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Augh, I really should be more active here. But thread-based OOC is hard to keep up with :kissopeneyes:

Also, the relationships tab of the CSs are looking pretty empty. Would anyone be down to discussing relationships between player characters? Could be fun.
Augh, I really should be more active here. But thread-based OOC is hard to keep up with :kissopeneyes:

Also, the relationships tab of the CSs are looking pretty empty. Would anyone be down to discussing relationships between player characters? Could be fun.
Speck, hmu on Discord later today and I'd be down to
Augh, I really should be more active here. But thread-based OOC is hard to keep up with :kissopeneyes:

Also, the relationships tab of the CSs are looking pretty empty. Would anyone be down to discussing relationships between player characters? Could be fun.
im down as well
It’s a classic hallmark of Wuxia for everyone to have a relationship of some kind with everyone.
Oof I can’t access Discord atm but I am on vacays! I’m also down to discuss relationships other than just cook and customer :D So Long is the social type after all

Also my brain thinks that sometimes So sneaks oit, puts on her dance outfit and just dances for a buncha hours before coming back like

“I went to get veggies”

“But we have veg-“

“There is no such thing as too many veggies ok- Are the people hungry?”
I will be available for that type of talk when Yu is done.

No not you, Yu, yes Yu.

Not you.
Wín isn't particularly someone who only cares or respects people if they're good with weapons and the like. If anything, it's more likely he'd gain bonds with others through other actions. He is, after all, one who dabbles in writing and also playing games, while also being silently wise. So it's really easy to connect people with him.

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