Keychain #291-295

Great job on the art, Jukashi, but now your just teasing us. We need answers to the question: What fear will Secret be facing?

I mean, it can't be that Secret is just afraid of ghosts - that's like an Infernal being afraid of demons - so it has to be something about her father that scares her, but what could it be?
Kyeudo said:
Great job on the art, Jukashi, but now your just teasing us. We need answers to the question: What fear will Secret be facing?
I mean, it can't be that Secret is just afraid of ghosts - that's like an Infernal being afraid of demons - so it has to be something about her father that scares her, but what could it be?
Well, on the one hand, being afraid of Ghosts sound like something Secret would do. On the other hand, the Abyssal Shard probably prevents that sort of thing from happening.

Whats bothering me is, how does Misho know this? Assuming the above is true and Secret isn't afraid of ghosts, how does Misho know that this is something that Secret truly fears?
I've been looking at the geometry, and I think I know what it means now. The big circle is Creation, the little circle is Malfeas, the spiral is the underworld, the biggest circle is elsewhere, and everything outside it is Wyld. I think. I'd appreciate confirmation or denial from the author, though.
It could be that she doesn't want her father to see what she's become, it could also be that she isn't afraid of her dad.

Rather, she might be afraid of what might be done to her dad. As irrational as it might be with Compassion 5 Misho, he did just rip her father's soul from wherever it was with the blackest kind of magic there is, what's he going to do to the ghost next? Yes, it's unlikely that Misho would do anything bad to the ghost, but emotions like fear aren't exactly rational.

Though this is all supposition and a presentation of another possibility rather than a firm statement of belief. It's probably that Secret doesn't want her dad to see her like this and is afraid of how he'll react seeing as she still carries a memento of him (and this indicates that she lurved him lots).

((Oh, and epic win on the visual effects of necromancy, the whole thing is just awesome. I'll have to keep this in mind whenever any characters of mine work with the dark arts or even cast normal Sorcery, it's that epic. :D ))
Misho has Compassion 5, wouldn't be a stretch to think he studied psychology in his Exaltations last life.
Bear in mind that Misho must have deliberately terrified some people in the past. It's one of the Trials of Necromancy. Still, I think it's more likely to be something to do with either her father seeing what she's become, or (possibly) seeing that that life before her Exaltation wasn't as good/bad (delete as appropriate) as she thought.
Aasharu said:
I've been looking at the geometry, and I think I know what it means now. The big circle is Creation, the little circle is Malfeas, the spiral is the underworld, the biggest circle is elsewhere, and everything outside it is Wyld. I think. I'd appreciate confirmation or denial from the author, though.
I've actually had very similar thoughts, though I can't remember exactly which circle I thought was what. Interesting that someone else thinks the circles represent the same things.
Misho has Compassion 5, wouldn't be a stretch to think he studied psychology in his Exaltations last life.
Also, Misho favors Awareness. At least he thinks he did.

Anyway, things we know:

-Secret doesn't like her childhood

-Secret has self-confidence problems (likely a Compassion thing)

-Secret's best skill is running away.

There's obviously some deep trauma to be worked out, but the question is what. A selfish act like taking the Second Breath would seem a bit out of character. Perhaps the particular Death Lord put the offer of Exaltation to the entire town and Secret was the one to speak up.

Or, maybe she didn't accept the shard. Maybe her dad did it for her. Either way, this could be a fine example of showing her what would happen if she didn't Exalt, testing her own fear of failure and hopelessness.

I still think the Higurashi option is viable, perhaps offing her town as a sacrifice to the Void. This test would be her atonement.

Also, I hate to be that guy, especially since I think it's a pretty meh story device, but the Rape Card is still in the deck. It could be played. :/
Also' date=' I hate to be that guy, especially since I think it's a pretty meh story device, but the Rape Card is still in the deck. It could be played. :/ [/quote']Way to be 'That Guy', which, IMHO, is a title and should be capitalized accordingly. :P
Also, it's often viewed as a 'meh' story device because it's over-done and usually poorly executed. I've seen it used quite effectively in the past, though certainly not nearly as often as I've seen it completely botched.
Eh, I don't really think "That" option would really suit the tone of the comic. Still, it is a possibility.
Guys. YOu forget. She's an Abyssal by way of the Silver Pimp.

There's a whole heck of a lot Dadsy could be angry for.
I think she's not afraid of what she did, what her father is, or what she has to fight.

I think she's afraid of disappointing her father.

"I thought you were dead. Why did you do this? Wasn't life enough? Where did we go wrong? What did we do that made you turn so astray? Oh gods, what did I do? How can I fix it? Please, just...tell me what I can do..."
krrackknut said:
"I thought you were dead. Why did you do this? Wasn't life enough? Where did we go wrong? What did we do that made you turn so astray? Oh gods, what did I do? How can I fix it? Please, just...tell me what I can do..."
I didn't know Secret had the parents of a Jewish comedian.

Eh, I don't really think "That" option would really suit the tone of the comic.
And the end of Book 1 did?
I like the necromancy, but the more I look at it, the more it looks like Misho yoink'd Secret's dad's ghost up with a glorious solar crane game.

And that just ruins the impact of the comic for me.
Crasical said:
I like the necromancy, but the more I look at it, the more it looks like Misho yoink'd Secret's dad's ghost up with a glorious solar crane game.
And that just ruins the impact of the comic for me.
...that's sort of what it fundamentally IS, isn't it?
Crasical said:
I like the necromancy, but the more I look at it, the more it looks like Misho yoink'd Secret's dad's ghost up with a glorious solar crane game.
And that just ruins the impact of the comic for me.
Okay, now we need Misho to defeat a Warstrider with a Glorious Solar [Crane].
Wait, that'll confuse the God of Finicky Linguistic Niggling. Do you want a piece of Glorious Solar [Construction Apparatus] or a Glorious Solar [Wading Bird]?
I actually had a choppy photoshop going of Misho necromancy-crane-game lifting a Magma Kraken plushie out of the summoning circle but my laptop overheated and I lost all my progress.

Granted, I still had the reaction panel of Secret in so it kind of looked like a tentacle joke. I might try and do it again later if I have motivation.
Crasical said:
I actually had a choppy photoshop going of Misho necromancy-crane-game lifting a Magma Kraken plushie out of the summoning circle but my laptop overheated and I lost all my progress.
Granted, I still had the reaction panel of Secret in so it kind of looked like a tentacle joke. I might try and do it again later if I have motivation.
If there is a God in heaven then you will find the motivation.
Crasical said:
I actually had a choppy photoshop going of Misho necromancy-crane-game lifting a Magma Kraken plushie out of the summoning circle but my laptop overheated and I lost all my progress.
Granted, I still had the reaction panel of Secret in so it kind of looked like a tentacle joke. I might try and do it again later if I have motivation.
An exalt would redo it. You don't want to be stuck as a mortal forever, do you? =D
MorkaisChosen said:
Wait, that'll confuse the God of Finicky Linguistic Niggling. Do you want a piece of Glorious Solar [Construction Apparatus] or a Glorious Solar [Wading Bird]?

Anyway, I must support the Glorious Solar [Crane Game]. Or is this more like Blasphemous Solar [Crane Game]?

Regardless, it's awesome, if more than a little out-of-character for Misho. I guess Sorcery makes everyone do some strange stuff.

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