Keychain #323-328

Actually, it's just Misho she cursed. He HAD to go and find out about how she was cheating on some four armed man with a huge golden spear with his eldest son...who is similarly four armed but dark where his father is light. None will learn of her affair...for if the Sun were to realize she has taken his dark son's essence into herself, she too might bear his son's curse as an unjustly tainted Creature of Darkness...
More importantly, what Essence level do you have to be, and how deep into the Linguistics tree do you need to be to win the opposed throw and pronounce her name?
Deep enough to get a perfect effect which allows you to get an opposed throw through the Unstoppable Force/Immovable Object rules, I'd wager.
That really shouldn't be deep at all - some kind of Linguistics (or maybe Presence) Charm which allows you to speak exactly what you intend to speak, without falter, stutter or stammer should do the job, and it should give you some bonus suxx against supernatural effects which attempt to impede your loquaciousness by hampering your ability to communicate.
So, a charm that comes off of Sagacious Reading of Intent and Poetic Expression Style, perhaps. Whipped up off the top of my head...

Incontestible Shining Declaration

Linguistics 5, Essence 4


supplemental, combo-ok, obvious


What a Lawgiver declares with this charm is understood, as intended, no matter the barriers which might impede that understanding. The inanimate objects surrounding the Solar are bathed with her anima, which flares to totemic radiance, and inlaid with golden traceries in the character's native language, or Old Realm if she knows it (the essence of Old Realm is better attuned to magic than other languages), as the little gods of those objects proclaim their understanding. All beings with intelligence 1+ understand the message as well, and hear it in their minds as well as verbally, if they are present within the range of the Solar's anima. Because misunderstanding is not a possibility, any mental influence conveyed by the Solar's words suffers only half the normal Dodge MDV. Perfect defenses based on misunderstanding will negate the mental influence, but cannot deny knowledge of the statement unless they win the Unstoppable Force/Immovable Object charm contest. In any contest against supernatural powers which contest this charm's effects, add the Solar's Essence as bonus successes.
Because we all know, there's no better way to inspire confidence then saying, "Yeah, that one there? She's called Adrián, River of All Torments."
let me see, the one which looks like sauron, would be The Lidless Eye That Sees right?

I wonder who the other where.
My guess is the one in the middle in panels two and three is Oramus, given how many wings he has (though I can actually count to eight wings, there. Weird). The one to the right in those same panels seems to have a corona of some sort, so maybe it's the Holy Tyrant?

On a side note, I'd be really happy if Jukashi could grant us some pictures of this stuff without the speech bubbles or characters. They're really cool pictures, and it'd be nice to get a closer look.

Pretty please with sugar on top?
Aasharu said:
Because we all know, there's no better way to inspire confidence then saying, "Yeah, that one there? She's called Adrián, River of All Torments."
And... She's the nice one.

Now with that revelation, you go try to poke her with a Grand Pigshanker, I'll be way back over here.

Behind a rock.

Across that river.

On another continent.

In another plane of existence.
Aasharu said:
Because we all know, there's no better way to inspire confidence then saying, "Yeah, that one there? She's called Adrián, River of All Torments."
"Be sure to note the especially detailed carving work on the people who are on fire and drowning at the same time. I think there's acid in there too but its hard to tell because of all the leeches."
Arrghus said:
On a side note, I'd be really happy if Jukashi could grant us some pictures of this stuff without the speech bubbles or characters. They're really cool pictures, and it'd be nice to get a closer look.

Pretty please with sugar on top?
I would like to second this pretty please with sugar on top.

Extra sugar on top even
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Now with that revelation, you go try to poke her with a Grand Pigshanker, I'll be way back over here.
Behind a rock.

Across that river.

On another continent.

In another plane of existence.
Now that's hardly fair! The gods were not in another plane of existence, back then they were still living on the Blessed Isle. Honestly, I don't know how such rumors get started. Another plane of existence indeed! How else would taut strings go twang (or do anything else for that matter)? Mh!?
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Now with that revelation' date=' [i']you[/i] go try to poke her with a Grand Pigshanker, I'll be way back over here.
Behind a rock.

Across that river.

On another continent.

In another plane of existence.
Now that's hardly fair! The gods were not in another plane of existence, back then they were still living on the Blessed Isle. Honestly, I don't know how such rumors get started. Another plane of existence indeed! How else would taut strings go twang (or do anything else for that matter)? Mh!?
I wasn't talking about Gods in general. Just me, in particular. Y'all play safe now, kthxbai!
Aw...Past Lives really does have a tragic side to it, come to think of it. All the memories of a world long gone, and people who are almost-but-not-quite the ones you know now...
merle said:
Aw...Past Lives really does have a tragic side to it, come to think of it. All the memories of a world long gone, and people who are almost-but-not-quite the ones you know now...
Methinks poor Misho needs a hug.

This is a job for the Resident Resonance ButtMonkey!
While I was reading this, Tengen Toppa was playing in the background, and as I reached the end...

"That day, we lost something we could never replace."

Poor, poor Misho.

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