Keychain 176-180

I'm sorry. I missed the deadline by about 10 minutes, so I need to wait for Flagg to run the update for me.
It was probably set up with the assumption that Jukashi will be kind enough to forfeit everything else in his life and keep up with the comic update schedule with at least 50 strips in the buffer.

Now Nova will be all "...I can't kill you NOW! Thanks a lot!" and storm off in a huff. And Misho will be all "0_o". And the kitty will go and brood in her workshop.

...*cough*. Well. Yes. 8)

Misho shows us why he is a good guy once again.
Once again...Misho shows his Compassion 5...and mean there's 4 Virtues? Are you sure? I only see two on this sheet, Compassion and Valor...
Hate to spoil the Compassion 5 moment, but even if he didn't care about saving Nova, he'd certainly not want Secret crushed inside her.
It's not that Misho doesn't have a Compassion of 5, it's that he doesn't actually need such a strong sense of Compassion to have a reason to not kill Nova. Killing Nova could kill Secret as well and Secret is a useful part of the team, so that's a Compassion of, what, 2 or 3.
And I'll be the one walking around wearing a placard saying "The End is Nigh!"

Well, it's more cruel and/or unusual than just inflicting violence upon him all standard-like in retribution for his mistake.
Flagg would it be possible to make the update function update twice? like at midnight and again at 2 o'clock. That way we don't have to wait for you to do the update manually in order for us to get our half weekly Keychain fix.
Everyone laughs at those with high Compassion. Of course, it's usually caustic laughter, and is occasionally followed up with indiscriminate violence, if just to see the poor sucker (in this case, Misho) Limit Break.

Or at least, this is how it goes in some of the games I've seen :P

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