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Fantasy Khorys


Freezing in Summer
Sweet deal, things seem to be humming right along. I'd love to see some chatter among the writers. Once your application is accepted please feel free to jump right in here.

Anybody set any personal writing goals for themselves with this RP? I know for me this is going to be a chance to grow at guiding a story. My goal is to strike a nice balance between giving the party meaningful choices to make, keeping things moving at a decent pace, and bringing in a good dose of humor.
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Hm wondering if we're starting after we enter the game or right before when we boot up the computer (and leave those poor nachos to be forever unconsumed), anyways I'm really hoping to use progression and the story to work on my character development :)

Also hi everyone!

Um, I just want to ask a few things before we really get started. This is a game, and so the obvious question is will it be similar to several game stories I know? I mean hardline stats, levels, skills and stuff like that. Also, since we're all trapped in the game together, will the group of ten players always have to be together?

Nice to meet everyone and I hope we'll have fun! (:3)
Circus here, looking to play the bard.

Looking forward to this RP and I have a few questions. How do we determine what abilities we have or how we gain them. I'd prefer not to have hardline stats and levels and just progress through writing at a natural rate.

Since it is a game, should we assume that we have something similar to a HUD?

I'm cool with playing these types of questions out and let things evolve organically.

Look forward to my CS.

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Silsa said:
This is a game, and so the obvious question is will it be similar to several game stories I know? I mean hardline stats, levels, skills and stuff like that. Also, since we're all trapped in the game together, will the group of ten players always have to be together?
Circus said:
How do we determine what abilities we have or how we gain them. I'd prefer not to have hardline stats and levels and just progress through writing at a natural rate.

Since it is a game, should we assume that we have something similar to a HUD?

I'm cool with playing these types of questions out and let things evolve organically.

Good questions! Icerex has a good idea about how to manage each character's progression through the game and how they will gain/strengthen abilities and grow in power. We are working to create a fill-in-the-blank guide for writers to plan and track this "leveling". Keep an eye out for that. It is important to me that I not micromanage everyone's character when it comes to their abilities, but there does need to be some guidance and structure.

When it comes to gaming things like a hovering health bar, stat pages, and a dinging bell when a character reaches a new level, my plan is to keep things, as Circus said, a bit more natural and organic. Those elements exist on the other side of the screen, but these players have been completely thrown into the world of Khorys. They will not have a minimap: they will have an actual map. They will not have official levels or a point system for stats, but players will become more powerful as the game plays out.

As for all ten players being together all the time, the answer is no. The story is crafted in such a way that there will be a home base where everyone is able to train, rest, recover, plan, and interact if they want with other characters at base, and then parties are sent out on specific missions.
So Amber requested I make my prescence known and mingle and whatnot in the OOC so here I am.

I come in peace.

...okay, I can't even say that with a straight face.

I come with explosives, EVERYBODY DUCK
Circus said:
I'm a little intimidated by how many characters we have...
Don't let Arsenic scare you, Circus. ^_~

I believe a good balance is forming with the crew. It will give us a chance to send out multiple parties on different missions. Everybody will have a chance to write with everybody, essentially. It also means if anybody has to leave for a three week vacation the rest of the team can carry the story, which is nice.

I'm waiting to hear back from our potential rogue, but there is a chance we will need someone else to apply for that slot. Keep your feelers out, people. If it comes to it though, I could throw a character into the mix. That's my last resort though.
My Spellblade is designed to be somewhat rogue-like in nature. What he lacks in stealth he makes up for in mobility, with tricks like wall-running and even blinks at higher levels, and it would make sense to give him thw Knock spell (or Alohamora, for those of you not familiar with D&D).
Never said he was a rogue, I said he could fulfill the role of one. He's a squishy, leather-clad damage dealer, he's evasive, perceptive, and can work locks. He lacks in stealth and in disarming traps, but otherwise he can fill that slot in a group.
Oh, gotcha. I don't have much experience with table top RPs so i only know the basic classes.

I may need some help on what all the classes we have do.
Basically the Spellblade belongs to a group called the hybrid classes.

The most popular hybrid class is the Paladin, a hybrid knight/cleric.

The Rune Knight or Magic Knight is the equivalent for the knight/sorcerer or knight/wizard. They go by many other names as well, including Magus and Duskblade.

The Spellblade would technically be more of a rogue/wizard hybrid, because he goes around in leather, unlike the plate armor of the above two. Sora from Kingdom Hearts technically also falls under this distinction. He relies on guile and outmaneuvering to evade his foes, much like a fencer, and releases magical strikes through his blade instead of doing things like backstabs and kidney shots as a rogue would.
Calling it right now, we're going to end up something like this...


Though that's not necessarily a bad thing in my experience. (@V@)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.c51016e9985f1b1137c8985dcdfc48dd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="63328" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/image.jpg.c51016e9985f1b1137c8985dcdfc48dd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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You guys are hilarious. xD I think you've got us pegged, Silsa!

We gotta find an excuse to throw one of the dwarves. Needs to happen. Arsenic, don't let us forget.

Aaaaaaand, I have just updated stuff in the character sign-up tab, and in the IC RPing tab! Check out the character sign-up stuff first, it won't take long.

After this I'm going to update the Overview tab with information on the outline for the story. I'm a sucker for outlines. . . You guys only get the bare bones though! Lots of surprises in store.

Very nice post. I like.

Are we in a "video game" or were we actually transferred to another "physical" world?

We also have knowledge of our own abilities and such, right? Figuring out how I'm going to write up my post and such.

Also, for the tanks, should they have taunt/provoke abilities? Still confused if this is a real world or a video game world.
Psssh. I know what you're getting at, Amber. Might as well rename "Super Awesome Ability" to "Ultimate" already and call it a wrap.
You know Circus, I really haven't decided if Khorys is a "real physical world" or a "video game world". Certainly the inhabitants of Khorys don't think they are in a video game. To them their world is real and normal. The Oracle wants the team to save Khorys because she believes it is going to suffer a literal destruction, not merely a game over screen.

But, maybe it is just a video game! It's kinda deep, if you think about it. And it would be a great question for your character to constantly have nagging at them.

And yes, I would say each character would have some knowledge of their own abilities. Kind of like how the magical nacho portal turned them into whatever race and class they chose, I think it also gave everyone a knowing of their power.

It would be very useful for a tank character to have a taunt/provoke ability, for sure.

The Preface is a chance for us to work out kinks in the system and develop a style as a team. Be flexible and expect to make any tweaks to keep things going smoothly, and keep asking questions because they are very helpful!

And Arsenic, if I called it an Ultimate people might suspect I'm an LoL nerd, which we just can't have. >.> No one can think my loyalties might be divided. . . *slinks away to not play League*
You can't run from me, Amber.

I placed a ward.

Also, finished the LOLification. Let me know what you think.
Alrighty got my starter abilities set up :) can't wait to start! Hope I did alright balancing them. Tried to use actual d&d spells as a base

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