Keychain #311-316


One Thousand Club
And so the exposition moves on! :D

I like the way the Exaltation looks here, all shiny and Solar and stuff.


See. No need for any angst.
Is that a dig at webcomics in general...?
I'm gonna sing the exposition song now! Ex-pooooooooooo-sition exposition exposition exposition. Exposition exposition exposition exposition exposition exposition expositioooooooooooooooooon.

Add some drawings and...perfect!

In case it's not clear, I think this comic overdid it a little on the infodump. Or maybe it's not the amount of infodump, but the lack of showing characters' character or the lack of jokes. Either way, it's a departure from Keychain's normal enjoyability.
There is precedent. See also Mew Cai's repeating of Misho's earlier statement (an egregious repeat of exposition), Marena's First Outlook On Life, and the Opening Statement of Mission.
All of Mew Cai's strips have a joke or further the plot somehow (I actually couldn't find this repetition anyway). The plot introduction introduces the plot of the strip (which is entirely necessary information) and is riddled with little jokes. Marena's Outlook on Life is about MARENA'S OUTLOOK ON LIFE which is entirely satisfying the requirement of character development. This strip has information that is only new to people who aren't familiar with Exalted (who do read the strip, to be fair), and goes about doing it in a rather long fashion, and doesn't have any funnies or items that relate to the actual characters. This is really the first time I've found any KoC strip too expositiony. Jokes are fun, drama is fun, but setting infodump that is decently redundant is not fun.
I think myself that this page was too much of a pure infodump, however: this stuff will be required basic knowledge, and I want it to be there in people's minds when they're reading through the story in the future. I needed to devote some space to it somewhere.

I considered doing a few little jokes in the exposition backgrounds, but I didn't want to risk any mood whiplash at this point.
While I can agree with this being an infodump, I certainly understand the need, and I don't mind. Misho's explanation was interesting to see nonetheless, and the last panel justifies an entire page on its own. Secret is just too adorable.
Misho looks pretty cross about what was done to the exaltation there.

As for infodumpyness, Misho already has a tendency to do that. Once he starts he can be lecturing for hours. :D

Not to mention Rouen's comment cracked me up.
Just sayin', I personally like infodumps. Heck, one of my favorite webcomics ever is Subnormality. So, yeah, just sayin'.
Yeah, the most common types of Abyssals either revel in bringing doom to all Creation or else mope about it.
MorkaisChosen said:
Personally I favour Cheery Goth Renegades and "I Smoulder With Generic Rage" Renegades.
Heh. I have both of those in a game I run. In addition to a "I took Amnesia 3, so I dunno anything" Renegade and a "I'm incompetent at everything" Renegade.
I totally love Secret expressions. They are just...just...


And they say that stick figures are not suitable for such thing.
Secret is TOO ADORABLE. Between this and downcast Unity in today's Skin Horse, I don't know if I'll ever be able to react to cute ever again!
keiyakins said:
Secret is TOO ADORABLE. Between this and downcast Unity in today's Skin Horse, I don't know if I'll ever be able to react to cute ever again!
Hear hear.

(Also, D'awwwwwwwwwwwwww...)

You'd think it'd be difficult to make stick figures so cute- but this is the man that made a stick figure voluptuous.

EDIT: Just noticed what looks like a very subtle bit of work on the last panel- Secret's skirt appears to be billowing out as she turns. Bravo!

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