Keychain of Creation

You are taking too long, that is a complaint
Get the next issue up before I find out where you live, that is a threat
I.e. Don't get your panties in a knot too bad, or we'll steal them. ;) And yes we'd like to see more.
This comic sucks! It never updates! The art is lame!

[/complaints] Does that make you feel better, Jukashi? More updates! :D Please? *puppy dog eyes*
Alright, alright, you can halt the deluge. :P

The next one is the exposition for the comic's plot, so it's pretty long- another double-sized one, with lots of fancy stuff I have to take time over. So hold on to your britches, it should be worth it.
:D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D   :D
That comic is like crack to addicts.  You gave us a taste, and now we're addicted.  We need more!  More I say!
Ooh, it'll allow the mortals among us to awaken their essence and can improve all our combat stats? Nifty. ;) Just be careful of the Agg.
Not only is it amusing, as usual, but it's actually a pretty interesting plot :)
I think he actually uploaded that artifact to the old Lore5.

Good old Kingdom Hearts, there's nothing it cant do.

I also feel it bears mentioning that your God of Keys made me think Arran-heartless, but that's hardly suprising. Nice work Jukashi.

Edit: I was right
Nice story.  I can't wait for the next few hundred issues!  Get busy! :D
Jack said:
I think he actually uploaded that artifact to the old Lore5.
Edit: I was right
Yup, that's right. You could say that the Keys are the 2nd. Edition version, as I've changed their story and powers in a number of small ways. Hopefully for the better.

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