Keychain 176-180

I consider it to be attention to detail.

Sort of like Prince John's mole on "Robin Hood - Men In Tights" :mrgreen:
I think it a necessary element of her design. Asymmetrical details such as that add to the sense of slight unbalance in her, which makes her, in turn, a weaker-seeming character visually.
Jukashi said:
I think it a necessary element of her design. Asymmetrical details such as that add to the sense of slight unbalance in her, which makes her, in turn, a weaker-seeming character visually.

Body language. A character whose design and posture is solid and symmetrical - like Marena - comes off as centered and self-confident. A character with a lopsided stance or appearance, on the other hand, - like Secret - appears weaker, more vulnerable and less certain of themselves. You don't tend to recognize it consciously, but that's how it works most of the time.

Other things are a factor too, of course. Secret uses the Abyssal palette of dark or pale pigmentation and is short and slim, while Marena uses vibrant, interesting colours and is both taller and more full-bodied.
The coloration is anvilliciously effective, but generally it's the asymmetry that makes a person interesting, be it in their stance or their personality. But then, I'm very much an asymmetrical person so I'd have to say that my perceptions on such are demonstrably abnormal.
Brickwall said: we know what it looks like in Nova's...downstairs.
... Dammit.

I should have wondered why I thought to put the construction bay there.
Ah. I want to see Nova back to human form. She's much more expressive when she's not a giant cat (not that she isn't still incredibly expressive for a giant cat).
My initial reaction to this was nothing but pure "D'awwww..."

Also, sneaky sneaky Secret, getting Marena to give her a nearly-naked hug like that. :P Are we sure she's not a Sidereal...?
Even if the gear wouldn't have killed her, it seemed to be crushing her pelvis, and thus not something she could slip out of by popping one or both legs off. She'd be detaching her whole lower half, and would have had to conduct a complete rebuild. Plus she'd have lost her sexy repair bay, making this even more troublesome. On the other hand, this means Secret was not in danger, and he just saved Nova a lot of time and effort she'd need to get her industrial base back on its feet. No pun intended.


Okay. Pun totally intended.
Datilan said:
Even if the gear wouldn't have killed her, it seemed to be crushing her pelvis, and thus not something she could slip out of by popping one or both legs off. She'd be detaching her whole lower half, and would have had to conduct a complete rebuild. Plus she'd have lost her sexy repair bay, making this even more troublesome. On the other hand, this means Secret was not in danger, and he just saved Nova a lot of time and effort she'd need to get her industrial base back on its feet. No pun intended.

Okay. Pun totally intended.
I think that you just defeeted my natural anti-pun defenses...

Is there any reason she couldn't have just form-shifted out of the lurch?

Edit: I just noticed, this pun is truly gross. 144 posts!
Umm... are we supposed to understand what in Creation it is that Misho and Nova are talking about? Because I totally lost them.
"Where would the First and Forsaken Lion hide the Soulsteel Key?" is my best guess at the topic.

What is it about maid outfits that is so strangely sexy?
Tal9922 said:
Umm... are we supposed to understand what in Creation it is that Misho and Nova are talking about? Because I totally lost them.
My assumption was that it's about Secret. Nova figured out in a general sense what she is (since she called her a "little void-Solar"). Nova saying that "there is a touch of something Primordial there (and dead)" would encompass what was done to her Exaltation precisely. And when Misho proposed a way of reversing it, Nova says that there is an "anchor" to be dealt with (which would be Secret's Monstrance.) It's also the logical thing to ask her about, since she was just analyzing Secret.

But hey, they can just go ask the Silver Prince to give it to them, right? I heard he's a nice, reasonable guy.
Curse you, Jukashi! You've ensured that I will be able to think of nothing for the rest of the day but Misho in a maid outfit.
Me too, Jukashi, me too.

I am now tempted to do a big cast picture with every significant character in a french maid costume. The mains, the Abyssals, the Raksha, and the Alchemicals. Well, maybe not Ten Winds (agh the old man leg horror!), but everyone else. Sadly, I have nowhere near enough time.
Brickwall said:
Me too, Jukashi, me too.
I am now tempted to do a big cast picture with every significant character in a french maid costume. The mains, the Abyssals, the Raksha, and the Alchemicals. Well, maybe not Ten Winds (agh the old man leg horror!), but everyone else. Sadly, I have nowhere near enough time.
Rocky Horror Picture Show?
Though that just seems even more wrong.

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