Keychain #329-335

You ever see a cat playing with a mouse?
This is actually a result of cat biology. They have no molars and can't chew their food well, so a cat has to pummel a mouse until it's fairly well tenderized before they can eat it.

Dolphin rape is somewhat harder to justify as a result of their biology. . . although dolphins aren't the only animals to fit into the "Probably spawned by the Ebon Dragon" club for asstastic behavior. They just have the best social combat stats.
Dolphin rape is somewhat harder to justify as a result of their biology. . .
Really? I thought the whole "if you rape more you'll pass your genes on to more offspring" thing is as straight a biological justification as is possible.

There's tons of other animals who rely exclusively on 'rape' as humans would see it for reproduction.
Dolphin rape is somewhat harder to justify as a result of their biology. . .
Really? I thought the whole "if you rape more you'll pass your genes on to more offspring" thing is as straight a biological justification as is possible.

There's tons of other animals who rely exclusively on 'rape' as humans would see it for reproduction.
Spreading your dolphin genes with human hosts isn't a particularly sound reproductive strategy.
Dolphin rape is somewhat harder to justify as a result of their biology. . .
Really? I thought the whole "if you rape more you'll pass your genes on to more offspring" thing is as straight a biological justification as is possible.

There's tons of other animals who rely exclusively on 'rape' as humans would see it for reproduction.
Spreading your dolphin genes with human hosts isn't a particularly sound reproductive strategy.
True. I worded my thoughts badly.

Generally, rape gives them more offspring, even if they're not selective about targets.
Yes, but the torture and brutality inflicted upon porpoises and narwhals is not really something that would be evolutionarily beneficial. It's just being a bastard.
Is Secret walking alongside the cart? I can't tell
I think she is; look at the last comic. She wasn't visible at all in the first panel, then apparently comes out of the back of the cart in the second, and is visibly lower than Misho. Walking alongside seems the simplest explanation.

...of course, that means that she's leaving Marena and Karen alone with Ten. That may turn explosive very quickly, without much warning.
veekie said:
Dying...but HOW?
I can't remember it well, but I think I remember Thrice-Radiant died in the process of creating a sword just before, I think, the Sidereals came to murder him (maybe).

It was all due to his Alchemical girlfriend who went forward in time and became the Imperial City.
Nemen Yi killed him, and whispered the Sun's true name into Misho's ear as he lay dying, of course, instead of reincarnating him it did...whatever
You know, despite how awkward this conversation will be, I think Secret should persevere with this is a subject that has to be talked about and worked out eventually.
veekie said:
Dying...but HOW?
I can't remember it well, but I think I remember Thrice-Radiant died in the process of creating a sword just before, I think, the Sidereals came to murder him (maybe).
I remember something about him using his own lower soul as one of the materials for the sword.
merle said:
I remember something about him using his own lower soul as one of the materials for the sword.
That...isn't that impossible, even for Exalted?
No...souls get forged into materials all the time (relatively speaking). Two of the most important magical materials are made out of other beings.
Brickwall said:
merle said:
I remember something about him using his own lower soul as one of the materials for the sword.
That...isn't that impossible, even for Exalted?
No...souls get forged into materials all the time (relatively speaking). Two of the most important magical materials are made out of other beings.
Yes, but...forging your OWN soul into something? While you're making it?
Considering I've had a Ghost blood who kept his Po pokeballed via Necromancy, by marking his own bones still in his body with the necessary marks to chain a hungry ghost, so it would be imprisoned instead of running loose while he slept...

This is Exalted. If you are creative enough, and patient enough, you will find a way.

Note that the poor Ghostblood never regained a bit of willpower from rest as part of the price for his trick...sometimes, creative solutions have their own problems...
Considering I've had a Ghost blood who kept his Po pokeballed via Necromancy' date=' by marking his own bones still in his body with the necessary marks to chain a hungry ghost, so it would be imprisoned instead of running loose while he slept...[/quote']
Did he unleash it for combat backup?

Actually...he tended to let it out of the Pokeball in tough fights and put it in control, since he had one of the Ghostblooded charms from 1E, ported over since he started in 1E with it, where you did just that. Of course, letting out all that pent up anger and hate tended to mean a lot of people were going to die...and not always just the enemy...
Jukashi bats a 1.00 whenever he pulls out the prose. Yes, I realize that is impossible in real baseball.

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