Keychain #329-335

Arrghus said:
Marena looks dimished, yes. Strangely though, this dimished state is the first time I've looked at a stick figure (and I've read both Keychain and OotS) and thought "hot". Weird, that.
This is a pet peeve of mine.
I object to the use of "stick figures" for either of those comics. Even before the art shift in KoC, which made the term totally obselete, I think the term is ill-fitting since it makes the art style sound lesser than it is.

A stick figure is made of sticks. Their body is made of lines. True, the arms and legs are simple lines here, but the bodies and heads more than makes up for this. xkcd is a stick figure comic. It uses stick figures. KoC isn't, and it doesn't.

And, yes, lol at dolphin.
Practically speaking, there went their easy escape route. Also, bravo Secret! A two-mile crack through stone and earth? Stone and earth compacted by water? That's impressive for a Terrestrial Circle mishap.
How exactly did that happened?She sent that Stormrider tornado to under the earth or what?Shattered her own spell?I so wanna know how to create indoor tsunamis!
DukeGod said:
How exactly did that happened?She sent that Stormrider tornado to under the earth or what?Shattered her own spell?I so wanna know how to create indoor tsunamis!
Breach an aquifer layer.
Easier than that. Just [P]ull the lever!

As a bonus, the indoor tsunami can be made of anything your mind is devious enough to make with your map's resources. Indoor Tsunamis of Water are good, but Magma is better. I bet Ten Winds would consider an Indoor Tsunami of Booze to be worth his time, but first they'd have to reimplement booze as a liquid, and add coding to prevent evaporation when there's nowhere to evaporate too.
Dolphin-Marena is the cutest thing I've seen since I started reading Jukashi's quest threads. It is still a bit jarring, though, to realize that any adorable form we see Marena take means that she has stalked and killed a normal example of that form...poor dolphin!
ShadowDragon8685 said:
DukeGod said:
How exactly did that happened?She sent that Stormrider tornado to under the earth or what?Shattered her own spell?I so wanna know how to create indoor tsunamis!
Breach an aquifer layer.
Easier than that. Just [P]ull the lever!

As a bonus, the indoor tsunami can be made of anything your mind is devious enough to make with your map's resources. Indoor Tsunamis of Water are good, but Magma is better. I bet Ten Winds would consider an Indoor Tsunami of Booze to be worth his time, but first they'd have to reimplement booze as a liquid, and add coding to prevent evaporation when there's nowhere to evaporate too.
Odds are he already HAS a spell for that.

Secret probably needs to do her sorcery training somewhere in an open desert.
veekie said:
Odds are he already HAS a spell for that.
Secret probably needs to do her sorcery training somewhere in an open desert.
An open desert? That seems like a good place to accidentally breach the laws of spellcasting and summon...MAGMA KRAKEN!
merle said:
Dolphin-Marena is the cutest thing I've seen since I started reading Jukashi's quest threads. It is still a bit jarring, though, to realize that any adorable form we see Marena take means that she has stalked and killed a normal example of that form...poor dolphin!
Maybe. It's possible she's gotten her mitts on Courtesan's Possession and just slept with one. Or its prerequisite Compassionate Mirror Nature, which only requires you to beat things up, but not kill them. Then again, Compassionate Mirror Nature specifies human forms...while Courtesan's Possession does not.

You know, when you're considering the possibility that someone might be sleeping with dolphins instead of eating them, you realize that you might be playing too much Exalted...
Okay, that's it.

We need to hire a Transcendent Smutforger to illustrate Marena gaining her dolphin form via Courtesan's Possession. And possibly her horse form...
ShadowDragon8685 said:
DukeGod said:
How exactly did that happened?She sent that Stormrider tornado to under the earth or what?Shattered her own spell?I so wanna know how to create indoor tsunamis!
Breach an aquifer layer.
Easier than that. Just [P]ull the lever!

As a bonus, the indoor tsunami can be made of anything your mind is devious enough to make with your map's resources. Indoor Tsunamis of Water are good, but Magma is better. I bet Ten Winds would consider an Indoor Tsunami of Booze to be worth his time, but first they'd have to reimplement booze as a liquid, and add coding to prevent evaporation when there's nowhere to evaporate too.
OK, was not expecting Dwarf Fortress references here. Guess I should've known better, some of those guys are practically Exalted in their own right.
veekie said:
Secret probably needs to do her sorcery training somewhere in an open desert.
I'm sure Cecelyne would be happy to help, on the condition that Secret brings the Keys along.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Okay, that's it.
We need to hire a Transcendent Smutforger to illustrate Marena gaining her dolphin form via Courtesan's Possession. And possibly her horse form...

I'm all for hot Lunars and all, but can we please NOT request bestiality porn on this forum? People whom I like know that I go by Brickwall in lots of places. Google exists, people!
ShadowDragon8685 said:
We need to hire a Transcendent Smutforger to illustrate Marena gaining her dolphin form via Courtesan's Possession. And possibly her horse form...
Interesting question. Can a Lunar use Courtesan's Possession to learn the form of another Lunar?

The question of whether you can take another Lunar's forms is an open one, of course. It is assumed you could kill one and eat their heart to take their human form, and a Lunar's DBT and Totem are as "natural" for them as their human form is, so logically one also assumes that tasting another Lunars' Hearts Blood would let you take their human, totem and possible even their DBT form. So, then, wouldn't you be able to do the same with Courtesan's Possession?


I'd say that's how Marena got her horse form, but in her backstory I actually depicted her attacking a horse in her fox form, so no. Probably how she got her dolphin form, though.

Dem dolphin lunars, man.
Strictly speaking, I do not believe that Lunars may target other Lunars with any form of the Sacred Hunt unless they possess the Knack "Taste of Luna's Champions". This Knack also explicitly says that you can never ever ever take another Lunar's war form. It's just not possible (well, not without a further custom Knack, at least).

RTFM, guys :P
Why wouldn't you be able to?.. there's nothing stopping you targetting other exalts with preys skin. I would say that you wouldn't get their totem form or any other heartsblood shapes without the other knack however.
Jukashi said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
We need to hire a Transcendent Smutforger to illustrate Marena gaining her dolphin form via Courtesan's Possession. And possibly her horse form...
Interesting question. Can a Lunar use Courtesan's Possession to learn the form of another Lunar?

The question of whether you can take another Lunar's forms is an open one, of course. It is assumed you could kill one and eat their heart to take their human form, and a Lunar's DBT and Totem are as "natural" for them as their human form is, so logically one also assumes that tasting another Lunars' Hearts Blood would let you take their human, totem and possible even their DBT form. So, then, wouldn't you be able to do the same with Courtesan's Possession?


I'd say that's how Marena got her horse form, but in her backstory I actually depicted her attacking a horse in her fox form, so no. Probably how she got her dolphin form, though.

Dem dolphin lunars, man.
That is...well, I'd really say that that's not as worrying as the other alternatives.

(Killing and eating a horse doesn't disturb me so much as doing the same with a dolphin).

Making it a Dolphin Lunar neatly sidesteps the problem of informed consent, and as for the physiology of dolphins...well...there's something about them that rhyms with "knee-tensile venus".
merle said:
That is...well, I'd really say that that's not as worrying as the other alternatives.
(Killing and eating a horse doesn't disturb me so much as doing the same with a dolphin).
You do realize that dolphins are pretty much the only other things in the entire world other than humans that are capable of being bastards? Seriously, THEY TORTURE FOR FUN. "Cute" or not, dolphins are awful, awful creatures, and I don't blame Marena for killing one. Hell, she probably killed it while it was trying to rape her. Yeah, dolphins do that too. To human women. It's very violent.

The more you know.
Brickwall said:
merle said:
That is...well, I'd really say that that's not as worrying as the other alternatives.
(Killing and eating a horse doesn't disturb me so much as doing the same with a dolphin).
You do realize that dolphins are pretty much the only other things in the entire world other than humans that are capable of being bastards? Seriously, THEY TORTURE FOR FUN. "Cute" or not, dolphins are awful, awful creatures, and I don't blame Marena for killing one. Hell, she probably killed it while it was trying to rape her. Yeah, dolphins do that too. To human women. It's very violent.

The more you know.
But it's Marena, you know who's gonna be leading.
veekie said:
Brickwall said:
You do realize that dolphins are pretty much the only other things in the entire world other than humans that are capable of being bastards? Seriously, THEY TORTURE FOR FUN. "Cute" or not, dolphins are awful, awful creatures, and I don't blame Marena for killing one. Hell, she probably killed it while it was trying to rape her. Yeah, dolphins do that too. To human women. It's very violent.
The more you know.
But it's Marena, you know who's gonna be leading.
Chimpanzees are pretty nasty bastards, actually. Rape, murder, child murder and cannibalism...

With dolphins, most of them are the pop-culture happy jumpy Flipper-type critters; it's just gangs of delinquent juvenile males that do things like rape and such.
Aside from the musings of how dolphin/human intercourse would work, (and whether it would be more convenient to turn it into a snack), I'm wondering when was she ever far enough west to even see a dolphin?
Brickwall said:
merle said:
That is...well, I'd really say that that's not as worrying as the other alternatives.
(Killing and eating a horse doesn't disturb me so much as doing the same with a dolphin).
You do realize that dolphins are pretty much the only other things in the entire world other than humans that are capable of being bastards?
You ever see a cat playing with a mouse?
Brickwall said:
merle said:
That is...well, I'd really say that that's not as worrying as the other alternatives.
(Killing and eating a horse doesn't disturb me so much as doing the same with a dolphin).
You do realize that dolphins are pretty much the only other things in the entire world other than humans that are capable of being bastards?
You ever see a cat playing with a mouse?
Well, that strikes me as being a cat following cat hunting predator instincts. I get the idea that when a dolphin is an asshole, he chooses to be one.


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