Keychain of Creation

There's a hidden joke in this comic. Can you find it?

And while you're at it, help me think what core Exalted setting concepts I haven't introduced yet. I'd like to have all the essential stuff in the early ones so that people who are unfamiliar with the setting won't be turned off so easily. I know I'm missing the Bronze/Gold Faction stuff, the Realm and the Empress. What else?
Jukashi said:
There's a hidden joke in this comic. Can you find it?
Is it a joke that references something outside of the Exalted setting?
Yeah, it is. And it's sorta obscure (or else it wouldn't be hidden, would it?). But that obscurity is contained within something well-known.

I think we really should have some sort of index pointing at the various pages so we can point people at them... ^_^ ;

Rather than trawling thru the entire thread.
One of them's got one of 'em Klingon Magic-Swordy-Whatsies but that could hardly be considered obscure knowledge on a forum full of geeks.
Jack said:
One of them's got one of 'em Klingon Magic-Swordy-Whatsies but that could hardly be considered obscure knowledge on a forum full of geeks.



Those have actually been put in Exalted. They're called Spread-The-Water knives, and I think they're described in Scroll of the Monk.

Haku: I've got links to them all on the first page of the thread. I edited it in under the first comic. That's pretty much it until I can get an FTP program that'll work and upload a proper site in the space Flagg generously provided.
Jukashi said:
Jack said:
One of them's got one of 'em Klingon Magic-Swordy-Whatsies but that could hardly be considered obscure knowledge on a forum full of geeks.



Those have actually been put in Exalted. They're called Spread-The-Water knives, and I think they're described in Scroll of the Monk.

Haku: I've got links to them all on the first page of the thread. I edited it in under the first comic.
That and the blue-sid? or is that DB... seems to be speaking an "unknown/alien" language... ^_-
Ha! It still makes me giggle. :D

You get an imaginary cookie, Flagg. That's the site I got it off and everything.
I registered on this forum only to post here.

And I'm posting here only to ask you this:

Please, don't stop.

I like your comic. A lot. It'd be a pity to interrupt it now.

Please tell me that you have no intention of doing so.
Della said:
I registered on this forum only to post here.
And I'm posting here only to ask you this:

Please, don't stop.

I like your comic. A lot. It'd be a pity to interrupt it now.

Please tell me that you have no intention of doing so.
One of us, one of us, gooble gobble gooble gobble!
And don't worry, We'll crucify Jukashi if he doesn't continue it... :D
Well! That's a pretty big compliment. Don't worry, I have no intention of stopping. I have been putting off making the next one for a bit, mostly as a break because the last one was more work than I had expected, but that won't last.

However, when I do actually manage to get a proper site up, you might have to wait a few weeks before seeing new comics. In order to save myself too much stress, I'm making a "comic buffer": in other words, the ones you see here are for going up one by one twice a week; you're getting them as a privilege of reading the forum where the idea for the comic was born. Thus, even if I have to take an unexpected break from making them for a while, the site can continue to get updated.

It'll be an irritation, I know, but it'll be beneficial in the long run, as I'll be able to produce comics in batches during my creative moods, rather than on a set biweekly basis. Or at least, that's the theory.
So where's this site? The subdomain is feeling neglected.
Haku said:
webcomics for the webcomics god? pixels for the pixels throne?  :twisted:
Chaos worshipper! The god-emperor doesn't like that kind of talk!
The power of Chaos is stronger than you can ever imagine. Join me, and together we shall overthrow the God-Emperor or is that the Child-like Empress or the Scarlet Empress or the Sand-Worm God-Emperor? I never can recall.
Flagg said:
So where's this site? The subdomain is feeling neglected.
Actually, I wanted to ask about that. I did have a site designed, but then I was going through my course notes (to regain my technical knowledge...) and was reminded that a website really needs to be made for its users' sensibilities, not the author's.

So... what do you guys all think should be on the site? :P And do you have any suggestions on colour and layout that'd work well?
Awww, I feel a little stupid now : ( I don't get the ending of this episode. The Abyssal says "it's a keybla-" What's that? Why does the Solar get so upset? What am I missing?

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