
She turned on her back and looked up at me and I grinned down at her, she looked so adorable like that, I didn't know what it was but somehow it just looked cute on her and I was glad she was comfortable leaving her head on my lap, considering the earlier events that had occurred, sure I had gotten control of my parts but she could have easily been freaked out with it and things could have gotten awkward but no, she had been mature about the situation and accepted it for what it was and handled it to make sure that no one saw or got suspicious and made an excuse for us to back away quietly and with decency. And now she had put the situation behind us and we were back to normal, it made things easier on me too and I really appreciated it because it was harder for a guy to hide his arousal then for a girl to hide hers. Of course girls had give away signs too but they were far more subtle and easier to conceal. But she spoke and said she didn't ind if I stayed tonight or not but she wouldn't be able to stay awake for another more and I nodded, considering my options. "Well, I don't mind not watching another movie, after today driving and this afternoon I'm pretty worn out so sleep sounds very inviting. However I need to have a shower, so if you don't mind me using a towel and your shower then sure, I'll stay," I told her with a smile, "And don't worry I won't leave any souvenirs behind for you to find," I promised, meaning any little hairs that tended to be the horror of teenage girls, at home I didn't care that much because a maid was always there to clean up after me so there were no real consequences. But now I would be more careful to leave nothing behind, I respected my friend and it was common courtesy to clean up after yourself in another persons home.

If course I didn't mind sharing a bed with her but if she wasn't comfortable with it then I wouldn't push or question her, I would simply take the couch downstairs. Anywhere sounded like a fivestar hotel for me right now so I wasn't too fussed. All I wanted was a shower, a pillow and somewhere to crash and get at least a few hours sleep. I knew sleep wouldn't come easily to me tonight but maybe a hot glass of milk wold help, sometimes it worked others it didn't. However, I would take whatever type or form of sleep that I could get. Of course I had noticed her top sliding up her torso with her movements and how it dipped lower for me to catch a glimpse of her bra and overly full cleavage but I had tried not to let my eyes stray, if they did then I would begin imaging what would be mine to have in a couple of weeks and how much I could please her when I got the chance, but if those thoughts ran through my mind too much it would begin swelling again and I didn't want that.


I heard his reply as I continued examining his hand in its sandwiched position between both of my palms, our fingers splayed out to align with each other, yet his were longer than mine and my hand was dwarfed compared to his. I grinned, "I don't blame you for that, Leev. Of course you can use my stuff. And no worries; I'm not a clean freak." I replied to him as my eyes lifted from our hands to his face. I didn't want him to feel pressured, though it wasn't like my bathroom was a wreck. I just didn't care if he made a mess; he was a guy after all and I couldn't expect him to bleach the bathroom and scrub the shower when he finished; even I didn't do that every time I showered. That would just flat out be weird. He could use a towel; it wasn't like I was afraid of cooties at this point in time. I'd wash it after it came in contact with his body, but I wasn't going to gag at the thought of touching it; my friend wasn't gross and it was only a body. A very, very attractive one at that.

I finally finished with our hands and I didn't know what to do with his. I could... drop it. Whether or not he would catch it could be up to him and that meant it would either fall on my boobs or he would move it on his own accord. Or I could try to place it somewhere else, but I didn't want him feeling weird if I put it over on the mattress or if I put it on my stomach or on his thigh... I didn't know what to do with his hand and at the moment, this was a real dilemma as I chewed on my lip, considering my options before I... dropped it. I pulled my hands away and moved them to my stomach as I waited to see what would happen.


She told me she didn't mind me using her stuff and I smiled, watching as she moved our hands to her own delight. It didn't bother me in the slightest though and she eventually dropped my hand, I moved it to push on the mattress before I kissed her forehead unwrapped my other arm from her as I scrambled to get off the bed and walked towards the bathroom, figuring there would be a towel in the linen cupboard in there. "I'll be back in a few minutes," I told her as I turned my torso to face her and gave a half smile before continuing into the bathroom, shutting the door but not bothering to lock it, I didn't care to, there was nothing I had to hide about my body and if she did decide to come in to the bathroom while I was showering, well then it was her choice. Stripping off quickly I just let my clothes sit in messy piles wherever they came off before I stepped into the shower, turning on the hot first because I preferred warm showers rather then cold, but I soon turned the cold water on so it mixed with the warm.

I soaped myself up and washed off, making sure to get rid of all of the salt spray, sweat and over all griminess off before I stepped out, turned off the water and stepped onto the bath mat as I reached for a towel, picking out the first one I found and drying myself off with it. I hated the thought of getting into dirty clothes because I had been accustomed to wearing clean ones but one night wouldn't hurt. However I only pulled on my boardies and boxers, not bothering for a shirt, I was only going to sleep anyway and I knew Chels wouldn't care. As I walked out I dropped my shirt and hoodie by the door with my towel as I couldn't find the laundry basket but I soon turned to walk towards the bed, flopping down on my back next to her but careful not to hit her as I sighed contentedly.


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