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Keystone Outcasts

Chloe smiles, "Thanks," she says, following and sitting beside Lee. She grins at everyone, "Hey." She comments.
Melanie grins and takes a bite out of her cookie, "oh thank god, Chloe, I thought I was gonna go mad with all the male germs that are being spread onto this table by this pig." She says, gesturing to Lee.

Lee waves at her a little before taking a large bite out of his pizza, he talks with his mouth full so the words that he says are kind of inaudible, "Mnngf ffghh th." He says, shrugging his shoulders and swallowing his pizza.

Robbie sits down next to Joshua and smiles a little at him. He felt sort of out of place on the table. He reaches into his bag and pulls out his lunch that his parents had packed him, opening the plastic containers lid. There was a small sandwhich, a smaller container of a weird dark green liquid, an apple, and another small container with pills in it.
Chloe laughs, "Like being in a zoo," she says quietly looking at him, she brings a hand through her hair and smiles at Josh and Robbie. She smiles and takes out a bag of crisps, eating them slowly.

Josh smiles at Robbie and looks at Chloe, laughing lightly at her comment.
Lee looks over at Robbie's lunch and scrunches up his nose in disgust. "Okay, what the hell is that green stuff?" He asks him, narrowing his eyes at it like he didn't trust it.

Robbie grins a little, "Oh, it's nice, honestly, try it." He offers, pushing the container forwards so that Lee could take it. He knew it tasted like foul shit, but he wouldn't tell him. He wanted to see his reaction to the shit he had to eat everyday.

Lee bites his lip before taking the small container, he takes the lid off and sniffs it suspiciously. It smelt disgusting.

"Honestly, Lee, the smell can be deceiving."

Lee shrugs his shoulders before taking a sip of the green liquid, and when he does he spits it back out, putting the lid on the container as fast as he could and pushing it back to Robbie. He grabs his fanta and drinks half of it, "What the fuck was that?!" He looked genuinely sick.
Joshua looks at Lee, trying not to laugh. He bites his lip before bursting into laughter.

Chloe giggles looks at Lee, "if you're going to be sick, don't be sick near me?" She says with a laugh, she looks at Mel and grins.
Robbie grins, taking the liquid and opening the lid, he didn't drink it yet though. "It's wheat grass." He explains, before opening the container with his pills inside of it, he shoves all the pills in his mouth, before downing the wheat grass and swallowing it with the pills, he wrinkles his nose in disgust.

"What the hell is wheat grass?" Melanie asks, a grin on her face as she looked at the droplets that Lee had spat out. She then looks at Chloe and begins to laugh, finding the whole thing hilarious.

"I don't even know." Robbie shrugs his shoulders and wipes his mouth with his sleeve.

Lee grimaced, watching Robbie drink it when he knew it was foul made him feel even worse. "No seriously man I feel sorry for ya, having to drink that shit every day. I feel like throwing up and I didn't even drink the whole thing."
Joshua grins, "Damn that looks bad." He comments looking at Lee.

Chloe laughs some more, "Poor Lee, you look like you just drank from a toilet," she says wrinkling up her nose and laughing again.
Lee shakes his head, "I think I just did." He takes another drink of his fanta and then bites his pizza again, trying to get the taste out of his mouth. It worked, thankfully, and soon enough the taste was gone. "Remind me never to try anything that you offer again, alright?" He asks, pointing at Robbie with a serious expression on his face.

Melanie grins and turns to look at Chloe, "No but seriously, it's really nice to actually have a girl around. These three spend so much time talking about girls and sex that I just feel like ripping my hair out or running away to become an eskimo or something."

Robbie looks at Melanie, grinning and shaking his head, "We do not. Well. Lee does but we don't. Me n' Josh are good, promise you."

"I don't know, Robbie. How's your porn going?" Melanie winks, looking at him, before turning back to Chloe.

Robbie goes quiet and looks at the table. "It's not- It isn't porn." He takes a bite out of his sandwich and sighs. Who put carrots in a sandwich?
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Josh laughs, "Hey, me and Robbie, we aren't anywhere nearly as bad as Lee." He says laughing again before looking at Robbie.

Chloe grins, "Well we could always have girl talk about the guys we like, Mel, I'm pretty sure 'Male Mandy' over there wouldn't mind." She jokes pointing at Lee, "I'm joking, I'm sure you aren't as bad as her." She says before glancing at Mel and Josh and then Robbie.
Melanie grins a little and nods her head, "if you'd have been in this school last year, you would have seen how bad he was. Like I'm pretty sure we had a new girl hanging around with us every week, didn't we Lee?"

Lee glares at her, "Melanie shut up! I'm a changed man now, I promise." He looks at Josh and Robbie, "a little help here guys? They all think I'm a whore." He pouts a little bit and crosses his arms across his chest, accidentally spilling fanta over himself when he moved. "Ah shit, well that's just great!" He picks the bottle up and looks down at the wet patch on his trousers.

Robbie looks at Josh and smiles a little, but then looks back at the table, tapping his fingers on his thigh.
Chloe shifts away a little as the fanta spills, "And now you've wet yourself, clumsiest award goes to... Lee." She announces with a grin. She looks at Mel and laughs.

Joshua chuckles, "Hey, Chloe have to know all of the gossip." He says holding his hands in the air. He laughs when the fanta spills.
Lee looks at her and raises his eyebrows. "I am starting to dislike you." He says, jokingly, before screwing the lid on the fanta bottle. He looks up, silencing Melanie's laugh with a glare. "I think we should do proper introductions, just so we can get away from this awkward topic. I'll go first." He clears his throat and looks at Chloe dramatically. "My name, is Lee Evans. I'm a clumsy, awkward, fool. Attractive, yes, but I'm also a fool. And I am a very, very, big slut." He nods his head and bows a little awkwardly, before turning his head to Melanie.

"Oh? Me?" She thinks for a moment. "Melanie Martins, at your service. Ever high, ever dramatic, and increasingly wonderful. Especially at keeping these three under control." She winks and grins, laughing a little, before looking at Robbie.

"Robbie Emerson. Dying." Robbie says simply, looking at the table. Melanie glares at him. "We talked about this." She warns, and Robbie looks up and puts a fake smile on, "and I'm also morbidly depressing." He looks at Josh, itching to get the attention away from him.
Josh grins, "Joshua Matthews, nicer, more charming and better than that doofus," he jokes, "no, but seriously, I am nicer." He says with a laugh before looking at Chloe.

Chloe smiles, "Chloe Serrano, ex-cheercaptain, meanest joker, and the girl most awesomely fucking hotness." She says with a laugh, glancing at Lee and then Mel before looking at the others and laughing. She takes out a bottle of coke and takes a sip, "Nah, I'm not that great, but gotta say what you want all the people to think, eh." She says.
Lee narrows his eyes at Joshua, "You wanna go?" He threatens, standing up and assuming a fighting position jokily, "two swings and you down, blood, you down!"

Melanie ignores Lee and looks at Chloe, "preach it sister, if you don't say it, who'se gonna guess it?" She grins a little and pushes her hair out of her eyes, before getting fed up with it and pulling it into a ponytail. "Guys," she directs this to the table, "I know we're doing something on Saturday, but that is beside the point, because I feel we also need to celebrate the fact that we have a new friend, also that we survived our first day back, and that none of us got a detention. So we need to do something. Tonight. Like, yes." She slams her hands down on the table.
Josh stands facing Lee, he too in a in a fighting position, joking, "Bring it, Bro." He says with a laugh.

Chloe smiles, "Exactly!" She says, her smile turning to a grin, looking at Melanie, "Suggest something and I'll be there, even if my mum throws a fit." She says, looking down at the table slowly, she'd let herself forget about what happened but it still came to mind, quieting her.
Lee pounces on Josh, bringing him to the ground, but once down he just sat there. "Sup." He grins at him, before pretending to hit him in the face, "you down bruh."

Melanie thinks for a moment, "You've not been in Ireland very long, have you?" She asks Chloe, deciding on where they should all go that night. The den was out of question, considering she wanted that to be unveiled on Saturday, but there were other places. There was the actual graffiti wall, that still had graffiti on it, most of it being Robbie's. There were the rocks by the pier, the area by the train tracks. She grabbed Lee by the collar and pulled him up. "Lee, help me decide where to bring Chloe tonight." She demands, "In fact, all of you, make a suggestion."

Lee grins a little, "The train tracks."

Robbie shakes his head, "Graffiti wall."

Melanie looks at Joshua, "You're suggestion please, my child?"
Chloe grins at them and then looks at each other them eating for the suggestions.

Joshua taps his grin gently, thinking, "the rocks by the pier is always a nice place to go." He shrugs lightly smiling at his friends. He stands, dusting himself off and smacking Lee round the head softly.

Chloe laughs, "Mel, your choice now. Everyone likes different places, I'm new here, only been in Ireland for two days, I'd be happy anywhere right now." She says with a laugh.
"My place is a mystery place." She laughs a little, then gets out a piece of paper from her pocket, she rips it into four sections and labels them each a number from one to four. "Lee is one, Robbie is two, Josh is three, and I, of course, am four." She says. "Robbie, your hat, if you will." She demands, reaching out for it.

Robbie pulls his hat off and hands it to her, and Lee leans over and touches his bald head. "So smooth..." Lee whispers, and Robbie bats his hands away. "Fuck off you perv." He says, a grin forming on his face.

Melanie rolls her eyes and puts the pieces of paper into the hat, then mixes them up. She turns to Chloe, "pick one, kid."
Josh nods watching Chloe, "Go on, pick a place any place." He says, smiling at her. Chloe laughs slightly reaching into the hat and picking one. She looks at them all before looking at the number, "Number... Drumroll please... Four." She says with a smile looking at Melanie, "mystery place it is." She comments.
"Excellent!" Melanie grins and claps her hands together, "We'll go after school then, straight after?" She asks, hopefully. She hated going home, all her parents did was argue, and she hated being around her brother just as much.

Lee nods his head, "that's fine with me."

Robbie shakes his, "Can't, not straight after, mum wants to check up on my meds 'n stuff." He says, biting his lip.

Melanie sighs, "Can't you just... Alright. Well I'll text you the secret location and you can meet us there, alright?" Robbie nods his head.
Chloe nods, "Okay, that'll be fine." She murmurs with a grin. She was excited to know the secret location. She looks around, "What lesson do you have next?" She asks looking around at everyone, she had science and wanted to know if she'd be with anyone.
"We all have science, yeah." Lee smiles. "But it's the same situation as maths. Stages and such." He shrugs his shoulder, getting out his timetable, "stage 2."

Melanie and Robbie don't even look at their timetables, considering they did advanced science as an elective, they were in stage one for their other sciences. "Stage one," they both say at the same time, then Robbie looks at Josh, and Melanie looks at Chloe.
Josh looks at his timetable, "Stage 2." He answers with a smile looking at Lee and then at Robbie and Melanie. He then turns and glances at Chloe.

Chloe grabs her timetable and looks at it, "Stage two as well." She says with a smile, looking at Melanie. She then looks at Josh and Lee, "And I'm stuck with the man whores." She jokes with a laugh.
Lee frowns, "Someone, anyone, please swap stages with me!" He pleads, grabbing Melanie by the shirt, "She'll be mean to me Mel!" He pouts and looks at Chloe, pretending to be afraid.

Melanie just narrows her eyes and pries Lee's fingers from her shirt one by one, she looks at Chloe. "Be as mean to him as you like, seriously. He is all yours." She laughs a little and looks at Robbie, she grabs his bag and begins to look through it.

Robbie stands up and grabs his bag from Melanie, "I'll be taking this," He laughs a little, before slinging the bag over his shoulder. He looks at the time, then turns around and walks off without explanation.

Melanie pouts. "He's not in a good mood today."
Chloe laughs, "Aww I won't be that mean, don't worry about it Lee, I'll be nice." She says amusedly, she looks at Robbie as he walks off and then nods at Melanie, she glances at Lee again and then smiles slightly.

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