Keychain #291-295

This is going to end well for Secret, though she won't thank Misho for it. At least, not right away.
Kyeudo said:
This is going to end well for Secret, though she won't thank Misho for it. At least, not right away.
Agreed. Totally +1.

I have the feeling this might well be the start of her redemption quest.
Personally, I don't see Secret seeking redemption. She doesn't seem to hate being an Abyssal enough. If she can ever accept that to be Exalted, she had to have a destiny of greatness and that she can live up to the power thrust upon her, she'll find a way to be what she wants to be, Resonance be damned.
"This is horribly intrusive! Why should she put up with it?"

The moment I read this line, a few answers popped into my head unbidden:

1) "Because if she does not, she will never be a sorcerer!"

2) "Silence!"

3) "Because if you two can't so much as deal with your family issues responsibly, how can I expect you to wield the power of sorcery that way?"

But, of course, the all time winner:

4) "Bitch, do not make me learn the Lunar Taming Leash! I will custom charm it into this edition if you make me!"

Of course, what's going to happen is that Secret is going to find her inner resolve, tell Marena it's fine, and step forward. This was a nice comic all around, explains what's happening and why, and where this is all going. Marena just has an incredible ability to toque me off.
Jtuxyan said:
4) "Bitch, do not make me learn the Lunar Taming Leash! I will custom charm it into this edition if you make me!"
Actually, it's in Glories: UCS, 26-27.
... win, for both Misho and Jukashi, Misho for taking advantage of his perfect recall and Ten's experience, Jukashi for planning this out since way the hell back.

It's wintastic!

That said, the third panel was mostly effective, if not perfectly so, it definitely conveyed the meaning :D
Jtuxyan said:
"This is horribly intrusive! Why should she put up with it?"

Of course, what's going to happen is that Secret is going to find her inner resolve, tell Marena it's fine, and step forward. This was a nice comic all around, explains what's happening and why, and where this is all going. Marena just has an incredible ability to toque me off.
Now, as you said, it's pretty obvious (well, to me, I might be wrong) that Marena's words are going to spur Secret into action. What I want to know is, did Marena know this? Because that would be both scary as hell and totally in-character for her (not that being scary as hell isn't in-character for Marena).
Kyeudo said:
Personally, I don't see Secret seeking redemption. She doesn't seem to hate being an Abyssal enough. If she can ever accept that to be Exalted, she had to have a destiny of greatness and that she can live up to the power thrust upon her, she'll find a way to be what she wants to be, Resonance be damned.
You haven't been keeping up with the Ink Monkies, have you?

Abyssals are engines of destruction. Even without the Neverborn - even if the Neverborn are destroyed utterly - the Abyssal Exalted are still fated to only bring death and destruction to Creation. In fact, it's safe to say it might get worse without the Neverborn.

For Abyssals, the option is "Redemption" or "destruction." That's it. Abyssal Exaltations are engines of devastation and nothing more. No matter how hard they try, they can never do anything except bring chaos and despair. So it's either redeem themselves into the glowing golden badasses they were meant to be... Or... They're pocked.
Or, of course, walk the very narrow middle path where you appear out of the night, spray bits of torturing oppressive tyrant across the room, and disappear again.
MorkaisChosen said:
Or, of course, walk the very narrow middle path where you appear out of the night, spray bits of torturing oppressive tyrant across the room, and disappear again.
You can do that just as well as a Night Caste Solar, with the added bonus that you're free from Limit, free from Resonance, and you're living proof that the Great Curse can be cured.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
MorkaisChosen said:
Or, of course, walk the very narrow middle path where you appear out of the night, spray bits of torturing oppressive tyrant across the room, and disappear again.
You can do that just as well as a Night Caste Solar, with the added bonus that you're free from Limit, free from Resonance, and you're living proof that the Great Curse can be cured.
The only problem is that noone is asking the question "Can the Great Curse be cured?", because noone knows it exists.
Tsuranis said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
MorkaisChosen said:
Or, of course, walk the very narrow middle path where you appear out of the night, spray bits of torturing oppressive tyrant across the room, and disappear again.
You can do that just as well as a Night Caste Solar, with the added bonus that you're free from Limit, free from Resonance, and you're living proof that the Great Curse can be cured.
The only problem is that noone is asking the question "Can the Great Curse be cured?", because noone knows it exists.
It won't take long for people to realize "hey, every now and then we all go crazy, but the one who's been to the darkest place and returned doesn't do that."
Besides, Lytek and Jupiter know that it exists, and I'm sure that, as soon as a redeemed Abyssal dies and their shard returns to Lytek, he'll jump on that like a hobo on a ham sandwich, and do his damned best to work out how to fix the other shards.
Aasharu said:
Besides, Lytek and Jupiter know that it exists, and I'm sure that, as soon as a redeemed Abyssal dies and their shard returns to Lytek, he'll jump on that like a hobo on a ham sandwich, and do his damned best to work out how to fix the other shards.
I'm sorry, I just have this image of Lytek eating a exaltation shard OM NOMNOM and then licking his fingers afterward.
Tsuranis said:
Runelord said:
I think this "" means, that her Dad was some sort of Exalt. Empty circle could mean some other type of chosen, but i bet in was Day-caste. She probably inherited his Exaltation, a Deathlord could do that.
She might be afraid of being a failure, since she's not as great Abyssal/Person/Hero as he was (at least in her head, ... and the head of her evil Overlord).

P.S. I posted to feed my ego in case i'm right. I also require that Jukashi confirms this speculation as he does every other.
I'm afraid that I don't see anything in that comic suggesting that her father is an exalt. I'm also incredibly dubious that her father was an abyssal: Secret seems very ashamed that she has become one.

Still, I don't think it's a big stretch to say that he likely knows full well what an abyssal is.

edit: interesting thought - perhaps he (or other family) was/were killed by one?
Well ot that page we see her as child, standing next to an adult with the same necklace she wears now. Since it's memento from her father i guess that it must have been his and it's him on the page. I think than could sugest his Day-caste nature. If not then she's a Day-caste Abyssal sporting a Day Caste-mark necklace that she inherited from a mortal parent. That doesn't hapend in comics now, does it? It might IRL but not in a web comic.

Also, to me she seems ashamed for her incompetence.

I think someone mentioned some mortal group that uses the same symbol. If some such exist could someone please point to it again.

And Silver prince would not need to have her father corrupted from Solarity. He could have exalted him as Deathknight from the start. Him having daughter already would be a minus in his record but still...
How are do you arrive at the conclusion that he is a Day caste because he has a ring on a necklace? It would be far more likely that it is a wedding ring or something of a similar nature. Nothing about him suggests any sort of Abyssal nature.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Abyssals are engines of destruction. Even without the Neverborn - even if the Neverborn are destroyed utterly - the Abyssal Exalted are still fated to only bring death and destruction to Creation. In fact, it's safe to say it might get worse without the Neverborn.

For Abyssals, the option is "Redemption" or "destruction." That's it. Abyssal Exaltations are engines of devastation and nothing more. No matter how hard they try, they can never do anything except bring chaos and despair. So it's either redeem themselves into the glowing golden badasses they were meant to be... Or... They're pocked.
Or they don't, y'know, raise their Essence.

They'll be pussies compared to all their awesome Solar friends, but they won't be walking holocausts of Resonance the way high-Essence Abyssals would be.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
You haven't been keeping up with the Ink Monkies, have you?
Nope. I haven't seen too much out of them that was worth using in my own games, especially since they seem to be the main proponents of the Infernal to Yozi Apothesis idea.

Abyssals are engines of destruction. Even without the Neverborn - even if the Neverborn are destroyed utterly - the Abyssal Exalted are still fated to only bring death and destruction to Creation. In fact, it's safe to say it might get worse without the Neverborn.

For Abyssals, the option is "Redemption" or "destruction." That's it. Abyssal Exaltations are engines of devastation and nothing more. No matter how hard they try, they can never do anything except bring chaos and despair. So it's either redeem themselves into the glowing golden badasses they were meant to be... Or... They're pocked.
Guess what? Abyssals are Exalted. Whatever part of them has been altered, they still conform to the one basic ability that all Exalts share: the ability to tell their Fate "Screw You!"

The entire setting has worked very hard to cement Abyssals as either emo anti-heros who must struggle for redemption for a sin they never commited or else be walking avatars of oblivion bent on destroying all of Creation. So What? An Abyssal still has his free will. He has all the mystical force of a Solar, even if he has the thematic shackles of death and darkness strapped to it. And, unlike a Solar, an Abyssal knows he has a problem and the general terms of that problem. He can act to fix it.

But why do they always have to choose the world of the living as the way to fix what they are? The Underworld has almost as many problems to deal with as Creation does. It needs heroes to set things right. Autochthon laid the groundwork for an Exalt that drew upon fear, hatred, terror, and death before the first Primordial ever fell and while the Neverborn did not know of his plans nor would they have executed them, such an Exalt is not inherently evil. Creation has need of someone to stand in two worlds willingly and march against the monsters in the darkness and what better tools to use against its minions than its own weapons?
Kyeudo said:
and what better tools to use against its minions than its own weapons?
Weapons without cataclysmic side effects. Be sure, there is dramatic irony in Abyssals fighting the horrors of death, but they're not especially good at it. Nothing a Solar couldn't do.
They do have some serious advantages for actually going into the Underworld and prodding buttock- a Solar can't respire down there, but an Abyssal can. Abyssal Charms that work on mortals are also explicitly stated to work on ghosts. Solars can't do either of those things.
It's not actually Ink Monkeys that discusses all this, it's the new Scroll of Errata. In it, it basically explains why the Neverborn, at least, don't worry about renegade Abyssals. Because of how they altered the essence shards, they've built the perfect control. So yes, an Abyssal can say "Screw you" to fate, but in doing so, will be causing destruction. They can say "Screw you" to the Neverborn, but in doing so, will be causing destruction. Even if they confine themselves to helping out in the underworld, the very existence of the underworld is causing a constant, steady trickle of living essence from creation to drain away into the void, like an imperfect plug in the bottom of a pool. It might take near forever to drain away, but it will, eventually, and the Neverborn are willing to be patient, if that's what it takes. No matter what an Abyssal does, their very nature as an Abyssal will contribute to that drain. Hence why Redemption is an option. An Abyssal can reject their destroyer nature, but they can't do it as an Abyssal: they must be a Solar.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
It won't take long for people to realize "hey, every now and then we all go crazy, but the one who's been to the darkest place and returned doesn't do that."
Except that NONE of them realised "every now and then we all go crazy" in the first age. No lunars or sidereals have realised it even now.
Tsuranis said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
It won't take long for people to realize "hey, every now and then we all go crazy, but the one who's been to the darkest place and returned doesn't do that."
Except that NONE of them realised "every now and then we all go crazy" in the first age. No lunars or sidereals have realised it even now.
Actually, they do know but they think of convenient justifications.

Lunars roll their limit break into sacred rituals to Luna. Sidereals roll their limit break into factional politics. They reckon Solars are crazy because they're perfect in an imperfect world.

Who's to say they're wrong, though? That one redeemed Abyssal surely has his own ideas on crazy, especially if you give him a few hundred years while the curse marinates around everyone else. And can you imagine an insane elder Solar looking at some schmuck ex-Abyssal and saying "You know what? I really want to be like that guy". I can't.

They think they're right.

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