Keychain 161 - 165

I hate people who kill me when I'm lagging. Nova is now experiencing that hate for the very first time. I'm sure it will be a fun experience for her.
Needs Moar Shiny.

Great composition, but Misho's Godforged Champion of War seems too dark for Orihalcum, especially next to Nova. I was also hoping that you'd show the Warstrider forming. Can't have everything, I guess.
Kyeudo said:
Needs Moar Shiny.
Great composition, but Misho's Godforged Champion of War seems too dark for Orihalcum, especially next to Nova. I was also hoping that you'd show the Warstrider forming. Can't have everything, I guess.
Well to be fair the Warstrider isn't made out of Orichalcum but a bunch of Least Gods who have absorbed the light of the surrounding area (which happens to be sun light) which lets it act like Orichalcum for a Solar. Unless I'm misremembering which has been known to happen.
Well to be fair the Warstrider isn't made out of Orichalcum but a bunch of Least Gods who have absorbed the light of the surrounding area (which happens to be sun light) which lets it act like Orichalcum for a Solar. Unless I'm misremembering which has been known to happen.
If anything, that should make it shinier.
Kyeudo said:
If anything, that should make it shinier.
And there is a cat ... oooh! shiny! What was I talking about again? I got distracted by Misho's bling.

Kyeudo said:
Well to be fair the Warstrider isn't made out of Orichalcum but a bunch of Least Gods who have absorbed the light of the surrounding area (which happens to be sun light) which lets it act like Orichalcum for a Solar. Unless I'm misremembering which has been known to happen.
If anything, that should make it shinier.
*Shrugs* I was just offering a reason for why the coloring might be different from Nova. I choose to believe the Least Gods in the area are just to tired after forming the Warstrider to reflect a lot of light. :P
Brickwall said:
I know why! I know!
It makes more artistic sense to give them differing color values.
Well, yeah. I'd just like to see it be a little brighter. Perhaps if the border wasn't dark red, it wouldn't seem so dull.
Kyeudo said:
Well to be fair the Warstrider isn't made out of Orichalcum but a bunch of Least Gods who have absorbed the light of the surrounding area (which happens to be sun light) which lets it act like Orichalcum for a Solar. Unless I'm misremembering which has been known to happen.
If anything, that should make it shinier.
Least Gods are not the best radiative surfaces. They tend to be a bit rough around the edges and thier albedo isn't all that great. Assembling your warstrider out of celestial lion gods would be better if trickier.

Raksa are much better if you want to make shiny things. Admittedly an anthropomorphic Artifact Waypoint Fortress is trickier to make and requires even more esoteric summoning techniques but it still comes out pretty much on top for Bling. You don't get shinier than condensed narcissism as a building material.
Dahak said:
You don't get shinier than condensed narcissism as a building material.
Somebody needs to sig this. I'd to it myself, but I lack Exalted Rule-Fu to make it make sense.
Hey everyone, this is my first post on this forum and it's to ask... Why was Nova lagging?

<<Not an Exalted player. (If only I found a gaming group...)
My guess is that all the multithreading she's doing at the time (fighting off Karen and Marena, doing all kinds of condemnable acts to Secret, etc.) combined with the influx of significant information from Ten clogged up her processor.

This doesn't really (officially) happen to canon Alchemicals though, so the actual game knowledge wouldn't really matter. :P
Quchu said:
My guess is that all the multithreading she's doing at the time (fighting off Karen and Marena, doing all kinds of condemnable acts to Secret, etc.) combined with the influx of significant information from Ten clogged up her processor.
This doesn't really (officially) happen to canon Alchemicals though, so the actual game knowledge wouldn't really matter. :P
Well, she's splitting actions! She just got some maluses... :mrgreen:

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