodded again,
I can safely promise you that I don't either and if I did I would have told you," I said, "I won't say a word and I'm sure they're fine anyway," I promised her with a smile to show her I meant it. "I'll let you know if I get bored, which is most likely that I won't and it doesn't matter whether you suck or not, it's going to be your first time, there's no way not to suck. All the books in the world couldn't help, it's only when you get practice that you really understand it." I said and it was true.

"And yes, we have an agreement, but one more question on the morning after wards, what do you expect from that?"


All of his decisions and comments were reasonable and logical. He was being mature and calm about this and I was grateful. It only made me more confident in going through with this. He wanted it to be spontaneous and I'd been thinking having it planned would be better but spontaneous meant that I'd pull on a pretty little piece of nothing, walk over to his place at three in the morning and hop into bed with him. Spontaneous wasn't exactly convenient beings as we weren't in a relationship. If we were dating, I could kiss and touch and play around with my boyfriend as long as I wanted for and when we were ready, I'd just allow the kisses to go on longer, for his hands to travel my body and so on. But with this... the kisses were for the night of. What were we supposed to do? Plan several days of just him and I hanging at one of our places for when the mood struck and we'd just drag each other to bed? No, being spontaneous would be more difficult, but I'd do it to make him happy. Two week minimum was fine for me. After that, it just depended on how eager I was to lose myself to this amazing man.

I was glad that he didn't have any STD's; that despite all of the
experience he had with doing this and how he'd deflowered several virgins before apparently, he'd managed to stay clean and I was grateful for that fact. I wasn't even going to go into the jealousy or competitiveness with the idea of other girls that he'd had. It'd only get me worked up on how much I was going to suck compared to them or how much prettier they could be. I knew that I was beautiful and hot by modern standards, but he'd flat out told me earlier tonight that I wasn't his type. I worried he wouldn't enjoy it as much because I wasn't his type. I wasn't even going to allow myself to go there because I'd drive myself crazy and make me feel nervous.

But I loved Levi. He was my closest and best friend; Selena would've taken that place, but she wasn't nearly as personal with me as Levi was. He was always there for me when we were little and it was hard not to love him. He was a great man at heart, though that love wasn't the same as being
in love with him. It wasn't romantic. Sure I wouldn't mind being on his arm as his girlfriend, but I didn't want him to be doing it out of obligation for me because he'd been the one to deflower me and he felt bad that I might be a bit sensitive afterwards. And this wasn't set in stone. The introduction of my time limit had given us time to change our minds and back out. I just would have the chance to date and see if there's any guys that really caught my eye and could potentially be keepers in a romantic relationship. In that case, Levi wouldn't be allowed to have me because I wouldn't want to be upsetting my boyfriend and I'd want to experience it with him, yet I knew that Levi would take the best care of me.

Though Levi soon mentioned the morning after and I gave a small smile and a shrug,
"We'll get up, shower and get dressed, I'll make us pancakes or something, we'll hang out for a bit and then we 'll go on with our day like normal. Okay? Nothing too complicated and... I'm guessing I'm going to be sore, so I probably won't be doing much besides that." No obligations. I wasn't a child. I didn't need him to hold me and date me and worry about me after it all. It was a one-night-stand. A hookup in which I'd lose my virginity and we'd be able to continue as friends just as normal. He would see me naked and I'd see him naked and well... some really intimate sex on my first time with the pain and all, but that was it. We were just fine and we had nothing to worry about and as long as I kept my mind off of other girls, I would remain fine.


She told me that we would just go on like normal and I nodded, glad to have that sorted, I didn't want to wake up and be cuddly or kiss her when she didn't want it, or go the opposite way and act like nothing had happened when she wanted a bit of cuddling and stuff. But I was glad that she was happy for us to go on as normal, if we were cosy afterwards then it could make things a bit harder to go on normally. But if she changed her mind then I wouldn't mind one bit, even if it did make it a bit more awkward in the long run, that night was going to be about her and it was normal for girls to be sensitive afterwards. All of the girls that I deflowered had been, and I didn't mind, cuddling was fun sometimes and besides whenever I deflowered someone it was because I was serious about them and they knew I wasn't going to turn tail and run off. And Chelsea was no exception, even if she wanted to go back to being normal then that was fine but I would stick around for a bit just to make sure she felt okay with her choice and if she wanted some emotional support. I would be there for her with whatever she wanted, if she wanted to talk about something or just sit there and not talk or whatever. I didn't care. she was my friend and I would do whatever I could to make sure she was happy.

"Well, now that's all settled, do you fancy watching a movie or something?" I asked as I slipped an arm from her waist to grab my can and take a sip. We had nothing left to discuss on that subject and besides I was tired and felt like relaxing after all of my driving. Tomorrow I'd probably get up a bit late and go surfing for a few hours, then I'd drive in to town and get some supplies for the summer. But for right now I just felt like relaxing with my friend and I didn't think she would mind. But if she wanted me to go I would, I'd never impose myself on her, that would just be unkind and who knew she might have just wanted time to herself and if she did I didn't mind, I'd just head home, put on some movie in my room and crash for the night.


I knew that he expected me to be sensitive, to want to date him for a few days and to get attached, but that was the thing. When we finished; of course I'd cuddle with him. I'd be sore and blissful and for that short while he'd be my mate. But when it comes to the next day or days, I won't hold him down. This is kind of like a business arrangement and I didn't want to bring too much baggage into it. It took me a while to trust someone as much as I trusted him, quite a while actually and I didn't want him to feel awkward around me because of how I acted after that. No, because then I'd be losing him and I couldn't do that. Not when I cared so much about him. I'd condense any neediness I might feel into that night. I wanted to make it worth it for him, but of course I couldn't do that when I didn't know much of anything when it came to the actual acts of sex. He said that it got better with practice and that meant that I was probably below a zero. Oh geez, here we go with those thoughts again.

He offered up a movie and I nodded, jumping up a bit as I lunged across the counter, my chest and stomach flattened against the surface as I reached, the tips of my fingers grazing the can and a bit of a wriggle from the rest of my body worked me forward enough to grab it. It had only taken two and a half seconds and I didn't care as I slid back down to my feet. It was more entertaining than going
around the counter. "Then we're going upstairs." I told him simply as I took his hand and began leading him up through the house. My bed was a more comfortable viewing point and my clothes and bathroom were up there. I could shower without having to abandon him. We'd already planned to have sex in the future, so there were no worries for me on whether or not he'd be uncomfortable or what he wanted.

"I'm going to take a shower. I swear I'll only be like five minutes. My movies are in the cabinet under the TV, feel free to choose whatever you want. I only keep the ones I like." I told him simply, knowing that there were only a couple guilty romantic girl movies shoved all the way in the back corners of the cabinet. Otherwise I had a pretty good collection. Plenty of horror, action and even a bit of comedy in there. I didn't like predictable sappy ridiculous romances because they bored me. "Oh, and stay away from Teeth. After our little discussion, that's not going to exactly be nice. But otherwise make yourself at home." I told him with a smile as I leaned over to begin going through my dresser. Teeth was a movie about a girl who had teeth... down there. And she 'bit' off guys' private parts when she tried to have sex with them disgusting and incredibly sexist against any males, it wasn't something he would want to watch.

I grabbed a pair of black silky pajama shorts, a hot pink lacy camisole and then a paler pink pair of matching undergarments.
"Five minutes." I reminded him as I crossed the room to go into the bathroom, closing the door firmly behind me, but not being extreme enough to lock it. I trusted him. I turned on the hot water and yanked off my tank top and still wet shorts before I removed my shimmery metallic red bikini. I then stepped under the hot spray as I felt it begin to clean the sticky saltwater off of me as well as relax me. Of course I kept to my time, cutting the shower to three minutes with my lightening speed washing and then I hopped out, toweled off well enough before I pulled on the clothes. The shorts were small; barely long enough to cover my bottom, but that was how pajama shorts were; they were barely there and comfortable beyond belief. The undergarments were lacy and delicate, though I wasn't planning on him getting a glimpse of them today; my clothes were staying on. But my cami dipped low enough to show the very top edges of my bra, nothing too bad.I brushed my hair out and towel dried it again as it fell in waves down my back. I opened the door once more and turned off the light before I ran across the room and dove onto the bed with a giggle as I grabbed a pillow from the headboard and hugged it to my stomach when I sat up crosslegged. "So did you make a decision?"


She practically jumped across the counter and I shook my head, a small grin on my face, "Still as immature as ever Chels," I told her before she got back down and told me we were going upstairs for the movie and I shrugged and nodded, it didn't make a difference to me, it wasn't like I was going to try something like groping her or whatever. No, I didn't need to do that and I didn't want to either. She was my friend and that was it, the fact that I was going to take her virginity was a favor, it wasn't going to encourage any romance between us and I really didn't care that she asked, I'd preferred knowing she had had a good experience losing it rather then her saying she did but she really didn't. I followed her up through the house and nodded when she said she was going to take a shower and headed towards the TV cabinet and started looking. I nodded at what she said, I trusted her judgment enough with what to and not to watch. "Righto, I'll find something else," I replied as I kept looking, nothing really stood out to me that much, but then I wasn't really fussy with what I watched, just so long as it kept my attention right through the movie.

She told me she would only be five minutes again and I nodded but didn't look up as I put the DVD's back in the cabinet, save one. I opened the case and turned on the TV and DVD player before opening the disc slot and putting the DVD in. I pressed close and stood up as I headed for the bed and sat down as Chelsea came out again. I nodded at what she said,
"Yeah, I put on RED." I told her, it was a comedy, action movie with Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren, John Malkovich and Morgan Freeman. It was about four retired assassin's saving the world and all that crap but if you just watched it for the movie it was quite good. I pressed play on the remote and ached out an arm to wrap it around her waist and pull her to me. "I've made the decision that you will be my pillow," I told with a cheeky grin before I turned my gaze back to the television. Of course I liked to be able to cuddle someone when I got the chance, not with anything else being planned but it was nice to be able to hold her and besides she was comfortable and soft. Her curves were very tempting but I knew how to control myself and I didn't want to upset her by groping her. We had planned that in around two weeks we would be sleeping together and I would deflower her, that was a big thing and I wanted to keep her faith in me that I wasn't a jerk. This was just a simple action and I meant nothing by it.


Levi mentioned that he had put on RED and I grinned, knowing that I loved the movie. My favorite character was Marvin, played by John Malkovich. He was amazing and incredibly funny. It was a great movie and he'd made a very, very wise choice. "Awesome." It was my way of giving approval, but I didn't have much to say otherwise. He then reached out and his arm looped around my waist as he tugged me a bit closer and I giggled at what he told me, shaking my head as I spotted his cheeky grin, but I allowed him to hold me as I leaned my head on his shoulder with a soft sigh,just relaxing against him. The movie began playing and my eyes focused on the large screen on the opposite side of the room.

He was definitely honorable in the fact that he hadn't groped me just because he had a right to my body in two weeks or so. He had a free ticket that no other guy had been offered and I loved him for that. I was grateful to have such a generous friend; one that would be willing to participate in the most intimate experience in my life that would probably only be second to events such as marriage and giving birth. This was big for me, but I hadn't exactly considered how it would make him feel; perhaps he would want the relationship afterwards. I knew that he was a really sweet guy; that he'd always made sure that he was in solid relationships before going too far with a girl or if it wasn't going to mean anything, he made sure that they knew it. But... I didn't want him to be emotionally unsatisfied or anything, but I didn't want to make it awkward with playing girlfriend for him. I wasn't going call him 'honey' or tell him I loved him... Those words wouldn't leave my mouth; I could guarantee it, but I didn't know how I'd behave in bed. I could end up crying, I could just give him a few soft whimpers and cling to him, but then again I could end up enjoying it to no ends and gladly urging him on for more. I could be vocal or quiet or eager or nervous. There was no telling of what I would do when it came down to it. I wanted to know what it felt like and I trusted that Levi would bear with me no matter what my reaction was.

I snuggled in closer to Levi, knowing that one day there would be a lucky girl who would get to keep him and she'd better be willing to fight for him because he really was the modern prince charming. Levi was perfect; every girl's dream and he would get a great girl to go with him; to be his wife. They'd have a fairy tale life and I'd be happy for them because they'd deserve it, though no one would truly deserve Levi. He was too good for anyone, but even he had to settle eventually. I just hoped that she was special enough.


I heard her response and smiled, glad I had picked one she liked and she rested her head on my shoulder as she gave a soft sigh and I smile, kissing the top of her hair in a comforting way. She was so cute and adorable when she was relaxed, there was something about the way she sighed that made me feel calm and just happy. In a way, Chelsea and I were like Jenny and Forrest out of Forrest Gump. She wasn't messed up like that female character, of course not, Chelsea was completely sane and respectable, the complete opposite of the character actually. And I wasn't anything like Forrest by any standards, I wasn't mentally disable and my IQ was fine, but the point wasn't the likenesses of the characters to us, it was the way the characters bond was so much like Chelsea's and mine. We had known each other since we were little, we had grown up together most of our lives and even now, after years apart we had started up right where we left off, just like Forrest and Jenny. Though, I didn't plan of letting her slip through my fingers and disappearing for years until she resurfaced and we got together and got married. No, that sort of rubbish only went well in the movies and this was reality. Instead I planned on keeping our relationship together as friends and being like that until we were old and gray and I got dementia and didn't remember who she was or I just dropped dead one day. This girl was far too special to let go and I wasn't going to, she meant far too much to me. That's why it meant so much to me to behave and keep her happy because I didn't want to lose her or make her unhappy.

However I focused in on the movie as it made it's was steadily through the scenes and gave a laugh or smile every so often whenever someone made a joke or did something stupid or funny. what I loved about these actors and actresses was that they were all growing old but after careers in the movie industry they still held the key to a classic movie that people could watch time and time over. And their appearances and acting skills only improved with each passing movie, however the other thing was that they worked so very well together, all of them knowing how to cue their lines perfectly and exactly how to deliver them, of course I knew there were many takes that got the cut before they finally got the right one, but they all seemed to bounce so well of each other and that only made the movie so much smoother and funnier, more entertaining. Well that was my opinion anyway.


He seemed to relax when I did and it was pleasing to know that we were both content in this moment as the television stole our attention from each other. We shared a few laughs at certain parts when the characters had done funny things, but like always I was starting to get just a bit uncomfortable because we were sitting still for so long; I'd behaved for about half the movie and that was a decent time, but then I plopped my pillow down lengthwise across his lap before I moved my legs out to the side more and I laid down, my head resting on his lap, my palm pressed to his thigh as it just rested there, but my other arm curled under the pillow to give me extra support under my head, but I was careful to keep my elbow away from his delicates. I'd have done this without the pillow, but my little- well really not so little, more like giant- but his body was pretty darn solid and I wasn't sure how uncomfortable his thigh would be to rest my head on and besides, if he happened to get... excited again, at least I wouldn't have his bulge poking my head. But from what I could say by seeing other guys aroused previous to this, Levi had nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of; he was surprisingly well sized.

But of course I wasn't going to allow my mind to get back into that mentality. I'd just cooled off and of course I didn't want Levi getting all worked up again. I'd heard that it was uncomfortable for guys; like everything was too tight.. down there and I didn't want him unhappy because of some stupid actions of mine or... even if it'd worked on a chemical level with responses to my pheromones; hormones I gave off when I was turned on, meant to trigger a reaction in the opposite gender. I didn't know what would cause it to happen, but I knew that I just didn't want it to happen. Not twice in one night. I wasn't going to get him worked up and then fail him because after enough of that guys 'nads got all swollen and tender from the need of a release and I didn't want to make this painful for him, yet I wasn't his girlfriend and I had no right to do anything else to relieve him because our deal didn't take effect until two weeks have gone by. And therefore I'd have a very, very upset Leevy.

I knew that I was going to put a serious effort into trying to find a boyfriend, though. Levi would be perfect to share that part of myself with, but I did want to find a decent guy if I could; and if he was willing to wait a while; a few months or so... I could call off our deal and wait to have something special with a guy who cared about me and would already be in a relationship with me. It wouldn't be awkward and I'd just have to see how he would treat me. I just hoped that he would take enough care as Levi would; that I could trust him to make sure he wasn't hurting me too much. But then again, I might not find a guy worthy of my time or I might not like him enough to give him that and Levi would still be in the plan. I'd given Levi the option to date too because I didn't want to hold my friend down. But he was so good about his relationships that for a moment I feared that if he found someone, he might not want to do this for me and I'd be on my own. It was always a possibility, but it was a scary one. I needed to know that if things weren't going alright, I'd have Levi to deflower me as carefully as possible. I needed him as a plan to lay back on; he was my only reassurance that I would be okay; that some random guy wouldn't tear through me without a second thought or nothing more than a couple kisses. Levi would treat me well and so I cherished his agreement as well as the fact that he was my best friend and still willing to do this for me. And... the fact that he had offered a relationship to me was sweet, but for once I was wondering what that relationship would mean; if he'd just hold my hand and hug and kiss me on occasion or if it would be an excuse to have more sex and enjoy ourselves for just a bit longer before we backed off. Though of course there was always the very large possibility that I would suck awfully and it would be a favor that he was doing for me and he wouldn't enjoy it. Kind of like taking out the garbage or cleaning the litter box. I didn't want to be awful for him, but there really wasn't anything I could do to change that. I just knew that my friend had the decency to endure it and not break my heart with the bad news of how horrible I was in bed and how he'd hated it; just another thing that I couldn't expect from any other guy. They might not even have the patience to finish the job and instead just leave me bloody, in pain, and naked while they walked out.

I was grateful that my parents weren't here; that my mom and stepdad had allowed me to come here without any adult supervision because well.. I was an adult. And they knew I was responsible enough not to rip this beach house to the ground; I hadn't even planned on having a party. But my stepfather was always kind enough to trust me with these matters. He'd been in my life since I was twelve and he was a great father to me, though I didn't know why he had wanted to even marry my mother. She was beautiful of course and she'd been young; twenty-eight and vibrant still, but my father's leaving had severely depressed her and Adam stepped in and he'd helped us through the rough divorce battle my father and mother insisted on. But it wasn't over me. No, it was the house. And he'd eventually given up and left without a goodbye and Adam had married my mother, therefore ending alimony checks so we wouldn't have to worry about fighting my father for money and he could disappear completely. I'd never heard from him again.

Before Adam, my father had been great to me; he'd read me bedtime stories every night and he'd taken care of me; he and my mother had conceived me early in their lives and he'd been the best father he could be to me. Adam had stepped in and quickly resumed that for me and I'd warmed up to him much faster than I would any other stranger just because of how nice he'd been. He took up the reading bedtime stories, checked under my bed for monsters (I never cared about the closet, but because I'd always fall asleep with a limb or two hanging off the mattress, I needed to make sure that no monster would be waiting beneath me to pull me under the bed), he'd taken me to the beach a lot, built sand castles with me, taken me to horse riding lessons and so much more as I got older. He was a great father and had somehow escaped the whole teenage drama of me hating him. He was a great man and he'd taken care of my mother and their marriage was just as strong on the day it began, though I could remember that in the beginning he'd been a bit skittish, afraid of something, but of course we didn't know what it had been. But he had managed to get over it in time and I still wondered what it could've been, but at this point in time I'd just figured it could've been a crazy ex or something.


About halfway through the movie Chelsea moved, throwing her pillow on my lap and putting her head on the pillow, I smiled down at her as my hand moved to rest lazily on her arm as I turned my attention back to the movie. It was as good as ever but my thoughts kept straying back to my mother, her memorial was coming up soon and it would be ten years, a whole decade without her and the pain hadn't gotten any better. Whenever I thought about her my heart felt like it was having the center ripped out the pulled apart, slowly with deliberation and pressure on my chest, like someone sitting on it. I couldn't breathe when I felt like that and often I broke down into tears but I wouldn't allow that to happen now while I was in front of Chelsea, no, I couldn't. I wasn't afraid of her thinking less of me or a wimp because I was crying, it was that I didn't really feel like going back over the memories that came when I talked about my dear mother and the hatred I had for the man who killed her. If I ever saw him again I was sure I would kill him, but not nicely, no, I would torture him just like he had tortured me. I could never forget his face, that charming and seemingly honest face that hid a lying piece of s*** that was psycho. I hated that man and when and if I ever saw him again I would make the rest of his short life a living hell, worse then anything that the devil could come up with. I didn't care what happened to me after, I didn't care about going to jail or being killed. I would pay any of the consequences to know I had avenged my mother properly and by knowing that Adam's last thoughts were of me and regret for what he did almost ten years ago. I wanted to know he regretted ever being born or not taking his life after he had taken my mothers. I wanted to push him over the edge and drive him insane as I tortured him. Was it evil? Absolutely. I would never have had these thought about anyone else but this man deserved to be tortured and to die.

I noticed that my breathing had gotten heavier with the change in my mood and I tried to calm down by softening my breathing as I looked out of the window and at the stars. My mother had known all of the constellations and for my bed time story she would pick one and make up a story about it for me. I loved those nights, she was so pretty in her white night dress and loose mouse brown hair that fell wavily down to her shoulders when she had just washed it. She always smelled of roses, sweet and intoxicating in the best sense. I loved being cuddled by her and never wanted to let her go, but I had and she had died, ripped away from me and there was nothing I could have done. I never even got to say good bye or tell her I loved her one last time. I raised my palms to my face and pressed them against my eyes before dragging them down my face, trying to make it look like I was just rubbing my eyes as I looked back at the TV. I couldn't think about her anymore or I really would get emotional and I didn't want to do that right now, maybe when I went home I would have a long hot shower and put on some music and cry myself to sleep. I didn't care how stupid it sounded, I missed my mother, more then anything. She had been my entire world and I needed her even now, if she came back to me I would get a full time job and look after her. Make sure she had her dream house and that everything was the way she wanted it. But I couldn't she was gone. Forever.


His breathing became heavier and deepened, his abdomen moving a bit faster against the back of my head and I worried about him. He couldn't be getting all worked up like this over just the movie; I wanted to see what was wrong, but he soon began cooling off and I glanced up to see his face in his hands as he rubbed his eyes and I rolled over onto my other side, my arms wrapping around his abdomen as I rested my cheek against it. I didn't want him to be upset. Even if there was the smallest chance of it; since I wasn't sure, but I still worried about him. I knew that his mother died when he was younger, but that was it; he'd never shared the story with us, just how I'd never talked much about my parents' divorce. I just referred to Adam as my 'Dad' and that was it. Levi and I was similar in that; neither of us really went into depth about ourselves. I didn't like letting the others know about my past or my troubles. That wasn't their business and I didn't crave attention, though Selena was a different story. She never stopped talking and therefore I was happy to just sit and listen to her and forget about myself while she went on and on. But I knew that there was more to it than Levi's mom simply just dying and I was sorry that it had happened to him at such a tender age. He was my best friend and I cared about him. It really was a shame that he'd been forced to experience that, but he was a strong man now and I respected him infinitely for that.

I nuzzled my cheek to his abdomen just a bit more as I hugged his waist,
"Do you want to talk?" I asked him softly, understanding that he had to be upset about something and I wanted him to have the open option of talking about it if he'd like. He was too good to have to keep to himself and hold it all inside. Of course I preferred myself that way, but... he didn't have to be like that. He knew that he could trust me and I wouldn't use whatever it was against him or tell anyone else, but then again he'd tell me if he was ready. I didn't want to pressure him, but he was a big boy and he could figure out whether or not to tell me on his own. I suddenly wanted him to spend the night, just so I could hold onto him and make him feel better. I didn't want my friend hurting; I would keep the nightmares away and comfort him as he drifted off. I loved this man and he deserved to feel that way. Loved.


She had turned to wrap her arms around me and I looked down at her with a confused look though I knew she had noticed the changes in my breathing and so on, however she pressed her cheek into my abdomen and I shook my head when she asked if I wanted to talk about it, "There's nothing to talk about, I was just remembering my mum's memorial is coming up soon, no big deal," I told her with a shrug as I leaned down to kiss her head, "But thank you for asking," I told her with a smile, I really didn't feel like talking about it with her. Of course I wasn't worried that she would judge me, I knew she wouldn't it was just that I didn't much like talking about my past or my home life. I kept people, even those close to me, at a distance of how I was really feeling and what was actually going on. I had nothing interesting to say, she knew my mum had died but she just didn't know how and I would tell her one day, just not now, I didn't want to ruin our night together with a horrible story and besides it would only upset us both and I didn't want that right now. No, it was better to stay quiet and I didn't mind either, I had kept it mainly to myself over the years I could do it now, it wasn't that hard after a while of practice of keeping to myself.

But the movie was almost over anyway and I was going to use that as a subject changer,
"Did you want to watch another one or go to sleep? And don't say, 'I don't mind,'" I told her lightly with a smile, she used to say that often when she didn't want to choose because she didn't want to pick an option that I didn't like, but the point was that I never cared much, just spending time with her was good, it hadn't mattered what we had been doing and I didn't mind now either. I was happy to watch another movie with her but I was also happy just to head home, shower and go to bed and hopefully get some shut eye. But it all fell on what she felt like doing.


Levi denied my offer of talking about it and he kissed the side of my head before he thanked me for asking, but I still couldn't help but worry about my best friend. He didn't deserve to be upset about whatever was on his mind at the moment, but if he was willing to turn down my offer then perhaps he was okay. I wasn't going to push him because I knew that he wasn't secretly dying for me to ferret the information out of him, no, he wasn't like that. He hid his personal life much like me and we knew our boundaries with each other well enough and pressing him to know what was wrong would be pushing that into uncomfortable places. I'd offered up my virginity to him, but I'd done it calmly and maturely and well... rationally. We talked it out completely and we made a well thought out plan so that there was no room for mistakes or unanswered questions. I had been proper and that was what mattered. That was how we behaved. We liked to have fun and bond, but never too personal. Never too close.

He then used the ending of the movie to change the subject and I sighed softly, thinking it over, a smile curving my lips as I rolled onto my back and released his waist, my head on the pillow as I looked up at him.
"Well, I was actually considering letting you stay the night since it's so late, but if you'd rather not, then that's fine as well. I just don't think I'll be able to stay awake for another movie and I'd rather not leave a drool puddle on your lap." I told him with a small smirk as I took his hand in both of mine holding it suspended over my face a bit as I looked at his large fingers, comparing the feel of his palm against my baby-soft ones and his large fingers to my slender, hot pink tipped ones.

I didn't care about how my body looked at the moment; how my breasts looked fuller in the cleavage showing from my dipping tanktop neckline and also how the tanktop was riding up just a bit, showing a couple inches of my flat abdomen. I was comfortable with my friend and I didn't need to hide. He'd seen me naked before and I'd seen him. Just as I'd seen Selena and the other girls and guys from our group. We'd all been friends and as young kids, we didn't realize what being naked together what could mean or when we first started feeling those hormones kick in, yet we didn't know what to do with each other, we just knew that we were curious... we played around; did stupid dares where a boy or two would be required to strip down and run down the shore in the icy water or something ridiculous like that. We had just been kids and we'd all played around, but now we'd changed; everyone had well... developed and it was just a bit different, though Levi was going to see me in two weeks for real. He was going to have access to and control over every inch of my body. There was no reason to hide from him, yet it didn't mean that I'd suddenly start hanging around him naked. No, I would be appropriate around him; it wasn't time yet and even then... would I flaunt my sexuality? Maybe, maybe not. I knew that I'd want to feel sexy; to feel appreciated and desired, but then again, I didn't want him to be pretending and so I might just take the safe road and play timid for him so he didn't feel pressured to want to make me feel good about myself when I pathetically tried to be sexy.


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