Keychain 91-95


Elder Member
Does anyone else find it as ironic as I do that, of all people, her, The Most Secret and Sorrowful of the Bearers of the Endless Destiny of All Creation..., is the one to be lecturing Marena about destroying things?

I mean, Secret, the girl who shamelessly declares that she literally has to murder idiot extras, or else lose it and go on a killing spree of totally innocent people, is lecturing Marena about irresponsible behavior?

That's just funny. That said, in the grand scheme of things, sleeping around is exceedingly minor, even trivial. Hardly terrible. Mean and irresponsible, perhaps, but not at all terrible.

That said, Marena's sentiments are pretty dangerous. It's one thing to sleep around with an attitude of "Eh, so what? It's fun", but taking the right to decide what is right or wrong upon yourself is a pretty destructive thing. It also sounds like she's rationalizing quite a bit there.

Her last sentiments are the most reasonable: monogamy being for the weak. Funnily enough, I didn't imagine Secret would have a problem with Marena's promiscuity. What an odd little girl.

In other news:

I see that Jukashi got a chance to use that modification to Marena's tatoos that was so lauded in the Fanfiction's NSFW section. Smooth move, way to avoid drawing teh Terrible Nipplorz, destroyers of minds everywhere. :P

And, uh... Dun du dunnn! Who's that guy who looks like he's a cross between Solid Snake and Link? I thought the only ones with pointed ears in Exalted were the Fae Folk, the Bad News Guys?
Re: Keychain #92


That guy, though, he's drawn in a different style. What the hell?

Less borders, mostly. Looks really creepy.
Re: Keychain #92

It could be to show he's extremely well-camoflauged, or that he's not entirely real, such as a Fae Folk would be?
Re: Keychain #92

There are other things with ponty years: mutants, products of Craft [Genesis], products of Necrosurgery, spirits (including demons), Exalts who can change their appearance with charms, etc., but I'm also putting my coins on Fair Folk.
Re: Keychain #92

Yay, she's the personification of things I don't care for in the setting. I knew I didn't care much for Lunars for a reason. :P
Re: Keychain #92

Arthur said:
There are other things with ponty years: mutants, products of Craft [Genesis], products of Necrosurgery, spirits (including demons), Exalts who can change their appearance with charms, etc., but I'm also putting my coins on Fair Folk.
Heh. Hmmm... I wonder if Ten Winds took addiction (Gambling) as a flaw? Think he'd bet against you? :P

And Cthulhu, well...

I get the feeling she may have been yanking Secret's crank, there. She dosen't (otherwise) strike me as arrogant enough to believe she has the right to go around dictating morality, just promiscious enough to sleep around enough.
Re: Keychain #92

Marena's right, of course. Morality is for those the law can threaten and control. If it can't do that to a person, they behave in a manner more consistent with who they really are. And besides, relationship wrecking *can* be useful. It's like the quote "If you lend someone £10 and never see them again, it was probably worth it."
Re: Keychain #92

Government is nothing more than a group of people, notably, often ungoverned.

Or, to put it another way, those over whom the law enforcers have no authority or ability are those most in need of mortality; unfortunately, they also are those who often lack it.
Re: Keychain #92

You've broken the comic thread cycle... ;_;

Anyway. Yes, Secret is responding unusually strongly considering the things she does herself, but some people are like that, you know? Everyone knows the oft-repeated speil about censorship in America, where you can have guns and blood all over the place but nary a nipple to be seen.

Marena does have some dangerous opinions about her status as relates to ordinary people and social rules; remember, she's a Silver Pact Lunar. She's been told (by some very charismatic people) how great they are, what a responsibility they have to Creation, that it's right, and even noble, to manipulate lesser humans for greater gain (Thousand Streams River), that few things are important save being strong enough to protect oneself and one's territory, and so on and so forth. And that doesn't take into account her upbringing before her Exaltation... >.>

It's arrogant, yes, but Exalted really are better than everyone else. If you meet one who's humble, there's probably something wrong with them.
Re: Keychain #92

ShadowDragon8685 said:
Who's that guy who looks like he's a cross between Solid Snake and Link?
I'm guessing he's a Sidereal, what with those green eyes, and all.
Re: Keychain #92

"Dangerous sentiments." Considering that's the attitude that brought the First Age low and makes the Age of Sorrows so desolate, I'd have to agree. Good to know that Secret is at least a little penitent. Of course, she is the least experienced of the group, so that might be why.
That green guy is actually Hu Dai Liang. It's absurd how nobody else caught it already.
Wow, this thread got some activity going. I like it!

As for humble Exalts... Everyone can do with a little humility. If nothing else than for practical reasons; all Exalts would do well to remember the immortal words of Qui-Gon Jin: "There's always a bigger fish". Eventually you're going to pick a fight with that bigger fish if you go around like you own Creation.

It is kind of funny that the wisest and the least wise (Ten Winds and Secret) seem to be in a line that they'd agree with each other regarding arrogant "I'm better than everyone else" (which may be true) "and that gives me the right to do as I please" (which is not true).

And don't ever reduce your Star Wars intake. That leads down the Dark Path of mundanity and depression.

Arthur: Marena's 38.
Fair Folk wouldn't be unreasonable given that they just ran into goblins a couple comics ago.

Marena's attitude definitely reminds me of the First Age Solar problem... although, that's SOLARS. It's a bit interesting to me that she has such a mindset, as a Lunar, meanwhile, the Solar has a more humble personality.
At the risk of offending Jukashi if I'm wrong, I'd think he'd make a Raksha less... drab.
Drab? DRAB!?

Do you expect someone to go Stealthing around in a forest while wearing jewel-encrusted golden armour?

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