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Can’t fight wars or navigate politics effectively in an empty and dull stomach

Almost done with So Long btw! Just need to add the backstory and clean up a bit! Also since she’s just a cook for now and not like overseeing the cooks or anything (I think) she won’t need administrative talents right?
Where are you on the Chef Hierarchy?
Head Chef? Sous Chef? Junior Chef?
Ok so a group of six with mismatched skills and no cohesion wouldn't be a retinue, right?
Correct. Retinue in this RP is like a bodyguard unit, and later on becoming a company of special forces for their respective owners. Their personal troops, basically.
Yeah but I'm thinking more along 10 peep at most. More than that and it will be more formal which isn't the vibe I'm going for
eh , I wouldn't say totally formal , like my retinue isn't formal in their ways , they're more just like how pirates are tbh , mob mentality but with respect to the leader which ig you could say is formal
Yeah but I'm thinking more along 10 peep at most. More than that and it will be more formal which isn't the vibe I'm going for
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 , how large would our retinues be, actually? Do they have to be a certain size or is their size just "whatever you want them to be but not too big"
u could do like a thing where she knows how to coordinate food and include the most necessary nutrients required in a meal , just a suggestion tho , do what u think is bestest
Oooo that’s a great idea! That would be a good admin skill

Where are you on the Chef Hierarchy?
Head Chef? Sous Chef? Junior Chef?

Hmmm ok I haven’t clarified yet but I’d say head chef?? But if it’s like Momshula says and they all get their title ICly then idk?? Until Momshula clarifies, Head Chef it is :D
Oooo that’s a great idea! That would be a good admin skill


Hmmm ok I haven’t clarified yet but I’d say head chef?? But if it’s like Momshula says and they all get their title ICly then idk?? Until Momshula clarifies, Head Chef it is :D
You're gonna need a large amount of authority then. o7
Small brows :3

Gah dayum how violent >:0

I like

Also just threaten with starvation simple

Death by over deliciousness and exploded tastebuds isn’t possible yet
“you lot will never survive without the usage of my fabulous culinary arts !”
Yeah but I'm thinking more along 10 peep at most. More than that and it will be more formal which isn't the vibe I'm going for
If they are combatants, they would fall under Retinue. Not all retinues abide by the same organization, since most of them are hereditary troops raised or simply close personnel that follows their leader. Prime example being Yang's monk brothers. So if you plan on having jianghu pals for your char, they would fall under retinue.
Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 , how large would our retinues be, actually? Do they have to be a certain size or is their size just "whatever you want them to be but not too big"
At your discretion, so the latter. You may choose to upgrade and expand their size later on when given the opportunity to do so. Or you can keep them smol throughout. You can still play dress up with them though.
Ah, its the rocket ooc time of the day.

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