Keychain #281-285

merle said:
"An open mind is like a fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded" becomes slightly more reasonable when you have friends that relish in telling you -exactly- what this species of spider's venom does or what spiny-knobby-engorged animal penises happen to be on their mind today.
Beetles. Scariest damn thing I've seen in a loooong time.
If you're not referring to to traumatic insemination, you probably should be.
0m3g413 said:
merle said:
"An open mind is like a fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded" becomes slightly more reasonable when you have friends that relish in telling you -exactly- what this species of spider's venom does or what spiny-knobby-engorged animal penises happen to be on their mind today.
Beetles. Scariest damn thing I've seen in a loooong time.
If you're not referring to to traumatic insemination, you probably should be.
Yeesh...I had never even heard of that. I was just thinking of the shapes I've seen from male beetles...that's freaking horrifying.
merle said:
0m3g413 said:
merle said:
Beetles. Scariest damn thing I've seen in a loooong time.
If you're not referring to to traumatic insemination, you probably should be.
Yeesh...I had never even heard of that. I was just thinking of the shapes I've seen from male beetles...that's freaking horrifying.
My work here is done.
...I could have gone my whole life without knowing what traumatic insemination was, but NOOOOOOOOOO, I just had to look it up.... :shock:
jeriausx said:
...I could have gone my whole life without knowing what traumatic insemination was, but NOOOOOOOOOO, I just had to look it up.... :shock:
I'm glad I helped increase your knowledge of our glorious natural world.
jeriausx said:
...I could have gone my whole life without knowing what traumatic insemination was, but NOOOOOOOOOO, I just had to look it up.... :shock:
SEEEE?! What was I -JUST- saying? :roll:

Edit: To bring some relevancy back to this post, I say that I like Karen's scar. gives character.

Does Ten Winds have some sorcerous abilities that he's not mentioned before? I don't recall him ever casting a spell. Maybe he's a dabbler?

So, is this a precursor to exploring Secret's long-neglected childhood cuteness?
Crasical said:
Edit: To bring some relevancy back to this post, I say that I like Karen's scar. gives character.
Old scar, not so awesome. New scar, much more awesome. I think you should keep it, just because it reminds us of a moment in which Ben was badass, but Karen went to super-badass.
Wyld Hunts usually tow around a sorcerer or two. My guess is that Ten knows how to summon demons and cast countermagic; which is basically all the sorcery most people need.
Countermagic is always a good thing.

As for the scar - I say let it shrink and fade a bit, but keep a little bit of it. Being burned by creepy undead hellfire has got to leave some kind of mark.
Well the Realm does have a strong tradition of both Sorcery and Demon Summoning. I always kind of suspected Ten could do some Sorcery because, after all he is both an Air Elemental and James Bond, so he's probably had access to rather nice training. I'm curious as to whether he was tutored or learned it at the Heptagram (or, I guess, one of those other magical schools). I find the thought of Ten as a student in a magic academy rather entertaining.

As for the Scar, I could go either way, but I'm leaning towards keeping it, but shrinking it just a bit.

Ah, and first post, I suppose.
If Ten knows Swiss Army Knife of the First Circle, they probably don't really need a second demon summoner unless they wanted an army of demons for some reason.

Secret looks kind of conflicted, I think shes worked out what the sacrifice could be.

As for the scar, I say let it fade more, then keep it as a slightly different colored patch of skin.
The scar should eventually fade completely, if only on the grounds that, as a solar exalted, she should canonically heal fully anyway (or am I confusing Exalted with the Chronicles of Amber?).

For now, though, keep the scar. A reminder to the readers of her recent trials.
The scar should eventually fade completely, if only on the grounds that, as a solar exalted, she should canonically heal fully anyway (or am I confusing Exalted with the Chronicles of Amber?).
For now, though, keep the scar. A reminder to the readers of her recent trials.
Canonically it should completely heal unless it was aggravated damage, which sometimes leaves permanent scars.
Aggravated damage heals naturally just like lethal damage. Scars only remain if they add something to the character, what kind of damage they come from doesn't matter. At least that's what I remember, and I didn't see any thing to differ in the Healing or Disfigurement sections of the Core.
jeriausx said:
Aggravated damage heals naturally just like lethal damage. Scars only remain if they add something to the character, what kind of damage they come from doesn't matter. At least that's what I remember, and I didn't see any thing to differ in the Healing or Disfigurement sections of the Core.
This is correct. The Exalted can scar from any type of damage, but they usually don't. When they do is entirely up to the Storyteller and player.
I think a light scar looks/ would look cool.

And with Karen's personality, she'd probably think it was a beauty mark.
And with Karen's personality' date=' she'd probably think it was a beauty mark.[/quote']

The scar suits Karen, at least a bit of one, and she'd probably appreciate it on a certain level. (unless I'm totally misunderstanding Jukashi's character, in which case I shall do my best to repent for my heresy)
Oh, I absolutely agree she should keep it. It would fit as a reminder of what can happen if underestimate your foes in battle.
I think it works, and it fits Rule 1 of Exalted-

Science is subordinate to Awesome.

If it's cool and it should stay, it will.

I'd guess Ten learned Sorcery at Department 137, personally (for anyone that doesn't know, it's Sidereal Magic School).
I wonder if Dept. 137 was shortened from Dept. 1337?
It's a reference to the Fine Structure Constant, one of those weird numbers physicists like playing with. It's one of the extremely rare massless constants, and it's one of those numbers that keep showing up everywhere.

So yeah, I guess you're right, sort of, since it's a pretty leet number, according to me, anyway. Also according to the Sidereals, since The White Treatise explicitly mentions Siddie Sorcerers are math geeks.

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