Keychain #141 - 145

That depends on the texture of said hair. If it's smooth and silky, that might not be a problem.

Being nine feet tall, on the other hand, might be... I wonder if she can do the "animal totemic humanoid form at normal height" like Seven Devils Clever can?
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Being nine feet tall, on the other hand, might be... I wonder if she can do the "animal totemic humanoid form at normal height" like Seven Devils Clever can?
Nah. You pick either tall or normal-sized and are stuck with it (unless you take that Knack that changes your DBT forever, which I presume would let you alter that choice as well).
Yes. You can only change into 'natural' shapes, and your warform. Where warform is the only form you have any modeling control over. And by natural, I mean, that with the right knacks you can take the form of anything: Humans, animals, plants, spirits, demons, ghosts, wyld creatures... so if you if you want a specific wierd shape your best bet is to go hunting in the Wyld or Malfean.
DBT: proving time and again that yes, the folks at White Wolf are furry-friendly in their own bizarre way.

I agree with Brickwall, Marena's head-hair looks good all wild. I feel sorry for the Dinobot, though...hopefully he just ends up slightly turned into a pile of scrap after this.

Oh, and the white fire aura just makes Marena's DBT that much more visually impressive.
"I lied". That reminds me from one of those terminator movies' date=' don't remember which one was thought. 8)[/quote']
I think he used it in Commando.

I goes something like

Arnie - You remember that I said I'd kill you last

Bad Guy (Sullie??) - blar blar blar

Arnie - I lied. **Drops him off a cliff**
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Is DBT the only way to achieve an anthro transformation, though?
You can do a ritual hunt and eat a beastman. And if you eat another Lunar, you get all their true forms, of which DBT is one.
Jukashi said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Is DBT the only way to achieve an anthro transformation, though?
You can do a ritual hunt and eat a beastman. And if you eat another Lunar, you get all their true forms, of which DBT is one.
You need a specific Knack to nom another Lunar and get all their forms. But, yeah, those are both possible.
I've gotten so used to house rules stating that DBT only has to be a little bigger than your normal form (on account of only getting one bonus dot of str) that I forgot the regular rules don't say any such thing. :o

Lookin' pretty good there, that said. On the one hand, you've done about as good a job of a 9 foot tall stickwoman were-fox as can be done. On the other hand, when you get to that size, the stick-figure aspect gets a bit much, if you don't mind me saying. She could really use some thighs.
Jukashi said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
Is DBT the only way to achieve an anthro transformation, though?
You can do a ritual hunt and eat a beastman. And if you eat another Lunar, you get all their true forms, of which DBT is one.
Actually, the knack that lets you do that specifically eliminates the DBT from the forms you acquire.

Also, with my Lunar I try to make her war form seem smallerish than've convinced me to embrace the awesome.
Wait a minute. so...was the clawstrider-bot saying that when he's in human form, he does prefer men to women?

I hope we get to see him react to Marena's male mode in more mellow moments, then...
merle said:
Wait a minute. so...was the clawstrider-bot saying that when he's in human form, he does prefer men to women?
I hope we get to see him react to Marena's male mode in more mellow moments, then...
Probably the way Secret did, I expect. Or the way Misho reacted to "I'm Exalted! I smell that good!... Some drawbacks."

You know, "... WUV! <3"
ShadowDragon8685 said:
merle said:
Wait a minute. so...was the clawstrider-bot saying that when he's in human form, he does prefer men to women?
I hope we get to see him react to Marena's male mode in more mellow moments, then...
Probably the way Secret did, I expect. Or the way Misho reacted to "I'm Exalted! I smell that good!... Some drawbacks."

You know, "... WUV! <3"
More than ever, I curse my lack of drawing skills...there would so be fanart of that in a day or so if I could actually produce it.

I'm actually slowly working my art up to KoC's level...except that I'm not doing it for minimalism's sake or anything, I'm just that bad. Difference between stick-figures out of choice and stick-figures out of necessity...
merle said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
merle said:
Wait a minute. so...was the clawstrider-bot saying that when he's in human form, he does prefer men to women?
I hope we get to see him react to Marena's male mode in more mellow moments, then...
Probably the way Secret did, I expect. Or the way Misho reacted to "I'm Exalted! I smell that good!... Some drawbacks."

You know, "... WUV! <3"
More than ever, I curse my lack of drawing skills...there would so be fanart of that in a day or so if I could actually produce it.

I'm actually slowly working my art up to KoC's level...except that I'm not doing it for minimalism's sake or anything, I'm just that bad. Difference between stick-figures out of choice and stick-figures out of necessity...
Well, you might as well give it a try. If the results are that bad, you can just burn the evidence and disavow any knowledge of the piece ever having been concieved of.
I feel sorry for Blossom. She just wants people to be nice to each other, and she's being all nonconfrontational about it, and people just ignore her. :(
Jukashi is cruel, crule person indeed. First we get this fast paced dinobot vs werefox action, then we move to... this... well this "Ten as Dr. Phill"... thing. :x

No offence this time Juk, this strip was hilarious. Now I see how my players feel when I quit my sessions in cliffhangers such as this. :wink:

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