Keychain #276 - 280


Junior Member
Okay, since no one seems to have started this thread over a day since 276 came out, I'm doing it. Don't know if that's stepping on toes, me being kind of new here. If so, I apologize in advance.

So, how do you think the Lion will react to hearing that Nemen Yi kicked his Deathknights' asses? Nemen Yi secretly being, as the Lion knows, Chejop Kejak, who is secretly Kamina, who is secretly Flagg. Or maybe Thanqol, I'm not entirely certain.

By the way, what's the white stuff? Bone? Why's there so much of it at the gates to the Lion's room? Shouldn't somebody clean it up?
I'm calling this Scenery Porn at its finest (in a good way). And yes, that does look like a big pile of bones. Given how the FaFL operates, I imagine he thinks it adds to the ambience.

Ben and Flame are in troooouuubllllle, ooooohhh! Gotta go see the priiiincipal, oooooohhh! :twisted:
Bone-lined corridors, no necromancer should be without them! Creates sepulchral ambiance, intimidates enemies, a place to put those inconvenient natomical leftovers! Hygienic supply depot for all your dread architectural needs, and ultimate security measure: army of do-gooders marching on your inner sanctum? Simply shout ARISE to populate your whole fortress with a legion of skeletal warriors bent on the destruction of the living!

Excellent for canine enthusiasts!
So, I was in the shower, when I had a thought: What if Misho's first age incarnation was FaFL? It would explain why the Lion knew about the soulsteel key.
Aasharu said:
So, I was in the shower, when I had a thought: What if Misho's first age incarnation was FaFL? It would explain why the Lion knew about the soulsteel key.
Misho's past life would be a Twilight, and I think if we know anything it's FaFL is a Dawn.
Thanqol said:
Aasharu said:
So, I was in the shower, when I had a thought: What if Misho's first age incarnation was FaFL? It would explain why the Lion knew about the soulsteel key.
Misho's past life would be a Twilight, and I think if we know anything it's FaFL is a Dawn.
What about the possibility of a Twilight who favored War and Melee?
Arrghus said:
So, how do you think the Lion will react to hearing that Nemen Yi kicked his Deathknights' asses? Nemen Yi secretly being, as the Lion knows, Chejop Kejak, who is secretly Kamina, who is secretly Flagg. Or maybe Thanqol, I'm not entirely certain.
No no no, I'm secretly the trousers.

Kyeudo said:
What about the possibility of a Twilight who favored War and Melee?
Don't see how that would be any worse than a Dawn that favored Occult, Lore and Medicine...and I've done the Occult and Lore favored Dawn. Concept was to become a major Sifu in time, and create and spread his own martial art.

Frankly, a Melee and War favored Twilight is like saying 'A Military Engineer'. Which is completely appropriate as a Twilight concept.
That's some nice monologue, really. It sets the scene well and carries a good bit of menace. And then you ruin it with Ben's joke.

Sincerely; well done.
The official writeup of FaFL in the E1 Autochthonians book has identified him as having been a Dawn once.
Aasharu said:
So, I was in the shower, when I had a thought: What if Misho's first age incarnation was FaFL? It would explain why the Lion knew about the soulsteel key.
Out of all the KoC characters to think about in the shower, you picked Misho?
Tsuranis said:
Aasharu said:
So, I was in the shower, when I had a thought: What if Misho's first age incarnation was FaFL? It would explain why the Lion knew about the soulsteel key.
Out of all the KoC characters to think about in the shower, you picked Misho?
... ... ... ...

Yes yes, mock mock mock. My mind jumps around randomly. I was thinking about how much Twilight sucks, then how much more fun it would be with a Solar Exalt killing Edward, then thinking about Solars in general, then jumped to the Deathlords, followed by FaFL, and finally, a possible connection between FaFL and Misho. Happy?
And that quote brings my thoughts on to contemplate this theorem: Adding Exalted to anything makes it exponentially more awesome. Thus, Avatar, already an awesome show, would become much more awesome with a direct connection to Exalted. Twilight, on the other hand, is poor quality, and so, adding Exalted would only make it a little bit awesome.

Now, this becomes far more interesting when you take into account another theorem: Warhammer 40000 + Anything = Awesome. This theorem is most adroitly proven by the fan fiction Shinji and Warhammer 40000, which manages to make Shinji Ikari awesome.

Now, however, we get into the pure theoretical: what would happen if you combined Warhammer 40000 and Exalted? My current theory is that the world would implode from too much concentrated awesome.
Aasharu said:
Now, however, we get into the pure theoretical: what would happen if you combined Warhammer 40000 and Exalted? My current theory is that the world would implode from too much concentrated awesome.
It would seriously and literally be too awesome for me to handle. It'd reach a point where it's just so cool on paper that nobody can live up to it. Sort of like Nobilis.

So Nobilis + WH40k. Discuss.
Aasharu said:
Now, however, we get into the pure theoretical: what would happen if you combined Warhammer 40000 and Exalted? My current theory is that the world would implode from too much concentrated awesome.
Well, I'd start by removing the hard cap on the number of Exalts. Space Marines would get Solar Exaltations, the Tau would be Dragon-Blooded, the Eldar would be Sidereals, the Necrons would be Abyssals, Chaos Space Marines would, of course, get Infernals, and I'd make the Orks Lunars, just because that seems more appropriate than letting the Tyranids have Lunar Exaltations. The Unconquered Sun would get screwed over by this transition, as he'd go from being addicted to the Games of Divinity to being stuck on life support, shanked by his first Solar after that Solar fell to the Primordial Gods of Chaos and became the first Infernal.

And so forth. Basically take the First Age just before the Usurpation, crank it up to an interplanetary scale, and add more dakka. Ken never have enuf dakka.
Well, the Tau have the whole caste thing going for them and their whole "teamwork" schtick. The Imperial Guard zerg Demons with flashlights.
True! I'd still want to see some justification for the awesome command worth of the Commisars though.

Well, the decent ones anyway.

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