Keychain #376-380

Then we get to see just how developed she really is/isn't under that shirt?
The answer is "enough to be felt, but not much more than squeezed."

Kalatash said:
Then we get to see just how developed she really is/isn't under that shirt?
Fanart. NOW.
Hell, you don't need fanart! You just need to know where to go.

Also, interesting to note? Her nipples are the same bright red as her eyes, instead of the dark black of her lips. I would've figured it would've been the other way.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Then we get to see just how developed she really is/isn't under that shirt?
The answer is "enough to be felt, but not much more than squeezed."

Kalatash said:
Then we get to see just how developed she really is/isn't under that shirt?
Fanart. NOW.
Hell, you don't need fanart! You just need to know where to go.

Also, interesting to note? Her nipples are the same bright red as her eyes, instead of the dark black of her lips. I would've figured it would've been the other way.
Inverse said:
I have no idea where Secret is pictured uh, without a shirt. :shock:
I'm not sure we can downright tell you, but a slight tip in a completely unrelated sentence form =D(also I deny ever tipping him in such way)

If you google image search Jukashi's name you can find some of my Exaltificated pics =D (I saw Sephiroth's, Ben and Ninja Fae!)

Never really tried to do it...or why they are there. Maybe it's related to the SafeSearch...
starburst98 said:
on today's comic, lol, beach god. and what is he wearing?
Sunglasses, a charm trinket necklace apparently made out of four shells and some big bauble, floral pattern swimming trunks and the Jade Key of Creation.

I think those gray things on his shoulders are actually meant to be some kind of like, hard growth.
Hooded figures in the background, one with yellow eyes and one wearing red.

Familiar siddies, perhaps?
I don't know if I'm alone in this or not, but I'm actually quite happy with this art shift. I really like how the characters look now. Far from decreasing readership, it's entirely possible it will increase it.
It still looks like Jukashi's colorful Exalted with it's colorful characters. And Costora looks 100% the part, so that's cool. :mrgreen:

I looked up surfer lingo, but I couldn't find a good synonym for "awesome," so no half-joke there.

EDIT: Almost forgot: No placeholder today! I guess the new art style is working already. I was afraid Jukashi would have to change his schedule to "Wednesdays and Sundays."
Well, I'm a ne sais quois about the new style but probably because it's new. I was equally that way when...LIMBS!!(and BOOBS!)
Obviously the drop on the head has given Secret access to Celestial Sorcery! That or she landed on a pattern spider and now Creation's looking weird to everyone who can tell that there's a difference at all.

Thanqol said:
Outrageous! Radical! Kamikazi tube! Quasimodo!
I use a strange brand of manipulation, don't I?
Ok, now I now for sure my eyes are borked.

I can't really see any real difference between the current art and the old one. Can someone point something out so I can appreciate it better?

Nevermind, on looking again I noticed the eyes were different. I really don't know how I missed that. :(

Oh, yeah... if Costora's a god of the beach, can't he just make his own coconuts? Why does he need others to give him coconuts for? And how far did they fly?
I don't care for the new style, though mostly just due to culture shock or something. (I didn't care for the last one at first, but then I did come to prefer it).

Though, both art shifts happened due to something that happened to Secret... are we sure Misho is supposed to be the main character? :P
hehe that varies a lot. When it comes to action, Ten gets most screen time, and Secret gets most screen time on character development.

Marena and Misho appear more when they are interacting with others, mostly in the form of their beliefs and conflicts.
Is it bad that my first reaction was 'huh, I didn't realize Secret was that flat in the chest department'?

And, I like the new style, personally.
She's 16, Mizu. She should grow for a few more years. Not a "pneumatic vixen" by any standards, but it doesn't mean it'll remain flat.

I do believe the flatness isn't absolute, though.
Does Costora have a blue tail?

Edit: That's the handle of the Jade sword. Still not used to seeing Jade in any color except green.

(Also, Gods tend to have random animal parts on them, so. . .you know.)

And he has fingers! Fingers and eyes have been introduced! *le gasp*

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