Keychain 161 - 165

Now is this comic "Glorious Celestial Exposition" or "Terrestrial Exposition"?

Which reminds me: I'm no expert on Exalted lore, so can anyone tell me if Alchemical Exalted are Terrestrial or Celestial Exalted?
Alchies are essentially Celestial in power, though in some ways they are something else entirely...primarilly their inability to use any form of Sorcery...though their own Alchemical Weavings fill that slot, and are...well, while there are only two Circles, the first is somewhat more powerful in a focused way than Terrestrial Circle Sorcery, and the Second is somewhat more powerful in a focused way than Celestial Circle Sorcery. Alchies with the right charm equiped can learn Terrestrial and Celestial Martial Arts, similar to Lunars, and at their standard non-favored XP cost. Since they don't favor abilities at all, they cannot favor Martial Arts.
Thanks. I had gotten the impression that Alchemical Exalted are "sorta Celestial" .

Which reminds me: When is the new book for Alchemical Exalted coming out?
"Stimulate that mechanical feline!" will be said at the next game I GM for.

I don't care what it is. Shadowrun, Star Wars, D&D, or Exalted. It will be said.
If anyone's looking here for the answers as to why Nova changed...

It's not gradual. Alchemicals have something similar to Limit called Clarity. Instead of making them more emotional and 'breaking' in torrents, it's a measure of cold, alien computation. Alchemicals with high Clarity are inhuman-seeming and robotic, while those with low Clarity are as expressive as humans. Here are some relevant things that change Clarity.

High Essence (above 5) adds to Clarity

Avoiding human contact adds to Clarity

Making human contact reduces Clarity

It's reasonable to assume that Nova used to have little contact with humans as she gained a lot of Essence, but upon her foray into Creation, began to have more, and her old personality re-asserted itself. It appears her personality was...well, you can see for yourself.

However, there is nothing in the corebook suggesting that an Alchemical can gain Clarity by thinking a lot, and there are few Charms they use that add to Clarity at all, much less hugely. Whatever Misho's plan, it either relies on houseruling or something too esoteric for me to find.
The reason high-level Charms and high-essence bodies come with a certain level of Clarity is because you need that level of Clarity to be capable of the computations required to operate them. It is not only a measure of mental capacity, but linked to your level of "machine enlightenment", or the "autochthonian-ness" (Autochthoniosity?) of your body/soul's essence.

Consider that Nova has not been in Autochthonia for a long time, and the means by which she has been making her servants. Muse as well on why she might have sought out this autochtonian-aspected Manse in the first place, or why she would want to spend most of her time in a smaller, less complex body.
Because she's actually Princess Daisy. As to why Jukashi didn't choose Princess Peach, I would never know, but this revelation certainly is interesting.

The plot thickens.
Jukashi said:
Consider that Nova has not been in Autochthonia for a long time, and the means by which she has been making her servants. Muse as well on why she might have sought out this autochtonian-aspected Manse in the first place, or why she would want to spend most of her time in a smaller, less complex body.
I've been hanging around ShadowDragon much too long, because the first thing that crossed my mind was "She wants to get laid."
1. Autochthonian-aspect Manse? That doesn't even make sense. Manse aspects don't work that way. Even trying to geomance one from Creation would be impossible, as the elements and Essence of Autochthonia aren't the same as in Creation. It'd be like trying to make a steak dinner from a pile of nickels (or, in this case, the reverse). Or perhaps like a blood transfusion between two people with different blood types, if you like to think of Gaia and Autochthon more as 'alive'.

I did some research on this one. There is apparently a project that 'purifies' Creation elements for use by Alchemicals, which can be combined with Autochthonian elements. But Autochthonian Essence isn't in Creation at all, so at best, Nova could make the Demesne a strange version of a Creation Demesne.

2. Regardless of how much they think, Alchemicals cannot willingly raise their Clarity or just try to be too logical. And none of their cognitive Charms, save one (lets them use their Clarity in place of an Ability), has any effect whatsoever on Clarity.

If Nova had some kind of Hearthstone with Clarity manipulation, 2 might be not a problem (and it's even a good idea for an inventor type who's around humans a lot), but there is still 1.

But it's houserules country, I suppose. I just like looking stuff up.
Brickwall said:
1. Autochthonian-aspect Manse? That doesn't even make sense. Manse aspects don't work that way. Even trying to geomance one from Creation would be impossible, as the elements and Essence of Autochthonia aren't the same as in Creation. It'd be like trying to make a steak dinner from a pile of nickels (or, in this case, the reverse). Or perhaps like a blood transfusion between two people with different blood types, if you like to think of Gaia and Autochthon more as 'alive'.
Dreams of the First Age describes the "Exotic Aspect" manse power, which allows said Manse to take on an Aspect alien to Creation. Additionally, elsewhere in the DotFA collection, a Vitriol Demense is described. There is precedent, therefore, that an autochtonian manse could exist in Creation, given extraordinary cause.

2. Regardless of how much they think, Alchemicals cannot willingly raise their Clarity or just try to be too logical. And none of their cognitive Charms, save one (lets them use their Clarity in place of an Ability), has any effect whatsoever on Clarity.
They don't need such special methods. Alchemicals can raise their Clarity by spending a lot of time alone or with machines, and can lower their Clarity by spending time with living creatures.

In any case, a procedure involving unknown artifacts is involved.
The Autochthonians book does bring up the possibility of an Alchemical manse in the explicit context that they would rather use the place as a vat than a manse. Can't provide you with a page quote since I'm already late to a class.
1. Autochthonian-aspect Manse? That doesn't even make sense. Manse aspects don't work that way. Even trying to geomance one from Creation would be impossible, as the elements and Essence of Autochthonia aren't the same as in Creation. It'd be like trying to make a steak dinner from a pile of nickels (or, in this case, the reverse). Or perhaps like a blood transfusion between two people with different blood types, if you like to think of Gaia and Autochthon more as 'alive'.
I did some research on this one. There is apparently a project that 'purifies' Creation elements for use by Alchemicals, which can be combined with Autochthonian elements. But Autochthonian Essence isn't in Creation at all, so at best, Nova could make the Demesne a strange version of a Creation Demesne.
It makes perfect sense. God-Machine Protocols still work just fine in Creation, and there are plenty of artifacts of Autobot around for her to use -- to say nothing of the Jadeborn and the fact that Autobot actually invented Enlightened Essence for his own personal use.

Nova isn't Any Old Alchemical. She's at least Essence 6, and a very powerful, well established Essence 6 at that, who found the old stomping grounds of a major First-Age twilight. It's not an easy problem, but it's not impossible and she has hella skills and resources to throw at it.

2. Regardless of how much they think, Alchemicals cannot willingly raise their Clarity or just try to be too logical. And none of their cognitive Charms, save one (lets them use their Clarity in place of an Ability), has any effect whatsoever on Clarity.
No, but if her higher level charms aren't working anymore, they can come up with something she can't solve. They'll have given her the challenge she craves, and have eliminated the entire reason she's fighting them. Much like she abandoned the fight to repair her equipment, she'll abandon this fight to go work on whatever puzzles they give her.
Jukashi said:
Brickwall said:
1. Autochthonian-aspect Manse? That doesn't even make sense. Manse aspects don't work that way. Even trying to geomance one from Creation would be impossible, as the elements and Essence of Autochthonia aren't the same as in Creation. It'd be like trying to make a steak dinner from a pile of nickels (or, in this case, the reverse). Or perhaps like a blood transfusion between two people with different blood types, if you like to think of Gaia and Autochthon more as 'alive'.
Dreams of the First Age describes the "Exotic Aspect" manse power, which allows said Manse to take on an Aspect alien to Creation. Additionally, elsewhere in the DotFA collection, a Vitriol Demense is described. There is precedent, therefore, that an autochtonian manse could exist in Creation, given extraordinary cause.
I'd count a Twilight with a PSV driven Hand of the Maker as a not terribly extraordinary cause in the First Age. with one of those and Wild Cauldron Tech, Creation is your Play-Doh.
Brickwall said:
DotFA makes me mad. So many things in it make me mad. This is a new one.
In that case, then, I may point out the appearance of Abyssal Manses in shadowlands, which are still partially a part of Creation. And Celestial Demenses (Solar/Lunar/Sidereal) may also appear, naturally, even though geomancy is supposed to be linked to Gaia and those "elements" have nothing to do with her.
I've heard at least one theory that the Unconquered Sun is to Gaia what that green sun 3rd circle demon is to Malfeas. Remember that the Incarnae are more than common gods -- they define aspects of Creation that are more profound than the base Elements.

But a Manse aspected to a primordeal? No, that breaks the pattern. To one of the Auto elements, perhaps. A Manse of Metal or Oil or Steam. Alchemical aspect also makes a degree of sense as one of those profound aspects.
Kyeudo said:
The manse is aspected to Metal.
Okay, where did you get the keys to the time machine? I thought I forbade you access to it after you spoilerized Misfile for everyone?

That said, seriously, the group stomping around in Resonance Ben's own digs? Totally, totally metal. Rock on.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Kyeudo said:
The manse is aspected to Metal.
Okay, where did you get the keys to the time machine? I thought I forbade you access to it after you spoilerized Misfile for everyone?

That said, seriously, the group stomping around in Resonance Ben's own digs? Totally, totally metal. Rock on.
I thought I was still allowed to visit the past . . .

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