Keychain 176-180

I think this is another kind of cute this time, as in "Hah! Your mastery of Essence is still comprehensible by a mortal mind and you tried to save me! That's so adorable!" kind of cute.
It is the prerogative of elder/more powerful villains who have been saved or spared by the hero to laugh at the hero. This is typically followed by the villain allying with the hero or attempting to kill said hero. 8)

For references, see Evangeline Athanasia Katherine McDowell in Maho Sensei Negima! ( ) and various other characters in various other anime, manga, TV shows, movies, rpg videogames...
You know, reading this comic kinda makes me want to play Exalted. Seems fun. Though that's not why I am making this post.

*ahem* In #176, second to last panel, there seems to be an art mistake. Nova's reverse-V mouth seems to have a white filler activated, like the previous mouth. While I am no expert in Illustrator, I have played with it before, so I cna see how such a mistake could be easily made.
Umm, isn't the new comic due for monday? As in, over half a day ago?

Although I'm frankly more shocked no one posted anything about it so far...

Arthur said:
Hum. I was hoping for Nova's complete obliteration.
Oh well...

Least the battle is over and Secret is back.

"Doesn't everyone keep their innards a secret?"

Perhaps. But not everyone keeps a Secret in their innards.

Datilan said:
...Do you WANT people to draw robot tentacle fan art?


Called it. :mrgreen:

Nova is great -- but it's about time the storyline wrapped up. A good ending overall, and secret's confused outrage is adorable.

I never noticed that curly tatoo around her eye before. Nice detailing.
How do you miss Secret's tatoo? It's in every picture of her ever, including all the fanart.

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