Keychains #271 - #275

And added to that, the blandness of the thread title and the insipid quality of the first post come together to make this the worst KoC thread I've ever participated in. Cry harder, Quchu, but it won't wash away the tang of failure from this trainwreck of a thread.

I will use your tears for my moat.
How about we just use Thanquol bile for the moat? :twisted:

'Twas the last thread that got borked.

Qushu was only doing what was asked.

Besides, he's in Kansas, so I'm on his side until he does something stupid, then I'll YouTube it and let everyone else laugh at him too.
Don't defend him! I need those tears! If he won't cry them, you will. I will hurt your feelings until you weep, like so:

Mr. Ker'ion, I find your taste in music pedestrian.
Thanqol said:
I agree wholeheartedly.
...What happened to Karen's eye? Did I miss something?
Eye lasers happened.
I love being able to say that.
More specifically:

Oh, and:

Thanqol said:
Don't defend him! I need those tears! If he won't cry them, you will. I will hurt your feelings until you weep, like so:
Mr. Ker'ion, I find your taste in music pedestrian.

You might be able to catch a few tears while I LMAO.
There also appears to be a tree down. You can see the roots to the left of the rock, and the hole in the ground just short of the river.
Oh, hey, my whining got a new thread made.

And I'm not sure how the next couple of strips will go, but I can imagine the follow exchange:

Ten: Secret, how are you still in one piece? Karen should have easially have hi-

Secret: Dodge charms.
A question just popped into my head. There's an awareness charm that lets an Abyssal see perfectly in the dark, and also gives a few other benefits, I believe. It makes your entire eye turn black, and as a Day Caste, I'd assume Secret either has it or can get it easily enough. But how would such a charm be demonstrated in this art style?

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