
Sir Les Paul

The Duke of Chords
Ketsuekikawa is a relatively large, but out-of-the way city located Southwest of Mt. Fuji in Japan. The City is a recreational area in many respects; a majority of its business and revenue come from seasonal events and visitors. While this is in part due to the large amount of springs with varying temperatures, it is more attributed to the four-day period in late July (normally between the 22nd and the 28th, varying by the year) in which the Ketsue River is brightly illuminated by the mid-morning until mid-evening. During this time, the river can be seen glowing bright hues of orange, purple, pink and red. Swimming in the river during these times is considered Good Luck for the year, and each color traditionally represents what type of luck one might have: red represents personal passions, pink represents love, purple is financial success and orange is better health. While the city sounds like a laid back vacation spot in Japan, it does have a darker side...

Originally, the city was a small establishment used during the Warring States period of Japan to house people of political intrigue. The owners of it switched various times, but the culture that developed within the camp became one of manipulation and favors were the individuals of higher rank dealt out promises to be reaped when the individual was freed; and, this did happen from time to time, most notably if the specific piece of land fell to the house of those inside the camp. In a generation, the camp became a twisted place of dubious favors and a criminal hierarchy, turning simple men into true killers. Near the end of the period, the entire camp was executed due to the hassle of maintaining it and the loss of soldiers guarding it. Soon after, it was razed, then rebuilt into Ketsuekikawa; its history mostly wiped from the slate. 

There was a transitional time as the town grew, but it wasn't due to the tourist attractions - at least, not yet. The criminal history of the town led to connections to it even after its destruction for illegal trade. Once ports were built, the city became center for smuggling. In a way, this persists to today. Now, while Ketsuekikawa is a large tourist attraction that pulls in thousands of people per year, it is also a center for exotic drugs and rare substances in the Eastern World. Most things found in the City are harshly illegal elsewhere and enforcement is minimal due to it being part of the "local charm" of the city. This has led to the formation of gangs and a thug culture during the off-season, mostly due to the significantly smaller stream of money for those that walk the streets.

The City has several educational institutions, although some are more similar to prisons for child thugs than areas meant to enlighten young minds. At the high end, there are famous preparatory schools like Sarayashiki High and its rival Kazegafuchi High. Many brilliant minds, primarily engineers, have went on to post-secondary schools and colleges and even became international students. On the other hand, several smaller, less funded and more dangerous schools exist, such as Rugafuji High and Iwamano High, that are established mostly to slim down the number of students per school so that truant officers and street enforcers have an easier time maintaining peace. This has proven to be counter-intuitive as the smaller schools have made their districts their "turf" resulting in danger for those that cross over. Each school tends to sell a handful of different drugs, each claim their women are the prettiest, each proclaim their parties the best, and for all of their boasting, most of them will end up working a mundane job or at a family business if they don't end up in the ever-enlarging prison system in the Western half of the city known as the Red Block. Ironically, many of them become the enforcers and officers that police the streets they used to run.


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"First here, eh?" The voice was soft and feminine. It had an odd amount of energy to it, although it was likely only due to the stark contrast of what happened before. What felt like just seconds prior, Eric felt a strange, stabbing pain in his gut. He couldn't see a blade and he felt no blood once he fell to the ground, but he fell into convulsions and faded away all the same. It was cold. Just cold. Whatever Marshall did - without even touching him - was enough to bring him to his knees. That followed a heated moment where Eric accused the man of cheating somehow, all of which only contributed to the weird situation now. Passions were sparked before, tempers burning, but now... everything was just cold. Cold and calm.

Eric would find himself floating above South Central Ketsue Hospital, although from the aerial view, he likely wasn't to recognize it. In fact, floating in the air alone was enough to cause some level of alarm. Eric was weightless, floating in the air as if he were a fish in the sea. As of now, he was a mere spirit.

"You're the one with the nickname, but I can't quite put my finger on it..." the voice continued on, now more obviously behind him. It was nighttime and the street lights illuminated the city, especially some of the hospital floors. The ER was as busy as always. There was a lot to react to for someone who just died...

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Tokshi wondered what she get for ingredients to make dinner with tonight maybe she'd call Uta later and ask him what he wanted. Right now she had more important things to do like making it too her gang's fight. She had gotten a call in the middle of class and had to run out in order to back them up they appreantly weren't prepared for how many the other gang brought but it didn't matter to her. She'd beat them up go to the store get home and Uta would tell her all about his day at school. As she showed up a few of her fellow gang members cheered. "Bout time you showed up what took you so long." She heard one of them joke she cracked her neck a bit and retorted. "I figured I'd take my time coming to save you jackasses from trouble again."

Tokshi looked at the enemy gang and saw they were all boys most of which carried steel pipes and bats. She stepped forward and motioned for them to come at her glare at them as she did. "Come on which one of you bitches wants to get stomped out first!?" The guys didn't think much of her and rushed in a bad idea she ducked under an incoming pipe then punched the opponent in his most "vital" area. Falling to the ground in pain she then picked up his pipe and hit another member in the gut with it, she felt a weird feeling like she should move forward and acted on it dodging a steel bat that was going to be smashed against her head. Tokshi turned and threw the pipe at the guy then punched him in the cheek sending him to the ground.

Her fellow gang members had a new fire in their bellies as they joined her in the fight beating the other gang they stood around to gloat. The leader of the gang took out her wallet and handed Tokshi all she had on her. "Here thanks again for saving our asses Tokshi." Tokshi took the money and sighed she waved her hand. "Yeah yeah it's no problem really." Tokshi saw one gang member of the other group was getting up he reached into his pocket and took out a knife. He charged straight at the boss Tokshi couldn't believe what she did next. She pushed the boss out of the way at first she didn't get it but figured it was to pay her back for always looking out for Uta and helping provide for them.

But due to her rescue Tokshi found she didn't have enough time to dodge and the knife found it's way into her chest. Tokshi then was looking at a strange scene the knife was no longer in her chest so she figured it had just been her imagination. "I'm fine there's no pain, there's no knife so why? Why is everyone crying? Why are they yelling at the guy who I thought stabbed me to bring her back? Bring who back? Why is boss blaming herself for her death? Whose death? Why? Why? Why am I laying down in a pool of my own blood? If I'm not standing....FLYING!!!??" Tokshi realized she was flying a bit above her own lifeless corpse as her gang members cursed the man who stabbed her calling an ambulance for their fallen comrade. Tokshi couldn't believe what had just happened it was all so fast she felt like it almost wasn't real. But it was wasn't it and if she was dead did that mean she was a ghost or something did that mean..the grim reaper would come for her!?
"Hurry up! I wanna get home before dad does!"

"okay! Okay! Calm down!"

Warren was really tired. There were 3 tests at school that day, and Warren stayed up to study for them.  Keeping up with his sister became a Herculean task

Things have gotten better since he moved. The game centers have a lot of games for him to play, the people are nice, and it generally gives off a nice vibe. A vibe that conveys home. 

Things were good here. 

He can finally be happy...

he looked down at his left wrist, for just a moment. As he did, a scream jolted him out of his lethargic state. Coming from a nearby alley. 

Warren noticed the scream and chaced the source. 

A man in a red hood with a white stripe approached. 

his face was obscured by the hood. But one thing was for certain, he had a gun.

His sister broke out of the man's grasp. 

And the man pointed the pistol directly at Warren's little sister. 

"Hey hey! Calm down! I won't hurt you! Well, if I have to anyway." 

The man shifted his weight. 

"Don't try to play dumb with me. It won't work. We know who your dad is. Just lead us to him, and you'll be fine." 

Warren stood silently. Fists clenched, giving the man an extreme death glare. Warren's sister had tears rolling down her face she didn't know what to do. She stammered a bit. 

Warren looked at her and shook his head. She stopped immedatly. 

Silence rang through the alley they were in. 

"You're going to be hard to get into out of then ehh?" 

The man fired a shot right near his sister, it sounded like a real gun, even smelled like a real bullet. He's not playing. 

Warren's sister let out a Yelp of fear as the bullet passed her back. 

"I'm not playing around. Just lead me to him, we'll take care of the rest." 


The man began to shake. 

"I-I'll shoot her! I mean it!" 


"Last chance." 


The man grabbed Warren's sister, and jolted her toward him. 



"Like HELL you will!" 

The man let go of Warren's sister. He turned around to see Warren charging at him at full speed. 

The man panicked and shot once at Warren, missing him. The smell of gunpowder was overwhelming. 

The man fired twice more. 

The second round hit him in the chest,

the third hit him in the stomach. Warren fell to the ground, 

the man let out a string of obscenities before dashing back into the dark alley. 

"Oh my god... Oh my god!" 

Warren's sister ran over to him, crying. 

"H-hey hey... It's okay, call an-" 

Warren broke out into a coughing fit. But his sister know what he was about to say. 

She squeezed his hand as she called for the ambulance. 

"I called for an ambulance... J-just hang in there okay?"

warren could barely make out her words due to the amount of constant blubbering.  

Warren's heart was broken. He knew there were words to say to ease her pain but he could not find them. 

"Don't cry... Please? It's like it's your-" 

"but it is my fault! If I just said something this wouldn't have happened!" 

Warren's sister was hugging him tightly, he returned the hug as best as he could- as everything went white...

"huh? Where am I... Where did my sister go... I... OH MY GOOOD! IS... IS THAT MEEE??!"

Warren didn't know what to think. Was he really dead? 

"Nonononono. I can't die! What about my sister! What am I going to doooooooo!"
Eric looked at the source of the feminine voice but the shock was too much for him. 

He could see his body on the ground as his spirit floated away of all the waysto die it was the same way as his brother almost exactly.

"How i saw the attack coming I trained hard to gain the strength to avenge Miyata's  death and I die the same way....but i saw that ghostly image with him what was that I didn't feel a blade but i was killed" he says outloud.

Eric saw everything being rushed to the hospital and thedoctors in the ER trying to patch him up but he knew it was too late he had bled out.

He heard the feminine voice again and this time he turned to her...."I don'teven know where here is.... how do you know me and do you mean Echo" he replied as that's what some people called him.

@Sir Les Paul
As Eric searched for the source of the feminine voice, he would quickly find find the notably attractive, yet oddly otherworldly blue-haired Botan floating atop a scythe. With a gentle smile, she waved at him, but not much was going to stop the panic that ensued in the youth. Eric started to mumble something about the attack, but Botan couldn't quite make out exactly what he was saying. Whether Eric knew it or not, he was mumbling in a semi-panicked state; although that would seem normal given the instance. After a few moments, though, he seemed to calm down just enough for Botan to understand him.

"Well, you're still on Earth, Echo," Botan replied. She started to feel the others, though. Their spirits were rising from the ground, too. "You're just a spirit now. Don't worry, though; you're not dead. You would be, but I planted a Seed of Life in your body to keep it alive," Botan continued to explain. She had a powerfully energetic vibe about her. An odd tact that almost made one relaxed to be dead. "I'd explain more, but I don't want to have to go through the same speech three times," she said before pouting. In the moment that followed, she floated over to Echo and grabbed his shoulder. After that, she pulled out what looked like a dial. It was black and gold; if anything, it most closely resembled a kitchen timer.

"This is a Mortal Dial. It allows a spirit to speed up their perception of the mortal realm. It doesn't actually speed anything up, but it sure makes waiting less annoying," Botan explained before she set the dial forward two hours.

Eric was immune to the effects. What he saw was Ketsuekikawa begin to blur forward, moving immensely fast. The people below him darted around at insane speeds, lights flickered on and off - before soon it was the dead of the night, and most of the lights in the hospital were off. In that time, however, all of the patients killed that day were finally transferred to the South Ketsue Hospital. Warren would have went on a journey with the ambulance. His soul was bound to his body, his spirit tethered to the lifeless husk he once was. Or, would have been. As Botan explained to Eric, each one of them were given a Seed of Life. Seeds from a special fruit in the Spirit World that could rejuvenate a body if it wasn't damaged too greatly. While morals would consider them miracles, the reality is that powerful reikai was already healing the wounds of the bullet holes and stab marks. Warren may have died, but his chest was rebuilding itself in a way modern science could hardly explain. That wasn't the oddest part of his journey, however. He had to watch his little sister bawl over his corpse and cry even harder when the paramedics pronounced him dead. It wouldn't make sense and as a spirit, he couldn't interact with anyone. He was the second to arrive at the South Ketsue Hospital, this time tethered into an ICU after his body sprung back to life inside the ambulance.

Tokshi was an entirely different story. Surrounded by thugs, she saw her boss and his men viciously beat the punk that stabbed her. Even on the ground, they kept kicking. And kicking. He was coughing up blood before he just quit breathing. It wasn't the first time she saw her gang kill someone - although it was rare - but in this case, it seemed so heated and passionate. The man that was paying her, her boss, went by the false name of Rin - no one in the gang used their real name. Rin, a brown haired guy quite a few years older than Tokshi, knelt down to cradle her body. With two fingers, he felt for a pulse on her neck, but it was gone. She was just bleeding out what little she had left in her. And, she could see all of this. There seemed to be a genuine expression of sadness on his face and the rest of her were dragging the lifeless body of the thug that stabbed her back.

"This is fun and games to you kids," Rin said enraged, "Getting high off whatever the fuck the docks bring in or what those fuckheads in the woods are growing." Rin ran his fingertips over her eyes to close them, then laid her back down. "You idiots should stop picking fights and just enforce the goddamn boundaries. All you have to do is sell the shit. Most of you are going to grow up and all these drugs will be is a weekend hobby - not a way of life. But no, no you fuckheads just have to take it too far and look what it got you. Do you know what this is going to do? Two dead from rival gangs - this'll be a small war if we can't work it out and god knows how will die out of spite anyway. You just kicked that fuck to death for what? A girl that saved your asses a few times?" Rin continued to yell at them. One of them tried to say a crossword to the man, but a quick left hook knocked him to the ground and the rest of the gang backed off.

"We can't have that. Period. No buses, either. I'll deal with this myself; you ditch those bodies in Yama Cove," Rin said. He gave another glance at the body of Tokshi, then looked away.

"But boss... doesn't Tokshi deserve better?"

"Yeah, but you're dumbass fucked that for her, huh? Get rid of her body; she won't be needing it. Best we can do is take care of that kid of hers," Rin replied.


"Yeah. She only dealt with your dumbasses for him. You keep that little fuck safe. And I swear to god, if one of you tries to start him on what we sell, I'll kill you myself," he barked at them.

Not long after, the remaining members of the gang lifted Tokshi and the other corpse into the back of a car. The entire time, Tokshi was forced to do nothing but watch. Watch as Rin was going to toss her body away. Watch as he chewed out his gang. Watch as he told them their lifestyle and immaturity were pathetic. Watch as he kept his last promise: to take care of Uta. But, that was it. She could only watch. Unlike Eric, whom died near the hospital or Warren whom had an ambulance called, Tokshi was off in the other half of the city and her body was about to be dumped. And, it would've been. She had to follow the drive out to the cove only for that same guy asking about her to check her one last time. She knew his face, not his name. Never a bad guy, but he always stared a little too long. He probably had some petty crush. The tossed the first body without a second thought; Yama Cove was perfect for it. It was hard to get to, no boats went that way, and it drained into a swamp where the bodies would deteriorate in no time. What stopped for Tokshi, however, was the creepiest moment of serendipity. That guy - the one asking all those questions - he cradled her like Rin did. But unlike Rin, he kissed her lifeless body. Or thought to be lifeless. As he held her neck up, he felt a pulse inside of her. Her skin was warm. She wasn't dead. Tokshi was saved by some thug with a crush and no fear of necrophilia.

That same guy told the rest of the group. After a heated argument, they agreed to take her to a hospital far away from the cove and even their turf. They drove an hour through town, toting Tokshi and her spirit along, before they reached the a hospital called Bleeding Heart Memorial. There was an entire wing for anonymous drop offs; the entire city was riddled with gang violence, so the goal was to allow them to drop off the wounded with no legal repercussion. While it was dangerous, the hospital likely saved more lives than any other in the city. Not long after, Tokshi was stable, but still unidentified. She was transferred out to make room for other, higher priority patients; Bleeding Heart didn't have the time to deal with a stable, comatose patient they couldn't ID. So, in full swing, Tokshi arrived at South Ketsue Hospital, now locked in her room just as Warren was locked in his. 

The world stopped whirling to Eric as the dial timed out. Everyone was in their place and Botan let go of his shoulder. "Neat trick, huh?" she said before giving off a little giggle. She slid the dial back into her sleeve before hopping off her scythe. "Don't worry, this'll just save time," she told him before lifting it up. With a quick slash, she sent out a shockwave down to the hospital with the pure intent of cutting the tethers that held Tokshi and Warren to their bodies. In the next moment, she extended her scythe and pulled it back in a more accurate reaping motion, this time, pulling their spirits through the walls of the hospital and flinging them into the air in front of herself and Eric before hopping back on her scythe.

"Good! Now we're all here. I'm Botan and this is Echo," she said, nonchalantly introducing yourself. "You must be Tokshi and Warren," she said, "but I only know since one of you is a girl." She giggled again before looking over the group. "So, first things first," she said before floating away from Eric so that she could address all of them simultaneously. 

"Questions?" she asked.

@Midnite @Nenma Takashi @Scrubnoppon
Tokshi needed a moment to process what was happening but after a couple of seconds she got it and it seemed to dawn on her all at once. "Oh I'm dead." She said she watched her fellow gang members kill the guy who had stabbed her she had somewhat expected that. She also expected it when they said they had to dump her body she wasn't all too sad it wasn't like she didn't expect to die someday. But when Rin mentioned Uta it all crashed into her what had really just happened, she had died and now Uta was all alone. "No no no no no!" She repeated they talked about how they'd watch out for him and make sure he didn't get started on any drugs or gang related stuff. But it didn't help how she felt a gross feeling rose in her chest the same she felt when she was told her parents had both died in a car crash.

Following the misadventures of her body she was pretty creeped out when one of the gang members who she had figured had a crush on her kissed her body. But it brought some life into her and Tokshi was somewhat thankful he had kissed her once lifeless body. Arriving at the first hospital she was a bit confused as to why she wasn't "alive" if her body was ok. They then dropped her off at another hospital and everyone left her there Tokshi watched her body just lay in the bed. She began to reach out wandering if maybe she could just climb back in it didn't really make much sense, but what'd she know she was a ghost now anything was possible. But before she could even lay a finger on her body she was dragged through the hospital walls and now in front of some blue haired girl riding a scythe, a kid who seemed only a bit older than Uta, and some other guy. The girl introduced herself as Botan the guy was Eric and the kid was Warren then Botan asked if she had any questions of course she had one. Tokshi clicked her tongue and asked Botan clearly pissed about the whole situation. "Yeah I got one why the hell did you drag me here!" She asked mad she didn't even get to try and climb back into her body mad she wasn't in her body, mad she had been stabbed in the first place.
Knowing he wasn't completely dead was a great relief and he wanted to ask how he was killed in the first place but that wasn't important now.

As botan forwarded time he saw many spirits enter the afterlife but him, Warren and Tokshi .

"Why is it that we three have received this seed of life and not entered heaven or hell...your some kind of what spirit guide because you cant be the grim reaper looking like a model" he asked 

He didn't mean to be so forthcoming but rather than ask a billion questions about life and God he wanted to keep it simple this seed of life was granted to only the three of them to his knowledge and he wanted to understand it a little better as to how it can return him to his body. Also Botan he was skeptical to immediately trust a sexy woman flying on what looks to be a paddle.

Looking at Warren the freckled faced kid Eric could see that he was younger then him with his chestnut brown hair but he was big for his age probably had as much physical power as he did maybe more due to his solid frame. Tokshi was also younger than him also a stunning beauty but he heard about her being a delinquent in a gang she was a great fighter from Eric's analysis she was a good brawler/close combat person the bruises on her hands show that she may have experience with weapons. 

He on the other hand wasn't a natural talent its why his dad trained his brother and not him. He only taught Eric to box so he'd know how to handle himself but he learned tae Kwon do as that focuses on legs. Sadly the balance of the two disciplines didn't save him

@Sir Les Paul


@Nenma Takashi
Warren was... Confused, of all things. He was above the city with some pretty blue haired lady, a tough looking lady, and another tough looking guy... Aside from that strange bubbly blue haired lady... They all Died like him, presumably. 

"Oh mannn... If I ever catch that guy I'll-"

* note: 

Warren went into an extrmemly vivid description of what he would do to his murderer, that if shown here, may lead to legal prosecution from the proper authorities. This section has been covered up in order to protect the individuals involved. We thank you four your cooperation.*


Warren was mad that the man killed him, yeah, but the worst part is that he made his sister cry. The tears on his shirt hurt his heart as if they were made of acid, burning away his heart. 

"Okay, so lemme ask the question everyone wants to know. Can we come back to life?"

the boy moved closer to everyone. 

"There are people who need me, and I'm sure this goes for you guys too- I can't die yet."

"A-also on the down low are any of you ladies single. Like I dunno if this is the wrong time or..."
Botan listened to Echo as time flew by. It was only a few minutes for them, so he had a brief bit to talk. "Oh, that's so cute... but you shouldn't be flirting with Gods, y'know," Botan replied. Her tone was delightful, yet slightly belittling laced with a very matter-of-fact tone. Almost right after, she added, "I'll explain the rest in a bit."

Time began to slow down - quite literally. The world whirled ever so slower until it came to a halt and not long after, Botan reaped the remaining two souls in. The girl was fairly quick to the point, but the other guy was in an almost entertaining fit of rage. Once he settled down, both of them had their questions, but the scene was interesting nonetheless. There was a very stark contrast between the two immediately.

"Alright, good questions! I'll answer them all and see if you have any more. First off, I'm a Shinigami. Or Grim Reaper. Whatever your local customs are; I know we have an American here. Normally my job is simple; souls normally just float on to the Spirit World and wait to be judged. Sometimes they don't. Sometimes, I can reap their tethers - like I did yours - and sometimes I can't. Those times I can't is where it gets interesting because I'm not allowed to directly meddle with the Mortal World. So this is where congratulations are in order! You're all being given a chance to become Spirit Detectives. You can decline and I can send you to the Spirit World... or you can accept. But don't worry, it's not permanent! It's a ten year contract, then you're free to live your lives. Most of the time, you're just inspecting the paranormal. You find more problems than I give you. Sometimes, I do have need you to collect a lost soul... or other things. On a rare occasion, I even have you handle possessions and demons. This is the cost of a second chance at life. You see, you all died naturally. If not for me planting a Seed of Life inside of you, you'd be dead - game over. Buuut, that's not the case! You see, to be a Spirit Detective, you need a strong soul. To be Spiritually Aware. It's not as common as you would think. Not only that, older souls don't have the life force to feed an egg-- Oh yeah! The egg. If you do choose to become a Spirit Detective, you have to pass a trial. I give you something called a Spirit Egg and it feeds off your life force. It takes about two sunsets worth of time, and all you have to do is not get eaten by the beast you hatch! Pretty simple. That seed will last about, uh, a week. Yeah. Let's say a week. Any more questions?"

@Midnite @Scrubnoppon @Nenma Takashi
Tokshi looked at the Warren kid surprised he said something so out of the blue. "Yeah I'm single but your not my type." Saying that reminded her of her lifeless body getting kiss so she quickly pushed the thought away. Then listened to Botan answer her questions most of which didn't really make any sense to her, but she did get the basics of it. She held out her hand to Botan she was completely sure of her next choice. "Well gimme the egg I'll hatch I'll become a Spirit Detective or whatever you called it." She'd do if it meant seeing Uta again she'd do anything she didn't care what it meant she wasn't scared of being eaten by some beast. Tokshi just didn't want to lose the only family she had left and she knew Uta would make the same choice for her.
"Meh, thought it was worth a shot." 

The boy shrugged slightly disappointed. 

Warren listened to every word Botan had to say. The second she finished, Warren didn't even think about it. He looked at Botan right in the eye. 

"I'm in. I'll make that egg or whatever feed off of my... Life force...? But one more question." Warren put his hand to his chin in thought. 

"How do we not get it to eat us? Our beast, I mean. I'm NOT letting it eat me. So I need to make sure it doesn't." 
Eric listened to Botan and the other two accepted the egg and trial that was before them. 

Eric turned away from  Botan "No thanks i refuse i had one goal to avenge Miyata's death but i was killed being spiritually aware didn't help and if im brought back to life i will go after my brother's killer again and probably end up back here with no second chance so send me to the afterlife so i can see my brother" he says 

@Sir Les Paul
Botan listened to the majority of the group, but found herself pouting at Eric. "Oh, poo. There is alwaaays one of you, y'know that? Caught up in some silly grudge. Looksie, have you considered what you're leaving behind? If you really want revenge, what stops you from getting a gun and killing big, bad Mr. Marshall, huh? That's not enough for you, is it? It's pride, isn't it?" Botan continued on. Her tone began to change. Her aura did, even. She went from this cute, bubbly girl to someone speaking on the very wavelength of Eric's soul, and even to souls as hardened as Tokshi, it was an intimidating sight. "No, by far not enough. You want to do it with your own hands, don't you? You don't want that second chance because you're afraid of losing again, aren't you? Too scared to be humbled twice. There is always one of you. Always a coward more afraid of life than they are death," Botan told him, her tone still chilling.

After her speech to Eric, Botan turned to Warren and pulled out a little, golden egg before tossing it to him. "Your life force is what feeds the egg. Your life force is a reflection of how you feel. How you act. Negativity, rage in particular, will feed the beast and twist it into a gnarled monster capable of devouring you. And, trust me, if it becomes such a beast, there is no saving you. I will have other Spirit Detectives hunt it down to kill it, but by that time, it will have digested your soul. You'll be gone. Permanently. If you're as scared as Echo there, you might want to reconsider your chances at eternal judgement," she explained. A moment later, she pulled out another egg and tossed it to Tokshi. "You can hand them back, if you like," Botan told them both, "I'll even hold your hand to the afterlife."

@Midnite @Nenma Takashi @Scrubnoppon
Tokshi was a comepletly caught off guard by Botan's sudden shift in tone she didn't expect the bubbly girl to go so cold so quick. She somewhat felt bad for Eric she understood where he was coming from. If Uta had died with her or before her she wouldn't take such a risk either and be happy just seeing him in the afterlife. Tokshi caught the gold egg but Uta was alive so she had to do her best to hatch the egg safely. "It feeds off negative emotions well that definitely puts me at a disadvantage when it comes to hatching this thing. But if it means I get to see Uta again I guess I can be a good person long enough to hatch this bad boy." She said nonchalantly tossing the egg up and catching it.
The egg bounced in Warren's hand a bit before he caught it. 

"Thanks bowtie- I mean Botan! You know, considering you're the grim reaper, you're really nice!" 

The boy stared at the small egg in his palm as he listened to Botan. 

"I'll do it. This is a once in a lifetime- well maybe once in a afterlife chance? You get the point. I can't quit now. I've come too far."

a follow of energy coursed though the boy 

"I don't care if I have to be a spirit detective for the rest of my life! I'll see them again!" 
Eric was taken back he was not one to be called a coward.

"Yes its a pride thing i had to beat him with my own strength my own two hands and yes im scared because as negative as i am I'd be lucky if that thing doesn't hatch a Hydra than how will i see my brother then" he says to her.

The mortal world had nothing to offer him anymore but he knew that people like Marshall weren't normal.

He reluctantly turned back to Botan. ..

"When i died i saw some monster alongside Marshall you said spirit detective hunt demons and the possessed if hes either or i wannabe the one to bring him to justice if so hand me that egg right now" he says this holding his hand out

@Sir Les Paul
Botan gave Eric a bubbly smile before replying, "That's the spirit!" She then tossed him an egg. The aura of dread and a aggressive tone she had before disappeared entirely. She wasn't human. That much was obvious.

"So, let me explain how things will work... the eggs take about two days to hatch. You're spirits right now and all of your bodies are safe in that hospital. Nothing should happen to you in just a few days, so if all goes well, you can return to your bodies then. But, for now, you basically get to exist as a disembodied spirit would. Or... I should say a ghost. That's what you are. I cut your tethers to your bodies, so you're not bound to them. You can go anywhere you want, see anything you want, but be warned: the ghosts and spirits you saw before are as real to you as humans were to you when you were alive. While you might function as a ghost, fact is, you're really just a soul. So... I'd avoid those demons. Most demons eat souls, so all you'll be is nourishment to them. My suggestion, for safety, would be to stick together or near Shinto Shrines or Buddhist temples. The more malevolent spirits avoid them..." she went on, giving them a lecture.

"I've seen a lot of humans fail this test... not just because of negative emotions, but simply by feeling nothing at all. It's not as simple as avoiding negativity. It requires balance as all things do," Botan explained. "So, any more questions?" she asked.

@Midnite @Scrubnoppon @Nenma Takashi
As soon as Botan had finished her explanation Tokshi turned around waving behind her to the group. "Hope you guys don't mind but I going to go check on someone." She said floating away from the group she looked at the egg taking note of Botan's words. Tokshi was just going to avoid any demons check in on Uta every now and again and maybe try and do some nice ghost deeds or whatever to help hatch the egg. She began floating backwards looking at the group for a moment thinking the Warren kid he seemed to have a reason for wanting to come back while Eric said some stuff about justice, Warren seemed to be in the same boat as her. "Wonder if Uta would be acting like him if he was in my shoes right about now?"
Eric took the egg and followed Tokshi "do you mind if I tag along I don't think i can go see my family just yet." He says  and he may have had a stubborn tough act but he loved his parents and right now he didn't want to feel that emotion all at once

@Nenma Takashi
Tokshi shrugged her shoulders as Eric asked to tag along. "Whatever you want I don't really care." They floated for a while getting to the bad part of town, down some alleyways they saw some people doing drug deals, some people getting mugged, and some doing said drugs. They then arrived at an apartment and entered through the door. Tokshi had tried to touch the doorknob but her hand just went through it remember they could just float through walls she went through the door. Seeing Uta seeing at the kitchen table crying his eyes out. "Big sis! Big sis! Big sis!" He kept repeating Tokshi figured the gang had come by and told him she was in a coma or something she went to give him a hug, but stopped when he stood up rubbing his eyes. He turned facing her for a moment she wandered if he could see her then he just walked right through her, it felt weird to her Uta just felt a shiver up his spine for a brief moment. Tokshi followed behind Uta hearing him talking to himself probably hyping himself up. "Big sis will come back I gotta be strong while she's sleeping. I'm not a crybaby I'll watch over the place and when Big sis gets back she'll be so proud of me!" Tokshi turned making sure Eric couldn't see her face as she began to cry tears of joy, Uta was right she was proud of him for keeping it together. She looked down at the egg in her hand. "Wait for me Uta I'll be home soon."
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Warren nodded. 

"No further questions. I gotta get going." Warren began to head off, untill he remembered one thing...

"oh yeah, Botan..."

Warren approached her. 

"Listen, I can't thank you enough for this. I promise to make you proud!" 

Warren waved as he made his way to someone he has wanted to check on someone important to him. 


Starting in a new school is strange. You have to make new friends, figure out how the new school works, and try to fit in. 

Thankfully- Warren's sister fit in quickly. 

She has a group of friends, knows the school like the back of her hand, and is doing well in class. 

The girl packed up said goodbye to her

friends and began to walk off. 

As she exited the school, she stopped at the gate. Waiting for someone. 


after realising what she was doing she left. And began to walk home alone. 

Normaly, Warren's sister is hopeless with direction. So she made a deal with her brother...

"here... What about this. After school, you wait at the gate, I go pick you up, we walk home together. It shouldn't be tough."

the girl bit her lip, trying to fight tears. 

There was nobody to help her. She was on her own now. She sort of memorized the route. She followed a student she knew lived nearby, and decided to follow them. Once she was around the general area of they house she could take it from there...

she walked... And walked... 

Passed the corner stores, random passerby's...

passed the dark alley...

Warren Couldn't help but sigh as she passed..

"Hey girl! You look a bit young to be walking alone." 

She said nothing, and continued walking 

"hey! I'm talking to you!" 

Once again, she said nothing. 

The person behind the voice ran up in front of her. 

"Don't you listen? I'm talking to you!" 

Warren's sister tried to walk around him, but she was stopped by another kid. Around Warren's age. 

"G-go away..." 

This activity was strange, especially in the nicer parts of town...

"Hehe... Noope, it's not like that. You live in the nice houses over there. That's not fair to us!" 

The girl began to become scared. She knew where this is going. 

One of the boys pulled out a knife- just as she had expected. 

"You're going to give me everything on you, that bag, everything in it." 


Warren's sister pushed through the boys and began to run. 

Luckily she's a fast runner, unlike her brother. 

She is fast, but the boys were faster. 

Warren wanted to be mad, he wanted to scream to nobody in particular. But he couldn't. If he did, he may never see his sister again. It took every fiber of his being not to snap, but he managed. 

"HAHAHA! Your brother can't protect you now that he's DEAD!" 


The girl spoke up.



Warren went closer to his sister. 

Tears began to form at the corner of his sister's eyes.



"hmmph... You're really the talkative type huh? Well, we'll make sure you see your brother real soon."


The girl covered her face and closed her eyes in an attempt to block anything coming her way...

Warren didn't know what to do. He couldn't just 

make them go away, what now? 


The roaring laughter was cut short... The boy now on the floor. The other 2 backed away. 

"Pathetic... Threatening a young girl?"

A tall man entered the scene, his large figure towered over the boys threatening the girl. 

The other boys said nothing. The one writhing in pain did just that- writhe in pain. 

"Get out of here before I call the cops." 

The 2 boys scrambled to carry the boy with the knife away, and into the distance, before disappearing out of sight. 

"Thank you mister... Who are you?" 

"Oh me? guess he didn't tell you..."

The man took off his beanie and scratched his head.

"well, I'm a friend of Warren's he asked me to pick you up from school if he couldn't. Like if he had a club meeting or went home sick.  I was on the way to go pick you up when I noticed you weren't there. I went to look for you and I herd you yelling at them.

Oh, by the way, you can call me seven." 

Warren was so happy to know sev came though for him. Now that this crisis was averted he had time to be happy about what his sister said. 

Every word, every letter, every syllable warmed his heart. 

"Thank you seven. I don't know what would have happened if you didn't come!" 

"Oh me? Don't thank me, thank your brother. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have gone looking for you." 

Warren's sister looked up to the sky and smiled. 

"Thank you... Big bro..."

The girl and seven began to walk back and talk. The 2 really hit it off. 

They arrived at His sisters house. 

"Thank you so much again seven." 

"Hey, I'm just glad your safe. I live only. Couple houses down, so if you need anything, let me know right away. See you Tomorrow!" 

The girl waved.


She entered the house, shut and locked the door. 


later that night...

after such a crazy day, Warren's sister looked out the window. Looking at all the houses, thinking about the town and All the people in it. 


"...Love you... Big bro..." 

Warren smiled. 

"I love you too... Ava..." 
Eric saw as Tokshi turned away from him to cry and it was a very moving sight but he decided to leave her as this seemed  personal for her.

Eric just floated over the city aimlessly looking at the egg. 

He didn't know what to expect and thought of what kind of creature would hatch.

He came to a stop as he heard screaming "HELP ME" and he floated down to street level as another spirit floated his way. ..."RUN ITS COMING" the man screamed and thats when Eric noticed a creature with sharp teeth clearly inhuman rising out the ground. ...

Eric began to panic as it had no eyes but it floated to grab the male spirit and thats when Eric came to his senses and intercepted the man before the monster could grab him.

Eric was holding the man by the collar till he found a shrine it was one his family use to go to when he and his brother was younger. The monster couldn't enter....

"THANK GOODNESS THANK YOU" the spirit cried but Eric didn't care it just seemed like what was right but he was taken back by seeing his parents of all people praying at the altar for him. He wasn't expecting this most of his life they focused more on his brother but they were praying for him.

Arimi Setsuya

Arimi pushed her glasses up, her brown eyes gleaming madly behind the large, circular lenses. The smile stretching across her face was so wide, any on-looker might find their own cheeks hurting in sympathy. Despite the chill of the night air, Arimi showed no signs of feeling the cold. She was too lost in her excitement. “Everyone ready?”

“M-maybe shouldn’t do this Arimi…,”

The sound of the wind whistling past nearby trees was the only response for a moment. Then the leader of Sarayashiki High’s Paranormal Club swiveled to face one of the only two members of the club, besides herself—a gangly boy with curly hair and freckles.

“Don’t be such a coward, Club Treasurer Mitake!” Arimi scowled, folding her arms across her chest. “The preparation’s already complete. It’s too late to turn back.”

The three members of the Paranormal club wore black cloaks and stood in a triangle formation around a tombstone. Surrounding them was a circle of candles. They had chosen to perform the ritual in a small cemetery behind South Ketsue Hospital…because no one ever goes there. The cemetery was in a piteous state—dead flowers, overgrown weeds, moss clinging to tombstones. It was clear that the cemetery was mostly unattended. Hence it was the perfect place for the Paranormal club’s activities.

“But this is a cemetery! What if the ghosts get m-mad?”

“They won’t,” Arimi said, her voice full of confidence. “We only want to talk to them,”


“If we’re lucky, one of us will get possessed.”

Arimi grinned at the cultured voice that interrupted them. “That’s the spirit, Club Secretary Akira! Way to think positive~!”

“That’s not positive,” Mitake muttered under his breath. “I don’t understand why you’re so eager to do this today…,”

Arimi heard her friend’s comment, but chose to pretend not to. It was easier that way. She hadn’t told them about her half brother. Her father, who she hadn’t heard from in years, suddenly gives an international call to tell her that he and his new American wife had a son…and he wanted Arimi and her mother to meet them. It shouldn’t have irritated Arimi.  She hadn’t seen her father in years.

But it did. And Arimi needed an outlet in the one thing that gave Arimi joy in life. Her Paranormal Club. “Alright, let’s start ritual. Everyone remember the words?”  

There was a chorus of 'yes' from her two friends. Nodding, Armi picked up the knife by a her feet and began to chant in Latin. Her voice was soon followed by Mitake and Akira. The meaning of the words were lost to them, but that was alright. Such things didn't matter. Once the chants died off, Arimi walked towards the tombstone at the center, nicked a finger with the knife in her hand, and let a drop of blood trickle onto the stone slab.




*owl hooting*

“…I-Is that it?”

“Pretty anti-climatic if it is,”

Arimi shook her head. “Let me check my notes,”

She pulled out a notebook from the folds of her cloak and began to leaf through the pages. Suddenly Arimi stilled, her gaze flicking up to the hospital. “Did you guys feel that?”

“F-feel what?”

“It felt like I was…cut…?”

“Well duuuuuhhh! You cut your finger just a minute ago."

"D-don’t scare me like that!”

“No, I mean—,”

“HEY!” A flash of light was shined on the trio at the same time all the candles seemed to go out. “What are you kids doing over there?!”

Arimi cursed. It looked like a police officer. Why would a cop be all the way out here? She quickly closed her notebook and pocketed it. Twisting around, Arimi prepared to run only to find herself falling forward, her foot caught on some sort of vine. Crack! Arimi's head hit the tombstone before the cloaked girl landed on the ground, the knife she held landing beside her. The last thing Arimi heard was Mitake and Akira shouting her name. Then everything turned black.

When Arimi came to, she found herself staring at her body being cradled by Mitake. It was very odd. Akira seemed to be calling for help while the officer who'd frightened them checked her body for injuries. There wasn't much to check. The doppelganger’s forehead was bleeding from where she'd hit the tombstone and her glasses cracked...but that was it. Arimi watched the scene for a moment, not exactly comprehending was happening. Then she looked down at her hands. Her gaze rotated from her hands to her doppelganger a couple more times before Arimi let out a high pitched scream.      
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Tokshi was following Uta as he went to visit her in the hospital when she heard a high pitch scream. She covered her ears because of how loud the scream was, she looked seeing Uta not react at all to the scream which meant one thing. "Must be a ghost." She figured Uta was fine without her for a moment, since she really couldn't do much other than just look at him. She went to behind the hospital and saw a girl who seemed understandably surprised to see her own body. Tokshi slowly approached the girl whistling to get her attention. "Hey you meet Botan yet?" She asked she could guess the answer was no since she was so surprised but she figured Botan wasn't too far behind. The reason she asked was because she simply just didn't like the air around Botan she first came off as an airhead, but after her talk with Eric Tokshi just didn't feel right around her.

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