Kieran Academy for the Supernatural


The bender of Time and Space.

Character sign up sheet

Apperance (Place an image, anime Preferred):

Full name:

Age (15-18):


Sexual Orientation:


Powers (Maximum of 2):

Weaknesses/ Limitations:


Likes (minimum of 5):

Dislikes (minimum of 5):



Writing sample: (This is just so I can see how you write, write how you character feels about getting the letter and about coming to the school, this won't effect the RP in any way)
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Full name: Hisago Yuka Kieran

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Year: Chancellor, Dark arts teacher.

Personality: Hisago is a very wealthy man with a lot going for him in life. He stands at about 6' 2" and is not very muscular, but has the raw power to boot. He loves to read and teach minors, hence the academy. Fishing is an extra curricular that he partakes in, as well as martial arts. Hisago is a very sweet and kind man and for some reason a lot of the younger female students can't keep their eyes off of him.

Bio: Hisago was born thousands of years ago (Stopped age at 34) as the youngest of his brothers, Deus, and Yami. Hisago grew up being the nicest of the three and the most caring, considering they were all god in their own ways. His brothers were evil, they joined forces and tried tot ake over time and space, Hisago utterly stopped them. Now he spends his waking time teaching youngers kids to harness their powers. He always had a passion for teaching, thus made him want to make Kieran Academy.



Full name: Takao Rylynn Kieran

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Year: Senior

Powers (Maximum of 2): Pseudo Demi-god, Darkness Manipulation.

Weaknesses/ Limitations: Becoming too power crazy, Water.

Personality: Takao is an all around guy. He loves the world(sure) and he loves everyone(sure). He is nice to everyone when they are nice to him, but the second you turn on him he will not hesitate to take a turn on you. He stands at about 6 feet tall and is very muscular. Takao is powered by rage and anger, While he may not show it often, the angrier he gets, the more power he attains.

Likes (minimum of 5): Darkness, power, Pizza, Black clothes, Hand-held weapons

Dislikes (minimum of 5): Arrogance, Drugs, The light, Water, Feeling weak

Fears: Losing the ones he loves, Spiders.

Bio: Takao lost his parents around the age of 11 to a mysterious person. He was taken in by Hisago at the age of 13, since Hisago's wife was unable to have children. The source too his dark power is a small tear drop necklace that belonged to his mother. How it got there and why there is some weird black liquid inside of it, he will never know. Takao was always taught how to use his powers by Hisago, but decided to come to the school to master them and to be Hisago's right hand man. Takao always respected Hisago and thinks of him as a real father.
Apperance (Place an image, anime Preferred):<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/3f7783fd0261677b7d2340d77e4c7220.jpg.6e8a00651ebf103fdf6917fb1c5b5e31.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45299" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/3f7783fd0261677b7d2340d77e4c7220.jpg.6e8a00651ebf103fdf6917fb1c5b5e31.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full name:Nylah Jay Cross

Age: 17


Sexual Orientation:Straight

Year: Senior

Powers (Maximum of 2):

Telekinesis (movement of objects)

And Fire wielding (anything to do with fire, she can do)

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

She can't move objects that are drilled/implanted to the ground (houses,trees, etc)

Personality:short temper, fun, shy at times, smart

Likes (minimum of 5):



Playing with her fire power

Making others happy


Dislikes (minimum of 5):


Sour food

Bitter chocolate


Most vegetables

Fears:terrified of thunder and lightening

Bio:Nylah's step-dad hated her because of her 'weird' powers, he would always hit or yell at her, in a fit if rage she killed him and doesn't like to talk about it, everyone thinks he was hit by a car because she made it seem that way. In school Nylah was always the center of attention due to her looks and personality, her live for chocolate began when a boy started randomly giving her it all the time, she had a small crush on the boy and had an emotional breakdown when he moved away, chocolates the only thing she has left of him.

Writing sample:Nylah ran outside and checked the mail as soon as she woke up at 12:38, she quickly pulled out what was in it and ran inside. She skimmed through the mail and found a letter that said 'Kieran Academy' she tilted her head and quickly opened the letter, the letter had explained about the academy and what it was for, it saying she was welcome to come she showed her min the letter and begged her to go, her saying yes she quickly lacked her bags full of clothes and esentials she would need, including a couple hundred dollars her mom had saved up for her if she ever needed it. She got in the car and her mom drove her to the Academy.

(Tell me if there's anything I must fix)



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I like it. short, simple, and straight to the point. No need to fix anything dear. Accepted :) Once a few more post a CS we will start.



Full name:

Ayumi Asako Kimiko





Sexual Orientation:




Powers (Maximum of 2):

Empathy, Mediumship

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

Not being able to control her emotions

can easily be possess









Likes (minimum of 5):


-Cute things

-go on adventures



Dislikes (minimum of 5):

-getting talked over


-getting told what to do




-the dark

-getting possessed



Ayumi's parents went missing when she was 6 year old. She learned her parents were murder when her parents came to her in the middle of night when she was 10. Her brother and her went in and out of foster homes until her brother finally turned 18. Her brother took her with him when he left and she was now 14. In the foster homes is when she realized her second power, she felt the pain of the foster kids. The pain of not finding a parent and anger at the actual parents who put them there. Her brother told her to be hush about it until they got out of the system.

Writing sample:

Ayumi walked into her home from school to her brother shouting at her. She walked into the kitchen to her brother feeding her baby nephew. "Can you say dada," Her brother said while spoon feeding him. "What do you want," She asked while tossing her bag in the chair next to him. He pointed at the mail on the table. She grabbed the letter to see it was already opened. "Were you snooping in my mail?" She exclaimed. Her brother just shrugged his shoulders and continue to what he was doing. She took the letter out to see she was accepted to an academy she never applied to. Her eyes got bigger when she continued to read it to find out there were others like her and this school was supposed to help them. She slumped in her chair, as much as she wanted to go she didn't want to live her brother in the process. "What the matter kiddo, I figured you would be happy about this," Her brother smirked, "I even got your bags packed." "WHAT!!" She screamed apparently her brother wanted her out of the house because the next thing she knew she was on a bus heading to her new school.​
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.d679f09270208a7357085f98ad89259a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45338" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.d679f09270208a7357085f98ad89259a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.1c2a4b74731ee4e5c229fc418e995d16.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45339" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.1c2a4b74731ee4e5c229fc418e995d16.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full name:

Grace Bell Hemmings

Age (15-18):




Sexual Orientation:




Powers (Maximum of 2):

Manipulation of Natural Disasters,: The capability of conjuring and controlling things such as floods, thunderstorms, ect.

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

-Doesn't quite compute emotions, finds it difficult to express and counsel emotions.

-Grows frantic under pressure

-Doesn't do well with change

-Commonly has Anxiety/Panic attacks, you'll easily get emotion out of him then.


Grace is found at first to be commonly closed off, he isn't the type of person to openly express emotions not for any true reason other then for the fact that he doesn't quite understand as to how he's supposed to, emotions being odd things he doesn't quite understand.

But behind his usually deadpan exterior he is found to be a very kind and generous individual, much like a big brother to some though much more tolerant then most people.

Grace is easily irritated but can never truly portray it through his face and so he does though through body expression subconsciously. When he may be feeling saddened you'll find that he taps his left foot to an unknown rhythm or when agitated he'll begin adjusting his clothing.

Likes (minimum of 5):

-Chap, his dog companion


-Meeting others

-Playing the violin

-Writing Poems

Dislikes (minimum of 5):

-Overly dramatic people



-Anything happening to those he cares for



-Greatly fears thunder and lightning



Grace had been born into a kind family that was quick to fall apart as his father ran away from them a week after his sons birth. The boy was then brought up by a single mother, taught the more compassionate qualities despite his understanding of emotions. He was an only child until the age of nine when his mother had gotten together with another man, this giving Grace a female younger step sibling by the name of Sue.

They got along kindly, the whole family okay despite their poverty when the children of the family stumbled a crossed an injured dog one dawn. It had been very protective over itself not allowing anyone near despite the red which matted it's white fur. For a week or so each day Grace and Sue would return to the ally and gradually get closer by each day, only after eight days did it finally allow them to come near it and another eight to bring it back to their home.

With such an event Grace was quick to call the dog his own and named it Chap after a small character in a story his mother had once told him.

Writing sample:

Long lanky fingers fumbled with the thin parchment, finally resting to a halt to grip the edges with trembling hands after successfully unfolding the letter designated to the boy by name.

Grace hadn't been able to predict what may of been it's contents when his mother had interrupted his daily routine of practicing his violin, Chap curled up at his feet protectively. But what he read in the messy chicken scratched hand writing hadn't been what the teen expected. Sentences speaking of magic and lore Grace had been informed of through what he thought to be false tales his mother spoke of when he was a mere child as she'd chide him kindly during the nights filled with the rumbling sounds of storms.

Such a place was impossible wasn't it, a location only living within a persons dreams, right?

Grace then slowly began to recall the many odd scenarios that had occurred in and around their household after his fourteenth birthday, sudden unpredictable blizzards, tornados despite the unfitting terrain. Could such incidents have been his doing?

A peculiar feeling of numbness had begun to spread a crossed the teens chest, an odd sensation he recognised as what his mother called an emotion. Though this one was off, one that caused his hairs to stand on end and goosebumps to fall a crossed his skin.

Perhaps, Anticipation?



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HighnessesReign said:
View attachment 107062

View attachment 107064

Full name:

Grace Bell Hemmings

Age (15-18):




Sexual Orientation:




Powers (Maximum of 2):

Manipulation of Natural Disasters,: The capability of conjuring and controlling things such as floods, thunderstorms, ect.

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

-Doesn't quite compute emotions, finds it difficult to express and counsel emotions.

-Grows frantic under pressure

-Doesn't do well with change

-Commonly has Anxiety/Panic attacks, you'll easily get emotion out of him then.


Grace is found at first to be commonly closed off, he isn't the type of person to openly express emotions not for any true reason other then for the fact that he doesn't quite understand as to how he's supposed to, emotions being odd things he doesn't quite understand.

But behind his usually deadpan exterior he is found to be a very kind and generous individual, much like a big brother to some though much more tolerant then most people.

Grace is easily irritated but can never truly portray it through his face and so he does though through body expression subconsciously. When he may be feeling saddened you'll find that he taps his left foot to an unknown rhythm or when agitated he'll begin adjusting his clothing.

Likes (minimum of 5):

-Chap, his dog companion


-Meeting others

-Playing the violin

-Writing Poems

Dislikes (minimum of 5):

-Overly dramatic people



-Anything happening to those he cares for



-Greatly fears thunder and lightning



Grace had been born into a kind family that was quick to fall apart as his father ran away from them a week after his sons birth. The boy was then brought up by a single mother, taught the more compassionate qualities despite his understanding of emotions. He was an only child until the age of nine when his mother had gotten together with another man, this giving Grace a female younger step sibling by the name of Sue.

They got along kindly, the whole family okay despite their poverty when the children of the family stumbled a crossed an injured dog one dawn. It had been very protective over itself not allowing anyone near despite the red which matted it's white fur. For a week or so each day Grace and Sue would return to the ally and gradually get closer by each day, only after eight days did it finally allow them to come near it and another eight to bring it back to their home.

With such an event Grace was quick to call the dog his own and named it Chap after a small character in a story his mother had once told him.

Writing sample:

Long lanky fingers fumbled with the thin parchment, finally resting to a halt to grip the edges with trembling hands after successfully unfolding the letter designated to the boy by name.

Grace hadn't been able to predict what may of been it's contents when his mother had interrupted his daily routine of practicing his violin, Chap curled up at his feet protectively. But what he read in the messy chicken scratched hand writing hadn't been what the teen expected. Sentences speaking of magic and lore Grace had been informed of through what he thought to be false tales his mother spoke of when he was a mere child as she'd chide him kindly during the nights filled with the rumbling sounds of storms.

Such a place was impossible wasn't it, a location only living within a persons dreams, right?

Grace then slowly began to recall the many odd scenarios that had occurred in and around their household after his fourteenth birthday, sudden unpredictable blizzards, tornados despite the unfitting terrain. Could such incidents have been his doing?

A peculiar feeling of numbness had begun to spread a crossed the teens chest, an odd sensation he recognised as what his mother called an emotion. Though this one was off, one that caused his hairs to stand on end and goosebumps to fall a crossed his skin.

Perhaps, Anticipation?
tsukikokimiko said:



Full name:

Ayumi Asako Kimiko





Sexual Orientation:




Powers (Maximum of 2):

Empathy, Mediumship

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

Not being able to control her emotions

can easily be possess









Likes (minimum of 5):


-Cute things

-go on adventures



Dislikes (minimum of 5):

-getting talked over


-getting told what to do




-the dark

-getting possessed



Ayumi's parents went missing when she was 6 year old. She learned her parents were murder when her parents came to her in the middle of night when she was 10. Her brother and her went in and out of foster homes until her brother finally turned 18. Her brother took her with him when he left and she was now 14. In the foster homes is when she realized her second power, she felt the pain of the foster kids. The pain of not finding a parent and anger at the actual parents who put them there. Her brother told her to be hush about it until they got out of the system.

Writing sample:

Ayumi walked into her home from school to her brother shouting at her. She walked into the kitchen to her brother feeding her baby nephew. "Can you say dada," Her brother said while spoon feeding him. "What do you want," She asked while tossing her bag in the chair next to him. He pointed at the mail on the table. She grabbed the letter to see it was already opened. "Were you snooping in my mail?" She exclaimed. Her brother just shrugged his shoulders and continue to what he was doing. She took the letter out to see she was accepted to an academy she never applied to. Her eyes got bigger when she continued to read it to find out there were others like her and this school was supposed to help them. She slumped in her chair, as much as she wanted to go she didn't want to live her brother in the process. "What the matter kiddo, I figured you would be happy about this," Her brother smirked, "I even got your bags packed." "WHAT!!" She screamed apparently her brother wanted her out of the house because the next thing she knew she was on a bus heading to her new school.​
So much diversity and i love it :D both of you are accepted!!
Apperance (Place an image, anime Preferred):



Full name: Jace Eclipse

Age (15-18):17


Sexual Orientation:Straight

Year: Senior

Powers (Maximum of 2): Type 2

Weaknesses/ Limitations: Women(Most dangerous weapon to all men),

Personality:To be revealed in RP

Likes (minimum of 5):Women, Heroics, Variety, Training, and Socializing

Dislikes (minimum of 5): Arrogance, Evil, Unneccesary Collateral damage, Bullies, and Fighting women

Fears: Fighting women, Turning evil, Going Berserk

Bio: He's the son of an angel and a human making him a half angel. Due to this he was always seen as the Golden child of the family, though his father was never in his life. That was until when he turned 14 and awakened to his angelic power, his father returned home to him then. After quite the bit of family drama, his father was able to stay and be his father for once. However, Jace discovered that he could go berserk if he channeled to much power before he's ready. During his episodes his father would surpress his power. He's been training under his fathers watch since then.

Writing sample: Jace stood on the front lawn of the Eclipse mansion. He gripped a wooden longsword performing some standard swings of the dummy. He sighed loudly at how bored he is ar the momemt. Eventually out of frustration he cloaked the wooden sword in divine energy and hacked the dummy in two. Jace then turnd towards the gate as he heard the mail arrive, Jace quickly went to go retrieve it. Instead of opening the gate he simply jumped over it grabbed the mail from the mailbox and hopped back over.

As he walked into the house he cycled through the mail, he removed a letter that was adressed to him and handed the rest of the mail to his father in the living room. He opened the letter adressed to himself and quickly read it twice. His eyes widened and then he boomed "Dad look!" He showed his dad the letter. Mr. Eclipse replied "Well son, do you want go?" Jace then thought long and hard before saying "Yes."
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Okay, This is EXACTLY my character Takao, only light instead of darkness. I love it, I have been waiting for someone just like him of the light side. Could give Takao an enemy/friend. Accepted on one condition. Just like Takao he is a god, With the rules of a god you can't go super OP crazy(like I really want to sometimes). I'm sure you understand what I mean :P

Alright, I think tomorrow morning I'll go ahead and start the RP up. Make sure you all are ready :)
Character sign up sheet

Apperance (Place an image, anime Preferred): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.8eff9978020a417ea44938c80ef9a867.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45428" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/image.jpg.8eff9978020a417ea44938c80ef9a867.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A pale, skinny girl with short curly licorice black hair and cold grey-blue eyes. She never take her headphones off and she has a black tribal tattoo around her right wrist.

Full name: Stephanie Chalice Reuvan

Age (15-18): 15 years old

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Year: Junior

Powers (Maximum of 2):

Manipulation of the earth and natural energy.

Manipulation includes metal and magma. The earth can be used for offense or defense but in Stephanie's case, she uses it for quick attacks and transport.

Manipulation of natural energy can cause the wielder to create and absorb energy. It can be used for a wide range of purposes but it's tiring for the wielder.

Weaknesses/ Limitations:

If she uses her powers to full capacity, she'll be unconscious for about 3 hours maximum. Her panic moments (explained in personality).

Personality: She's a confident, sarcastic, intelligent girl. She's immature when facing her enemies but fairly mature participating in important conversations. She thinks mistakes are unacceptable, this thought and rule is also applied to her. If she does a mistake, she panics and gives herself a pep talk while doing whatever she's doing. This makes her lose focus and will endanger her.

Likes (minimum of 5):

Archery, Art, new experiences,

Music, Extreme sports, Grinning,

Combat Training,

Academics, Planning,

Nature and it's animals

Dislikes (minimum of 5):

Dogs, Spikes, Inanimate objects coming to life, Early mornings and Arrogance

Fears: The dark, suffocation and her frequent nightmares.

Bio: Stephanie had a great family, all of them loved her, her stepmother cared for her. She's surrounded by an environment where everyone supported her. But on the age of 9, Stephanie knew that she was different, somehow. Wanting to search who she really is, she notifies and left her perfect family. She went to the streets and slow develops to become a practitioner of magic. Though nowadays, she tries to not rely on magic and use what's on hand.

Writing Sample: Stephanie stretched herself as rays of light shined through the window of the motel room. She took a quick shower and have her breakfast when she saw an envelope slip near her door. Ditching breakfast, she snatched up the letter which bears her name. *No one could've found me, I have no address, but there's this impossible letter.* she thought before opening it up. She skim through the paper, reread and place in down on the table. *A chance to learn my skills with people similar to me?* the thought made her grin. *When was the last time Stephanie had a friend? 4, 5 years ago?* she thought as a finger tapped the letter. She smiled having made a decision. She open her closet and started packing, checked out of the motel and made her way to the alley. She focused before sinking into the ground and traveling to the Academy.



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Apperance (Place an image, anime Preferred):

Full name: Perry Ink (ot just Ink)

Age (15-18): 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Year: Junior

Powers (Maximum of 2): Sound manipulation and also good at playing guitar

Weaknesses/ Limitations: Can't really do much if people cover their ears but can still push them back if the tone is powerful enough, just uses more energy though

Personality: Arrogant, cocky, lively, friendly, and talkative at times

Likes (minimum of 5): Music, the ladies, playing guitar, being the spotlight, and making friends

Dislikes (minimum of 5): Being alone, not listening to music or playing guitar, being humiated or rejected, people who hurt others

Fears: Being alone and forgotten

Bio: Perry was always a normal boy who grew up loving music. He bought his own electric guitar and began learning how to play. However, he soon began to feel more and more independent and decided to leave his parents and go to attend the academy to learn more about his powers. He realized that he didn't need speakers to play his guitar loudly for others to hear in places like a stage. Most of his friends just call him Ink.

Writing sample: Ink was walking home and he stopped to check the mailbox when he approached his house. To his surprise there was a letter inside addressed to him. He opened it and realized he was being invited to attend an Academy for people just like him. Ink smirked. "Oi, who the hell is this guy? No clue but hey, anything is better than the old dump of a school I go to now," he said, walking into the house. His parents looked uo, curious to see what he was reading. "I got invited to this school. I want to go," Ink told them. His father got up and looked at the letter. "Hm..well you know what son, I think you would be just fine going to this school," his father said. Ink smiled. "Great! I'll get myself an apartment there, that way I won't have to go back and forth between both realms," Ink proposed. His shrugged, "If it's convenient for you than we'll be more than happy to help you with that.
Appearance (Place an image, anime Preferred):


Full name: Raisa Westlin

Age (15-18): 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Year: Sophomore

Powers (Maximum of 2): Aerokinesis and Flight


Weaknesses/ Limitations:

  • She can't use both her powers at the same time
  • Creating tornadoes and such sap a lot of her strength
  • She needs an adequate amount of space to perform larger tasks


Raisa, when you first meet her, is very quiet and reserved. She isn't one to start a conversation, because she doesn't know what to say. But as you get to know her, she will open up to you, and soon enough you will find that she is one of the coolest, calmest, most laid-back people you will ever meet. Around people she knows very well, she can get a bit weird and a slight bit crazy. But that's only because she can trust you not to judge her.

Raisa is intelligent, curious, and logical. She has a tendency to remember all the details, and may have trouble seeing the big picture. As an empathetic person, she can easily give effective advice and likes when people come to her in times of need. Whatever she can do to help, she most likely will. She is also an effective mediator.

Raisa can get a bit frustrated when things don't go completely her way, but is always willing to compromise and figure out another solution. Rambunctious people can annoy her, as well as people who think highly of themselves for the wrong reasons. She likes calm and quiet environments where she can be alone with her thoughts. Which may or may not be a good thing.

Raisa is very observant and aware of her surroundings. If something moves even slightly, she will turn to look at it. Staying cool and collected in tense situations is something she prides herself on. She tends to have a serene facial expression, almost tired-looking. She can physically exhaust herself just by thinking through things thoroughly. That being said, she tends to overthink things.

Overall, Raisa is a somewhat introverted person who presents herself as antisocial but really just needs someone to start a conversation with her. Once you do get to know her, she is a very kind and calm person.

Likes (minimum of 5):

  • People, in general
  • Calm, quiet environments
  • The color blue
  • Animals
  • Humor

Dislikes (minimum of 5)

  • Anything pink, sparkly, or both
  • Conceited people
  • Being threatened
  • Disloyalty
  • When people talk about something secretive right in front of her but refuse to tell her anything

Fears: She is claustrophobic, and always worries about her abilities spiraling out of control one day.

Bio: Raisa had a normal childhood, until her mother developed cancer when Rai was 11. As a result of this, she was unable to have any more children. Devastated by the news, her father left for a week and stayed at his brother's house. A year ago they adopted an 8-year-old girl from Germany named Addison. Addison helped the family re-unite, and Raisa's mother survived her battle with cancer.

Writing sample: "Raisa! Mail for you!" her father's voice rang up the stairs. She took her earbuds out of her ears, still humming the song she was listening to as she descended to the main level of the house. Upon entering the kitchen, Addison immediately bombarded her with questions.

"Who's it from? What does it say? Is it from a BOY?!" her sister waggled her eyebrows.

Patting her sister's head, Raisa laughed. "It hasn't even reached my hand yet," she said, picking it up off the table and showing it to her.

"Now it has."

Breaking the seal of the envelope, she pulled out a crisp white piece of paper and delicately unfolded it. The print looked more like calligraphy, and almost whimsical. Raisa frowned slightly as she read.

"What's wrong?" Addison asked, grabbing her free hand.

"Oh, nothing. I've been invited to attend an academy called Kieran starting this fall," she said. Before she could move, her sister had already dashed into the living room to tell their parents. Raisa smiled as she ran off.

'An academy to help me learn about my powers. Well, it certainly helps to know that there are others like me. How did they even find me, anyway? More importantly, how did they even know?'
Apperance (Place an image, anime Preferred):

Full name: First name-Chi Last name-Chi

Age (15-18): 17

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Year: Senior

Powers (Maximum of 2): Lightning powers such as: creating lightning strikes that can shock people, and being an electricity source

Weaknesses/ Limitations: If she touches anyone while extremely excited, she may accidently shock them, like a Pikachu. She leaves a temporary tingly feeling in whoever she touches(like static electricity). She can't send electricity through non-conductive things (obviously)

Personality: She is very perky around people her age but don't agree with her parents most of the time. She has issues with her parents and their seriousness and she hasn't told them about her long discovered power. She is friendly and tries to keep her excitement contained.

Likes (minimum of 5): video games, food, television, music, reading,the color green, animals, and rainstorms.

Dislikes (minimum of 5): seriousness, techno music, sappy movies, reality, and cinnamon.

Fears: not having total control over herself, hurting someone, the thought that one day all the built up electricity inside her will make her explode.

Bio: Ever since she was little she has always loves fantasies and fairytales but her parents are so serious. Many times she has thought about running away but never has. Her father is a lawyer and her mother is a banker. She is an only child but her parents still have little time for her, which she doesn't mind.

Writing sample: (This is just so I can see how you write, write how you character feels about getting the letter and about coming to the school, this won't effect the RP in any way)

Chi gets off the bus and crosses the street to check the mailbox. Bills to Mr. Chi, bills to Mrs. Chi, newspaper, etc. She flips through the papers until she sees her name. Her first name(which is the same as her last). Someone actually sent her something. Surprise. She reads the return address to see a name of a place she has never heard of. She walks down the driveway and unlocks the door to get in. As far as she could tell, she was being invited to a special school for people who had powers like her. Her parents wouldn't approve, but she didn't care. This was her ticket out of here. She could leave and never look back.

The letter said something about another dimension. That she was unsure of. But still, this was her chance. She heads to her room and immediately begins packing. She was going to leave tonight before her parents came home.
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I like it, only thing. You can't be 16 and a senior lol. I don't really care just saying :) Accepted.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/AnimeBoyBlueHair.jpg.c3aeeeb5cccd70b8533fffa432f47605.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="45576" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/AnimeBoyBlueHair.jpg.c3aeeeb5cccd70b8533fffa432f47605.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Full name:

Vex Kresva Albion

Age (15-18):




Sexual Orientation:




Powers (Maximum of 2):



Weaknesses/ Limitations:

Teleporting far distances causes Vex to suffer from fatigue. The same goes for repeatedly teleporting short distances too much. While fatigued, the distance he is able to teleport is greatly reduces, up to the point of not being able to teleport until rested.

Can not look into a person's memories, nor distinguish their feelings. Vex can, however, receive and send images.


Vex is quiet, preferring to speak through telepathy rather than with his mouth. He is also near emotionless, or at least appears so on the outside.

Likes (minimum of 5):






Dislikes (minimum of 5):

Speaking with his mouth

Sitting properly

Being bored




Being trapped


As a young child, Vex exhibited strange abilities, and was abandoned by his birth parents at an orphanage. At the orphanage, Vex taught himself how to control his powers as he grew up. He was always viewed as a peculiar child, because he exhibited no interest in adoption. At the age of 15, Vex left the orphanage and acquired his own small home with money he received from doing many odd jobs.

Writing sample:

Vex was woken from his nap by the sound of the mail being delivered. With a small yawn, he rolled off of the couch that he had been sleeping on and went to go grab the mail. Picking it up, he looked through the few letters. A letter from his old orphanage, asking how he was doing, bills, and a rather odd letter, one he had never seen before. Tossing the other envelopes over his shoulder, he opened the one that caught his eye. As Vex read the letter, he cocked his head to the side in curiosity. It appeared that the letter was from some academy that he had never heard of. That was the confusing part, as he had never attended school before, having always teleported away when the workers at the orphanage tried to get him to go. Vex shrugged. It would be a new experience at least. Who knows, he might even have fun.​



  • AnimeBoyBlueHair.jpg
    30.9 KB · Views: 160
Daimao said:


View attachment 107567

Full name:

Vex Kresva Albion

Age (15-18):




Sexual Orientation:




Powers (Maximum of 2):



Weaknesses/ Limitations:

Teleporting far distances causes Vex to suffer from fatigue. The same goes for repeatedly teleporting short distances too much. While fatigued, the distance he is able to teleport is greatly reduces, up to the point of not being able to teleport until rested.

Can not look into a person's memories, nor distinguish their feelings. Vex can, however, receive and send images.


Vex is quiet, preferring to speak through telepathy rather than with his mouth. He is also near emotionless, or at least appears so on the outside.

Likes (minimum of 5):






Dislikes (minimum of 5):

Speaking with his mouth

Sitting properly

Being bored




Being trapped


As a young child, Vex exhibited strange abilities, and was abandoned by his birth parents at an orphanage. At the orphanage, Vex taught himself how to control his powers as he grew up. He was always viewed as a peculiar child, because he exhibited no interest in adoption. At the age of 15, Vex left the orphanage and acquired his own small home with money he received from doing many odd jobs.

Writing sample:

Vex was woken from his nap by the sound of the mail being delivered. With a small yawn, he rolled off of the couch that he had been sleeping on and went to go grab the mail. Picking it up, he looked through the few letters. A letter from his old orphanage, asking how he was doing, bills, and a rather odd letter, one he had never seen before. Tossing the other envelopes over his shoulder, he opened the one that caught his eye. As Vex read the letter, he cocked his head to the side in curiosity. It appeared that the letter was from some academy that he had never heard of. That was the confusing part, as he had never attended school before, having always teleported away when the workers at the orphanage tried to get him to go. Vex shrugged. It would be a new experience at least. Who knows, he might even have fun.​
Accepted :)
Apperance (Place an image, anime Preferred):

Full name: Lily Maricela

Age (15-18): 15

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Year: 1st Year

Powers (Maximum of 2): Flight, Deception

Weaknesses/ Limitations: Fire, Deceptive powers do not work on someone who can understand that they are being deceived by that power, Cannot swim

Personality: Distant, Quiet, Lonesome, Brooding, Despite all that, she can be kind and loving

Likes (minimum of 5): The color red, Ravens, Kindhearted people, Moonlight, Apples

Dislikes (minimum of 5): Most people, Being told how to do things, Sunshine, Coconut, Cruelness without reason

Fears: Commitment, Large groups of people, Thunderstorms

Bio: Lily was once an angel in heaven, serving the Gods to her best ability, and was well known in the Divine community. That was until she made a mistake. A poor decision was all it took for her to fall. And she fell because she trusted the wrong person. Humans were given forgiveness, but thus was not the case for angels. Stripped of her divinity, she fell to earth as the equivalent of an adolescent human. She retained dark new powers and started her life living among the humans. Eventually, she planned to challenge the one who was also at fault for her fall: Her brother.

Writing sample: I filed through the stack of letters I hadn't bothered to check for in a couple of days, mindlessly scanning for something of possible importance. My eye caught on a particular envelope with a gold seal. Kieran Academy, huh? I suppose I did need to find a proper secondary school before the term started. Still, it was normal not to fit in at a human school because I was different, but not fitting in at a school that consisted of people like me... Well, it just felt even worse. It's not as if I cared for people anyway. Most of them were naive, selfish people. Yet, if I did go, it could be a chance to become stronger and I could be myself freely. I sighed to myself, realizing I had been frowning at the letter for quite some time. "Minerva!" I called to my head maid. "Yes, Madam?" "Make preparations for me please. I want to attend Kieran Academy when the term begins."

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