Keychain #371-375

Maybe Ten Winds will try to turn himself in in exchange for letting the rest go, seeing as he was the one they originally wanted? Not very likely though, even if they aren't Bronze Faction, unless he points out that they will just reincarnate anyway...

Also, why didn't Ten mention the deathknight? Abyssals are even better than Dawns for killing, dammit!
Because being an exalt is bad enough. Abyssals are reason for serious business....seriouser,...stuff.
chalicier said:
"A GAME OF CHESS!" - Misho will win, unless the Sids cheat.

"But how? I can move to..."

"No you can't, my Queen was there the whole time, see?"

"But then... The knight... how did you..."
Of course, since social charms are not obvious, Ten could be layering on the Presence Excellencies or the like. What Wyld Hunt stops to consider their options? Ones 'under the influence', as I call those getting beguiled.

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