Keychain #231-235


Junior Member
Well, at least now we know she knows at least SOME standard charms, even if it is a SMA charm.
Well, it's certainly chaotic, but quite clear as to what is going on.

Nice Anima effect on Ben.

Also, what's that bone-claw thing that Flame's casting?
Thanqol said:
Hoi, SMAs. Prismatic Arrangement, no less. Peeps gonna die.
Prismatic Arrangement of Creation is one of the less powerful SMAs (and that's saying something.) Now, if she knew Obsidian Shards of Infinity or Scarlet-Patterned Battlefield, then people would die.
Assuming those styles existed. Which they don't.
This seems pretty straightforward for a turn-based battle, Jukashi. If it were a three-way fight in realtime, you'd want to crank it up a notch.

General question out there: Will Misho want to acquire the Starmetal Key from/(along with) Marsha? and if so, how?
I think the group will be lucky to retain the Orichalcum key; if they try for the Starmetal key...bad things will happen. Very Bad Things. :mrgreen:

Makes you wonder what Forms the Chosen of Mars has active right now.
I just want to say I really like how Juk is illustrating the anima banners, especially the Abyssal ones. Very cool.
I expect a comic in the near future to show why Karen didn't just perfect Ben's eye beams. Hopefully it involves epic kung-fu action.
A part of me wishes I were more current on the Exalted rules so I would immediately grasp the significance of each of these actions. Another part is enjoying not knowing exactly what's going on until I read it here on the forums.

It does seem rather odd that Karen was taken down so easily, though, unless she tried a Dodge charm and completely botched the roll.
Kyeudo said:
I expect a comic in the near future to show why Karen didn't just perfect Ben's eye beams. Hopefully it involves epic kung-fu action.
Because she used a charm [First or Second Melee Excellency for example] to supplement her disarm on Ben and thus can't use one against Eyes Like Daggers Glance, because she hasn't reached her next action?
Dahak said:
Because she used a charm [First or Second Melee Excellency for example] to supplement her disarm on Ben and thus can't use one against Eyes Like Daggers Glance, because she hasn't reached her next action?
Unless Ben comboed Eyes Like Daggers Glance, Karen should have been quite capable of parrying it with a stunt and an Excellency use. Works for my Dragon-Blooded Players all the time.
Because if she parried or dodged the eye beams his guitar would no longer be blocked from returning to him? Though, being knocked out of the way results in the same thing.
The Keychain equivalent of the ST taking long bathroom breaks.

Juk must be drinking a lot of coffee.
So Marena knows a thing or two about our Sidereal. This could get interesting.

Anyone know what that note says in Old Realm?
I don't think that the transformation necessarily cued the healing. Marena probably activated Halting the Scarlet Flow just before the transformation, and Jukashi had it resolve after the transformation for dramatic effect.
She could very well have used the Gift version of Halting the Scarlet Flow...which would cause going Beastman to make her regenerate.
I'm aware of the charms that would let her heal. I was wondering if she had and used those charms or if it was an oversight.

Thinking back, I believe she's used healing charms before (maybe Bruise-relief), but that's still unclear. Could just be Exalted constitution.

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