Keychain #291-295

Sending a ghost into Lethe can not be considered a Compassion fail in any way.

"Oh, I'll relive you of all your pains and worries." "No! Where is your Compassion?!" < Sounds pretty stupid, huh?
Misho considers neither Fae nor ghosts to be "real" people. He doesn't have the same grudge-hatred for ghosts as he does for Fae, but he's had... some history, with ghosts, and does believe it much better for them to reincarnate whatever their reasons are; after studying them, he judges that their feelings aren't true feelings at all, just memories of how one is supposed to respond to things, acted out for no real reason. He remembers when there was no Underworld, after all, making him perhaps the last human in the world who doesn't accept it as a natural part of the way the universe works.

Of course, a lot of people consider it better to stay as a ghost than reincarnate, because what is a soul? Is it "you"? If it doesn't have your memories and personality, haven't you just ceased to exist? They have a good argument. Misho does not agree with it, however.

It may have something to do with him spending so much of his mortal life with Dragon Kings.
FluffySquirrel said:
Would you expect a 'fair' teacher to threaten to slaughter your father if you didn't agree with his particular methods? (And that's pretty much what it would be, as that guy is clearly not willing to go into lethe himself)
The thing is, sending a ghost into Lethe isn't killing them. Lethe is the way things are *supposed* to work. Secret's father is only a ghost at all because the death of the Primordials broke Creation. If Misho was threatening to send her dad into Oblivion, that would be equivalent to slaughtering him, but sending him to Lethe could actually be be taken as a compassionate act. After all, he's freeing him of all his burdens and sending him on to where he should have been in the first place.

Of course, putting what's "right" for mortals over what they choose is probably one of the things that made the First Age a less-than-happy place to live in. Not that that could problems again, of course.

Also, hello! I've been lurking for a while, but I've finally decided to join in.
Hmm. Odds that Secret will get all emotional and violently resist Misho in order to protect her father, and in doing so wind up making her Sacrifice? Probably either something like her innocence or naivety, or a physical body part she loses during the fight.

This as opposed to Misho's plan, which probably involves the loss of her father as her Sacrifice.
I must say I like Misho going Lawgiver-mode. It's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that Compassion 5 = harmless and timid. A high-compassion character isn't (by necessity) afraid to be rough to someone else if it is for their own good (by the character's standards).

In this case, I think he's trying to get Secret to get over her complex, which will do her good in the end. That and teach her Sorcery, which will also do her good. That satisfies the Compassion requirements as far as I'm concerned.

Think if it as a shot of antidote; it'll sting now, but the disease will be cured and leave you stronger for it.
I don't know what's with you guys, but this comic arc is when I finally started to really like Misho. He acts consistently towards non-humans. And takes teaching sorcery seriously.

I can easily understand the sentiment behind sending Secret's father into lethe - he is a solar, after all. That's where souls need to go, if Creation is to be kept whole.

The fact that he was completely badass in the panels where he pulled necromancy out of his pocket seems to have helped, too.

Edit: Also, what's happening with the sky in the last page? It's... gray?
This one does not know how Jukashi's coloring works, but it might be that it slipped, as it is the very same color of the stones around them. There is a particularly big one behind Secret.

Or her time is very short.
I agree with the love for Lawgiver Misho. He's showing that menacing side of the Solar Exalted, which is a very potent thing.

Solars are scary.
Synapse said:
This one does not know how Jukashi's coloring works, but it might be that it slipped, as it is the very same color of the stones around them. There is a particularly big one behind Secret.
Or her time is very short.
That's a mountain in the background, but y'can be forgiven for thinking he clicked, painted, penned, or otherwise coloured incorrectly.
Synapse said:
This one does not know how Jukashi's coloring works, but it might be that it slipped, as it is the very same color of the stones around them. There is a particularly big one behind Secret.
Or her time is very short.
That's a mountain in the background, but y'can be forgiven for thinking he clicked, painted, penned, or otherwise coloured incorrectly.
If even the gods could commit mistakes...
I don't know what's with you guys' date=' but this comic arc is when I finally started to really like Misho.[/quote']
This. Not that I've had anything against his character up until now, but he's really starting to shine here.
Synapse said:
Synapse said:
This one does not know how Jukashi's coloring works, but it might be that it slipped, as it is the very same color of the stones around them. There is a particularly big one behind Secret.
Or her time is very short.
That's a mountain in the background, but y'can be forgiven for thinking he clicked, painted, penned, or otherwise coloured incorrectly.
If even the gods could commit mistakes...
Please, the gods are mistakes, along with life, and just about anything else capable of thinking "Why the fuck should I kowtow to the Primordials".

It's a mistake they are keen on fixing. Well, the Yozi are keen on fixing it, the

just sort'f, well, babble. Endlessly. Catch 'em on a good day and you may understand something they babble before your soul is sucked into Oblivion. "Living" on the precipice of Nothing for millennia can do that t'you.
Back on track though, Jukashi is infallible. All hail Jukashi, all hail Jukashi.
Jukashi said:
It may have something to do with him spending so much of his mortal life with Dragon Kings.

Did anyone else notice that? Am I just jumping on old news? 'Cause that looks like a hint.

I like badass Misho, personally, he's got some serious steel there and we're seeing what a Solar's really like.
I wonder if the Neverborn will take this moment to start whispering to Secret.

"What a shame your father is going to be sent into Lethe. If only there were some way you could match Misho's power with Necromancy. If only..."
If only this one had a greater grasp of the reality behind Creation further than what the Keychain of Creation has presented!

But alas, this one is reduced to the wise words uttered after the Second Impact: "He's biting my toes! Oh god why is he biting my toes? The pain! I never knew there could be such pain!"
Jukashi said:
Misho considers neither Fae nor ghosts to be "real" people. He doesn't have the same grudge-hatred for ghosts as he does for Fae, but he's had... some history, with ghosts, and does believe it much better for them to reincarnate whatever their reasons are; after studying them, he judges that their feelings aren't true feelings at all, just memories of how one is supposed to respond to things, acted out for no real reason. He remembers when there was no Underworld, after all, making him perhaps the last human in the world who doesn't accept it as a natural part of the way the universe works.
Of course, a lot of people consider it better to stay as a ghost than reincarnate, because what is a soul? Is it "you"? If it doesn't have your memories and personality, haven't you just ceased to exist? They have a good argument. Misho does not agree with it, however.

It may have something to do with him spending so much of his mortal life with Dragon Kings.
Oh, don't get me wrong.. it's certainly a valid opinion, and in an objective way, entirely true.

However, Secret's dad clearly doesn't believe so, and given Secret's reaction, neither does she.

Which mean he values his opinion over that of both of them, over their right to even make a choice.

Which is why he's being an asshole.

Don't see this as an attack on you by the way Jukashi, I consider it very valid for him to be acting like this.. I consider it somewhat the quintessential of solars as they get higher in essence, they end up with as much hubris as sidereals in most ways... but unlike sidereals who are seemingly cursed to make the wrong decisions, solars often know they're -perfectly right- and start to value that above all other things.
One has to wonder if Misho is channeling some of his frustrations into this trial. He's been mostly harmless for the first 3 chapters and has pretty much served as not much more than The Charlie for the group. His attempts to be the brains have been rather...ineffective. Now with this summoning, he's almost being passive-aggressive to prove his No Sorcery point. I wouldn't be surprised if there's going to be a long diatribe from Misho after this.

Also, Marena needs to stfu. Hardcore.
Hey, let me check if this makes Misho any less awesome.



Nope, it doesn't.

Also, " teeth"? Could it be that in the first age...Misho was an orthodontist?
Hey, does this mean that Misho is regretting the necessity... But not doubting that it's necessary?

Where have we heard THAT before?
krrackknut said:
Also, " teeth"? Could it be that in the first age...Misho was an orthodontist?
I think Marena just gets too physical on him. "Is it that time of the year already?" :D
Fabricati said:
Hey, does this mean that Misho is regretting the necessity... But not doubting that it's necessary?
Where have we heard THAT before?
Somewhere where the necessity itself was in question? We knew more than the characters there.

We know much less about this situation than the characters.

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