KHR - Thirteenth Generation - Sign up


The Colour Red

The thread is up:


@UnholyRedemption @Lucem Tenebris


Summary :

After the tenth generation passed and Tsuna's oldest son passed the title to his little brother, things were going well. However, a revolt was started by an infiltrating enemy family. It was the enemy famiglia and the members of Vongola who liked their bloody ways, against the members who wanted change. The revolt eventually ended in favour of the members who wanted peace. However, Vongola was left crippled. The twelfth generation was led by Tsuna's adopted grandson after the former twelfth died from disease and things got better, but they were nowhere near their former power. The enemy famiglias is still out there and their power grows by the day. Their identity is still unknown. Their hopes were gone when their heir dissappeared and the only successor left was from a different bloodline, but still related to Primo's. This successor was similar to how Xanxus was in the past and nobody wanted to relive that. When it was discovered that Sawada Katamori was alive, the Twelfth sent members to search for him.


Vongola: 13th gen

Boss/Sky Guardian: @Lucem Tenebris

Right hand/ Storm Guardian: @UnholyRedemption

Rain Guardian: @Crystalline?

Lightening Guardian: @Raito

Sun Guardian: @L u n a ?

Mist Guardian: @Angel Evans

Cloud Guardian: @killerlung

Shimon: 13th Gen

Boss/ Earth Guardian: @killerlung

Forest Guardian:

Mountain Guardian:

Swamp Guardian:

Glacier Guardian: @Calla (reserved)

Desert Guardian: @Blitzy

Unnamed flame Guardian:

Millefiore: 3rd Gen

Boss/Sky Guardian: @Angel Evans

Storm Guardian:

Rain Guardian:

Lightening Guardian:

Sun Guardian:

Mist Guardian:

Cloud Guardian:


Boss/Sky Guardian:

Right hand man/woman:

Other roles:

13th Generation Vongola Tutor :


-No Godmodding.

-Be literate and active in this role-play

-All standard RPN site rules apply here.

-No bunnying.

-Post at least two paragraphs, not one or two sentences.

-Wait to be accepted by moderators.

-Take everything not to do with the role-play to a PM.

-Don't start two much drama, we have made Arc's.


Sky : Harmony.


"Rain, Storm, Cloud, Sun, Mist, and Lightning, he influences all of them. He understands and accepts all of them."

Storm : Disintegration.


"Continuously at the heart of the attack, the furious Storm that never rests."

Rain : Tranquillity


"To become a blessed shower that settles conflict and washes everything away."

Sun : Healing/Stimulation.


"Destroying the misfortune that attacks the Family with their own body, they become the Sun that brightly shines upon an area."

Lightening : Solidification


"To draw damage to himself and away from the rest of the Family, serving as a lightning rod."

Mist : Illusions


"Creating something from nothing, and nothing from something; thus bewildering the enemy, to render the Family's true form intangible with visions of deceit."

Cloud : Reproduction/growth.


"To be the aloof, drifting Cloud that protects the Family from an independent standpoint, and whom nothing can ever bind."


Arc one : Finding family.

(Theme song)


Skeleton :

Make this as detailed as can be!!!

Name :




Flame type(2 Max ):

Position :


Personality :






My character.

Name :

Letizia Carlevaro







Flame type:

Storm (Main)

Mist (Sub.)

Position :

Storm Guardian of the 13th Generation of Vongola.

Right hand woman to the boss.


- A range of martial arts.

-Twin swords.

Personality :

She is the type that takes no jokes, everything is a serious matter in her mind that must be addressed instantly. She accepts nothing she considers foolish or dangerous to occur within her family. Raised by a Vongola guardian she is quite strict on the rules, not understanding or giving any mercy to betrayal, lies or disobedience. The bosses word is law. Accepting the strong and ignoring the existence of the weak she is considered egotistical despite her unconscious lack of confidence in herself. She is incredibly loyal and dedicated to her word or her superior's orders


Her mother the twelfth generation Mist guardian and her father a low class member of the Vongola forces. Both met and fell in love quickly after, this leading the her birth. Since her birth she has been exposed to the Mafia and the bloodshed that this world contained. She always questioned how ignorant the public mass could be since she could think maturely.

At age five she began to be taught how to fight, tactics and manners strictly after the Twelfth boss got a report from his storm guardian about her containing strong storm flames and asked her mother to allow her to become the Storm guardian for the thirteenth generation. Her mother reluctantly agreed and her training started.

Being fond of the boss she was quite happy joining the ranks of the vongola, even happier when she was taught by the twelfth generation storm guardian who had her respect instantly for his strength. So she was taught many styles of martials arts to work with her flames. Years on end she was put in training that increased her strength, speed and agility.

Physical strength was not the only thing she was tutored in. She was taught to think logically, her best interest to protect the boss and to protect the Vongola even at the cost of her life. She agreed with this. So, she became dedicated to her studies, trying to impress her parents and tutor's by increasing her results in her training.

At the age of seven, her father was killed when taken on a mission to the enemy familigia's base. This took a major toll on her. She became fearful of connecting to weak people. As her mother was a lot stronger she began to believe that only the strong should live, the weak will die and break the hearts of the strong. However, the child always grieved for her father, loving the man dearly.

After this point she became extremely, almost obsessively dedicated to her future role so that she could stop her comrades dying for being weak. A lot of her friends were weak after all. The twelfth boss then sent her on her first mission. Recover the candidate for vongola thirteenth. At first she thought that the kid would be weak, specially after being missing for years on end and so was reluctant but obeyed.

However, she eventually changes her mind on her new boss...


-Sweets (hidden like)


-Strong people.


-Loyal people.


-Sour food.


-Battle-happy people.

-Weak people

-People with no manners.





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Name: Sawada Katamori/Katamori Sawada/Kata

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Height: 5"4

Flame Type: Sky

Position: Candidate for Vongola Tredicesimo

Weapon(s): None

Personality: Katamori isn't very good at interacting with others. As a result of being imprisoned, he was unable to reconnect with society and became closed off from the world as a result. He has trouble with expressing himself after years of torture and facial expressions have been limited to the same blank face, along with his constant monotone voice.

He is unable to understand certain things due to being cut off from the world. However, this doesn't make him an idiot. In fact, Katamori is quite intelligent and learns things pretty quickly. Things that have to do with emotions and things that are more attributed to social life are things he has difficulty with.

Despite how he may seem, Katamori is actually extremely kind. However, the years of physical, emotional, and mental abuse has kept this side of him buried within. Underneath his shell, there is the same kind and cheerful boy he once was, along with the accepting personality that all skies possess. Like his predecessors, there's something about him that attracts others and draws people in.

History: As a child, Katamori was a bright and cheerful boy. He lived in the small town of Namimori in Japan, where his Great Grandfather grew up before moving to Italy. His Father followed in the footsteps of his own father and forewent the Mafia life. However, he still held a high position from before Katamori was born.

On one fateful night, he was taken from his home in his sleep. The young Katamori feared for his life. He didn't know what was going on and he had no idea who these scary people were. They spoke in some language that he couldn't even understand. All he knew is that he wanted his parents.

He was shipped like an animal to a small location in Italy, where he was imprisoned and experimented on. As the only living member of Primo's bloodline, besides his father, he was seen as valuable and a threat. And so they kept him there for years on end.

Half the time he was kept in a cell and experimented on, while he would spend the other half floating in some tube-like prison. Everyday things got worse and he cried his eyes out. Eventually, there were no more tears left and he was nothing more than a husk of his former self.

One day while he was suspended in his tank, chains binding him, there were many loud noises. Breaking glass, gunshots, cries of agony, he could hear them all. Eventually the noises stopped and he heard nothing.

The tank's emergency locks automatically undid themselves and he escaped from his prison. Apparently the Vindice had come to punish his captors for crimes against humanity. Unfortunately, they were unaware of his presence at the time.

After escaping, he learned many things. He learned about the Mafia, the flames they used, and that he was a descendent of a member. He didn't learn much, but what he had learned was enough.

He tried to integrate with society and return to his old way of life. Unfortunately, this was not meant to be. He was tortured constantly at school, but to a larger extent than his predecessor. He had no money, no home, and no family. Despite his, he managed to scrape out a meager living and keep himself alive. Despite hating the place, he continued to attend school. What else was he supposed to do?

He is unaware that the Vongola are searching for him and his position as a potential candidate. However, even if they found him, getting him to join wouldn't be easy by any means. He wanted nothing to do with the Mafia. He wanted nothing to do with the reason for all his pain and suffering.

Likes: Animals, Reading, Nature

Dislikes: The Mafia, Violence, School

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.95cf6d00d434b80e6fb68796f4fe960d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5946" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.95cf6d00d434b80e6fb68796f4fe960d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(His hair was a natural brown before his imprisonment.)



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This does seem quite interesting! I would love to join, though my CS may be a little delayed due to the fact that I'm currently swamped with affairs. I was wondering if I could be the Vongola Rain Guardian. c: And as for the flame types, I wanted to have Rain as my main and Sun as a sub - though I'm not so sure how that would play out. xD Either Sun or Lightening... Not so sure. xD

Name: Lace Tyson Marudeva

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10"

Flame type:

Desert Flame


Desert Guardian of the 13th Generation of Shimon.


-.44 revolver

-Pipe bombs


The type of guy you would expect to see on the news, or in a mental institution. Lace will either take his sweet time on something, or quickly, unethically, and on his terms. Being abandoned in a desert gives you a lot to think about; so much so, in fact, that Lace has gone more or less insane. He is very reckless and lives by the nonsensical motto of "Better sorry than not"; taking risks being something he enjoys. He holds a hatred for anything cold, and has a one-sided rivalry with the Glacier Guardian due to this. Lace is prone to random outbursts of anger, and is considered very bipolar and rarely changes his mind.


Born to a "loving" family of his mother, 12th Generation Shimon Desert Guardian, and his normal father, Lace Marudeva was thrown into the deserts of Kazakhstan to test his abilities and see if he was worthy of being a Desert Guardian as his strict mother wanted. Lace, against all odds, survived and thrived in the desert only using his wits and what he could find.

The teenager's parents, despite having promised to come back for him, never did and only worsened the situation. He found shelter in a cave, eating things such as scorpions and small desert rodents, drinking from the cacti. Eventually he began to love the heat and unlivable conditions in his new home. He trained for long periods of time, running across the deserted landscape and sandy dunes; practicing fighting techniques in the empty wasteland.

Lace soon found a small town with all the necessities, and worked to earn money to buy "equipment". He taught himself to make homemade explosives and weapons such as zip guns and pipe bombs. He quit his job at the general store, and found another job at the local guns shop, where instead of currency he insisted the owner pay him in ammunition and later, a .44 revolver (of which he currently uses).

Lace, with his parents seemingly gone from the world, traveled back to Japan and joined the Shimon, just as his parents hoped he would do. He was ecstatic to be a part of them and began training with the 12th Earth Guardian, who liked his erratic personality, albeit being a bit frightened by the spontaneity of it. He trained for weeks with his flames, getting better with each passing day.





-Spicy foods




-Harmony; togetherness.




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@Blitzy Accepted!~ Welcome to our KHR Role-play~ ♥

However, there is a minor issue. Due to the age of all our characters you wouldn't have mastered your flames yet. ^^'' I apologize for this.

Once this is sorted...well...then look back at the first line :D

Oh yes, could you tell us the extent of his mental state? He is quite intriguing and I would like to know how he is specifically.
Oh, why thank you! I completely forgot about his age when I wrote that. Sorry about the confusion, it will be fixed momentarily.
Ah, thank you so much! 
@killerlung once you've decided on a flame type and mafia family tell me immediately so I can reserve that spot for you ^^ Then you can take time on your CS.
I believe it's fixed, I changed "nearly mastering them" to "getting better with each passing day", implying he is still mostly an amateur, but is getting better with training. I hope that solves this whole dilemma! :D
Oh, and his mental state is something along the lines of post-traumatic stress disorder, due to his childhood being quite the hellish one, with him barely surviving in the desert and all. He also has schizophrenia, but is still capable of acting (more) serious if need arises; although his "seriousness" is still a bit random and abnormal.
Well, we aim to fill a majority of the Vongola positions but I believe that five people is our minimum. There are two others that'll be posting at a later time due to their schedules. ^^~
I think I'll do the Vogola Cloud guardian, and I can do a Shimon family character to be introduced later in the rp
Ah, we will only be tracking down the Vongola heir.

The idea is that the vongola have it's allies helping search for the vongola heir for the first arc.

Do you still want the shimon 13th position?
its more like he's hiding, he hates responsibilty and has known he was meant to be the Shimon boss since an early age. So he has a habit of running away to different countries, assuming new identities and hiding. Hence why he ends up Japan, he's actually from America, the son of a family bosses who expanded the families influence to the Italian mob based in America. (The boss after Enma was somewhat more cold hearted than his predecessor)

(Oh!? I didn't mean to interfered with the story arc, my bad I was just trying to make a backstory. I guess I'll revise)

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