Keychain #371-375

ShadowDragon8685 said:
I really, really hope she has a proper 2/7 filter and a mirror to Lightspeed Body Dynamics. And preferably the mirror to Reed in the Wind, too.
You know? I'd not count on it :P she didn't even remember to activate her defense when she got shot at by the Endings before. I really think she'll be relying on Martial Arts mostly.
Well, it might look bad but at least they didn't bring a Terrestrial of Earth, otherwise they could combine their powers and summon Captain Planet and then our heroes would be in real trouble.

Wait...what is that you say? It doesn't work like that in Exalted? Oh. Well never mind in that case, I guess they are in a lot of trouble.
LaFreeze said:
Well, it might look bad but at least they didn't bring a Terrestrial of Earth, otherwise they could combine their powers and summon Captain Planet and then our heroes would be in real trouble.
Wait...what is that you say? It doesn't work like that in Exalted? Oh. Well never mind in that case, I guess they are in a lot of trouble.
They have an Earth Aspect. They're missing an Air Aspect.
Kyeudo said:
LaFreeze said:
Well, it might look bad but at least they didn't bring a Terrestrial of Earth, otherwise they could combine their powers and summon Captain Planet and then our heroes would be in real trouble.
Wait...what is that you say? It doesn't work like that in Exalted? Oh. Well never mind in that case, I guess they are in a lot of trouble.
They have an Earth Aspect. They're missing an Air Aspect.
What makes you say so?

The guy on the end was throwing a white orb seemingly of ice at Ten Winds, and he is about the same chalk white completion as ten winds that seems pretty Air Aspect to me. I could of course be mistaken of course but I would think earth effects would probably use earth tones.
The Terrestrial in the sunglasses has more of a greyish skin color than Ten. (Although that's not saying much, dude'd be an albino like Secret if it weren't for his eyes.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
BlackcladAngel said:
Well, okay, that's infinitely worse than I had originally imagined.
Not really.

Given that my original worry was "oh snap open space + archers = bad" I'd say that this is certainly infinitely worse.

I like your plan, though, certainly something like I'd try to convince my companions to do!

There's one problem.

Both Solars and Secret don't have access to their Peripheral mote pools, and even if they rip off the armbands they'll likely be empty.
I know there are occasional jokes poking at the gameplay mechanics behind Exalted (the game), but there doesn't seem to be any indication that combat in KoC necessarily has to follow Exalted (the game) rules.
LaFreeze said:
Kyeudo said:
LaFreeze said:
Well, it might look bad but at least they didn't bring a Terrestrial of Earth, otherwise they could combine their powers and summon Captain Planet and then our heroes would be in real trouble.
Wait...what is that you say? It doesn't work like that in Exalted? Oh. Well never mind in that case, I guess they are in a lot of trouble.
They have an Earth Aspect. They're missing an Air Aspect.
What makes you say so?

The guy on the end was throwing a white orb seemingly of ice at Ten Winds, and he is about the same chalk white completion as ten winds that seems pretty Air Aspect to me. I could of course be mistaken of course but I would think earth effects would probably use earth tones.
His armband thing (still looking forward to finding out what those do, incidentally) looks like it's white jade, suggests Earth to me.
Plus it means they had one of each element if Ten used to be in the team. (Speaking of which, I wonder why the Wood one didn't show up last time.)
LaFreeze said:
The guy on the end was throwing a white orb seemingly of ice at Ten Winds, and he is about the same chalk white completion as ten winds that seems pretty Air Aspect to me. I could of course be mistaken of course but I would think earth effects would probably use earth tones.
I think earlier, when it happened, everyone debated and said it was a ball of marble. And if you want earth tones, white is the color of earth in exalted after all, and his suit is brown.

And Ten, weren't YOU a monk? *points to booze stash*
I think earlier, when it happened, everyone debated and said it was a ball of marble. And if you want earth tones, white is the color of earth in exalted after all, and his suit is brown.
And Ten, weren't YOU a monk? *points to booze stash*
Not to mention the casual lechery...even while he still was a member of a celibate order.
BlackcladAngel said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
BlackcladAngel said:
Well, okay, that's infinitely worse than I had originally imagined.
Not really.

Both Solars and Secret don't have access to their Peripheral mote pools, and even if they rip off the armbands they'll likely be empty.
I doubt that the Peripheral pools are empty, just locked. Time to rip off the old armbands.

But if they are empty... Time to break out the Overdrive Charms and hope for the best.
Just noticed' date=' first then last panels, Secret seems to have landed on Marena in a very... unorthodox fashion.[/quote']
Just look at her face ;) She's scared and blushing in the last panel!
LaFreeze said:
Not to mention the casual lechery...even while he still was a member of a celibate order.
The sex was an occupational hazard.
Which makes it professional lechery if you think about it.

Also I'll take some of that action.
What action, the professional lechery or the gambling?

LaFreeze said:

That said, yeah. My obols are on a new character intervening, but I'm going to hedge with a bet on an old character reappearing to intervene, too.
Awesome Endings Sid stops every attack by warping space and gives the usual "Their time has not arrived" before taking everyone away with him!
Synapse said:
Am I really the only one to bet on the current team's awesomeness?
Well I suppose Misho could form another War Strider but that is going to be tough with two people on top of him.
Honestly, the only two that have me worried are the Sidereals. Given how long they live and their tendency to cut and run when things get bad, there's a very good chance that we're looking at a pair of 1000+ experience individuals to put it into game terms. Well, maybe one, Mr. Secrets (or Ms., given their propensity for incredibly complete disguises- in fact NEW FAN THEORY every sidereal we've met so far is 63'd) clearly isn't in that range, but combat really isn't his job.

Mr. (or Ms.) Endings, though...
What is this??? Talking? Applying Reason before Solar Charms? Compromise!?! What sort of Exalted game is this!?!?!
LaFreeze said:
What is this??? Talking? Applying Reason before Solar Charms? Compromise!?! What sort of Exalted game is this!?!?!
I don't know about you but I use Loom-Snarling Deception instead of make-up.
"There is another solution."


My thoughts:

"A DANCE-OFF!" - Cue a Glorious Solar Pole and Marena takes center stage for a bit. Then Secret joins in. The heroes win by default.

"A GAME OF CHESS!" - Misho will win, unless the Sids cheat.

"JENGA!" - Um, yeah.

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