Keychain 127 - 130

So I can't be the only one wondering. Is this a "meet cute" between Secret and the mysterious Solar lady with the big sword? Secret does look awfully impressed. (Besides, it's about time the comic got a Romance angle.)
....tape... :oops:

So...would this be Marena's sister, perhaps? Is it abnormal for members of the same family to both gain (different) exaltations?
merle said:
So...would this be Marena's sister, perhaps? Is it abnormal for members of the same family to both gain (different) exaltations?
I've seen it so many times, if games could be used, I'd make it a TV trope. Seriously, done SO MANY TIMES. But I like the way Juk's doing it here, so I don't really care. Besides, I had guessed sister at one point.

Also, I'm unhappy about it, but I'm pretty sure Secret's straight. Yeah, I know, that's unfortunate, but we're not gonna see Secret getting down and dirty with miss boob bandages.

Oh, and yes, that is her current defining attribute. The sarashi. On her boobs. Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo-


How do we know Secret's straight? Frankly, she seems like she's always sorta-flirting with Marena.

So, if there's family resemblance there...

Not to mention, Marena openly flirted with her as Maren.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
How do we know Secret's straight? Frankly, she seems like she's always sorta-flirting with Marena.
So, if there's family resemblance there...

Not to mention, Marena openly flirted with her as Maren.
1. Straight girls can get very naughty with each other and still be straight. I seen it. A lot :wink:

2. Marena is pretty openly into girls

3. Secret reacted when Marena had a dong, and has not really reacted much to seeing Marena naked, aside from possibly envy. It's safe to say that she is attracted to men. Marena just happens to have App 5 as a man.
Brickwall said:
ShadowDragon8685 said:
How do we know Secret's straight? Frankly, she seems like she's always sorta-flirting with Marena.
So, if there's family resemblance there...

Not to mention, Marena openly flirted with her as Maren.
1. Straight girls can get very naughty with each other and still be straight. I seen it. A lot :wink:

2. Marena is pretty openly into girls

3. Secret reacted when Marena had a dong, and has not really reacted much to seeing Marena naked, aside from possibly envy. It's safe to say that she is attracted to men. Marena just happens to have App 5 as a man.
I dunno, I think Secret may be having some confusion there. She needs to just relax, realize that, as one of the Exalted, she's pretty much fated to be omnisexual if she survives any real length of time, and just jump right in. :P
Brickwall said:
In Exalted, all magical weapons are about 5/3 the size of their normal counterparts, if not larger. A one-handed magical straight sword is about 5 feet long, and proportionally wide. A cleaving sword is gonna be a foot wide or wider. It's not unique to her. Notice that Misho's blade is almost as big as him, and Cluivnarihe is easily larger than secret in any weapon form. It's ubiquitous.
I am aware of how big swords tend to be in Exalted. I merely A) Wanted to make the classic and yet still terrible overcompensation joke, and B) Hopefully break at least one mind with people trying to interpret it.

Seems it didn't work.
For the record, while the layout is a little clustered, it had something close to the desired effect at least when I read it. It seems a bit dense, but that just gives the impression that these scenes are taking place at the same time. The final "interesting" ties things together nicely.
Bah. There's no such thing as straight when immortality is involved! Not to mention if Marena messes about with, say, "Terrifying Lust Infliction" or something along those lines... :twisted:
People who are rather strict about their sexuality aren't exactly uncommon in Exalted. Why do you think Ma Ha Suchi (sp) never managed to bang every Celestial?
Brickwall said:
People who are rather strict about their sexuality aren't exactly uncommon in Exalted. Why do you think Ma Ha Suchi (sp) never managed to bang every Celestial?
Because 699 people is a pretty big target, regardless?
I think that's a gross overestimation of Ma-Ha Goat Fucker's abilities...

I mean, it's not impossible (Cripes, Houstin does that in a day, sorta), but you'd basically need every Celestial Exalt in one place or near enough to in one place, and all of them already predisposed to fuck his brains out (or get their brains fucked out by him).
Don't forget some of them by that point are bat shit insane, and a majority of the older ones will have perfect mental defenses. This is likely to make things a little harder for Ma-Ha-Suchi.
ShadowDragon8685 said:
I think that's a gross overestimation of Ma-Ha Goat Fucker's abilities...
I mean, it's not impossible (Cripes, Houstin does that in a day, sorta), but you'd basically need every Celestial Exalt in one place or near enough to in one place, and all of them already predisposed to fuck his brains out (or get their brains fucked out by him).
I don't think he intended to do it all at one time. That's just ridiculous.

And as for insane elders...I don't think he'd have a problem with them. It's the sane ones with magical mental defense who are tough.
Jukashi said:
That which is done... has been re-done!
And quite well, I'll say.

Also: Digitally remastered? You only get to say that like it's something special if the original art was analog.

Now, it would a shocker akin to taking Ten's anima flux to the base of the spinal column if you went and analogally remastered the original image...
Wait, people can't be made into Alchemicals. Alchemicals are manufactured in labs, and get stuck with Exalted souls once they're finished. Unused ones.

Still, is Marena NOT looking for that Solar who looks like her? Odd.
Brickwall said:
Wait, people can't be made into Alchemicals. Alchemicals are manufactured in labs, and get stuck with Exalted souls once they're finished. Unused ones.
True, though Celestials can be akumatized by Autochthon. That doesn't seem to be the case here, but then again it is house rules country...
Also, nothing prevents someone from slapping a Soul Gem in the head of an Exalt, offing them, and figuring that since they Exalted before, surely they are cool enough to be put in a new shiny Alchemical body. Exactly what this results in, though, and how much of past memories such an Alchemical has, is, of course, up to debate. Some memories at least go through, and it's not impossible they would end up with some similarities in appearance to a past self, changes due to being an Alchemical, such as pasty grey skin, weird hair colors, and odd Magical Material bits sticking out here and there not withstanding.
...Huh? How is Marena not looking for that Solar? You can clearly see her ears perk up and she's listening to somewhere off-screen. I presume she heard the sound of the eye lasers hitting that sword and managed to MAGICALLY know who was wielding it.
Rixaxun said:
...Huh? How is Marena not looking for that Solar? You can clearly see her ears perk up and she's listening to somewhere off-screen. I presume she heard the sound of the eye lasers hitting that sword and managed to MAGICALLY know who was wielding it.
Oh, come on, Rixaxun!

This is Exalted! At least try to use a sarcastic comment that's remotely implausable!

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