Keychain #231-235

This comic implies that Marena has Bruise-Relief Method, but doesn't have Halting the Scarlet Flow.

But then, it's also way back from the very start of the first arc, so it's hardly impossible for her to have simply learned HtSF between then and now.
Character Overload indeed. You could fit, what, three or four thousand ninjas into all that white space. That's definitely an overload.
Jukashi said:
Only that many?
That many before you start brushing up against the Law of Conservation of Ninjitsu.

The more Ninja you have, the less skilled they are - in this case, the more they are, the less skilled they are at occupying space, hence the more volume they actually do occupy.

If you only had one ninja, and theoretically - this is purely theoretical here - you could dupe him as many times as you want, at full power - then you could fit a theoretically infinite number of ninja in that whitespace.

However, the more ninja you actually have, the less skilled they are; hence, the volume each one takes up grows exponentially with the number of ninja you have.
Hm. This guy with the hat looks like that Sidereal from the previous page. I wonder if they're the same person.

...Given that they're both Ten Winds in disguise, naturally.
The Sidereal previous has the Secrets caste mark; Racer has a Full Moon caste mark. Ergo, they are not the same.

Also: Awesomesauce.
So, is there any pattern on whose pants can be seen (this chosen of Mars and Racer) and whose can't (such as Misho and possibly Ten)?

Also, Racer started really well in the Awesome-o-meter! Mine is reading an 8 (obviously, the scale goes to 11)
Anyone notice that one of Racer's arms is 'thicker' in panel 3? It has two lines and a white middle. It's 'normal' in panel 5. Is there any significance to this?

He's also wearing some type of bracer. Hearthstone Bracers?
Anyone notice that one of Racer's arms is 'thicker' in panel 3? It has two lines and a white middle. It's 'normal' in panel 5. Is there any significance to this?
He's also wearing some type of bracer. Hearthstone Bracers?
Did you notice that there is a little triangle of black outlined white slightly below the "arm", as in that entire thing is his ponytail.
Thanqol said:
The Sidereal previous has the Secrets caste mark; Racer has a Full Moon caste mark. Ergo, they are not the same.
...Bah. Everyone knows Ten Winds is good enough at this sort of thing that he can make a false caste mark
...That's a Lunar cowboy kung-fu master.

That's a Lunar cowboy kung-fu master. Wearing chaps. I keep looking at that, and it doesn't get any less awesome.

Jukashi, I'm sorry I ever doubted you. Thank you so much.

P.S; I think Racer's a horse...
Have you ever watched the series Heroes, Jukashi? You're nowhere close to character overload...
Happy Birthday!


I'll have your gift in a couple of hours. Maybe.
Them's some nice huge emanations ya got there, ma'am. :mrgreen:

And happy birthday there, kid.

How old does this make you now?

I mean, we can ask you because you're not a woman, right?
Racer reminds me of Straight Cougar from Scryied, especially when he was hitting on Ms. Mimori.

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