Keychain 206 through 210.

Ya just gotta love the need for villians to brag about the awesomeness of their plans and how there is no way for the hero to stop them.
Besides that it have a lot more personality than I normally would credit them, I'll say Bens new friend is a Minion of the Eyeless Face - that or a Miraluka (from Star Wars) :P
skafte said:
Besides that it have a lot more personality than I normally would credit them, I'll say Bens new friend is a Minion of the Eyeless Face - that or a Miraluka (from Star Wars) :P
Minions of the Eyeless Face can't talk.
I would assume he is a ghost.
Ya just gotta love the need for villians to brag about the awesomeness of their plans and how there is no way for the hero to stop them.
Too bad he is not an Infernal, so he is not actually rewarded by his patron for going all Evil Overlord list of mistakes on Misho. Of course, reducing his equivalent to limit is a bad deal to Ben anyway.

By the way, I'm I the only one who would say no to a player who wanted a Charm to benefit from Ressonance like Ben's? I mean, it only affects creatures of death! It is pratically a "Hey! I'm a rebel Abyssal fighting against the neverborn and the more they punish me, the better I can fight them!" charm, that makes it way too easy the existance of a non-loyal Abyssal.

Anyway, besides being really pale and eyeless, Is there any difference in actual drawing style I haven't noticed? Reading the comments one would expect things like the "thick" demon arms or the more realistic look of an Incarna, or the absence of outer lines in the Fey, but I don't see anything that peculiar...
ProTip: Jukashi has used eyeless figures before. The hungry ghosts in Mew Cai's manse (which had a name I can't remember) were eyeless. I'm guessing that he uses it to signify the truly undead.
Perhaps I should explain.

I decided to thematically link the idea of undeath to that of sight. Thus, ghosts don't have any eyes; the hungry ghosts way back when had no eyes, and the fellow in the latest comic - a nemissary animating a body- also lacks them. tThe Deathlords, too, in their short appearances have their eyes concealed in shadow. All the Abyssals thus far encountered also have some sort of notable quality to their eyes: Ben has had his burnt out by Resonance, Flame has mummy-eyesockets that he can still see through by Appearance 0 magic, the King has one eye closed over by scars and Secret has her little spiral-mark.
What do you mean? Having a hundred extra eyes would be an excellent sight-related thematic element.
It seems that eyes stop appearing as you go up the deadness meter (or something like that). Ghosts and such are dead for certain, so they don't have any at all. Ben and Flame, being unapologetic Abyssals, sort of have them. King behaves somewhat like how an Abyssal should, but seems to enjoy being too much. And Secret's just got a tattoo.
Ah... I thought he was a ghost blooded... oh well still good to know about the undead in your comic. Though all admit, I'm more curious about him playing with the guitar. Is Ben putting together a band?
Ah... I thought he was a ghost blooded... oh well still good to know about the undead in your comic. Though all admit' date=' I'm more curious about him playing with the guitar. Is Ben putting together a band?[/quote']
Yeah, A death metal band.
...Well, that answers my question about the comic 200 extra.

Don't pressure yourself over any of this, though... I mean, webcomics have filler and guest comics all the time. Cutting down on size a bit isn't really anything significant.
Now, children. What's the moral of this story?

"Always kweep a head-band handy, in case ya cas-mork flawes!"

Speaking of which, why are Misho's Solar Sabers transparent?
I assumed they're artistically styled to match his anima, plus a sword made of energy doesn't need to be solid, an edge is enough.

the fact it makes it easier to draw is entirely coincidental ofc
Well, that settles this. Apparently they're in somewhere Realm-controlled.

This is really going to jam up their day...

Also, I just thought of something. Ben is reliant upon hearing, right? I mean, he 'hears so well that he can effectively see,' but there are Charms that make literally everything you do have no sound. Granted, the one I'm thinking of is a Thrown attack meant for silent takedowns, but the principle still applies - if you have a Stealth charm that has verbiage to the effect of "your actions are not valid targets for hearing-based Awareness rolls." (The exact words of Mist on Water Attack.)

So, you'd effectively have perfect stealth against him? All your attacks would be Unexpected, and you wouldn't be a valid target for his attacks?
That's assuming he doesn't have a charm of his own, in which case we'd probably see a roll-off for what applies. But seriously, blindness is amazingly easy to get around for a Celestial Exalt - the very first charm in Air Dragon Style gives you complete awareness of everything around you for a scene by feeling the air movements. Given this, it's reasonable to assume he's got some supernatural awareness charms, maybe even custom ones.

But then again, maybe that charm is specially designed to mess up his day.
Would that be a roll-off? Or would Immovable Object vs. Unstoppable Force come into play?

I mean, you could say "not being detected" is a form of defense. Or is IOvUF strictly for "things that require attack rolls?"

What about a broad-spectrum sound dampener?
I'd say roll off since no one's using actual Perfects. It's the general solution to things which aren't clear cut.

If it was an artifact, it might be a roll at the difficulty of the artifact's rating +whatever. Or maybe it just works. I mean, there are situations where a sighted character encounters darkness so complete it precludes making a roll - maybe this is just the same thing for people who are blind. It's a disability, after all.

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