Keychain #141 - 145

ShadowDragon8685 said:
Well, you might as well give it a try. If the results are that bad, you can just burn the evidence and disavow any knowledge of the piece ever having been concieved of.
I'll...give it a try. Maybe.
Blossom is awesome.

Hey, that rhymes. . . anyway, I will be sad if she ever permanently drops out of the story. Her signs are just too good.
I choose to not think about that one, personally. There is no way thinking about Nova doing anything heriditary will end in a happy-fun mental image.
Ophion said:
WTF!?! "MUST BE HEREDITARY"??? :shock:
it could be that Ten is a very old sidereal (only a little younger than Kejak) and remember Autochton (if awesomeness is an important part oh Sol's character that is given to the solars "explain-everything-like-a-bookworm-expecially-when-not-needed" could be the same thing for Auto and his exalted ones, because Auto is a huge nerd and everybody knows that).

But I dislike a bit the theory "10 Winds is a Sidereal".

Actually how can an alchemical inherit anything, and somebody see that, given their peculiar construction?
Alchemicals can inherit things in the same way that Celestial Exalts can. They receive Exalted souls from those diamond-shaped soul gems they have. Like Celestial Exaltations, these carry some personality, memory, relationships, etc. The Alchemical Exaltations date back to when Autochthon first seceded from Creation. Though this begs the question of why Nova sees fit to reject the home that her soul has served for millenia. Other than the fact that she's bonkers.
I agreed, but in that case there are two possibilities:

1) Ten used to know her previous self;

2) Ten used to know her previous self's relatives.

Both are quite improbable.

And she know HIM. A sorcerous mortal daughter of a dragonblood (whom happens to be Ten cousin or something) who make a huge mistake in an experiment and was thrown in Autochtonia? It would fit with the "house rules country" flavour but... well.. :mrgreen:

I think I'll wait for 24h. If tomorrow it's still a mystery, I'll nuke Eire... I mean, I'll write A LOT of other improbable theories...
As I said before, Ten Winds is Autochthon--or even one of his subsouls. The point still holds. This explains a lot of things, such as him being made of ice, him feeling responsible for the Contagion-dead DBs, being a chain-smoking drunkard who manages to do a lot of things in really short time, and so on. This even explains why Secret gained weight over the last a few months she's been with the troupe, which should be impossible given that she's actually a ghost brainwashed to believe that she's a Deathknight, dispatched by Eye and Seven Despairs to moliate into a deathly portal the moment Misho collects the Keys of Creation together and snatch it from his control with a legion of dump trucks.

Made of undead polar bears and piloted by books. That bleed light bulbs when cut.

You know everything makes sense now. My interpretation of the comic has been validated.
As I said before, Ten Winds is Autochthon--or even one of his subsouls. The point still holds. This explains a lot of things, such as him being made of ice, him feeling responsible for the Contagion-dead DBs, being a chain-smoking drunkard who manages to do a lot of things in really short time, and so on. This even explains why Secret gained weight over the last a few months she's been with the troupe, which should be impossible given that she's actually a ghost brainwashed to believe that she's a Deathknight, dispatched by Eye and Seven Despairs to moliate into a deathly portal the moment Misho collects the Keys of Creation together and snatch it from his control with a legion of dump trucks.
Made of undead polar bears and piloted by books. That bleed light bulbs when cut.

You know everything makes sense now. My interpretation of the comic has been validated.
Jukashi said:
Damn, you figured it out. Might as well not continue with the comic, now.
Damnit Rocketbilly! If there's no comic come Monday morning, I'n holding you responsible! Do you fools see what your Wild Mass Guessing causes? DO YOU?!
ShadowDragon8685 said:
As I said before, Ten Winds is Autochthon--or even one of his subsouls. The point still holds. This explains a lot of things, such as him being made of ice, him feeling responsible for the Contagion-dead DBs, being a chain-smoking drunkard who manages to do a lot of things in really short time, and so on. This even explains why Secret gained weight over the last a few months she's been with the troupe, which should be impossible given that she's actually a ghost brainwashed to believe that she's a Deathknight, dispatched by Eye and Seven Despairs to moliate into a deathly portal the moment Misho collects the Keys of Creation together and snatch it from his control with a legion of dump trucks.
Made of undead polar bears and piloted by books. That bleed light bulbs when cut.

You know everything makes sense now. My interpretation of the comic has been validated.
Jukashi said:
Damn, you figured it out. Might as well not continue with the comic, now.
Damnit Rocketbilly! If there's no comic come Monday morning, I'n holding you responsible! Do you fools see what your Wild Mass Guessing causes? DO YOU?!
No, no, it wasn't him! It was the epileptic trees that did it!
*sitting in the corner, silently smoking a cigarette with one arched eyebrow*

Rixaxun said:
So, is he just immune, or is he going to collapse in the next panel?
You can't tell that with the likes of Ten Winds. I'm pretty sure he has charms for countering sedation, though.
Ten Winds, whatever Exalt type he is, can likely resist poisons somewhat. Even entirely. Lots of ways to be immune. He might not be protected against them, though. 1000s of XP in, some Exalts still never take poison resistance. It so rarely comes up. Which is why poison is a good gambit. STs AND players take note of that one.
Brickwall said:
Ten Winds, whatever Exalt type he is, can likely resist poisons somewhat. Even entirely. Lots of ways to be immune. He might not be protected against them, though. 1000s of XP in, some Exalts still never take poison resistance. It so rarely comes up. Which is why poison is a good gambit. STs AND players take note of that one.
Yes...but he's also a smoking, alcoholic master of the martial arts. I'm seeing Orgiastic Fugitive an additional style. Trying to sedate him may just have made him stronger. If not, well, there are charms for telling poisons to go away...and a drunkard who might need to fight is quite likely to have them.
Jukashi said:
Don't you get it? Everyone is a Sidereal.
Which is going to be really funny in the end, when one of them (not Ten Winds) gets revealed, the another says "You too?" Then cue the flabberghasted others saying "Too?!" they reveal... And then the bad guys show up and say "You guys, too?!"

And then soon everyone is taking off their masks and it turns out long ago that the only kind of Exalt left is the Sidereals.
Brickwall said:
1000s of XP in, some Exalts still never take poison resistance. It so rarely comes up. Which is why poison is a good gambit. STs AND players take note of that one.
At the same time, it only takes a single trained medic in the party to make it go away. Equipped with either charms or artifacts, a Twilight can cure poison as a single action and a handful of motes in most cases. That said, there is very little in terms of antivenom, even from Alchemy. Talismans against poison are safe bets, though.
Brickwall said:
Ten Winds, whatever Exalt type he is, can likely resist poisons somewhat. Even entirely. Lots of ways to be immune. He might not be protected against them, though. 1000s of XP in, some Exalts still never take poison resistance. It so rarely comes up. Which is why poison is a good gambit. STs AND players take note of that one.
Heh...I generally find some means of harmful-ingestive protection, just so my characters can go around drinking lamp oil, or drink an entire bar under the table.

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