Keychain #376-380

Kyeudo said:
Just saw this over on the White Wolf forums, thought I'd put it here just so Jukashi knows how much impact he has had on the entire Exalted line:
Holden said:
Hell, look at Keychain of Creation. Lovely, lovely Keychain of Creation—what's the punchline when they run into Autochthonians having built an outpost into a mountain up in the North? "Be careful-- we're in house rules country."
It's funny, but it also convinced me I was right—someone as smart as Jukashi should not be thinking of "Autochthonians in the North" as house rules.
Good to hear that Jukashi is having a positive influence on the Exalted line. I kind of hope one day they give him their Blessing to do something at least semi-official.
LaFreeze said:
Good to hear that Jukashi is having a positive influence on the Exalted line. I kind of hope one day they give him their Blessing to do something at least semi-official.
Technically KoC already is, as a certain Glorious Nova of Elegant Progression was mentioned in the Alchemical MoEP (under the examples for names, but still).
Kyeudo said:
Just saw this over on the White Wolf forums, thought I'd put it here just so Jukashi knows how much impact he has had on the entire Exalted line:
Holden said:
Hell, look at Keychain of Creation. Lovely, lovely Keychain of Creation—what's the punchline when they run into Autochthonians having built an outpost into a mountain up in the North? "Be careful-- we're in house rules country."
It's funny, but it also convinced me I was right—someone as smart as Jukashi should not be thinking of "Autochthonians in the North" as house rules.
Didn't that story-arc appear before the 2E release of Alchemicals? And wasn't there stuff that was indeed homebrewed?
Yes, but I believe Holden's complaint was about how the locust war overshadowed other possibilities so much that no one even bothered playing alchemicals for more than that.
Synapse said:
Yes, but I believe Holden's complaint was about how the locust war overshadowed other possibilities so much that no one even bothered playing alchemicals for more than that.
Well outside of the Locus war they don't have an easy point of entry into the series which is a major part of the problem.
Synapse said:
Yes, but I believe Holden's complaint was about how the locust war overshadowed other possibilities so much that no one even bothered playing alchemicals for more than that.
Ah, now I have a better understanding of the comment. Context is important.
Uh. When Ten used the "house rules country" line, it was more in reference to the "half-alchemicals" and the alchemicals made from living humans and so on that appeared in that storyline. Also, at that point there were no 2nd Ed. Alchemicals, so any appearance of theirs would have involved house rules.

I never meant that Alchemicals outside the normal bounds of their "story" were house rules material.
Hm... then maybe the 3rd edition can have something akin to Alchemical Half-Castes? :P

Edit: Now that I think about it.... what book has the rules for playing everythingexceptdragon-Blooded characters?
The current writing staff could tell you all about why they think Alchemical half-castes are a bad idea. It basically boils down to the same reasons Dragon-Blood half castes are a bad idea. It marginalizes the parent exalts in their given societies.
magnificentmomo said:
The current writing staff could tell you all about why they think Alchemical half-castes are a bad idea. It basically boils down to the same reasons Dragon-Blood half castes are a bad idea. It marginalizes the parent exalts in their given societies.
I think the Adamant caste is already about as marginalized as you can get.
Hm... then maybe the 3rd edition can have something akin to Alchemical Half-Castes? :P
Edit: Now that I think about it.... what book has the rules for playing everythingexceptdragon-Blooded characters?
Scroll of Heroes.
Hey, remember the fillers that were text-only stories? It's probably not a good idea, but Jukashi could type with one hand. Or possibly try drawing with one hand? Actually, no, they're terrible ideas. Meh.
magnificentmomo said:
The current writing staff could tell you all about why they think Alchemical half-castes are a bad idea. It basically boils down to the same reasons Dragon-Blood half castes are a bad idea. It marginalizes the parent exalts in their given societies. this case a DB Half Caste would probably be more of a very strong bloodline that didn't quite exalt(basically it'd turn most members of the Houses into half castes) fully, or else yet to exalt. And seeing as the best way to get a very strong bloodline is to have DBs breeding, yeah.

Half Alchemicals would just be as shown, augmented mortals. They have no chance of actually exalting in full, not in this lifetime. Though once you got their soul ready to reinstall to a body, they would be somewhat better prepared.
Plus, Mortals with Alchemical charms actually are possible even now, cannon, though they'll be...tainted with the Void and the like...the whole screwed up icky charms aren't just for Alchies...
Something I just noticed... Cluivnarihe seems to have gone missing or something after this latest art shift. Secret doesn't seem to be wearing it.
Nara-o's wrappings are more of the ghostly type. I don't see any specific reason for that god to be a Big Name, not yet at least. Just a god of mummified beach-goers or something like that.

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