Keychain #291-295

I -Really- like Keychain of creation though, and I respect Jukashi. I'm afraid that edits of his work or poking fun at it might be construed as mean-spirited.
Crasical said:
I -Really- like Keychain of creation though, and I respect Jukashi. I'm afraid that edits of his work or poking fun at it might be construed as mean-spirited.
Because Jukashi has been incredibly humorless about this kind of thing in the past, and seems like exactly the sort of person who'd disapprove of a fan having fun with his precious work.
Okay, now I'm wondering if Secret's father has had bad experiences with abyssals in life or death. Also he seems pretty knowledgeable about solars as opposed to [enter propaganda type here] - I wonder if this is knowledge from the underworld too.
Toptomcat said:
Crasical said:
I -Really- like Keychain of creation though, and I respect Jukashi. I'm afraid that edits of his work or poking fun at it might be construed as mean-spirited.
Because Jukashi has been incredibly humorless about this kind of thing in the past, and seems like exactly the sort of person who'd disapprove of a fan having fun with his precious work.
I vaguely remember there being something about his work finding its way to 4chan and that not ending well. Or I am hallucinating everything.
Also I just realised that Secret just committed a Sin of Life - "Don't say my name", acknowledging in that the name in question is hers.
magnificentmomo said:
I vaguely remember there being something about his work finding its way to 4chan and that not ending well. Or I am hallucinating everything.
If you want to be totally sure about it, it's pretty easy just to ask him in a mail. Still, as long as his artwork is in an innocent, non-offensive way and you credit the original author, I'd guess Jukashi has little problem with it.
But yeah, ask first, that saves so much trouble.

Tsuranis said:
Also I just realised that Secret just committed a Sin of Life - "Don't say my name", acknowledging in that the name in question is hers.
Yeah, I noticed that too. Still, Rouen didn't actually say her full name yet. She stopped him from mentioning it, so maybe it counts as a save?
But yeah, a strict reading of the rules nets her a Resonance gain that. If she had said "Don't say that name, that's not me anymore" she'd be more unambigously in the clear.
It's borderline, but yeah.

He can't even be Illuminated, 'cause they wouldn't say Solar.

I reckon he's a No Moon.
Am I the only one who's got the impression that when Rouen said 'Sir' it was a whole lot closer to 'Mother****er' with a different spelling? It was a bow, but so little that it's insulting but also just low enough that you can't call him on it. This, I think, is Win on his part.

Though how he knows Misho is a Solar and not just an Anathema is beyond me, I don't know enough about Exalted Fluff to even guess.
Andoriol said:
Though how he knows Misho is a Solar and not just an Anathema is beyond me.
Backstory, most likely. His cavalier attitude indicates to me that he's familiar with Exalts.

Oh, and 5 obols on Deidra. Not as catchy as Ben *ding* but I'm sure we learn to love it.
Maybe I'm a little slow, but I just now noticed that her father appears to be wearing the grave good version of her necklace, which she acknowledged as a memento (speaking of which, how is it that this is the only Resonance eruption we've seen from her?) shortly before all this went down.

I didn't go back to check the end of the previous thread, so if that was already explicitly mentioned, I apologize.
Poor Secret.

Though I think, Misho was pretty awesome about that. "I'll be your summoner tonight." "Why have you disturbed me, et cetera, sir."

It's like Rouen's so used to being yanked from the underworld that he's all "yeah, okay, we all know this dance, what can I do for you so I can go back to moping around the underworld - oh hey, gold! Solar, that's new. Hiya."

Then Misho says "I called you here for your daughter," and he's all "!!!" That's great. Just awesome. I love the genuine "Holy shit!" look that comes up when Misho points her out.

Anyway... I think Deliah or Delilah... Those are both good names for her, I think; perhaps Marena knows and can say it? (I've still got my bet on Marena being either Secret's or Karen's Mate.)

Cue Marena pestering Secret about her name and Secret whining and then realizing she didn't get Resonance... Bwahahaha!
I have no eyes and I must express shock. :D

That was great. Secret is such a woobie. I can just head the sad, whispered, "Don't say my name."
Deals Made With Horrors Beyond The Veil Of Life And Sanity With Unquestioned Will, Unbounded Malice, and Transcended Vengeance In Exchange For Transitory Boons To Decorate The Grave Of The Weeping World Before The Ultimate And Utter End of All.

Or Deirdre?
Thanqol said:
Deals Made With Horrors Beyond The Veil Of Life And Sanity With Unquestioned Will, Unbounded Malice, and Transcended Vengeance In Exchange For Transitory Boons To Decorate The Grave Of The Weeping World Before The Ultimate And Utter End of All.
Or Deirdre?
And so the real reason she doesn't want him to say her name surfaces!
I think this "" means, that her Dad was some sort of Exalt. Empty circle could mean some other type of chosen, but i bet in was Day-caste. She probably inherited his Exaltation, a Deathlord could do that.

She might be afraid of being a failure, since she's not as great Abyssal/Person/Hero as he was (at least in her head, ... and the head of her evil Overlord).

P.S. I posted to feed my ego in case i'm right. I also require that Jukashi confirms this speculation as he does every other.
I don't think inheriting the Exaltation directly would work unless he actually managed to capture and corrupt him before killing him, on account of them going off to Lytek's cabinet. Also, I don't think he'd be so inclined to call a Solar "Sir" if he was a Solar himself.

My vote's on No Moon Lunar, as I said- the right one could quite possibly know about the Solars and have a certain respect for them.
Runelord said:
I think this "" means, that her Dad was some sort of Exalt. Empty circle could mean some other type of chosen, but i bet in was Day-caste. She probably inherited his Exaltation, a Deathlord could do that.
She might be afraid of being a failure, since she's not as great Abyssal/Person/Hero as he was (at least in her head, ... and the head of her evil Overlord).

P.S. I posted to feed my ego in case i'm right. I also require that Jukashi confirms this speculation as he does every other.
I'm afraid that I don't see anything in that comic suggesting that her father is an exalt. I'm also incredibly dubious that her father was an abyssal: Secret seems very ashamed that she has become one.

Still, I don't think it's a big stretch to say that he likely knows full well what an abyssal is.

edit: interesting thought - perhaps he (or other family) was/were killed by one?
My guess is that he knows about Solars due to learning about them from other ghosts. And his flippant attitude is due to his base personality, more so then anything else. He was probably just as flippant when alive.

Edit: Alternatively, he just knows about them. Consider, for instance, the huntsman they met in the bordermarches; he knew about Solars as well. Obviously, out beyond the threshold, knowledge of Solar exalts isn't as ruthlessly suppressed.

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