Keychain #246 - #250

cdi said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
That's what they want you to think. "I attack you and I snap your hair ribbon" is the prearranged code for "pretend I'm not who I am and pretend you belong to the Gold Faction."
There is also that little matter of Ten Winds using Unassailable Body of Air Defense in his fight with the redsid. This means that he's either a DB or an Eclipse pretending to be a DB.
Actually... Go read Pattern Spider Touch and its rules on turning someone into an Exalt or another kind of Exalt (sort of.) Specifically:
...the character would gain no Charms beyond those she already possessed, though any Charms she has and her anima display will visually correspond to those appropriate to her new form.
A Sidereal could use Pattern Spider Touch on themselves to turn into a fake Dragon-Blood, and their perfect defenses would all look like Dragon-Blooded ones.
Note that a side-effect of this would be to make him actually believe he's a Dragon-Blood. That might sound insane, but it is not without precedent -- it appears to be exactly what the Green Lady does for her deep-cover against the Deathlords, say. Given that Misho has Judge's Ear Technique (even if he never remembers to use it and Ten Winds has carefully never actually said that he is a Dragon-Blood until now), it wouldn't be totally insane.

(Of course, it's also easy to use other charms to get your memories back if you want them.)
Ten Winds is the illegitimate lovechild of Five Days Darkness and the Unconquered Sun. They got drunk one calibration party and things happened.. that's why they can't stand the sight of each other anymore.
Ten Winds is a Dragon Blood, but if the gods of Exalted could get power from our world, whoever the God of Conspiracy Theories is would be more powerful then the Unconquered Sun at this point, purely from the speculation on this board.
Ascension said:
Wait, so the Sidereal's line actually was a prophecy she doesn't want Secret to know the true meaning of? Back on Monday I was going to postulate in the other thread that it was an implication that the Keys can open Monstrances of Celestial Portion, but then I decided not to after double-checking the Abyssal book and rediscovering that destroying a Monstrance doesn't de-Abyssal-ize the Exaltation.
I now return to my original hypothesis: The Keys can open Monstrances, and could win back the exaltations lost the Neverborn. The Sidereals know this, explaining why they want the Keys... the Gold Faction could gain another ~100 Solars, and even Bronzes might just free them anyway, just to be rid of the hassle of ~100 Exalts who are outside of Fate. Whether FaFL knows this and is hoping to prevent such a thing from happening or just has other plans for the keys remains to be seen.
Perhaps the Keys could be used to open up the Neverborn's chokehold on the Abyssal Exaltation, freeing them from their metaphysical slavery. If this is true, the Keys wouldn't be used to redeem Abyssals and they would still be infused with death essence... but at least they wouldn't have to be agents of destruction and ruin.

Chaka said:
Ten Winds is a Dragon-Blood.
Foolishness. Obviously Ten Winds is a house rule.
I'm pretty sure that the letter B is used in place of V for Realm script. Vague memory from the 1st Exalted Player's Guide.
Do the Lunars remember the Sids because they have the stats to make the arcane fate rolls cake or because they fled into the Wyld?
The way Misho is cradling that adorable.

And Marena's hand on his head, as if to say; "There, there...Mama's here, don't cry..."
magnificentmomo said:
Do the Lunars remember the Sids because they have the stats to make the arcane fate rolls cake or because they fled into the Wyld?
Probably both, but also probably because they remember them from before the Arcane Fate existed.
krrackknut said:
The way Misho is cradling that adorable.
And Marena's hand on his head, as if to say; "There, there...Mama's here, don't cry..."
I agree: Misho and Marena are adorable!

As for Ten Winds... If he's a Terrestrial, it seems all-but-impossible he would know about them. So...

Mmmh. Damn. I kinda want him to just be the most badass grandpa air-aspect immaculate monk in Creation, but I also kind of want him to be Kejak.
Which, not know about Sidereals?

Lots of important Realm Terrestrials are well aware of Sidereal existence. It really, really depends on who he is.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
krrackknut said:
Mmmh. Damn. I kinda want him to just be the most badass grandpa air-aspect immaculate monk in Creation, but I also kind of want him to be Kejak.
I dunno, I doubt he's Kejak. I'd imagine he be a wee bit too occupied with scheming and plotting in Yu-Shan than to party with a group of Exalts. That having been said, I kind of hope that Ten turns out to be a Sidereal, for no particular reason other than it opening up for Sidereal shenanigans.

Oh and first time poster, so greetings to one and all!
Um, is it just me, or does Secret's right arm in the third panel look off?

Oh, and new guy whose first post posits a controversial theory. We should all go and kick him a bit.

Hmm. Now that you mention it, it looks like the elbow placement is a bit buggered. Looks like he has a disturbingly long upper arm.

EDIT: Clocking bells, I did it again. I keep mixing Ten and Secrets. I honestly don't know why.

That having been said, yes. Secret's arm looks...short. Or then her body is just blocking the view of her arm, somehow.

And I just realized that perspective explains Ten's arm. I'll...ah...just go shut up now.

Maybe Ten Winds is Seven Rivers, the unknown - and hitherto-uncaught - leader of the mortal rebellion that swept up nine Realm Prefectures before the Empress restored order?
It's not really difficult to remember Sidereals.

As have already been said, a fair amount of DBs are told about them and their roll in the Realm.

You only been to success a Wits + Integrity - 3, diff 1 roll to keep remembering a Sidereal, and after succeeding Sidereals Essence times you don't forget her. Plus, if you are part of a Sidereals Acquaintances you don't need to roll at all.

So Ten should have no trouble knowing about Sidereals.
Did anyone else think Ten Wind's pose in the 7th and 8th panels looked a bit awkward? I applaud Juk for trying to new things and attempting to make the comic and his art ever better, but I thought the over the shoulder thing was a bit wierd (I thought he had his back to the "camera" at first glance) Just wondering if anybody else had the same impression.

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