Keychains 196 through 200


Elder Member
What else is there to say but "oh yeah, solar/lunar bond."

I <3 Exalted because it lets you say "don't even bother telling me the odds" about things like two Sisters exalting as a Solar-Lunar bondpair.

<3 those two! And not even remotely inappropriately, either. That's one of the most heartwarming hugs I've seen, ever, let alone out of a stick figure comic.
Radiant Reflections of a Thousand Crumbled Fortifications

Artifact 3 Moonsilver Slab of Wall

This artifact chunk of moonsilver was created at the shattering of an ancient Lunar's mobile, shapeshifting fortress. It is a chunk of moonsilver of aproximately half a cubic foot in volume, whose shape and texture can take on the seeming of any form of construction, from a section of bamboo wall to hewn rock to masonry bricks. It was hurled so often as an improvised weapon that it ceased to be improvised, and now serves any who require a large object to throw at their foes' heads in good stead.

Speed: 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +16B/4, Rate 1, Minimums: Str 2, Attunement cost 5, Tags: O, P

When thrown, the Radiant Reflection of a Thousand Crumbled Fortifications turns into a mundane form of exactly what it was impersonating. The next time the attuned master takes a Ready Weapon miscellaneous action by picking up any fallen piece of a wall, it becomes the Radiant Reflection of a Thousand Crumbled Fortifications, shimmering moonsilver. If the wielder desires, she can form it into any concievable shape and texture she desires as a reflexive action.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Radiant Reflections of a Thousand Crumbled Fortifications
Artifact 3 Moonsilver Slab of Wall

This artifact chunk of moonsilver was created at the shattering of an ancient Lunar's mobile, shapeshifting fortress. It is a chunk of moonsilver of aproximately half a cubic foot in volume, whose shape and texture can take on the seeming of any form of construction, from a section of bamboo wall to hewn rock to masonry bricks. It was hurled so often as an improvised weapon that it ceased to be improvised, and now serves any who require a large object to throw at their foes' heads in good stead.

Speed: 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +16B/4, Rate 1, Minimums: Str 2, Attunement cost 5, Tags: O, P

When thrown, the Radiant Reflection of a Thousand Crumbled Fortifications turns into a mundane form of exactly what it was impersonating. The next time the attuned master takes a Ready Weapon miscellaneous action by picking up any fallen piece of a wall, it becomes the Radiant Reflection of a Thousand Crumbled Fortifications, shimmering moonsilver. If the wielder desires, she can form it into any concievable shape and texture she desires as a reflexive action.
Oh, so hilarious. I rolled down the floor, and then proceeded to laugh my ass off.

Thank you, Shadow. Thank you so much.
krrackknut said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Radiant Reflections of a Thousand Crumbled Fortifications
Artifact 3 Moonsilver Slab of Wall

This artifact chunk of moonsilver was created at the shattering of an ancient Lunar's mobile, shapeshifting fortress. It is a chunk of moonsilver of aproximately half a cubic foot in volume, whose shape and texture can take on the seeming of any form of construction, from a section of bamboo wall to hewn rock to masonry bricks. It was hurled so often as an improvised weapon that it ceased to be improvised, and now serves any who require a large object to throw at their foes' heads in good stead.

Speed: 5, Accuracy +1, Damage +16B/4, Rate 1, Minimums: Str 2, Attunement cost 5, Tags: O, P

When thrown, the Radiant Reflection of a Thousand Crumbled Fortifications turns into a mundane form of exactly what it was impersonating. The next time the attuned master takes a Ready Weapon miscellaneous action by picking up any fallen piece of a wall, it becomes the Radiant Reflection of a Thousand Crumbled Fortifications, shimmering moonsilver. If the wielder desires, she can form it into any concievable shape and texture she desires as a reflexive action.
Oh, so hilarious. I rolled down the floor, and then proceeded to laugh my ass off.

Thank you, Shadow. Thank you so much.
I aim to please. ^_^


Eventually, my Solars group is going to meet the Keychain circle. Possibly even get drawn into their quest. By then, Marena will most certainly be in possession of this artifact, and will have Thrown 5 (Slab of Wall +3.) ^_^
ShadowDragon8685 said:
What else is there to say but "oh yeah, solar/lunar bond."
Do we know that they're bonded? I mean, we can probably assume that they already had intimacies towards each other to begin with, simply on account of being brother/sister...
Also, when you think about it, it's a bit odd that Karen Exalted as a Solar... protecting someone you love is more of a Lunar motivation. But perhaps we just haven't seen enough about her to know yet.
Aquillion said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
What else is there to say but "oh yeah, solar/lunar bond."
Do we know that they're bonded? I mean, we can probably assume that they already had intimacies towards each other to begin with, simply on account of being brother/sister...
Also, when you think about it, it's a bit odd that Karen Exalted as a Solar... protecting someone you love is more of a Lunar motivation. But perhaps we just haven't seen enough about her to know yet.
It can go either way. Frankly, any mortal throwing themselves at an Exalted-level threat is a Solar level badassery-trigger for Exaltation, and some Solars have strong "I am the sword and the shield between <X> and <everything not X>" things going on.

Also, Marena and Karen are identical twin sisters! Not brother and sister!
Does EVERYTHING link back there now? Lord knows how many hours I wasted on gun tropes alone...

Although it IS pretty useful when you need it.
krrackknut said:
Does EVERYTHING link back there now? Lord knows how many hours I wasted on gun tropes alone...
Although it IS pretty useful when you need it.
The way I see it, TVTropes is a gold-mine of Exalted inspiration - and the basis of excellent stunts.
Mmmmmeeeeewwwww CAI!!!!!

Oh, and, as for this:

Jukashi said:
Then I get to the last panel and realise I have no idea how to represent spotty patches of snow in an extreme long shot.
Try interspersed spots of brighter and darker land.
That's not Mew Cai. I'd have thought the white-hot solar eyes all over would have made that clear. It's Karen's Dawn anima.
Looks close enough. Just change the eyes and make the diamond on the forehead black.

Well, except Mew Cai doesn't have back legs that I remember.
Jukashi said:
That's not Mew Cai. I'd have thought the white-hot solar eyes all over would have made that clear. It's Karen's Dawn anima.
Close enough. Don't argue with the squeeing fans.

Still, very awesome. Now you just have to make Karen as badass as Ten Winds to go with that over-the-top anima and you'll be golden.
Looks close enough. Just change the eyes and make the diamond on the forehead black.
Well, except Mew Cai doesn't have back legs that I remember.
Also, Mew Cai had a mane, not horns; she had ears, and her hands weren't always attached to her body. Plus she was smaller, and a different colour.

... Alright, I'll stop.
Those are eyes all over the body? That's creepy awesome. Or awesome creepy. Creepily awesome? I don't know, it's outright frightening.

And being a malignant fan of Gunnerkrigg Court I have to ask if there's any relation between the creation of Karen's anima banner and Coyote. :D
It's kinda odd to have something specific as an anima banner, though. The Solar Essence is supposed to resonate with universal concepts. :|

If anything, Misho should have Glorious Solar [Desk] as his anima banner.
Eh, me, I'd have let a player change their Anima Banner after a significantly-enough life-altering event with a good justification and an XP shot. And being affected so by Mew Cai's death would've qualified Misho, IMG.

That said, his Targeting Soloution Anima Banner works pretty damn nifty, too.
Panel 3; "Mortals now activate their secondary reflexive charm. It's called Run Really Fast."

I must say; for a stick figure comic, Karen looks downright awesome.

Now, I wonder where she got the folding daiklaive from.
krrackknut said:
Panel 3; "Mortals now activate their secondary reflexive charm. It's called Run Really Fast."
I must say; for a stick figure comic, Karen looks downright awesome.

Now, I wonder where she got the folding daiklaive from.
The same place my new Solar character got her Oricalcum Celestial Battle Armor and Oricalcum Power Tools from?

That space between the exaltation and joining the Circle, in other words. Called Backstory Tiem.
Must be losing my touch, first thing I thought of was the Haslanti Air Marine Knife or how a cool anima for a twilight would be a guy with lots of arms that happened to be holding all the tools you could use for whatever particular job you're concentrating on at the moment

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